I-21 Respec




I'm just curious what it is you liked about the PB that went away with this issue?

The only thing I can think of is the puffball animation...

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
...The only thing I can think of is the puffball animation...
Which was the best change of all in this PB player's opinion



Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
I'm just curious what it is you liked about the PB that went away with this issue?

The only thing I can think of is the puffball animation...
Assuming this question is directed at me (as the O.P.)...

For a couple of seconds I considered flippantly responding "A reason to take dwarf," but that's not entirely true. It's not so much that something I liked was taken away (Except the puffball and the footstomp animations, nothing specific was taken away) as it is that the changes are along a completely different paradigm for a form-shifting archetype.

Oh on the surface Inner Light lasts longer and so it benefits the forms, but it still gives the bulk of its bonus to human form, and players who don't have it perma are in fact rewarded more for staying in human form than for switching to nova. Unlike Warshades, Peacebringers do better against single hard targets than they do against large groups, and when human form already outperforms nova form in single target damage I find that my nova has become very much more situational. Not completely obviated, of course, but it's a step in a direction that heavily favors human form.

Same for Light Form. On the surface it's a massive buff. No, that's not true. It IS a massive buff. But I didn't really need it buffed. Now, even if I don't perma Light Form, making Light Form a mez-protected clone of Eclipse all but neutered dwarf form and made the shields MUCH less appealing.

Are Peacebringers stronger now than they were before? Sure. I'll happily admit that. But when one form is made strong enough that there's no noticeable advantage to switching to either of the other two forms - on a shape-shifting archetype - then IMHO it's a step in the wrong direction.

So what did I like that went away? I guess I liked being a true shapeshifter that had distinct advantages and disadvantages to each form.

That hasn't gone away completely, but these changes don't do anything for it.

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