No, Really! Go Back and Roll a Toon in Mercy Island... It *IS* Different!




I've been enjoying the new arcs quite a bit. Definitely more fun that the old stuff. The tutorial arcs make me feel like a new criminal, just starting out, like they should.



I find the themepark nature of mercy worse than the old mercy. The old one had it's problems, they were honestly geographic and layout based more than mission based though. Now you still go through the same mess of strangely laid out buildings, but as a foreigner in what should be your own lands, doing a straight series of quests and then being kicked out to port oakes without seeing 90% of the zone.

Games go on a scale from sandbox to themepark, the way I view it, and mercy just went several more notches towards themepark. Good for a lot of players, not so much for me. I did enjoy the missions, but mercy has more to offer than that. And then they ruin it even more with those stupid F-troop arcs (on both sides).



I like the new missions, but I can see where you are coming from Samuel. Sometimes as a lowbie villain I feel a bit pushed around. But then I exact revenge at a higher level mwah hah ahah



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
What I have to wonder is how "New Mercy" hasn't bumped up the age rating of the game.
By the time you outgrow the T rating, you can no longer be tried as a minor. I know the sight of tossing 3D cartoon characters in a dumpster might be too gruesome for 19-year-olds, but it isn't likely to change the rating.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Actually having Scirocco tell me "I don't think like you do" was simply inexcusable, because that arc makes me think like a low-brow thug with ill-advised ambitions.
Well, you did knowingly work for Dr. Graves. If you're going for the dignified route, street sweep to level 5 and go work for Mr. Bocor as your first contact.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
By the time you outgrow the T rating, you can no longer be tried as a minor. I know the sight of tossing 3D cartoon characters in a dumpster might be too gruesome for 19-year-olds, but it isn't likely to change the rating.
that would be 19years olds who've never played a video game or watched the news before?

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
a low-brow thug who's too arrogant for his own good
A standard Villain then

The entire arc is one humiliation after another
So Issue 21 is City of Villains: Humiliation Edition?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So Issue 21 is City of Villains: Humiliation Edition?
Here's two salt shakers. One's so you can take a grain with Sam's complaints, and the other is for you to pour into your eyes so I can laugh at you.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Here's two salt shakers. One's so you can take a grain with Sam's complaints, and the other is for you to pour into your eyes so I can laugh at you.
Man I really wish the forums would take a page out of Facebook and let me like posts, because this made my freakin' day.

Actually, hell, new sig.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Here's two salt shakers. One's so you can take a grain with Sam's complaints, and the other is for you to pour into your eyes so I can laugh at you.
That might cause salty tears, and there are already enough of them in this thread

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I've gone back to Mercy Island with a few lowbie villains that have been parked for ages, and I'm enjoying the revamp very much. At the very least, the sameness of "Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?" is over, and new opportunities for villainy abound.

The use of phased missions is particularly nice with the Arachnos vs. Longbow events. They're certainly preferable to sending new players on standard Kill 10 Rats or Talk to Mans, and I enjoy them more than instanced "behind the door" missions. Here's hoping that Fort Darwin won't be overwhelmed when the F2Pers arrive (today's patch will go some distance to avoiding that).



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
I="Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?" is over, and new opportunities for villainy abound.
The thing that REALLY drove me nutz about all the snakes? The Kill Badge for Snakes (Mongoose?) only takes like 1.5 missions to get. It's almost as easy to get as the bugged "Time spent in the Shadow Shard" badge.



Originally Posted by DocBot View Post
The thing that REALLY drove me nutz about all the snakes? The Kill Badge for Snakes (Mongoose?) only takes like 1.5 missions to get.
That badge's easiness makes sense as far as introducing new players to the defeat variety of badges. It was certainly better than the tedious "Isolator" badge from the obsolete and unmourned Blueside tutorial.



Someone in the last UStream chat suggested that the lack of snakes now might be connected to the new snakeskin outfits the CoT are wearing

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork