I-21 Respec




Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Here's an old guide I wrote that gives advice on where you can/should install the Procs.

Very good info. I've read it before but pretty much forgot it -- thanks

Since we're talking respecs, I've noted that Light Form alone won't necessarily get you to the 85% Smashing/Lethal resist cap for Khelds. Lets say you have Light Form slotted to get you as much S/L resist as it can, what would be the best minimal slotting or IOing elsewhere to get you that extra bit of S/L resist?

My current light form slotting, which I may change, gets me around 77% S/L resist when on. If I don't change slotting for it, what else can get me that extra 8% with as minimal investment as possible.

I'm thinking Shining Shield single slotted. Would that alone be enough even without a resist IO in it (maybe you can afford the Gladiator +Def proc and want to put it there)? I can't seem to find the numbers for it anywhere (I'm not home).



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Very good info. I've read it before but pretty much forgot it -- thanks

Since we're talking respecs, I've noted that Light Form alone won't necessarily get you to the 85% Smashing/Lethal resist cap for Khelds. Lets say you have Light Form slotted to get you as much S/L resist as it can, what would be the best minimal slotting or IOing elsewhere to get you that extra bit of S/L resist?

My current light form slotting, which I may change, gets me around 77% S/L resist when on. If I don't change slotting for it, what else can get me that extra 8% with as minimal investment as possible.

I'm thinking Shining Shield single slotted. Would that alone be enough even without a resist IO in it (maybe you can afford the Gladiator +Def proc and want to put it there)? I can't seem to find the numbers for it anywhere (I'm not home).
You can also one slot Shining Shield with steadfast defense or KB protection. I don't have your build... Just open it up in mids, work in the shield, and see if it puts you at 85% resistance.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
You can also one slot Shining Shield with steadfast defense or KB protection. I don't have your build... Just open it up in mids, work in the shield, and see if it puts you at 85% resistance.
I've got the steadfast in Incadescence already. I'll do Mids when I get home; it's just that 'gettin home' is several hours from now and when I get a thought in my head I'm figgity until I find out, so was hoping someone knew right off. Basically, if Shining Shield (1 slotted) can get me around 9% S/L defense I'm good



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
I've got the steadfast in Incadescence already. I'll do Mids when I get home; it's just that 'gettin home' is several hours from now and when I get a thought in my head I'm figgity until I find out, so was hoping someone knew right off. Basically, if Shining Shield (1 slotted) can get me around 9% S/L defense I'm good
You could also grab the fighting pool using tough for that extra resistance and weave for a good amount of extra defense/LotG mule. A shield wall unique would be the most expensive way to fix it but require only one slot.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
You could also grab the fighting pool using tough for that extra resistance and weave for a good amount of extra defense/LotG mule. A shield wall unique would be the most expensive way to fix it but require only one slot.
Well, I'm hoping that Shining Shield 1-slotted will provide about 9% S/L Resist cuz that's all I need. I want Weave, but I'd rather skip Tough as it's likely not needed to reach S/L resist cap with Light Form if Shining Sheild does as I hope. I'd get Kick and Boxing as 4-slot Kinetic Combat mules and requirements for Weave.

Shield Wall..couple Billion Inf for +3% resist... Uhm no, I can't believe people pay for that one.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Well, I'm hoping that Shining Shield 1-slotted will provide about 9% S/L Resist cuz that's all I need. I want Weave, but I'd rather skip Tough as it's likely not needed to reach S/L resist cap with Light Form if Shining Sheild does as I hope. I'd get Kick and Boxing as 4-slot Kinetic Combat mules and requirements for Weave.

