Warshade Human Reclaiming His Rightful Forms.

Dechs Kaison




One of my long standing main toons has been a Human form Warshade. A very successful one aswell *IOed up, near perma hasten yada yada*

However I was running some Hero tips yesterday with a friend and i was getting constantly mezzed ... it was ridiculous nearly a whole tray of wakies had been used in less than 2 mobs, and i thought "It dosnt need to be this way"

*For the record I really dislike the incarnate powers. Imo its easy mode for people to lazy to invest in there toon and makes me sad so nobody say get tier 4 Clarion! :P + if i grind another trial i think i will implode*

So i literally smashed this tri form build together and implemented it all within 15mins ... i guess you can call it a Rage Respec *you heard it hear 1st*

I have long since forgotten what is needed for a tri form shade and any and every bit of advice would be more than welcome

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



Originally Posted by Shady Sam View Post
I have long since forgotten what is needed for a tri form shade and any and every bit of advice would be more than welcome
Should be all you need, right here. Build advice at the bottom.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I was popping in to link to the ever present DK guide but he beat me to it. The guide has become so well known that when I join a team with my WS I am often asked if it is a MF'ing Warshade to which I reply, "Damn straight".

Strangely enough I am looking to do an alt build that is human only. I ran on a TF yesterday that just steamrolled everything (Moonfire so no Incarnate powers in play) so quickly that I decided to mostly stick to human form unless things became a bit hairy (which they did two or three times and it was nice to my alternate attacks (not forms! LOL) then but I like to think that if I had a properly put together human form that I would not have needed to shift at all).



Originally Posted by Shady Sam View Post
However I was running some Hero tips yesterday with a friend and i was getting constantly mezzed ... it was ridiculous nearly a whole tray of wakies had been used in less than 2 mobs, and i thought "It dosnt need to be this way"
You realize that unless you decide to lean heavily on dwarf, nothing will change unless your tactics do? You'll get hit with mezzes just as much--which is why you have to be more proactive with your mezzes. Dech's guide will say something in there about that, though, so just read that.

Originally Posted by Shady Sam View Post

*For the record I really dislike the incarnate powers. Imo its easy mode for people to lazy to invest in there toon and makes me sad so nobody say get tier 4 Clarion! :P + if i grind another trial i think i will implode*
You're welcome to believe what you want, as long as you understand that not everyone else feels that way (and some may indeed take exception to that backhanded insult). Also....

....get Clarion Partial Core Invocation (tier 3). It's perma.



Originally Posted by Shady Sam View Post
*For the record I really dislike the incarnate powers. Imo its easy mode for people to lazy to invest in there toon and makes me sad so nobody say get tier 4 Clarion! :P + if i grind another trial i think i will implode*

I've invested quite a lot in my Warshade, but all the influence in the world wouldn't buy me viable mez protection. If you're dealing in volume (as most Warshades do) Dwarf alone will not always be enough, though the fact that the status protection will be kicking in as soon as the animation starts with i21 changes will be a big help... I sure wouldn't want to sit around trying to kill every mezzer in a group of carnies in Dwarf Form.

Additionally, have you seen Microcosm's Kheldian Inspiration Macro's? That can be a big help if you don't want to use Clarion.



Thanks for all the replies so far

The MFing warshade guide was certainly something, i really like "you are all forms at all times" section. Thats exactly what i need to start doing! spending so long as human form only I certainly view them as forms and not just other powers i can use...

Im still not sold 100% tbh ... I do think human only is a little more interesting that tri , but things may change with some more time on him.

I still would appreciate some build critique from the community tbh, thats to Dechs i think i am mentally now a tri shade but im still not sure if my build is tri shade worthy

Ty again



Even on my "human" build I still have both forms, if for nothing else (in the case of dwarf) than they give extra slots for set bonuses. Nova's fantastic AoE damage is just too good to pass up most of the time.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



bring breakfrees instead of wakes

Imo its easy mode for people to lazy to invest in there toon
>implying that you invested in your toon since you don't have them which begs the question of how could your(any) toon on any difficulty vs. any mob group die as much as you say you did from two mobs.

it's not easy mode. or rather, it's no more easy mode than using insp, accolades, temp powers, t9s ect. ya, you can believe what you want, but that doesn't make your argument against any less crappy

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Even on my "human" build I still have both forms, if for nothing else (in the case of dwarf) than they give extra slots for set bonuses. Nova's fantastic AoE damage is just too good to pass up most of the time.
I thought about taking Dwarf on my last human build for the Kinetic Combat mules, but then ended up taking boxing and kick instead, since I wanted Weave anyways.



Originally Posted by Shady Sam View Post
Thanks for all the replies so far

The MFing warshade guide was certainly something, i really like "you are all forms at all times" section. Thats exactly what i need to start doing! spending so long as human form only I certainly view them as forms and not just other powers i can use...

Im still not sold 100% tbh ... I do think human only is a little more interesting that tri , but things may change with some more time on him.

I still would appreciate some build critique from the community tbh, thats to Dechs i think i am mentally now a tri shade but im still not sure if my build is tri shade worthy

Ty again
The new prototype builds im designing for my PB's for ish 21 will still have dwarf mode, if nothing else for certain mule purposes of slotting.

But I still also build my Khelds with a certain philosophy of mine in mind: While being a human form action master is nice.....in the end it's always best to be a transformer.



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
bring breakfrees instead of wakes

>implying that you invested in your toon since you don't have them which begs the question of how could your(any) toon on any difficulty vs. any mob group die as much as you say you did from two mobs.

it's not easy mode. or rather, it's no more easy mode than using insp, accolades, temp powers, t9s ect. ya, you can believe what you want, but that doesn't make your argument against any less crappy
Wow ... way to lower the tone, you twisted what i said so badly i would almost call this a troll comment...

:I didnt say i died ... i said i got mezzed

:if you truly think temps and insp are on a par with incarnates ... your wrong

:I wasnt arguing with anyone, about anything! i clearly stated that it was only my opinion and the main reason for expressing it was to avoid peoples suggestions being "get Clarion" , which based on your love of incarnates would probably have been your first comment anyway -_-'

Sorry to the other people on this thread, i usually ignore 'flamers' this just seemed so angry for no reason.

Also ... 6 Hour maintenance



Originally Posted by Shady Sam View Post
However I was running some Hero tips yesterday with a friend and i was getting constantly mezzed ... it was ridiculous nearly a whole tray of wakies had been used in less than 2 mobs, and i thought "It dosnt need to be this way"
You do say wakies, but I think you mean break-frees. I really hope you meant break-frees, anyway.

But where are my manners!? Your build looks great to me. I love how you have melee and s/l defense. Thats the first thing I look at, so its kind of the selling point. I believe I only saw one purple set in there, so looks affordable, too ;-)

Thank you very much for this.



If you're tired of getting mezzed all the time, either carry a tray of breakfrees, or the other route is the one you claim to want to avoid, Clarion. Otherwise, you can have the greatest, or most expensive build you want, it is still not going to completely protect you from mez.

Don't I know you???



Originally Posted by Shady Sam View Post
Wow ... way to lower the tone, you twisted what i said so badly i would almost call this a troll comment...

:if you truly think temps and insp are on a par with incarnates ... your wrong

:I wasnt arguing with anyone, about anything! i clearly stated that it was only my opinion and the main reason for expressing it was to avoid peoples suggestions being "get Clarion" , which based on your love of incarnates would probably have been your first comment anyway -_-'
Sorry to the other people on this thread, i usually ignore 'flamers' this just seemed so angry for no reason.
What did you expect? You basically insulted anyone who ever unlocked and used an incarnate power. You can have a multi-billion dollar build, but as you have found,
Originally Posted by Shady Sam View Post
*IOed up, near perma hasten yada yada*
it doesn't fix holes in your defenses.

Originally Posted by Shady Sam View Post
Imo its easy mode for people to lazy to invest in there toon and makes me sad
This. This is insulting. This may be how you feel, but if you speak it you should be prepared to defend your views from people who think you're full of it. Especially when you claim to have invested so much and are still having problems, but then mock others who have taken steps to fix those problems.

Originally Posted by Shady Sam View Post
:I didnt say i died ... i said i got mezzed
Originally Posted by Shady Sam View Post
... it was ridiculous nearly a whole tray of wakies had been used in less than 2 mobs, and i thought "It dosnt need to be this way"

Originally Posted by Dech's Guide to Warshades

If you read that and thought "Easy, just go dwarf," then shame on you. You're bad and you should feel bad.
And in case you didn't read it, I'm quoting the above from his guide and again stating--nothing will change unless your tactics/playstyle does.



Pretty much agree with Stone, but also see where the OP is coming from to a point. While I hardly consider taking Clarion on an AT that has no other route to reliable status protection (one that is required to live in melee to boot) to be any of the things the OP said it was, I do think it's understandable to *rolls eyes* when people brag about all the awesome stuff their characters can do with barrier, Ion, and Lore Pets galore.



Originally Posted by Shady Sam View Post

*For the record I really dislike the incarnate powers. Imo its easy mode for people to lazy to invest in there toon and makes me sad
I think the incarnate system (post alpha) has killed Master of Task Forces for me (not the fake MOs "trials"). Back in the day you had to have a great team mix. Now a days you just throw in some incarnates and oh! We have a Mobadge and it wasn't even a challenge!!! Thank you for reading my thoughts. I'll just take my opinions back to the minority section.

Kill the enemy. Take their souls. Drink their blood.



Originally Posted by Zenithalia View Post
You do say wakies, but I think you mean break-frees. I really hope you meant break-frees, anyway.

But where are my manners!? Your build looks great to me. I love how you have melee and s/l defense. Thats the first thing I look at, so its kind of the selling point. I believe I only saw one purple set in there, so looks affordable, too ;-)

Thank you very much for this.
OH WOW ... Yep ... I definitely ment to type Break Free's ma bad *holds hands up* sorry for any confusion caused ...

Thanks Zenithalia for some build feed back, still not sure im 100% happy with it just yet but havnt been able to play or really use mids *opens mids * since time of the OP but maybe i can squeeze a little extra something in somewhere just to push that S/L to 30%

Originally Posted by Heavenly Perverse View Post
I think the incarnate system (post alpha) has killed Master of Task Forces for me (not the fake MOs "trials"). Back in the day you had to have a great team mix. Now a days you just throw in some incarnates and oh! We have a Mobadge and it wasn't even a challenge!!! Thank you for reading my thoughts. I'll just take my opinions back to the minority section.



Originally Posted by Shady Sam View Post
Wow ... way to lower the tone, you twisted what i said so badly i would almost call this a troll comment...

:I didnt say i died ... i said i got mezzed
it was ridiculous nearly a whole tray of wakies had been used in less than 2 mobs, and i thought "It dosnt need to be this way"
hows that?

:if you truly think temps and insp are on a par with incarnates ... your wrong
if you truly think that incarnate powers are for lazy people who don't invest in their builds and that using them is somehow cheating the system by using all the tools available to you, you're wrong.

:I wasnt arguing with anyone, about anything!
you made a claim on a forum. a claim that is very against popular opinion. what were you expecting?

it's like if i started a thread about how i kick all defenders off my teams because they aren't emps, and then be surprised when people start arguing with me about that.

i clearly stated that it was only my opinion and the main reason for expressing it was to avoid peoples suggestions being "get Clarion" , which based on your love of incarnates would probably have been your first comment anyway -_-'
it has nothing to do with my love of incarnates. It would have been my first comment (along with bring breakfree's which your OP said you didn't have any) because it is, for late game, the best way of dealing with mez. period. it doesn't take that long to get, as someone else said t3 can perma, getting up to that point even casually doesn't take all that long and can be alot less if you get lucky with drops.

think the incarnate system (post alpha) has killed Master of Task Forces for me (not the fake MOs "trials"). Back in the day you had to have a great team mix. Now a days you just throw in some incarnates and oh! We have a Mobadge and it wasn't even a challenge!!!
this wasn't/isn't true at all.

after IOs hit, "having a great team mix" died. the team consistency to run anything(with afew exceptions, a mezzer for lg comes to mind) doesn't matter. pre incarnates, I ran multiple speed master runs in short times with no tanks, heals, ect. i.e. not what most would consider a "good team mix"

all that matters, now and then, in terms of how difficult any trial is, is directly proportionate to how skilled/good the players running it are.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by Heavenly Perverse View Post
I think the incarnate system (post alpha) has killed Master of Task Forces for me (not the fake MOs "trials"). Back in the day you had to have a great team mix. Now a days you just throw in some incarnates and oh! We have a Mobadge and it wasn't even a challenge!!! Thank you for reading my thoughts. I'll just take my opinions back to the minority section.
If you need a challenge on a MO run, swing by virtue on some saturday and I'll let you try to keep some of my characters alive. I swear sometimes it feels like there's a baked in secret self-destruct proc attached to a few of my powers.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
If you need a challenge on a MO run, swing by virtue on some saturday and I'll let you try to keep some of my characters alive. I swear sometimes it feels like there's a baked in secret self-destruct proc attached to a few of my powers.
I blame hidden bulls-eye on some of my characters that can only be seen by opposing side. Oh and I blame AG :P