Scrapper or Brute?




Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I'll get back to you on this one. When brutes get Broadsword I'm recreating my BS/DA scrapper as a brute (I'm not deleting the original, just making a new one)

I have a feeling if I recreate my exact build (positional soft-capped) the brute will prove superior. Dark Armor brutes get a taunt aura in Death Shroud, so I can skip OGloom and CoF and keep everything on me, that should help my AoE damage output (one of my scrapper's weak points)
I would be immensely surprised if the brute was not better for this particular combination.

Broadsword includes no consistent +damage power to favor the scrapper base damage.
Dark Regeneration will have a larger health point pool to heal into.
Death Shroud will do more damage over time with Fury's buff.

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Since brute's have stronger defense, would a brute thats has regen, regenerate at a faster rate than a scrapper that is regen?

From what im reading from everybody is that brutes have better survivability but their damage is only really good if their fury bar goes up, while a scrapper can just dive in and try to get that critical hit. So my question is to put aside fury for brutes and critical hits for scrappers and look at just the hits they each give alone and both are same builds, who does the better damage output? The brute or scrapper, and lets say their both Broadsword/regen.

Correct me if im wrong but from what im reading from everyone is that brutes can take it but not dish it well as scrappers and scrappers can dish it but not take it well as brutes.



Originally Posted by Mint View Post
Since brute's have stronger defense, would a brute thats has regen, regenerate at a faster rate than a scrapper that is regen?
I think you've misunderstood. Brutes and Scrappers get the same values for everything survival related with the exception of maximum HP. A power that grants 30% resistance to a Brute will grant the same 30% resistance to a Scrapper. Likewise with defense. regeneration and I believe healing values.

One notable difference is that regeneration is expressed as a percentage that works off of maximum HP value. A Brute will regenerate more health over time simply because they regenerate a percentage of that health.

The other notable difference is the resistance cap is different for both ATs. Brutes can reach 90% resistance while Scrappers top out at 75%. The difference is quite large when it comes to mitigation, but those high resistance values are not easily reached. Electric Armor can reach that for energy damage, Fiery Aura for fire damage, and Invulnerability for most types while using Unstoppable.

Originally Posted by Mint View Post
So my question is to put aside fury for brutes and critical hits for scrappers and look at just the hits they each give alone and both are same builds, who does the better damage output? The brute or scrapper, and lets say their both Broadsword/regen.
In this very limited case, I believe the brute will be doing more damage, provided he can keep his Fury. Scrappers do not need their critical hits to out damage Brutes, mind you. Their base damage starts higher.

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Originally Posted by Mint View Post
So my question is to put aside fury for brutes and critical hits for scrappers and look at just the hits they each give alone and both are same builds, who does the better damage output? The brute or scrapper, and lets say their both Broadsword/regen.

Correct me if im wrong but from what im reading from everyone is that brutes can take it but not dish it well as scrappers and scrappers can dish it but not take it well as brutes.
I'm not sure what you mean by "setting aside fury for Brutes". If you do that, Brutes would do horribly low damage compared to just about every other melee AT. Their base damage is below that of Tankers. It's only because of Fury that they can reach Scrapper-like damage levels.

Because of this, it's impossible to succinctly answer the question you've asked. We have to pick a Fury level for the Brute to be able to compare the Brute's damage to the Scrapper's.

It's not really what you asked, but one place this discussion sometimes goes is what happens at the damage buff cap. A Brute can be buffed to 775% of their base damage, and a Scrapper can be buffed to 500% of their base damage. At the damage buff cap, Fury no longer matters, because it can't [edit: multiply base] damage further. For identical powersets, slotting, etc, a Brute at their damage buff cap slightly outdamages a Scrapper at their damage buff cap if you ignore criticals. If you assume even a 5% critical hit rate, the Scrapper edges ahead.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
You can say the sky ain't blue all you want: Brutes are still better.
OP: "Hey, I looked outside and the sky looks blue. Is it really as blue as it looks?"

Bunch of Posters: "Well, that depends on a lot of things. It's generally black at night. Clouds can give it shades of gray. At sunset or sunrise, it might take on beautiful oranges, yellows, purples, and other colors. It's brown during a dust storm or sand storm. And in a sense, the sky is actually transparent, though that may not make much difference for the purpose of this discussion."

mauk2: "The sky is blue. This is simple fact."

Bunch of Posters: "Have you looked outside at night? Does that look blue to you?"

mauk2: "Since when does 'color' mean 'only at night'? Reading comprehension much?"

Bunch of Posters: "Seriously? WE'RE the ones with the reading comprehension problem? <reiterate what has been said>"

mauk2: "Yes, seriously. Just because this forum has some ridiculous obsession with NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT does not mean that night is the only time you can look up at the sky. You can say the sky ain't blue all you want: It still is."

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Originally Posted by Werner View Post
OP: "Hey, I looked outside and the sky looks blue. Is it really as blue as it looks?"

Bunch of Posters: "Well, that depends on a lot of things. It's generally black at night. Clouds can give it shades of gray. At sunset or sunrise, it might take on beautiful oranges, yellows, purples, and other colors. It's brown during a dust storm or sand storm. And in a sense, the sky is actually transparent, though that may not make much difference for the purpose of this discussion."

mauk2: "The sky is blue. This is simple fact."

Bunch of Posters: "Have you looked outside at night? Does that look blue to you?"

mauk2: "Since when does 'color' mean 'only at night'? Reading comprehension much?"

Bunch of Posters: "Seriously? WE'RE the ones with the reading comprehension problem? <reiterate what has been said>"

mauk2: "Yes, seriously. Just because this forum has some ridiculous obsession with NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT does not mean that night is the only time you can look up at the sky. You can say the sky ain't blue all you want: It still is."
Damn, have I been missing my +rep button lately.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



They're both good and some combinations are better on a Scrapper while others on a Brute. For sets that have damage aura's, I always go Brute because of the taunt component. SD I always go Scrapper for obvious reasons.

I'd only agree with mauk2's statement if it said "SS/Fire Brutes are still better."




Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
I'd only agree with mauk2's statement if it said "SS/Fire Brutes are still better."
That's hard to argue with, at least for overall damage output. Many Scrappers (and Brutes) cream it for survivability, but built right, SS/Fire has ENOUGH survivability for most practical purposes, making the point largely moot.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks


Posted I totally could not resist.

My personal preference is for Scrapper, but that's for a couple of reasons. If any of these apply to you, it might be a way to go:

I team a lot. While at 50 a lot of TF groups move quickly, in the levelling process a lot of them don't. Scrappers deal much more consistent damage when the team is running at less than top speed.

I often multitask while I solo. It's not uncommon for me to be missioning on a character, while RPing in MSN, or playing with my cat with a fishin' pole toy. Pausing to make my post or tease Velcro doesn't ruin my damage on a scrapper.

I have no interest in pickup tanking. On my brute, I'm often asked to tank, something I'm neither specced nor knowledgeable enough for. On my scrapper it isn't an issue.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I would be immensely surprised if the brute was not better for this particular combination.

Broadsword includes no consistent +damage power to favor the scrapper base damage.
Dark Regeneration will have a larger health point pool to heal into.
Death Shroud will do more damage over time with Fury's buff.
That is my guess as well.

My build will translate to a brute completely intact, and will actually be BETTER on endurance consumption, because brutes get Superior Conditioning and scrappers don't.

Extra bonus: With fury adding to it's damage, spamming Parry to stay softcapped won't hurt my DPS as much as it does on a scrapper.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Without the control toggles, I suspect you'll be right that Dark Armor will perform better than a similarly-spec'd Scrapper. I just see having one or both of the toggles as integral to the set. If I ditched those toggles, then I'd be more tempted to go with Fiery Aura, but there is a lot to be said for getting what you want the way you want it. Enjoy!



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
OP: "Hey, I looked outside and the sky looks blue. Is it really as blue as it looks?"

Bunch of Posters: "Well, that depends on a lot of things. It's generally black at night. Clouds can give it shades of gray. At sunset or sunrise, it might take on beautiful oranges, yellows, purples, and other colors. It's brown during a dust storm or sand storm. And in a sense, the sky is actually transparent, though that may not make much difference for the purpose of this discussion."

mauk2: "The sky is blue. This is simple fact."

Bunch of Posters: "Have you looked outside at night? Does that look blue to you?"

mauk2: "Since when does 'color' mean 'only at night'? Reading comprehension much?"

Bunch of Posters: "Seriously? WE'RE the ones with the reading comprehension problem? <reiterate what has been said>"

mauk2: "Yes, seriously. Just because this forum has some ridiculous obsession with NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT does not mean that night is the only time you can look up at the sky. You can say the sky ain't blue all you want: It still is."
This made me laugh, and I salute you for it sir.

Somewhat on-topic, I have a question to pose regarding the virtues of Brutes vs Scrappers.

I have a character concept that I've been itching to do, Kinetic Melee/Dark Armor. I've tried this as both a Brute and a Scrapper, but I'm not sure which works better.

I can't always afford to keep the "Go! Go! Go!" mentality that works best for Fury generation, and the playstyle of a Scrapper usually works better. Conversely, the damage aura and Dark Regeneration seem much more impressive on the brute, I imagine because of the taunt aura and the increased health cap, respectively.

I don't need a super, by-the-numbers comparison, but just a general impression. Would there be a noticeable difference with these powersets between the two Archetypes? If so, what is it?

Thanks in advance!



Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
This made me laugh, and I salute you for it sir.

Somewhat on-topic, I have a question to pose regarding the virtues of Brutes vs Scrappers.

I have a character concept that I've been itching to do, Kinetic Melee/Dark Armor. I've tried this as both a Brute and a Scrapper, but I'm not sure which works better.

I can't always afford to keep the "Go! Go! Go!" mentality that works best for Fury generation, and the playstyle of a Scrapper usually works better. Conversely, the damage aura and Dark Regeneration seem much more impressive on the brute, I imagine because of the taunt aura and the increased health cap, respectively.

I don't need a super, by-the-numbers comparison, but just a general impression. Would there be a noticeable difference with these powersets between the two Archetypes? If so, what is it?

Thanks in advance!
I think in this case the Scrapper is the better option for you.

1) KM damage is much better on the Scrapper, better than a trade off for an extra 12% HP, imo.
2) The lack of a taunt aura to prevent mobs from fleeing does not affect DA as badly as say, FA, because you have two auras to choose from that will help control mobs (OG & CoF).
3) You are totally unaffected by the pace you choose to play at.
4) When you do team, no one will ever expect you to hold and survive a team's worth of aggro.



Opposing point of view here, to a degree.

KM heavily encourages a go, go, go playstyle with Power Siphon, regardless of the AT. If you don't use PS efficiently, the damage difference between scrapper KM and brute KM is significantly lowered (without PS, either AT do about the same damage with KM).

Stunned mobs walk away. CoF only stops minions. The lack of a taunt aura and having a damage aura will mean less damage and having to run after mobs.

I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who doesn't like chasing. I went from a KM/SR scrapper to a KM/SR brute because I felt the running away was too much on the scrapper, and ended up performing better on the brute, despite the (in a go go go playstyle) 40 DPS loss.

Your mileage may vary if you don't mind chasing or if you routinely play in teams with people holding aggro and always wait for them to jump in first.

That said, if you do play in teams, the brute can end up significantly sturdier through buffs (either resistance or maxHP making dark regen that much more efficient), and will generally be a better team player, bringing aggro control into the mix. KM isn't going to be a heavy damage dealer on either AT, so just bringing damage isn't so hot when you haven't got much of it, in my opinion. Yet again, it can be argued lacking damage makes it that much more important to grab all that you can, so going scrapper.

Obviously, all those considerations are purely in the sense of "KM/DA scrapper vs KM/DA brute, what is better". Either choice is perfectly fine and playable through the whole game.



I see a lot of repetition that "Brutes are better with resistance buffs, because of their higher cap."

While that's undoubtedly true, do you guys find a lot of resistance buffs on the teams you play on? Sonic Resonance is the king of resistance buffs, but it seems pretty rare and not well-liked. Increase Density, from Kinetics, is often skipped, and even when it's not, it seems to be infrequently maintained due to the short duration. I would guess that the most common ones I see are the "clouds" -- Steamy Mist, Arctic Air, and Shadowfall, but those give fairly narrow types of resistance, and the buffer would have to keep close to the Brute during alpha strikes for it to be consistently useful.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
I see a lot of repetition that "Brutes are better with resistance buffs, because of their higher cap."

While that's undoubtedly true, do you guys find a lot of resistance buffs on the teams you play on? Sonic Resonance is the king of resistance buffs, but it seems pretty rare and not well-liked. Increase Density, from Kinetics, is often skipped, and even when it's not, it seems to be infrequently maintained due to the short duration. I would guess that the most common ones I see are the "clouds" -- Steamy Mist, Arctic Air, and Shadowfall, but those give fairly narrow types of resistance, and the buffer would have to keep close to the Brute during alpha strikes for it to be consistently useful.
You only really need extra resistance for when you're tanking AV's, and seeing as these scenarios usually take just a few minutes, you can rely on orange inspirations to keep you capped most of the time.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
That said, if you do play in teams, the brute can end up significantly sturdier through buffs (either resistance or maxHP making dark regen that much more efficient), and will generally be a better team player, bringing aggro control into the mix.
I don't necessarily disagree overall with what you said, but a few comments.

  • 40 DPS is pretty huge, and that's when you are able to maintain constant Fury. In terms of increase, what % is that? In other words (using made up numbers), going from a Brute 200 DPS to Scrapper 240 DPS as a 20% DPS increase.
  • On teams, +Damage bonuses are common and probably more common than +Res buffing and definitely more common than the level of +res buffing that will see a DA Brute hit any Res caps. +Damage buffs will increase the Scrappers offensive advantage beyond 40 DPS.
  • DA having decent resists across the board can benefit potentially from Brute res caps, but even on a solid DA build with Cardiac you need 40% SM/L Res buffing to hit the Brute cap. Fire, Cold, Toxic & Energy are all far enough away from even the Scrapper Res cap that I don't think this is a factor.
  • Even if you do get buffed to your res caps, from say Barrier, the Brute will be drawing more aggro, and more incoming attacks than the Scrapper on a team. So its a wash imo, unless you're facing massive AoEs which hit everyone equally.
  • +HP Buffs are also fairly rare, off the top of my head all I can think of is Frostwork - and a lot of people skip that.
  • A good HP range for a DA Brute build is 2000 to 2100 HP, so 300 to 400 HP away from the Scrapper cap. Unfortunately only WP, Invuln, Stone, SD and EA can make regular use of the Brute higher HP cap.

So does the Brute actually gain enough mitigation advantage to offset the loss in offense?

Is the trade off equal, or even roughly equal?

For KM, I just don't think it is unfortunately.

On the other I agree that bringing aggro control to a team is a valuable aspect for a melee character - but my opinion is that unless you specifically desire this role that you're better off going with more damage and near parity in terms of your survivability.



Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
You only really need extra resistance for when you're tanking AV's, and seeing as these scenarios usually take just a few minutes, you can rely on orange inspirations to keep you capped most of the time.
In which case the added res is primarily being used to tank said AV which is irrelevant to the DA Scrapper who is extremely unlikely to have aggro for any length of time if there are Tankers/Brutes present.

It's also limited, you can't guarantee that you will always have enough +res inspirations on hand for whatever you're engaged in.

And drawing from my post above, the DA brute would need 2 small oranges just to hit the Scrapper SM/L Res cap, and 3 to get right up near the Brute cap.



My Katana/Dark Scrapper is at 60% smashing/lethal resistance with Cardiac. I'd only need a 30% buff to cap a Brute, and anything over 15% would benefit the Brute. That includes self-buffing with Barrier, which I have. I'd also love to have more hit points, which for me seems a bigger deal than the resist cap since it's equivalent to always-on extra resistance.

But the main thing for me would just be the taunt aura. I'm happy with my Katana/Dark, but I'd be much happier with a taunt aura. However, the main thing I want a taunt aura for is to avoid runners, which waste time (and thus lower my damage output over time). I'd have to consider if the lowered damage from runners is worse than the lowered damage by going Brute. I haven't made any attempt to calculate. Mind you, I hate runners regardless of what the numbers might say.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Originally Posted by Werner View Post
My Katana/Dark Scrapper is at 60% smashing/lethal resistance with Cardiac. I'd only need a 30% buff to cap a Brute, and anything over 15% would benefit the Brute. That includes self-buffing with Barrier, which I have. I'd also love to have more hit points, which for me seems a bigger deal than the resist cap since it's equivalent to always-on extra resistance.

But the main thing for me would just be the taunt aura. I'm happy with my Katana/Dark, but I'd be much happier with a taunt aura. However, the main thing I want a taunt aura for is to avoid runners, which waste time (and thus lower my damage output over time). I'd have to consider if the lowered damage from runners is worse than the lowered damage by going Brute. I haven't made any attempt to calculate. Mind you, I hate runners regardless of what the numbers might say.

If I'm correct, Barrier and the Shield Wall unique make up for 8% of that advantage in your build vs. what I posted which would be a fairly standard IO build.

So yes you can get to 60% SM/L on DA but it requires T4 Cardiac, T4 Barrier and the Shield Wall unique.

However, I would actually reverse my advise if the build was Katana/DA as opposed to KM/DA.

Katana not relying on a persistent damage bonus for its performance will see the Brute's offense nearer the Scrapper's than is the situation with KM.

This is also a good example of what you were saying earlier about how its not very often that we have a clear definition of which AT makes out better.



While that's undoubtedly true, do you guys find a lot of resistance buffs on the teams you play on?
On a DA, FA, WP, Elec character, I can genuinely say most teams I'm in makes use of the resistance cap, simply because I play most of the time at 50 and myself have and use Barrier, and usually use it reactively.

At 75% res, I sometimes (sometimes only ; let's be fair, it's more often than not enough along with the massive defense boost) have to pull back or pop insps if I got hit by a particulary mean debuff streak or DoT effects. At 90% res, I can almost always stand my ground without taking additional steps.

Deus, going to break down your post in little points, not to attack it but rather because much of it I don't disagree with.

40 DPS is pretty huge, and that's when you are able to maintain constant Fury. In terms of increase, what % is that? In other words (using made up numbers), going from a Brute 200 DPS to Scrapper 240 DPS as a 20% DPS increase.
Yes, that is true, which made me all the more surprised to see despite such a tremendous DPS hit my brute performed better (by which I mean faster completions of specific identical tasks).

I attribute much of it to the aggro aura gluing things in place, but I also think the extra survivability played a role. 11% more base HP is 11% more survivability, the resistance cap increase is also great with insps + SR scaling res to a degree that I would put above 10% personally, as I put a lot of value in burst survivability.

IMHO, survivability isn't entirely binary. You can survive as a completely passive act, and survive by using time taking active steps to survive. Sometimes, time spent staying alive can outweight a damage increase.

On teams, +Damage bonuses are common and probably more common than +Res buffing and definitely more common than the level of +res buffing that will see a DA Brute hit any Res caps. +Damage buffs will increase the Scrappers offensive advantage beyond 40 DPS.
While I agree that damage buffs are more common, I don't think the teaming situations in which DA can go above 75% res are all that uncommon.

In the level 50 game, with Barrier, Cardiac, leagues, raids, I feel situations in which I don't get at least +25% res (DA being at roughly 53% S/L res on SOs with Dark Embrace + Tough, that's what I'll consider for the purpose of this discussion ; psi res can be higher but there's significantly less psi damage wielding enemies, as well as psi res buffs anyway) are the exception rather than the norm.

In lower level play, there is mystic fortune, sonic, thermal, pain, cold, dark miasma, kinetics - it can be argued many kins skip or don't use ID and that the AoE res buffs in cold and dark miasma require to be in range, but still, if you've got two or three buff/debuff ATs on your team, you have a fair chance of hitting 75%+ res somewhere.

Even if you do get buffed to your res caps, from say Barrier, the Brute will be drawing more aggro, and more incoming attacks than the Scrapper on a team. So its a wash imo, unless you're facing massive AoEs which hit everyone equally.
That's one way to look at it. My own perspective is that damage has to be handled, regardless if it's by me or by other people. So, if I'm not taking the aggro, my teammates will take more damage. I may be technically more survivable by virtue of aggroing much less, but if the guy who holds the aggro drops, or if a squishie is attacked by something and dies because I couldn't aggro, that's on me.

Regardless, all of this is very arguable one way or the other with KM/DA as the damage loss is just so high. I don't even want to defend brutes being better for KM/DA, it's just my personal feel on it and random thoughts related to either choice.

It's fairly obvious, what with the recent discussions on scrapper EA not getting a taunt aura, brute EA getting a taunt aura, brute regen getting a taunt aura in the beta boards that there is widely different points of view regarding taunt auras, and I'm on the "love it!" end of the spectrum. Me being indecisive on brute vs scrapper for that particular combo probably means most people, with a more balanced perspective, might enjoy a scrapper better.

Something like Kat/DA is much more straightforward - brute, brute, brute.



Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
If I'm correct, Barrier and the Shield Wall unique make up for 8% of that advantage in your build vs. what I posted which would be a fairly standard IO build.

So yes you can get to 60% SM/L on DA but it requires T4 Cardiac, T4 Barrier and the Shield Wall unique.

However, I would actually reverse my advise if the build was Katana/DA as opposed to KM/DA.

Katana not relying on a persistent damage bonus for its performance will see the Brute's offense nearer the Scrapper's than is the situation with KM.

This is also a good example of what you were saying earlier about how its not very often that we have a clear definition of which AT makes out better.
The 60% is without Barrier, so 65%+ with, but yeah, the Shield Wall is in that.

But yeah, like you said, your advice was specific to KM/DA, and I'd probably go Scrapper for a KM/DA. I could get enough survivability out of it to satisfy me, and at that point, I think I'd rather have the damage than the taunt aura and other Brute goodies. I think the DPS would be a lot closer on Katana, particularly on a low-recharge Katana like mine where you aren't getting all that much out of Build Up. Seems like that would swing it over to Brute, at least for me. I'd have to fiddle with it and see, though.

And yes, I agree this is a good example of how "better" isn't particularly clear cut. A change of primary here, or some IOs and incarnate powers there, and the picture changes significantly.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
It's fairly obvious, what with the recent discussions on scrapper EA not getting a taunt aura, brute EA getting a taunt aura, brute regen getting a taunt aura in the beta boards that there is widely different points of view regarding taunt auras, and I'm on the "love it!" end of the spectrum.
My view is that we shouldn't need a taunt aura - having one explicitly to prevent runners is a band-aid for how ridiculous AI behavior is in this regard. As far as we know, sets with taunt auras have them for two main game intents.
  1. The powerset in question benefits from getting foes to gather near the character.
  2. The character in question is intended to grab and hold aggro. This is almost certainly why Tanker and Brute translations of Scrapper secondaries have been given taunt auras, even when the powerset directly gains no mechanical benefit from nearby enemies.
Note that point (1) isn't specifically about keeping mobs from fleeing, it's as much about getting the mobs to go to the character to start with, and not to leave and go fight someone else. Critters did not always flee as readily as they do now, so having a taunt aura mostly just made sure a critter kept you as its designated target.

I don't want them to proliferate taunt auras into powersets that don't benefit from it and into ATs that don't have a design intent to be aggro sponges. I want them to fix the fracking running mobs.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
My view is that we shouldn't need a taunt aura - having one explicitly to prevent runners is a band-aid for how ridiculous AI behavior is in this regard. As far as we know, sets with taunt auras have them for two main game intents.
  1. The powerset in question benefits from getting foes to gather near the character.
  2. The character in question is intended to grab and hold aggro. This is almost certainly why Tanker and Brute translations of Scrapper secondaries have been given taunt auras, even when the powerset directly gains no mechanical benefit from nearby enemies.
Note that point (1) isn't specifically about keeping mobs from fleeing, it's as much about getting the mobs to go to the character to start with, and not to leave and go fight someone else. Critters did not always flee as readily as they do now, so having a taunt aura mostly just made sure a critter kept you as its designated target.

I don't want them to proliferate taunt auras into powersets that don't benefit from it and into ATs that don't have a design intent to be aggro sponges. I want them to fix the fracking running mobs.
I wish that the new Powers guy would understand this but this is not the case.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Yes, that is true, which made me all the more surprised to see despite such a tremendous DPS hit my brute performed better (by which I mean faster completions of specific identical tasks).

I attribute much of it to the aggro aura gluing things in place, but I also think the extra survivability played a role. 11% more base HP is 11% more survivability, the resistance cap increase is also great with insps + SR scaling res to a degree that I would put above 10% personally, as I put a lot of value in burst survivability.

That's an interesting point about faster completion for the Brute.

I agree, the taunt aura is most likely a factor. Another might be that while Scrapper DPS crits average out well over time for DPS calculations and pylon tests, perhaps they don't work out as well for AoE attacks that are often an important part of task completion.

It's not that they don't contribute per say, or even that they can't be averaged in - but more to the fact that dead is dead and crits can't be controlled - so there might be an element of corpse blasting crticials going to waste as opposed to AVs/Pylons where the burst simply improves the overall averaged DPS.

Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
While I agree that damage buffs are more common, I don't think the teaming situations in which DA can go above 75% res are all that uncommon.

In the level 50 game, with Barrier, Cardiac, leagues, raids, I feel situations in which I don't get at least +25% res (DA being at roughly 53% S/L res on SOs with Dark Embrace + Tough, that's what I'll consider for the purpose of this discussion ; psi res can be higher but there's significantly less psi damage wielding enemies, as well as psi res buffs anyway) are the exception rather than the norm.
I think it's possible, especially if you plan ahead and pack a ton of higher tier inspirations, but SM/L Res buffing from Allies is unfortunately not all that common imo.

You have:

Kinetics, through ID which most people skip (which is a shame, especially as its AoE now).

Sonic, which is not a very popular set.

Thermal, which might be the best set to make your overall case - as I think this will be a fairly popular set once its proliferated.

Pain, which is not a very popular set.

Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
In lower level play, there is mystic fortune, sonic, thermal, pain, cold, dark miasma, kinetics
Neither Cold nor Dark provide SM/L resistance unfortunately.

Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
That's one way to look at it. My own perspective is that damage has to be handled, regardless if it's by me or by other people. So, if I'm not taking the aggro, my teammates will take more damage. I may be technically more survivable by virtue of aggroing much less, but if the guy who holds the aggro drops, or if a squishie is attacked by something and dies because I couldn't aggro, that's on me.
I don't disagree, and that's one of the reasons I tend to choose Brutes over Scrappers. However I build with the intent that I will be responsible and very possibly solely responsible for handling a team's worth of aggro.

I agree completely that aggro control is a valuable tool for teaming.

On the other hand, it simply is not the designated role for the AT (at least in the modern game as the devs have defined Scrappers in the melee damage role but not tanking role). Scrappers aren't designed overall as aggro holders.

They are survivable, they are armored so to speak and perhaps a handful of players like yourself (and myself) recognize that when there is no one else to do it, you should step up and try to soak as much aggro as possible, but it isn't actually the seemingly intended role.

Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
It's fairly obvious, what with the recent discussions on scrapper EA not getting a taunt aura, brute EA getting a taunt aura, brute regen getting a taunt aura in the beta boards that there is widely different points of view regarding taunt auras, and I'm on the "love it!" end of the spectrum. Me being indecisive on brute vs scrapper for that particular combo probably means most people, with a more balanced perspective, might enjoy a scrapper better.

Something like Kat/DA is much more straightforward - brute, brute, brute.
I agree with these points.

Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I don't want them to proliferate taunt auras into powersets that don't benefit from it and into ATs that don't have a design intent to be aggro sponges. I want them to fix the fracking running mobs.
Do you happen to know when this running mobs issue began?

Is it a bug that has been introduced, or is it design intent?