Shield Wall..couple Billion Inf for +3% resist... Uhm no, I can't believe people pay for that one.
Shining Shield provides 22.5% resistance unslotted, so you'll definitely be fine going that route.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Shining Shield provides 22.5% resistance unslotted, so you'll definitely be fine going that route.
Yep, found out in Mids. So, I'll maybe put a -KB protection Steadfast there (to go with my Zephyr one in flight - that'll really keep me from getting KBd). Maybe eventually I save and get that PVP Gladiator Def Proc *cringes at the cost*



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Yep, found out in Mids. So, I'll maybe put a -KB protection Steadfast there (to go with my Zephyr one in flight - that'll really keep me from getting KBd). Maybe eventually I save and get that PVP Gladiator Def Proc *cringes at the cost*

I just bought mine the other day with Villain merits. It only took about 12 years.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I just bought mine the other day with Villain merits. It only took about 12 years.
Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I just bought mine the other day with Villain merits. It only took about 12 years.

I actually traded for one once (for my Brute). Cost: 2 Billion Inf + Two Purple Recipes

Note: Kids, there is no way in heaven the Gladiator Def Proc is worth this much. It's simply that I had all the IOs I wanted on that toon, and I had plenty of spare change haha... And this isn't real money.



What were the purple recipes? It sounds like you might have gotten a bad deal.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
What were the purple recipes? It sounds like you might have gotten a bad deal.
Of course I got a bad deal. I knew that going in. Nothing is truly worth 2 Billion Inf + 2 Purples (one was a Ragnarok, can't remember the other). I think the going price for them at the time meant I gave about 2.5 billion for the Proc

But the character in question already had the Purples she needed/wanted, and I had several billion spread out among many toons... so I said, what the heck and traded for it.

And apparently, many others are willing to get extorted like this. That Gladiator Proc regularly goes for 2 billion on the Market, and if you look in the Inventions Forum, you'll see people advertizing to sell one for enormous prices - that's how I found my seller (the scoundrel haha). There's one going for 3 billion as we type.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I just bought mine the other day with Villain merits. It only took about 12 years.

I was wondering if anyone actually saved up enough merits to hit those recipes
I usually do the duo and spring for LOTG 7.5% recharge, gift wrap it and put in on the market. When you really crunch the numbers those high end PvP purples are really splitting hairs...and I don't have many hairs to split these days



I tried going for it when they first released that program, but gave up after getting 10 Hero Merits. I just don't have that kind of time--nor do I have the money... So, I was screwed either way.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I tried going for it when they first released that program, but gave up after getting 10 Hero Merits. I just don't have that kind of time--nor do I have the money... So, I was screwed either way.

I'm just a casually/serious marketeer (oxymoron?) I don't flip stuff; don't use AE for tickets, don't buy and horde stuff to make the price artificially high, etc.

I just run regular content, and when I'm done I stop by the market, see what I have, and do a quick check to see if the salvage or recipe (crafted) will make me at least a million. If it will, I'll craft it and put it out there for roughly the going price (usually a bit lower). Takes a few minutes each time I play, tops.

I sell everthing (salvage, recipes) that won't make me at least a million for 1 inf (or sell at a store if I happen to be near one).

This will usually earn you a couple billion Inf well before you can earn 30 a-merits. Then you can buy the sucker from the market or somebody.



I shamelessly flip and use AE tickets on a daily basis. I'll have the rest of the cash for the FOTG -Res proc in like three hours, and then I'll officially be done with my Human Form build.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I tried going for it when they first released that program, but gave up after getting 10 Hero Merits. I just don't have that kind of time--nor do I have the money... So, I was screwed either way.


You know, with issue 21, if you can find the time to do one of each incarnate trial every day, you'll have enough Empyrean merits for the IO in 10 days (assuming they're successful runs.)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I tried going for it when they first released that program, but gave up after getting 10 Hero Merits. I just don't have that kind of time--nor do I have the money... So, I was screwed either way.

Alternativley, rack up Astrals and get the LOTG globals and sell them and build up funds.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Of course I got a bad deal. I knew that going in. Nothing is truly worth 2 Billion Inf + 2 Purples (one was a Ragnarok, can't remember the other). I think the going price for them at the time meant I gave about 2.5 billion for the Proc

But the character in question already had the Purples she needed/wanted, and I had several billion spread out among many toons... so I said, what the heck and traded for it.

And apparently, many others are willing to get extorted like this. That Gladiator Proc regularly goes for 2 billion on the Market, and if you look in the Inventions Forum, you'll see people advertizing to sell one for enormous prices - that's how I found my seller (the scoundrel haha). There's one going for 3 billion as we type.
I gotta be honest here, nothing in the game is truly worth 2 billion inf.

However that 3% def proc....if I can build a character that is S/L softcapped, I'm not going to make a spot for that proc and work toward getting it. That extra 3% likely will not soft cap other defenses, and since regular soft cap is 45% and incarnate trial softcap is 60%, then that extra 3% for 2 billion isn't going to help much either.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
I gotta be honest here, nothing in the game is truly worth 2 billion inf.

However that 3% def proc....if I can build a character that is S/L softcapped, I'm not going to make a spot for that proc and work toward getting it. That extra 3% likely will not soft cap other defenses, and since regular soft cap is 45% and incarnate trial softcap is 60%, then that extra 3% for 2 billion isn't going to help much either.

Making inf in this game is so easy that if you can afford it you might as well go for it. Not to mention there are ways to get everything that don't cost any money whatsoever. I didn't feel like heckling with people over an item that couldn't be bought on the market so I stealthed tips for 10-15 minutes every day until I had the merits for it.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Making inf in this game is so easy that if you can afford it you might as well go for it. Not to mention there are ways to get everything that don't cost any money whatsoever. I didn't feel like heckling with people over an item that couldn't be bought on the market so I stealthed tips for 10-15 minutes every day until I had the merits for it.
I work alignment and emp merits for the ones I need and yes one can rack up funds fast, but that 3% def is not worth the 2 billion



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
I gotta be honest here, nothing in the game is truly worth 2 billion inf.

However that 3% def proc....if I can build a character that is S/L softcapped, I'm not going to make a spot for that proc and work toward getting it. That extra 3% likely will not soft cap other defenses, and since regular soft cap is 45% and incarnate trial softcap is 60%, then that extra 3% for 2 billion isn't going to help much either.
Nothing in the game is really worth 2 billion, and no RL Diamond is worth 2 thousand, but in a free market if you want it you have to pay what they offer. I agree about the S/L softcap thing - if I could get a toon there without it I wouldn't bother. Heck I only have it on one toon anyway, so I don't really bother already...

Although I'm thinking of going for it on my respecced PB...



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
I work alignment and emp merits for the ones I need and yes one can rack up funds fast, but that 3% def is not worth the 2 billion

If it's not worth it to you, don't use it. I personally find it helpful and I was able to get it... So I'm glad I did.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Nothing in the game is really worth 2 billion, and no RL Diamond is worth 2 thousand, but in a free market if you want it you have to pay what they offer. I agree about the S/L softcap thing - if I could get a toon there without it I wouldn't bother. Heck I only have it on one toon anyway, so I don't really bother already...

Although I'm thinking of going for it on my respecced PB...
"Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it."

Publilius Syrus

Ambush City, Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Ambush - Arc #1043
Strife of the Grave - Arc #3409
Shift - Arc #529411



Well I had my main PB perm lightform build designed and respeced into prior to launch of ish 21. Since ish 21 hit the PB was doing quite well most of the time, reaping all the benefits of perm lightform, defense capped in human form and the occasional need to transform. However that build was using both Hasten and T4 Spiritual Core Paragon plus IO sets......

...which sadly led to an occasional power drain, defense toggles shutting down issue if I mistimed a LF crash and missed popping a blue. Not an insurmountable obstacle, more of a giant nuisance. So now that most of the dust of ish 21's release has begun to settle, and Street Justice isn't available yet I was able to sit back down and take another look at the build and modified it into basically Permalightform 2.0, hasten and IO bonuses only to make lightform perma by 5 seconds. This is good since this means I can now restore CARDIAC into the PB and keep defenses capped. Still designing the Permalightform 2.1 build which would not need hasten but will need T4 Spiritual Core Paragon and IO sets. Permlightform 3.0 would not need hasten or Spiritual, just IO bonuses but at the cost of losing some of the defense cap, and the cost of getting purples.



I'm coming a bit late to the conversation, Joe, so you may have already respecced your PB. But here is what I am running with and I find that he is VERY sturdy and does some decent damage in all forms.

Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.95

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Bubba Flea - proposed: Level 50 Natural Peacebringer
Primary Power Set: Luminous Blast
Secondary Power Set: Luminous Aura
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Concealment
Power Pool: Medicine

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Glinting Eye

  • (A) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • (3) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • (3) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage
Level 1: Incandescence
  • (A) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%
  • (39) Steadfast Protection - Knockback Protection
Level 2: Gleaming Blast
  • (A) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • (5) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • (5) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage
Level 4: Essence Boost
  • (A) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Recharge
  • (7) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Endurance/Recharge
  • (7) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Endurance
  • (9) Doctored Wounds - Heal
  • (9) Doctored Wounds - Endurance/Recharge
Level 6: Bright Nova
  • (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Chance for Build Up
  • (11) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)
  • (13) Performance Shifter - EndMod
  • (13) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/Endurance
  • (15) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End
Level 8: Shining Shield
  • (A) Reactive Armor - Resistance/Endurance
  • (17) Reactive Armor - Resistance
  • (17) Reactive Armor - Resistance/Endurance/Recharge
  • (19) Reactive Armor - Resistance/Recharge
Level 10: Hasten
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (19) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (21) Recharge Reduction IO
Level 12: Inner Light
  • (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Recharge
  • (21) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Recharge/Endurance
  • (23) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Recharge/Endurance
Level 14: Super Speed
  • (A) HamiO:Microfilament Exposure
Level 16: Stealth
  • (A) HamiO:Cytoskeleton Exposure
Level 18: Incandescent Strike
  • (A) Kinetic Combat - Accuracy/Damage
  • (23) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Endurance
  • (25) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Recharge
  • (25) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (27) HamiO:Nucleolus Exposure
Level 20: White Dwarf
  • (A) Reactive Armor - Resistance
  • (29) Reactive Armor - Resistance/Endurance
  • (29) Reactive Armor - Resistance/Recharge
  • (31) Reactive Armor - Resistance/Endurance/Recharge
  • (31) Performance Shifter - EndMod
  • (31) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End
Level 22: Radiant Strike
  • (A) Kinetic Combat - Accuracy/Damage
  • (33) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Endurance
  • (33) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Recharge
  • (48) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
Level 24: Conserve Energy
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (33) Recharge Reduction IO
Level 26: Reform Essence
  • (A) Miracle - Heal
  • (34) Miracle - Heal/Recharge
  • (34) Miracle - Heal/Endurance/Recharge
Level 28: Quantum Flight
  • (A) Endurance Reduction IO
  • (36) Endurance Reduction IO
Level 30: Glowing Touch
  • (A) Healing IO
Level 32: Photon Seekers
  • (A) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • (36) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Damage
  • (36) Expedient Reinforcement - Endurance/Damage/Recharge
  • (37) Expedient Reinforcement - Damage/Endurance
Level 35: Stimulant
  • (A) Interrupt Reduction IO
Level 38: Light Form
  • (A) Reactive Armor - Resistance/Recharge
  • (39) Reactive Armor - Resistance/Endurance/Recharge
  • (39) Reactive Armor - Resistance
Level 41: Aid Self
  • (A) Interrupt Reduction IO
Level 44: Resuscitate
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
Level 47: Restore Essence
  • (A) HamiO:Golgi Exposure
Level 49: Grant Invisibility
  • (A) HamiO:Cytoskeleton Exposure
Level 0: Portal Jockey
Level 0: The Atlas Medallion
Level 0: Task Force Commander
Level 50: Spiritual Core Paragon
Level 50: Ageless Partial Radial Invocation
Level 1: Brawl
  • (A) Accuracy IO
Level 1: Sprint
  • (A) Unbounded Leap - +Stealth
Level 1: Energy Flight
  • (A) HamiO:Microfilament Exposure
Level 2: Rest
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
Level 10: Combat Flight
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed
Level 2: Swift
  • (A) Flight Speed IO
Level 2: Hurdle
  • (A) Jumping IO
Level 2: Health
  • (A) Numina's Convalescence - +Regeneration/+Recovery
  • (27) Numina's Convalescence - Heal
  • (34) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance
Level 2: Stamina
  • (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End
  • (11) Performance Shifter - EndMod
Level 1: Cosmic Balance
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 6: Bright Nova Bolt
  • (A) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • (37) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • (37) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage
Level 6: Bright Nova Blast
  • (A) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage
  • (40) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • (40) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • (40) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
Level 6: Bright Nova Scatter
  • (A) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage
  • (15) Achilles' Heel - Chance for Res Debuff
  • (42) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • (42) Positron's Blast - Damage/Range
  • (42) Positron's Blast - Damage/Endurance
Level 6: Bright Nova Detonation
  • (A) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage
  • (43) Positron's Blast - Damage/Endurance
  • (43) Positron's Blast - Damage/Range
  • (43) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
Level 20: White Dwarf Strike
  • (A) Kinetic Combat - Accuracy/Damage
  • (45) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Endurance
  • (45) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Recharge
  • (48) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
Level 20: White Dwarf Smite
  • (A) Kinetic Combat - Accuracy/Damage
  • (45) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Endurance
  • (46) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Recharge
  • (48) Kinetic Combat - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
Level 20: White Dwarf Flare
  • (A) Eradication - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • (46) Eradication - Accuracy/Recharge
  • (46) Eradication - Damage
Level 20: White Dwarf Sublimation
  • (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal
  • (50) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge
  • (50) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge
Level 20: White Dwarf Step
  • (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range
Level 20: White Dwarf Antagonize
  • (A) Mocking Beratement - Accuracy/Recharge
  • (50) Mocking Beratement - Taunt/Recharge/Range
Set Bonus Totals:
  • 3% DamageBuff(Smashing)
  • 3% DamageBuff(Lethal)
  • 3% DamageBuff(Fire)
  • 3% DamageBuff(Cold)
  • 3% DamageBuff(Energy)
  • 3% DamageBuff(Negative)
  • 3% DamageBuff(Toxic)
  • 3% DamageBuff(Psionic)
  • 11.75% Defense(Melee)
  • 20.5% Defense(Smashing)
  • 20.5% Defense(Lethal)
  • 3% Defense(Fire)
  • 3% Defense(Cold)
  • 20.5% Defense(Energy)
  • 20.5% Defense(Negative)
  • 3% Defense(Psionic)
  • 12.69% Defense(Ranged)
  • 3% Defense(AoE)
  • 3.6% Max End
  • 25% Enhancement(Accuracy)
  • 4% Enhancement(Heal)
  • 18.75% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
  • 20% FlySpeed
  • 144.6 HP (13.5%) HitPoints
  • 20% JumpHeight
  • 20% JumpSpeed
  • Knockback (Mag -8)
  • Knockup (Mag -8)
  • MezResist(Confused) 2.5%
  • MezResist(Held) 2.5%
  • MezResist(Immobilize) 16.8%
  • MezResist(Sleep) 2.5%
  • MezResist(Stun) 2.5%
  • MezResist(Terrorized) 4.7%
  • 17% (0.28 End/sec) Recovery
  • 24% (1.07 HP/sec) Regeneration
  • 4.41% Resistance(Fire)
  • 4.41% Resistance(Cold)
  • 20% RunSpeed

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad