Feeling lost

Adeon Hawkwood



Hey all,

I apologize in advance if I sound vague, but I've been feeling a bit lost lately in playing CoH. Basically, I'm having trouble finding a new AT or powerset to enjoy. My problem seems to be that I only get enjoyment from minmaxing, but I've already purpled out the heroes that satisfy that urge. For example, every time I try out new damage powersets such as demon summoning, warshades, or SoAs, or even SS/fire brutes, I inevitably feel dissatisfied because they don't measure up to my gold standard (my plant/psi dom). So then I try rolling a single target char to challenge AVs and such, but every new toon I try just feels weak compared to the ill/rad I've already finished. Same goes for tanking, buff supporting, etc.

So i'm beginning to think that my dissatisfaction is stemming from my over-reliance on min-maxing for my enjoyment. So my question is this:

How do you all find enjoyment in your "lesser" heroes? How do you escape that niggling feeling that you could be killing/supporting/tanking/etc better with one of your mains? I guess I just want to figure out another way to look at playing this game so that I can be perfectly happy just playing an interesting powerset (like /poison or dual blades) rather than the most efficient or powerful one.

It's kind of a philosophical dilemma but I'm hoping some of you might be able to provide insight into how you enjoy this game.



Originally Posted by Little_Whorn View Post
Hey all,

How do you all find enjoyment in your "lesser" heroes? How do you escape that niggling feeling that you could be killing/supporting/tanking/etc better with one of your mains?

It's kind of a philosophical dilemma but I'm hoping some of you might be able to provide insight into how you enjoy this game.
Wow. I don't know if you're trying to declare to the forums that you have a ridiculous sense of how much better your characters are compared to theirs, but...Wow.


Here's what you do.

Roll up a Fire/Kin Corrupter.

Min/max the crap out of it.

Call me again when I21 comes out with all its shiny new powers and content.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by Mr_Grumpums View Post
Wow. I don't know if you're trying to declare to the forums that you have a ridiculous sense of how much better your characters are compared to theirs, but...Wow.


Here's what you do.

Roll up a Fire/Kin Corrupter.

Min/max the crap out of it.

Call me again when I21 comes out with all its shiny new powers and content.
I don't think he was saying his guy is better than any other persons, just that some power sets perform better than others. I tend to agree to a certain extent; but everyone has different standards and expectations.

He said he didn't like certain power sets/ATs compared to his dom because they didn't perform as well. I was ironically playing my plant/fire dom the other day, and felt the same way about him. I have scrappers/brutes/veats that kill stuff much faster and are also much more survivable than the plant dom, so why even play the dom? Yeah the dom has control, but when one of my other toons can wipe an entire spawn by pressing two or three buttons while being nearly invincible, who needs them?

The answer lies is just finding a power combination and playstyle you like. Having a back story and a costume you really like helps out too. Sometimes I will design a costume I really like, and build the characters AT and powers based off of the costume.

Some power sets shine more solo, some shine more on teams. Some in big groups of minor enemies, some with just one difficult target. Every AT and power set has its niche, and some sets overlap into others territories. For me, I just come up with a character I like and go with it. I'll play around in Mids and see what I come up with, and if I don't like the guy in Mids or how it plays in the actual game, then I'll just move on to a new character. It isn't really complicated.

There could also be that you're just burned out and need to take a break from the game, I normally play a few months here and there in order to avoid that dilemma.



Try min/maxing a character within certain self-imposed limits. I've had some success with this.

My MA/SR Stalker deliberately skipped Practiced Brawler, and instead relied on lucks (early on)and break frees to get by. This was based on the idea that she was only human and couldnt take whacks to the head by Freakshow Smashers and shrug them off. She trained hard (at Wentworths) and built up defence to satisfy my min-maxing instincts. She often survived using Crane Kick and the various stun powers to deal with enemies with status powers.

I made a Force Field Defender with the aim of playing her like a telekinetic ranged tank, once again building up on Defence. I gave her the limitation of taking no status powers (stuns, holds etc) and instead relying on knockback and defence to survive. Hard work against Paragon Protectors, for example, but definitely left me feeling tannky and tough when I survived.

I have some similar ideas about a Gravity/Force Fields Controller skipping their single target hold, but I'm not sure if that ones going too far.

Both characters were fun to solo, had well-defined build goals as they levelled up, could contribute on teams, and made it to level 50.



I apologize for the pretentious tone of the following post, I'm sleepy and I get pretentious when I'm sleepy.

