Discussion: Seed of Hamidon Website Update!




Jeff "Arbiter Hawk" Hamilton gives us an insight into the Seed of Hamidon, a zone-wide encounter in First Ward that will require the might of several super powered individuals in order to prevent the infection of the entire zone with the dreaded Tellurian Plague!

Make sure you've read this overview update if you're preparing to take on the Seed of Hamidon once City of Heroes Freedom™ and Issue 21: Convergence go live!

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Reading through and noticed 'Tellurian plague'. I'm a total nerd and that sounded very familiar. Apparently it's in star trek:P


EDIT: woops Wrong plague, link is fixed now
ALso, part I'm talking about:

Tellurian Seedlings fly near the Seed itself and function as its antibodies. While their own offensive power is fairly low, they are capable of spreading a particularly virulent strain of the Tellurian Plague to nearby targets, confusing the targets and causing them to attack their own allies.

[member of NeXt Gen][Member of LEGION]



I'm a bit saddened by the Seed, as my two biggest alts that would fight it are a plant troller(can't attack flying enemies really), and a blaster with only Super speed. Also, I'll reiterate my desire for a seed of Hamidon mini-pet. Or a plushie you can buy!

[member of NeXt Gen][Member of LEGION]



Originally Posted by Elianta View Post
I'm a bit saddened by the Seed, as my two biggest alts that would fight it are a plant troller(can't attack flying enemies really), and a blaster with only Super speed. Also, I'll reiterate my desire for a seed of Hamidon mini-pet. Or a plushie you can buy!
The blaster will have little trouble, as if you read the article, you'll see that temporary flight is available to everyone.


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Originally Posted by Canine View Post
The blaster will have little trouble, as if you read the article, you'll see that temporary flight is available to everyone.
Ah!For some reason I completely missed that line about it. Darn, now I feel silly.

[member of NeXt Gen][Member of LEGION]



Originally Posted by Elianta View Post
Reading through and noticed 'Tellurian plague'. I'm a total nerd and that sounded very familiar. Apparently it's in star trek:P


EDIT: woops Wrong plague, link is fixed now
ALso, part I'm talking about:[I]
I was just thinking to myself that it sounds like something Doctor Phlox would say in Enterprise.

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Originally Posted by Elianta View Post
I'm a bit saddened by the Seed, as my two biggest alts that would fight it are a plant troller(can't attack flying enemies really), and a blaster with only Super speed. Also, I'll reiterate my desire for a seed of Hamidon mini-pet. Or a plushie you can buy!
Ditto on the plant controller part.

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i look forward to this GM encounter that actually feels like a real GM encounter (all of the current GMs are sort of...lacking)



"Tellurian," in the most general sense, simply means "related to the earth," and the term long predates Star Trek and the numerous other places it pops up in the world of geekdom. (A Tellurian plague specifically might be a reference to that or to some other specific source, though.) In-game, we already see this in the Legacy Chain's Tellus of Earth bosses.

This looks like an interesting encounter, though given that it seems to involve significant effort and coordination, as well as unresistable damage, I don't expect to see it run much once i21 has been live more than a few weeks. Personally, I hope I get the opportunity to run it one or more times.

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For those lamenting plant controllers, there have been changes in i21. Entangle, Strangler, and Roots can now be used on airborne targets. [notes]

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I hate to be negative about what is otherwise a fantastic creation. In Beta I've loved seeing the thing moving around the zone and that low moaning roar it produces is amazingly creepy! Seed of Hamidon is a fantastic design in concept and audio-visual execution.


I haven't tested this on Beta yet. But from the description this sounds like a fight that's "LOLMelee". It sounds as if all the various parts of this creature are ridiculously deadly at close range. ten to one I bet their attacks are auto-hit as well, which means Defense-based melee is double-screwed.

You've got one type of enemy that forces players to separate to stay alive, another that forces them together, and another that confuses/mezzes.

In short it sounds too much like the kind of design ideas that went into the Keyes Trial. And we all know what an absolute JOY the Keyes trial is. (Yes, that's sarcasm - Keyes is an absolute nightmare. Which is why most people, once they've got their badges, never bother with it again and instead farm BAF and Lambda for their Incarnate threads.)

Can anyone who has tested this in Beta with a melee with a defensive secondary (Brute, Scrapper, Stalker) tell me if I'm wrong/overreacting on this? (I'd like to be.)



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
For those lamenting plant controllers, there have been changes in i21. Entangle, Strangler, and Roots can now be used on airborne targets. [notes]
Hooray!~ Joy!

Originally Posted by Atlantea
I hate to be negative about what is otherwise a fantastic creation. In Beta I've loved seeing the thing moving around the zone and that low moaning roar it produces is amazingly creepy! Seed of Hamidon is a fantastic design in concept and audio-visual execution.


I haven't tested this on Beta yet. But from the description this sounds like a fight that's "LOLMelee". It sounds as if all the various parts of this creature are ridiculously deadly at close range. ten to one I bet their attacks are auto-hit as well, which means Defense-based melee is double-screwed.

You've got one type of enemy that forces players to separate to stay alive, another that forces them together, and another that confuses/mezzes.

In short it sounds too much like the kind of design ideas that went into the Keyes Trial. And we all know what an absolute JOY the Keyes trial is. (Yes, that's sarcasm - Keyes is an absolute nightmare. Which is why most people, once they've got their badges, never bother with it again and instead farm BAF and Lambda for their Incarnate threads.)

Can anyone who has tested this in Beta with a melee with a defensive secondary (Brute, Scrapper, Stalker) tell me if I'm wrong/overreacting on this? (I'd like to be.)
This is just my own opinion on the matter, but I like Keyes Island....even with my /SR brute!:P

The only reason people don't do keyes is because it's faster to do BaFs and Lambda trials. The few times I've done Keyes trials they haven't been hard, just long and a bit tedious(in terms of doing it over and over and over) compared to doing BaFs for the same rewards. Keyes are fun to play, but not fun to farm.

I think the Seed sounds spiffy, but not having fought it I can't say. I do like the tie-in to Primal Earth hami's mitochondria with the Seedlings, it sounds like Seed of Hami will feel close enough to the adorable blob of jelly we all know and love from Primal :P

[member of NeXt Gen][Member of LEGION]