Paragon Rewward's Celestial Armor Set is Uber Cool!




Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Wonder how we'd feel if we didn't even have the option to buy it NAO. If it was attached to the old Vet Rewards, as the 90 month reward. Then it would truly be out of reach for most.

Still not saying I agree with putting such a lust worthy set so out of reach for most, just giving reasons why it could be. If we saw the Celestial set running around as much as we're seeing Rocket Boards, it would kind of deflate the significance of the set.
The only significance of any costume piece for me, is how I use it for one of my characters.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Well there was a reason why the Boxing set was the last 'complete set' that was available with Vet rewards, people kicked up enough of a fuss having to wait that long just to get a pair of boxing gloves.

From what I can gather the devs collectively decided that it wasn't worth the hastle to deal with the baying for their blood if they released another costume set as a vet reward. Notice that up until now the only other costume piece past that were the non-customisable Arachnos pre-order helmets.

Also keep in mind that the Tier 9 system was designed around getting all your tokens up front, as in, you pay for a year subscription and get 12 tokens upfront which is enough to usually move up 2 tiers. This is meant to encourage subscribing for long periods of time.

However, there's a problem they discovered just before they went live with the Paragon Market. They couldn't make the system give you all your tokens upfront, meaning that not only was the idea of making the Celestial set on a 'rotation' entirely redundant (since people couldn't just subscribe for longer and get more tokens) since if it rotated once every 3 months with 4 other tier 9 rewards (which I think was their plan, to have a rotating system of subsciber VIP rewards), it's not giving people long enough to earn the tokens in a reasonable time frame.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I'm not really a big fan of the shape of the boots and gloves. The wings are nice though.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
Still annoyed by the lack of:

Celestial Shield
Celestial Bow
Celestial Claws
Celestial Katana

The armour pieces take colour really weirdly and it makes it a bit hard to match with other metal parts.

The flaming backpiece though is awesome, and I love the Celestial Eye Aura.
Celestial Arrow



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
The only significance of any costume piece for me, is how I use it for one of my characters.
^ THIS, a thousand damn times.

Costumes HAVE no significance except for looking good. This is not WoW; there are no booties of +2 splodging, no Beanie Hats of +4 goofery or Stabby sticks of +2.67 Poke.
A costume piece is only as good as the costume it is part of and the character its used on. I've seen amazing costumes that use nothing but spandex and a few add ons, and then some with hugely ornate armour that suits them to the ground.

And the Devs seem to be increasingly locked into this damn stupid 'You have to be this cool to wear this cool piece!' mentality that is NOT befitting of a game like CityOf

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
Still annoyed by the lack of:

Celestial Shield
Celestial Bow
Celestial Claws
Celestial Katana
Yeah, I made this mistake. I didn't follow beta and I thought to myself, "Self... should I check the forums to make SURE they didn't screw Katana yet again before plunking down a hard-earned token on this?? Surely (Shirley?) for a set that actually COSTS you something they would have something that works for all the weapon sets, right? Right?!"

Guess I've learned my lesson.

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If I were a betting man, and I am, I'd wager that the Celestial Armor will only remain T9 VIP until it "rotates out," at which point it will become a purchasable booster pack. This rotation cycle will probably be about six month, and after that everyone will be able to buy it. But for now, they're keeping it as an exclusive reward for the long time players.

I have no problems with that.

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Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Wonder how we'd feel if we didn't even have the option to buy it NAO. If it was attached to the old Vet Rewards, as the 90 month reward. Then it would truly be out of reach for most.
At over $300, it's just as out of reach for me as it would be otherwise. I guess what bothers me most is the whole "VIP" thing. I'm paying the VIP premium now but I'm not VIP enough unless I drop hundreds of dollars whereas before I could pay my monthly and buy boosters for ten bucks? This is supposed to be the new and better CoH with more options? I've gone from skeptical to just plain deciding to quit the game when my six month runs out because "VIP" isn't really and I feel like my monthly subscription is worth less than it was prior to "Freedom". I didn't want to play for free or premium or whatever, I wanted to be able to pay my $15 and have my experience remain as it was and that isn't an option any longer with $300 gates between me and my supposed "VIP" content.

If we saw the Celestial set running around as much as we're seeing Rocket Boards, it would kind of deflate the significance of the set.
The only "significance" it has is to say "I have a lot of spare cash to drop on a costume set". And I don't begrudge anyone for having or spending that cash but that's the only thing it says. It's not as though you have to save a baby or wrestle a gorilla for it, you just need to open your wallet wide enough.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Wonder how we'd feel if we didn't even have the option to buy it NAO. If it was attached to the old Vet Rewards, as the 90 month reward. Then it would truly be out of reach for most.

Still not saying I agree with putting such a lust worthy set so out of reach for most, just giving reasons why it could be. If we saw the Celestial set running around as much as we're seeing Rocket Boards, it would kind of deflate the significance of the set.
Well, there is another aspect to add into it.

That they rotate in and out, and at least myself, I'm not certain if Celestial will be obtainable after it's stint at tier 9 vip.

Personally, I'm at 32 tokens, so 5 away total from getting all 3 celestial pieces. I do want them, but I'm going to probably wait till the end of their availablity, so hopefully by then there is an answer either way.

Barring myself deciding to spend more than my stipend.

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