Originally Posted by Little_Whorn View Post
How do you all find enjoyment in your "lesser" heroes? How do you escape that niggling feeling that you could be killing/supporting/tanking/etc better with one of your mains? I guess I just want to figure out another way to look at playing this game so that I can be perfectly happy just playing an interesting powerset (like /poison or dual blades) rather than the most efficient or powerful one.
Maybe it's cliche but I enjoy each of my characters for what THEY can do rather than what other characters in my stable can do.

To give an example I have a Crab Spider and an AR/Dev Blaster, both have top end builds including purples/PvPIOs and incarnate abilities (mostly T3s). Now by an objective standard the Crab Spider is "better" than than the Blaster, he's a lot tougher, has equivalent AoE damage, and has a large squad of robotic spiders to back him up. Yet even given that I still enjoy playing my AR/Dev. Why? A variety of reasons, part of it's the thrill of playing a Blaster riding the edge and seeing how far you can push it before you face plant. Part of it's the feel of the character, the simple animations of Assault Rifle really appeal to me. To some degree it's the character himself, Adeon is my special character, he is the me that I wish I could be and so playing him is something I enjoy and if he wasn't AR/Dev he wouldn't represent me.

At the end of the day it really comes down to whats important to you. CoH is not a perfectly balanced game there is a huge range of power between different sets and powerset combos. Therefore if your only interest is in the numbers then only the best sets will make you happy and playing anything else is a waste of time. On the other hand if you can look beyond the sets and enjoy a character for who they are and what they can do then any powerset is open to you.



Another idea. Build a SR scrapper and skip the melee defence passive (or toggle if youre very brave). Build for passive run speed and slot sprint for speed, and fight on the move by kiting enemies, like a superspeedster or feline character might.



Originally Posted by Mr_Grumpums View Post
Wow. I don't know if you're trying to declare to the forums that you have a ridiculous sense of how much better your characters are compared to theirs, but...Wow.


Here's what you do.

Roll up a Fire/Kin Corrupter.

Min/max the crap out of it.

Call me again when I21 comes out with all its shiny new powers and content.
I think the OP just meant whats everyones outlook on their toons that may not perform quite as well as their main toons. Not saying his are better or anything like that.

For me anyway, if I'm not playing one of my "top performers," I try to come up with a concept I find interesting and run with that. It helps me stay invested in the character. Like the poster above me said, a good costume helps as well. An example is a toon I was thinking of the other day who was going to be a sort of time traveling hitman from the future. He works for an organization that was involved in the majority of high profile assassinations that have taken place on earth. Their reasoning was to attempt to matain some sort of balance in the world in terms of good and evil. They believe in a philosophy of leaning to far to one side of the moral spectrum could have disastrous consequences. Their next target is Statesman and my toon was sent to assassinate him.

I had a vauge idea for that and then I read this saying about how "Without good there can be no evil, without evil, there can be no good. Embrace the grey." I thought it would be a good fit for a vigilante toon and the rest fell into place. To me it really grabbed my interest, so I rolled him up as a DP/MM Blaster and The Temporal Hunter was born. Best sets in the game? Nope, but the concept will keep me interested. Although now I think I'm going to have to shelf him and remake as a DP/Time Corrupter. Thats another story tho. >.<



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Maybe it's cliche but I enjoy each of my characters for what THEY can do rather than what other characters in my stable can do.

And there's nothing really cliched about it.

Don't compare your characters to your other characters. Every single time you compare one character to another, it will fall short in some way.

Example: None of my characters can touch my BS/DA scrapper when it comes to surviving against a single hard target.

My solution: I don't use that as my metric for whether or not the character I'm playing is good.

If surviving against a hard target was the only criteria I had for deciding if a character was worth playing, my Claws/Regen scrapper, Fire/Fire blaster, Sonic/Devices blaster, and DM/SR brute would all have been deleted by now.

They haven't been deleted because they are all good at different things, and I don't hold them all to the same standard.

My BS/DA scrapper survives well, but his damage output is a little anemic, especially AOE damage. My Fire/Fire blaster, on the other hand, satisfies any desire I may have for high damage output.

My Rad/Sonic defender can solo a Giant Monster. But he doesn't have so much as a single AoE damage power to his name.

My Claws/Regen scrapper can fight indefinitely without needing to stop at all. But he is vulnerable to large amounts of burst damage, which makes him suitable for minion clearing.

My Sonic/Devices blaster can solo very well, and very safely, but he lacks the kind of burst damage punch that blasters are desirable on teams for.

All of those characters shine in different situations, and expecting them all to be on equal footing in all of them is asking for disappointment.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I totally understand the OP.

I just can't get into other scrappers after purpling out my fire/fire and going tier 4 in all incarnate slots with two separate tier 4 Lore pets. He is just that fun and crazy powerful.

I am just speaking on the one archetype on purpose.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



I try to remember the most efficient way to earn rewards in this game is, for normal stuff, the market, for incarnate stuff, large team content in which the difference between my worst character and my best character, outside of poor leagues, isn't enough to matter significantly.

To be fair, one thing that helps is the powerset combos that I consider to be best in this game just won't fit with any "serious" concept I have. If I could mix RP and power in just one character, most likely I wouldn't play much of anything else.



I can kind of understand. I go from playing my maxed out Mind/Kin, then decide to play my level 10 Ma/Invuln.... and it just feels LAME.

"Okay, kick! Kick again!... wait.. gotta recharge... ok, KICK! ... waiting for recharge again... There we go, kick... boy, my mind/kin woulda been halfway through the map by now. Oh, my power's back. Kick... oh, FINALLY this guy's dead! Great, now I got two of his buddies to deal with. Sigh..."

When you're used to flash and explosions and stuff flying everywhere, a low-level toon with only ST attacks even looks boring. Some of the more recent powersets have tried to avoid this, but I'm sure you can get sick of looking at gun-fu spinning and flashy swirling fists all the time, too.

Anyway, to help solve your dilemma, I second what Dr. Harmony suggested, and will even expand on that idea. Select a character and build them within a self-imposed limit. Or maybe do something else to purposely gimp yourself just to see how you do. Can an Ice/Kin controller who skips most of his primary and fights in melee with Box, Kick, Jumpkick/Air superiority and Sands of Mu while self-buffing with his secondary survive and prosper?

...wow, i wanna make that in mids and see how viable it looks...


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Little_Whorn View Post
For example, every time I try out new damage powersets such as demon summoning, warshades, or SoAs, or even SS/fire brutes, I inevitably feel dissatisfied because they don't measure up to my gold standard (my plant/psi dom)
I admit I don't know Dominators very well, but is a Plant/Psi Dom really the ultimate character?

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Another way to do this is to do what is recommended of table top Game Masters when a player starts to excessively min/max: intentionally put the min/max'ed character in situations where the min/max is no longer as ideal and different choices would have resulted in something better. As powerful as some characters get, you really can't have it all.

For example if it's a melee character, try running missions where you have to save or protect an ally, or stop escaping enemies. Or try missions where ALL of the enemies have mezzes, and are able to bust through stack through normal melee immunities.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
I totally understand the OP.

I just can't get into other scrappers after purpling out my fire/fire and going tier 4 in all incarnate slots with two separate tier 4 Lore pets. He is just that fun and crazy powerful.

I am just speaking on the one archetype on purpose.
Playing my Kat/sr it actually makes me want to get other builds to that level as well, which is only IOed and T3 Alpha so far. I self PLed a SS/fire brute and got it to 50 yesterday. I feel like the training wheels are just coming off and can't wait to start working on getting it IOed and then Incarnated. My Dark/stone tank has such end issues I know IOing it out and going Incarnate will make a world of a difference on the character. A Dark/elec brute and Spines/elec scrapper are another two I want to get to that level.

Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
I admit I don't know Dominators very well, but is a Plant/Psi Dom really the ultimate character?
For them it seems to be. I have a level 50 Plant/storm and that has been a rather fun ride to 50. I should have listed it as one of the builds I can't wait to Incarnate and IO out. Once I get the recharge, end recovery and def down, that thing it going to be a beast.



I had the same problem as the OP. I made a thread about needing a slump buster. What I discovered I personally needed, was a change in venue. I left Liberty, where most of my lvl 50's are, and I've went to Virtue. I've taken nothing with me. Basically, I'm starting from scratch as if I were a new player. After a few nights of playing, I have to say, I've found new enjoyment in the game. Meeting new people, teaming at low levels (something that NEVER happens on Liberty), and looking for a new SG to call home. I've also decided to try a different AT I normally wouldn't have. This has really helped me break out of my funk.



Originally Posted by Little_Whorn View Post
My problem seems to be that I only get enjoyment from minmaxing, but I've already purpled out the heroes that satisfy that urge. For example, every time I try out new damage powersets such as demon summoning, warshades, or SoAs, or even SS/fire brutes, I inevitably feel dissatisfied because they don't measure up to my gold standard (my plant/psi dom).
A couple quick thoughts:
1. Are you actually playing the game...running mishes, arc's, tf's or are u farming?
2. Teaming...is it PUG's only or SG only or a mix?
3. Plant/psi = gold standard...what exactly does that mean to u?

Here is why ask:
1.Nothing wrong with farming however it usually is the fuel to run the min/max mentality...i must earn more to buy more to sell more to gain more...its alot of more not better.
2.Find some good people to spend the ingame time with...if u already have that then spend some time alone(not all your time). Roll a solo friendly non min/max toon and run every single arc and earn every merit from arc's that you can. Spending some time researching arc's and temp pwrs u could earn by doing said arc's...this might help u enjoy the overall game alot more.
3.I'll have to ask plant/psi is your gold standard...seems odd but to each his own. Is this toon your fav because it can do alot of diffrent things... and do it pretty well? If so find another similar toon that is a jack of all trades and master of none and run it...team that new toon alot on big teams and focus on what you are doing and not what others are...find enjoyment on your unique toon...build a concept and run with it.
4.Lastly take a break...a week off might do the body/mind some good.

I'm sure you will figure it out...plus the future of the game looks so good that should count for something



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
I try to remember the most efficient way to earn rewards in this game is, for normal stuff, the market, for incarnate stuff, large team content in which the difference between my worst character and my best character, outside of poor leagues, isn't enough to matter significantly.
Agreed. Many of us have gotten sucked into setting the baseline at perma-Hasten and S/L softcap, when that isn't really needed at all. The character I've had the most fun with lately is an SO'd Fire/Fire Blaster at level 50. He'd be much more self-sufficient with a nice IO build in place, but his effectiveness on teams and leagues wouldn't change that much once buffs and inspirations are factored in.

That said, some players focus on "master of" badging and high-difficulty gameplay. If you want to play the game at that level, then a weak build is a liability. Powersets are less of a factor, but can still be important. If you're running +0/x1 baseline missions & TFs, then it's not a big deal. Pick what you want and build it how you want, you'll be fine.



First... if you don't feel the way the OP feels, don't belittle the guy or attack him. Just don't respond, ok? There's plenty of people out there who frequent these forums who choose to play the game the way he does because thats what we enjoy. We don't need you to tell us we're playing the game wrong any more then you need someone telling you that you're not choosing the right powers.

To the OP: I run into this myself a lot. What I tend to do is what Dr Harmony said. I select a self impossed limit... I may preselect a pair of powersets and just say, ok.. i'm going to min/max THIS toon and not compare it to the level 50 maxed out toons I have already.

Also, I don't just min-max at level 50 where there are some toons that are just going to perform better then others. I look at min/maxing toon at level 12 (using lvl 15 IOs)... then again at 22... and again somewhere in the 30s. I often find somewhere about that point the toons that I don't really feel like playing at level 50+ tend to get parked and I move to new alts.

This helps me enjoy, for example, options such as a controller or low damage dominator. I feel a whole lot more useful and important in the level 10-35 game where my controls are helping keep other players alive... whereas at level 50 most players can keep themselves alive without controls and I feel like all I'm doing is keeping myself alive while everyone else does the killing.

(And I know there are controllers and dominators soloing STFs and GMs, etc etc... I'm not a fool. Those people are using 2-3 powers unique to their powersets to do something, but outside of those powersets, the usefulness of a control power on, for example, a typical ITF, BAF, or Lambda run is pretty low.)

Another thing I look for is just some unique power concept to exploit. For example an electric/ninja stalker can use build-up>lightning rod>caltrops and then assassin strike without every having to placate (assuming they don't get hit)... that's kind of a unique little toy to try out in a power combination I probably would never look at due to it's lower damage output using normal means. I've made other toons who focused on sapping endurance from the spawns they attack as a survivaiblty technique... or a sonic blapper that sleeps a spawn then beats down 1 at a time with air superiority in it's chain go keep the 1 waking target from fighting back.

There's lot of little gimmicks like that to toy with in this game.. most of which aren't real practical to use at level 50, but they're still good for some enjoyment in the earlier stages of the game.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
I admit I don't know Dominators very well, but is a Plant/Psi Dom really the ultimate character?
My plant/psi dom is only at 30, but according to mids she is going to be pretty awesome. I doubt she is the best, but very capable of many things.
Also I have a power at 32mag st knockback, even atlas park is a fun zone to play in



I have no lesser heroes, they all contribute to the same vision. Could be time for the OP to find new pastures until writers block passes.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I have no lesser heroes, they all contribute to the same vision. Could be time for the OP to find new pastures until writers block passes.
I think this is what it comes down to. CoH is definitely not built for everyone, particularly Achiever types that have the single goal of just "finishing". Not that there's anything wrong with that, or the min/maxing crowd -- it's a playstyle, but just not necessarily a sustainable one in an mmo.

One of the reasons I happen to play the game is for the uniqueness of the pick up groups I run into. Some teams are damage heavy, some rely on the tanks or debuffing, or some other combination. How the hero I'm playing at the moment fits in and contributes to the synergies is what I enjoy.

Perhaps the OP, if s/he doesn't want to take a break, instead focuses on a different type of min/maxing -- rather than focus inward, focus outward on overall team output in terms of buffing or debuffing? Just thoughts.

Some of us look past the numbers and just immerse ourselves into the hero of the moment (i.e., the concept), filling in the story. It's no longer electronic chess, but a story of King's Bishop and the struggle to defeat the invading White King.....




I know exactly what you need to do.

This is why I have a purped out 50, it was designed it from lvl 1 to do this:

Exemplar down and run regular conent with lowbies.

You won't be bored anymore.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Little_Whorn View Post
Hey all,
How do you all find enjoyment in your "lesser" heroes? How do you escape that niggling feeling that you could be killing/supporting/tanking/etc better with one of your mains? I guess I just want to figure out another way to look at playing this game so that I can be perfectly happy just playing an interesting powerset (like /poison or dual blades) rather than the most efficient or powerful one.
It seems like you already know the answer to this one. If you know the problem is that you are comparing each character to your "best" character then the answer is to stop doing that. If you can't stop doing that, then nothing anyone has said here will help. Min/Max each character to be the best THEY can be, if min/maxing is your thing. If you can't get away from wanting that character to be the best ANYONE can be then you're going to run out of road (or you already have). Once you've got what you consider the best... the game is over.

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!



I find this post kind of fascinating, as I'd say I'm somewhere around the exact opposite in playstyle.

I'm not sure if there's a way to simply 'turn off' or get over your desire to play the 'best' character, because in comparison, I don't think I could ever enjoy the playstyle you describe. I personally find my fun in seeing how each powerset combination plays, and I absolutely love seeing what I can do with the 'weak' powersets. Since my motivation is more of an 'exploration' driven one, it would drive me nuts to ignore powersets that are available to me. There are plenty of levels of play below the min-maxxed always-most-uberness, and personally I'd never give them up to try it. I think being the 'best' would make me grow bored of the game, while I revel in struggling to survive on a solo defender through the low levels, or trying to figure out how to make a sloppy PUG work through the teens. Of my fifties, only have even have IO sets, and maybe one has a purple set. I've never had a PvP IO, and I only have an Incarnate ability on one character.

Though I can't say I can truly understand where you're coming from any more than you could me, I think the best advice I've seen in this thread is to either take a short break from the game or try starting anew on a different server. Another idea... maybe try making one of each AT that is as uber as possible? I'm not sure if you'd be able to enjoy the 'lesser' ATs enough to get to that point, but it's a thought.

Hope you find your fun again!

Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!

Full, detailed character list



Here's another thought to add to the suggestions to play lowbies, or new server, or SO-only. Some of us play some of our characters "hardcore," where any defeat (or in my SG's specific in our case, any defeat after attaining level 10) means the character "dies" and is deleted or retired. ANY defeat, even if it's not your fault (log in amid a zombie invasion, giant monster trained onto you at PI, you accidentally hit self destruct, etc.).

This does not lend itself to rapid leveling -- we generally play +0 or +1 normal door missions -- and it definitely doesn't encourage highly-polished builds with expensive IOs.

What it does bring to our gaming experience is a renewed interests in our teammates and our teamwork, a welcome re-emphasis on defense and survival powers from the AOE-offense-heavy standard game, a sense of accomplishment, the occasional burst of stark terror, and, of course, the all-too-frequent opportunity to make new alts. :P

It's certainly not for everybody. But if your interest is piqued, check out the Iron Eagles channel (Justice server) or see our thread in Player Events.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog