Spoilers for the Underground Trial




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The Praetorian Hamidon is a little more powerful than the one on Primal Earth
I have a hard time believing this since the Praetorian counterparts are always equal in power. He's an Incarnate in both worlds.

Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Took it out int he sense that they only halted it...for now.
Again, 7-9 minutes.

Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
Our Hamidon is more or less a mindless mass off Goo, Imagine if all that power were backed by something intelligent enough to pull the Goo Pile into something more mobile faster and more focused so that instead of having all that power spread across the adds you have it all in one body.
Hamidon Pasalima was brilliant and radical molecular biologist. He raided the Paragon Technological Institute where he was about to create the "Will of the Earth" which was dark magic, he was able to transform himself into the Hamidon. The power isn't spread across adds. Hamidon is one body. The yellows, greens, and blues are just apart of his body like our immune system. It doesn't make him weaker, but stronger.

Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
Backwards... sentient but not really intelligent.
I highly recommend The Terra Conspiracy arc. Hamidon is intelligent.



Originally Posted by retched View Post
I highly recommend The Terra Conspiracy arc. Hamidon is intelligent.
I highly recommend reading what I was quoting - it was talking about the Well, not Hamidon.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by retched View Post
the Praetorian counterparts are always equal in power.
No they're not

For example, Belladonna is not really on the same level as Ghost Widow, and Tyrant is more powerful than Statesman because he drank what should have been Stefan Richter's part of the Well, so he has the power of both Zeus and Tatarus.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Drinking from the well is drinking from the Well. There's nothing suggests he has the power of both or that you can even drink different parts of it. It's well. You drink, you get power.

Statesman and Tyrant were equal in power when first meet the Praetorian. It's stated why Tyrant has gotten stronger since then, he's given himself over to the well. Belladonna is an exception due to Tyrant's actions because without Arachnos, she's unable to obtain her Primal version's power since she's neither Night Widow or ghost.



I hate to disagree, but there is nothing that says they are equal in power.

They are analogues, counter parts, and yes, they are similar, but that does not mean the same.

Synapse and Neuron for example. Neuron has done numerous experiments on himself to make himself faster and smarter. Synapse hasn't.

Maurader and Back Alley Brawler. Ok, except for a height difference, that one may not be a good example.

Statesman and Tyrant. Have you ever fought Tyrant and had him lay down a lightning attack like Statesy does?

No, they are evil / other counterparts that is all. Power levels are something else all together.



Neuron being the evil counterpart was simply more reckless and desperate and therefore performed the experiments on himself instead of having them forced him like Synapse. They both have super speed.

Tyrant is a standard mission, meant to be completed by anyone. He doesn't even seem to have Unstoppable. Until VEATs, Statesman was only found as an enemy in RV and the LRSF. Therefore, he was allowed to be overpowered, but in the Tyrant mission, he doesn't have Zeus' Lightning Bolt. Since GR, Tyrant's also been switched to Super Strength instead of Energy Melee.



Originally Posted by Sideline View Post
No, they are evil / other counterparts that is all. Power levels are something else all together.
More other counterpart than "evil mirror universe", I think. I'm sure GG will vehemently disagree with me (), but I think the 'new' Praetoria seems to be based on the idea that the counterparts are basically the same people, but who were shaped differently by their circumstances.

IOW, Tyrant wasn't born a ruthless dictator, he became one because that's what he thought he had to be to save his people.

By the same token, Synapse might have turned out to be an arrogant jerk if people had put him on a high enough pedestal.

And who's to say primal Tillman wouldn't have eventually gone crazy too if she hadn't gotten her body back? It's implied the circumstances of Mother Mayhem having Aurora's body are different as well, which could have quite an impact on her psyche (no pun intended).

Primal Vanessa DeVore put on the mask in order to fight the Rikti. And she did - it wasn't until after they were pushed back that the hunger for souls consumed her. Praetorian Vanessa was still fighting her war...

Anyway, I could go on and on, but it seems to me that it's more the setting that's different, rather than the players. Not the first time the idea has been explored in fiction, sure, but I still think it's infinitely more interesting than "evil goatee universe where everything is backwards".



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post

If the well wants a champion to fight the Battalion, and Hamidon is already an Incarnate, why doesn't the well just use the Devouring Earth as its champion? It's basically the entire biosphere, sentient, and pissed off.
I get the impression it's because the Battalion has world destroying capabilities. The Shivans take whatever they crash into and use it to form themselves (or something like that) so it seems likely they would devour the biosphere & Devouring Earth.

Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
The Well is tied to Earth, and has taken a vested interest in Earth. The Well wants Earth to survive. Therefore, it's created a gauntlet of Cole, Hamidon, and Primal Earth's threats to create kind of a Doomsday scenario: forcing a crucible gauntlet on the two Earths to produce a group of super-powered beings capable of withstanding the Battalion.

Is that what we're being told?
I get the impression that the well is trying to create a bunch of powerful being under Tyrant's command from what GG said Prometheus said, with Tyrant the most powerful. Prometheus wants to have many beings as powerful as Tyrant, just in case that plan fails - and he's stated multiple times that he thinks it will.

Originally Posted by Mr_Samoa View Post
Anyone wanna place bets on if the Battalion was caused by Nemesis too? :P
I always got the impression that Nemesis, having caused the Rikti war, indirectly caused Humanity (and the Rikti) to be weakened by the fighting in that series of conflicts - and thereby indirectly caused them to not be strong enough to withstand the Battalion. Nemesis wasn't too happy about that, and created Ouroboros to right that wrong.

Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I'm not talking about 20 years ago. I mean now.
Why don't all the powerful heroes of Praetoria rise up to fight Hamidon? Because they think it's dead. Sure the truth is revealed to players, but from what I understand everyone thought Hamidon was dead after the confrontation with Cole.

But there is one thing I don't get: why Primal Earth? The Battalion apparently had contact with the Rikti, in another dimension, but Prometheus says they scour Primal Earth. Plus, the Well is obviously present in many dimensions. I don't get it.

As a corollary, why Earth? As the Well is apparently the being behind Merulina's power, clearly it has power beyond this one planet... unless this one planet is all that's left, other than the Battalion?

Speaking of the Rikti vs. Battalion... why not just let the Rikti defeat the Battalion again? They've done it before... unless, like I said earlier, they're too weakened by the Human/Rikti conflict... Or perhaps the Battalion they faced were merely dimensional scouts - explaining how the Rikti faced them when the Battalion is apparently Primal only, and why it stays Primal only (the other dimension proved too tough for the time being).



Just a few small points:

Praetorians know Hami is alive. They have the sonic fences up to stop the Devouring Earth from getting in. They think that Cole just smacked him so hard that he was no longer a world-breaking threat.

As for Why Earth? I think it's because of Kheldians, honestly. I think some of the Nictus landed here more or less on accident, and the Peacebringers/Warshades followed them. The Battalion runs on Kheldians, so it seems obvious that they'd come to a place with a "Free Squid Buffet" sign lit up over it.

I also know the "enemy of my enemy" dealie in regards to throwing the Rikti at the Battalion, but really- who would go for that? Maybe news of the truth behind the war is hitting the Rikti homeworld, but it sure isn't hitting ours. Average Joe (the citizen, not the hero) still thinks of Rikti as invading monsters. How would it play if we went to a podium and said "Hey guys. *Another* dimension is about to invade us. And, also, some mean aliens are about to attack. But it's cool because those guys that killed your families and destroyed the city seven years ago are gonna come over and help. And I promise they won't kill you, because the war was actually caused by a robot. Funny story. So here we go, main portal that Omega Team died to close.... open sesame!"



Originally Posted by Mr_Samoa View Post
Praetorians know Hami is alive. They have the sonic fences up to stop the Devouring Earth from getting in. They think that Cole just smacked him so hard that he was no longer a world-breaking threat.
I thought that was more for the remaining monsters and diseased areas, but I guess you're right. His official bio (http://goingrogue.na.cityofheroes.co...yrant-bio.html) says it was contained rather than killed.

As for the Kheldians: excellent point. I wonder how much of this is/was known to the Kheldians currently on Earth (other than Twilight's Son [who is arguably not on Earth?]).



Originally Posted by Felderburg View Post
I don't get it.
Well, from the way Second Measure worded it in the August Producer's Letter, it sounds like there are another 2 Incarnate Trials coming out this year after I21, so if they continue with the trend of having Prometheus reveal more info about the Well and future events each time a new Trail is added, we should get a bit more info on the Coming Storm

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork