Scrapper or Brute?




Specific to KM I would just never roll a KM Brute. The damage buffs are so much better for Scrappers, plus the ability to instantly recharge PS is great. Brutes just don't get enough out of the set to justify it. It's probably still better for Brutes than Energy Melee, but that's not exactly the gold standard of Brute primaries.

If you're willing to let go of KM, but want to stick with Dark, then it goes back to my earlier argument. If you use the control auras, then Scrapper. If you don't, then Brute. CoF can effectively work like a taunt aura if you can shovel enough accuracy bonuses into the build and deal with the endurance cost. That makes this a closer decision than most, if you're choosing based on chasing down runners.

For Brute secondaries, I usually start by thinking FA. It is just that good for them. You get a nice self-heal (and toxic resist buff), a nice recovery tool, and gobs of damage that just happens to work best with the Fury mechanic. FA is to Brutes what Shield is to Scrappers. Where the secondaries are truly equal (e.g. nothing takes advantage of either ATs particular characteristics), then Brutes come out ahead due to more HP. This includes sets like WP, Regen, SR, Invuln and Energy. Dark and Elec are in that grey area, depending on your build and playstyle.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I don't want them to proliferate taunt auras into powersets that don't benefit from it and into ATs that don't have a design intent to be aggro sponges. I want them to fix the fracking running mobs.
You know what I never look at it this way but I think I would like this. Right now I want taunt auras just because of the running mobs, I hate running mobs. If the running mobs were fixed I wouldn't care the Fire/SR didn't have a taunt aura because they wouldn't run away after using FSC one time. It is why I can't play him anymore.

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
Do you happen to know when this running mobs issue began?

Is it a bug that has been introduced, or is it design intent?
I suspect it is both. I think it's a design intent that's making the mobs act more cowardly than it should.

I think it's been around a long time, but I also believe it has been getting gradually worse as the AI has been tweaked. There's no one point where it suddenly turned on that I recall.

What I can say with fair certainty is that we first became aware something was different with the zone GMs in City of Villains. Before then, I had seen critters run, but I had never seen Giant Mosnters run. Deathsurge and the Ghost of Scrapyard were ridiculously cowardly compared my experience with things like Adamastor, the Croatoa GMs, etc.

Mobs have run away at low health for a very long time. They also have long had a "I'm losing" threshold that causes them to flee if they can't hit or reach their opponent for too long. I don't remember when those were introduced, but I remember them both as being discussed relatively early. However, I do not believe that mobs always ran away when exposed to debuffs or to DoT effects. I don't know when they started, though.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I suspect that the "run away!" mechanic was built with old data in mind, as opposed to the current state of the game. More people are playing buffers/debuffers now and damage jumped quite a bit with IOs, then quite a bit more with Incarnates. At this point I half expect to see a Pylon uproot itself and run off to the mothership upon seeing a lone Scrapper approach.



By the way, here's a non-Scrapper anecdote about how I think the critter running away AI has its priorities screwed up.

Right after Defenders got their solo damage bonus, I took my Dark/Psi Defender out and soloed Paladin. He ran around some, mostly because I fly and he kept trying to find ways to reach me. He would also run around whenever I hit him with Howling Twilight. That makes sense - HT (for some reason) has an Avoid affect.

Recently, I got that same Defender all tricked out with Incarnate toys and went looking for him again. Instantly, he was all over the place, running well away from where he spawned and climbing fire escapes to get away from me. (Which would be hilarious if it wasn't so annoying.) Same debuffs, and same attacks, except for one difference ... Reactive DoT. So this critter was willing to either try to find a way to reach me in melee, or at least stand still and shoot at me, standing in my debuff patches, letting a Dark Servant gnaw at his ankles, all while I plopped a debuff toggle on him ... but he bolts like a rabbit because I set him on fire? What the hell?

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
By the way, here's a non-Scrapper anecdote about how I think the critter running away AI has its priorities screwed up.

Right after Defenders got their solo damage bonus, I took my Dark/Psi Defender out and soloed Paladin. He ran around some, mostly because I fly and he kept trying to find ways to reach me. He would also run around whenever I hit him with Howling Twilight. That makes sense - HT (for some reason) has an Avoid affect.

Recently, I got that same Defender all tricked out with Incarnate toys and went looking for him again. Instantly, he was all over the place, running well away from where he spawned and climbing fire escapes to get away from me. (Which would be hilarious if it wasn't so annoying.) Same debuffs, and same attacks, except for one difference ... Reactive DoT. So this critter was willing to either try to find a way to reach me in melee, or at least stand still and shoot at me, standing in my debuff patches, letting a Dark Servant gnaw at his ankles, all while I plopped a debuff toggle on him ... but he bolts like a rabbit because I set him on fire? What the hell?
Have you ever played Spines paired with a set without a taunt aura? Lots of DoT combined with debuffs drives mobs bonkers.

As another example, if TT didn't have an immob component mobs would go schiz with TT+NF spam.

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Have you ever played Spines paired with a set without a taunt aura? Lots of DoT combined with debuffs drives mobs bonkers.
No, but I've probably played the next closest thing, which is a melee Night Widow. She definitely sends AVs and GMs running to the hills. Anything below AV rank tries to run too, but isn't usually a major problem, because the stacked slows rack up really fast. (Unless the critter has high slow resist, like War Wolves.) But she also doesn't have a damage aura spraying debuffs on nearby foes.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Have you ever played Spines paired with a set without a taunt aura?
Yeah, that's why I have forever shelved my Spines/Fire.




Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
..but he bolts like a rabbit because I set him on fire? What the hell?
I'll second that. I observed previously that reactive makes things magnitudes more likely to run. Now days I'm looking hard at immobilize and taunt in every build, and in turn looking much harder at more brute builds over scrappers.

A note on Brute Dark Armor and CoF: The brute version (previously) effected LTs and Minions, whereas the scrapper version only effetected minions. I haven't played DA in several issues, so I don't know if the same still applies.



Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
They're both good and some combinations are better on a Scrapper while others on a Brute. For sets that have damage aura's, I always go Brute because of the taunt component. SD I always go Scrapper for obvious reasons.

I'd only agree with mauk2's statement if it said "SS/Fire Brutes are still better."

How do you feel about Top Docs recent CEBR posting, and the subsequent flood?

To address some of the vitriol in the thread: Relax guys, it's just a game.

It's amazing how tetchy people get when you gore their sacred bulls.

That said, my point stands and has been confirmed by multiple posters:

Brutes are better, if all you care about are the numbers. Yes, you can find cases where scrappers do better DPS, but you can also find edge cases where brutes do better DPS.

The farmers don't lie.

Brutes always have more defenses. Sometimes a little, sometimes a crapton.

Brutes always have more utility. Often by a lot.

Scrappers may be a touch more mobile, although I hesitate to mention it since it was roundly poo-poo'ed.

Looking at the criteria, Brutes have by far the largest performance envelope.

Assuming you care about that sort of thing.



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
The farmers don't lie.
The farmers are all using a powerset that Scrappers have no access to, which happens to contain one of the largest melee AoEs in the game. But I'm sure that has nothing to do with it.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post

How do you feel about Top Docs recent CEBR posting, and the subsequent flood?

To address some of the vitriol in the thread: Relax guys, it's just a game.

It's amazing how tetchy people get when you gore their sacred bulls.

That said, my point stands and has been confirmed by multiple posters:

Brutes are better, if all you care about are the numbers. Yes, you can find cases where scrappers do better DPS, but you can also find edge cases where brutes do better DPS.

The farmers don't lie.

Brutes always have more defenses. Sometimes a little, sometimes a crapton.

Brutes always have more utility. Often by a lot.

Scrappers may be a touch more mobile, although I hesitate to mention it since it was roundly poo-poo'ed.

Looking at the criteria, Brutes have by far the largest performance envelope.

Assuming you care about that sort of thing.
What do I think about CEBR? I don't know, people like to farm in this game and a lot of people will flock to something like that especially when there's no investment needed other than inspirations. Other than that, I find it more boring than regular farming because all you do is stand there and use one AoE every so often.

No, Brutes aren't better if all you care about are numbers. In most cases Scrappers will do more damage than Brutes and in this game that's the most important aspect from a powergamers point of view. Sure Brutes are more survivable, but a lot of times that durability isn't needed, just like I how I say about Tanks. Aggro control? That's something I don't care about other than having the ability to keep mobs bunched up and some Scrappers can do that job perfectly.

Now, there are certain combinations that skew things, like a SS/Fire Brute. /Fire has a clear advantage on Brutes while Scrappers don't have access to SS. All the farmers go to it because it's simply the best, for the most part that's how it always been. If taunt was ever added to Scrappers damage aura's and SS was ported over, you can bet that SS/Fire Scrappers would be the new king.




Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
How do you feel about Top Docs recent CEBR posting, and the subsequent flood?
What's there to feel about it?

You are fighting L1 mobs, with low HP and you are artificially entering the "mission" at the damage cap and staying there due to the amount insps you get.

This will never, ever, happen anywhere else in the normal game.

The rest of your post is more of your arbitrary criteria and your endless blather.



To play mauk2's advocate for a moment, the taunt aura thing does stand to become a more egregious issue if the new dev stance is "no taunt auras for scrappers in any new secondaries, precedent be damned," as we seem to be seeing with the EA port. It's rather silly to add a scaling aura to the set and not have it taunt for scrappers. That certainly would be a compelling advantage for brute EA! A shame none of the pay-for powersets so far have been defensive so we don't have any other evidence as to whether that approach will continue.

Ah ha, happened upon a Synapse post that corrected my misconception that the lack of it for scrappers was either intentional or still the case. Well, happy to be wrong about that.



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
The farmers don't lie.
Farming is farming and a severe outlier in the game. The combination of SS (to buff damage consistently and cover low to-hit) and FA (for scads more damage and capped fire resistance) make SS/FA farmers incredible at what they do.

Minimum-level farming is popular for a few reasons, but mainly because anyone can do it cheaply. People have been doing this with characters of all sorts for some time now. I tend to prefer a Claws/FA Scrapper for minimum-level farming, but that's me (faster recharge on Spin + crits).

As I said before, secondaries vary depending on how particular characteristics of each AT interact with those of the powers chosen. Some are better for Scrappers, others for Brutes. If the set is AT-neutral (e.g. doesn't benefit from Crits, Fury or higher base damage), then Brutes generally come out ahead defensively, but behind a little offensively. The addition of taunt auras and higher base HP usually has me favoring Brutes in AT-neutral situations.



In playing card terms, Brutes are "Kings" of damage and durability. They've got scrapper-like damage potential with tanker-like defensive potential. Scrappers are "Aces" of damage, but maybe only "Jacks" of durability; Tankers are "Aces" of durability but they only have middle-of-the-pack levels of damage.

Play a Brute if you just want the most powerful all-round melee combatant possible. Play a Scrapper if you want to be a damage specialist at a cost (hey, they're still miles tougher than most!) and a Tanker if you want to be a durability and taunt specialist at a cost.

Or if you just really don't enjoy fury.



this question hasn't been beaten enough has it?

lets beat it some more and ask in say 6 months when this question gets asked again?

"scrapper or brute?"



Originally Posted by Swift_Frost View Post
"scrapper or brute?"
To be fair, it is one of the more endearing enduring questions of the X vs Y format on this forum. Scrappers and brutes are really freaking similar in some ways, yet highly dimorphic in so many others. This allows not only genuine discussion but also hasty disagreement and lingering animosity. All the makings of a good reality show.

What I find interesting is that virtually all of these threads appear in the scrapper forum or the AT&P general forum, rarely the brute forum. Does this demonstrate a singular self confidence among brute forum regulars? Does it demonstrate the plucky, never-say-die attitude of the scrapper self-identifiers? Does it elegantly unify QED and gravitation theories? We just don't know.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
To be fair, it is one of the more endearing enduring questions of the X vs Y format on this forum. Scrappers and brutes are really freaking similar in some ways, yet highly dimorphic in so many others. This allows not only genuine discussion but also hasty disagreement and lingering animosity. All the makings of a good reality show.

What I find interesting is that virtually all of these threads appear in the scrapper forum or the AT&P general forum, rarely the brute forum. Does this demonstrate a singular self confidence among brute forum regulars? Does it demonstrate the plucky, never-say-die attitude of the scrapper self-identifiers? Does it elegantly unify QED and gravitation theories? We just don't know.
The Scrapper forum runners are the major math people. Could it be the expectation is that anyone who asks will get the most objective answer here?

11 months of all-nighters, messy feeding sessions, bath fighting and realizing just how good my son's lungs work, and I am still convinced he is the crowning accomplishment in my life. What in the blue HFIL is wrong with me?



Originally Posted by Werner View Post

OK... so you recognize that a whole lot of Scrappers can do more damage than their Brute equivalents. We're also aware that Brutes have higher hit points and that in at least some cases, their higher resistance cap can play a factor (but certainly not in all cases, or perhaps even in most). DOTs, pseudopets, punchvoke, blah blah blah.

This, in my mind at least, means the comparison is not simple and obvious like you make it out to be. You have to weigh damage vs. hit points, fury vs. immediate gratification, better aggro control vs. lesser aggro control (some people like less, even if I'm not one of them) and so on.

It is not a case where:
  • "If all you care about are the numbers, then brutes are better." False. They're better in some ways, worse in others.
  • "They have a much larger performance envelope than scrappers, tanks or stalkers. This is a simple fact." Uh, no, it's not so simple, unless your definition of "performance envelope" is extremely simple. Oh, but that's what you were accusing Deus of thinking, so surely it's not that. If your definition of performance envelope is more general, more complicated, then there's no simple fact here. There are a whole lot of trade offs between the various archetypes. None are unambiguously better in all ways than others.
  • "Brutes are better, it is simply a fact." No, it's not. You seem to have a misunderstanding of what a "fact" is compared to, say, an "opinion". "Brutes have higher resistance caps" is a fact. "Brutes are better" is not. They may be better in certain ways, in certain combinations, and so on, but they are not clearly, unambiguously better.
And accusing people of reading comprehension problems for pointing out ways in which Scrappers are better, such as damage? I don't think Deus has a reading comprehension problem. I think you have a writing problem. How about rereading some of your statements like "Brutes are better, it is simply a fact." See how that reads? Oh, is that not what you meant? Sure looks like it to me. Seems simple and unambiguous. So chalk me up in the "reading comprehension problems" column because surely it can't be YOU with the problem. Say things like that and expect to get some counterarguments. People arguing with your overly simplistic pronouncements of "fact" is not at all the same thing "man, these stupid people just have no clue what I'm saying. What retards."

You remind me of the people that think scientists are stupid because they haven't thought of obvious things like "If the oceans rise due to global warming, then everyone can just take a bucket of water out of the ocean and dump it into their sink. Fixed! I can't believe the stupid scientists haven't thought of that."

You're not always wrong. You're not always right. Often, it's not even a question of right and wrong. But whatever it is, you seem always convinced that the truth is simple, you're in posession of it, and that anyone that disagrees with you is stupid for not seeing the simple truth. It's been wearing on me. It's tiring. The world, even this virtual world, is more complicated than that.

Why I waste my breath, I don't know. Obviously you're not going to change, and arguing on the internet just makes me stupid.
That's one looong reply just to ask why you are wasting your breath. Bullet points, even!



The last post in this thread before yours was nearly a year ago.

Was there a reason to necro up the thread?

Under construction



Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
The last post in this thread before yours was nearly a year ago.

Was there a reason to necro up the thread?
Particularly in light of the fact that the reason for the necro was to tease someone for wasting effort.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Why do people not like it when someone brings a thread back from the dead? "Scrapper or Brute?" is a never ending question when it comes to CoH and this thread is full of good info. As for my previous post, yeah it was to poke fun



Originally Posted by SkylineGTR View Post
Why do people not like it when someone brings a thread back from the dead? "Scrapper or Brute?" is a never ending question when it comes to CoH and this thread is full of good info. As for my previous post, yeah it was to poke fun
It helps to bring it back to actually discuss the topic of the thread.

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