Ten Coolest Swords in Geekdom....




Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Needs Talon's sword from Sword and the Sorcerer.

And Hawk the Slayer's sword is way cooler than anything wielded by Hairy Pooter.



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
You have my eternal devotion and loyalty for this statement. The Belgariad and Malloread are the best books ever written (in my humble opinion). Although, to be honest the sword itself wasn't the power... it was the Orb of Aldur that really gave it its claim to fame.
I'll second this motion tho I'd say the Belgairad and Malloread are definitely in the top ten alongside other greats like the Elenium and the Tamuli.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I'll second this motion tho I'd say the Belgairad and Malloread are definitely in the top ten alongside other greats like the Elenium and the Tamuli.
I'm not sure I'd put them in the top ten, but I have to give Eddings props for essentially writing the same story four different ways and making it rather engaging each time.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
this calls for a draft...
- The only way for geeks settle things...drafts and flowcharts heh.

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Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I'm not sure I'd put them in the top ten, but I have to give Eddings props for essentially writing the same story four different ways and making it rather engaging each time.
I remember reading some observations by Jack L Chalker that when he decided to write some Fantasy novels he realized that there are only three styles of Fantasy stories.

The first being an idealized quasi medieval universe with Lords and Ladies and serfs as the mere background unless the hero/ine was raised as a serf not knowing his destiny for greatness

The second being some variation on the Hyborean universe with the focus on barbarian adventurers or sorcerer/upper class rulers with lower classes/thralls as mere background unless the hero/ine was raised . . .you get the picture.

And the third being a hybrid of the first two.

So yeah that Eddings can write the same basic story four different ways and they are still entertaining is a respectable achievement.



No one has mentioned the sword of Inigo Montoya from Princess Bride. It was one of the first three I thought of.



Ummm do Lightsabers count ?

I think thats a sword of Geekdom one of the greatest. I'll vote in Darth Mauls

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Originally Posted by MRDEANE View Post
Ummm do Lightsabers count ?

I think thats a sword of Geekdom one of the greatest. I'll vote in Darth Mauls
Lightsabres were, in fact, on the list linked in the OP.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound