Discussion: Training Room Dev Event




Originally Posted by Buxley1 View Post
Um... will this be handled like Incarnate Trial testing and costume code giveaway of a few months ago where some of us ran a bunch of trials and then found out the costume codes only went to those who stayed and partied with the Devs in Pocket D?

Not that I'm still bitter or anything... :-P

Important information, this is!

Maybe they'll be given out to the people that are on the devs TF teams. That'd be an awesome way to insure almost nobody has even a shot at them. :-D



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I just checked, I logged into the test server 30 days ago and my test server chat handle was "@Snow Globe" then, now it is "@Snow Globe1". Worse, I can't change it back as it is "taken". What happened?
I've been killing off all the Snow Globes in all other dimensions and assuming their identities in order to accumulate all the Snow Globe power in the multiverse.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I've been killing off all the Snow Globes in all other dimensions and assuming their identities in order to accumulate all the Snow Globe power in the multiverse.
That was a bad movie.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Just give me Television, Doc Deliah, and Skippy Sidekick for a Dr. Q.
And I thought my idea of running old Posi with an 8-man team, no travel powers, enemies buffed and us debuffed was bad. You sir/ma'am are a sadist!

"And yes, it worries me that people know how many pipelines their graphics cards have and the bus speed of a PCIe-16x, yet don't know how to convert between bordering time zones."

[COLOR="Yellow"]Avatar by Dragonberry, coloring by Bubbawheat[/COLOR]



I'll be attending!

If there's enough interest, I'd love to run a heroside Hamidon Raid with the Devs taking part. It would be a lot of fun!

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Biidi View Post
And I thought my idea of running old Posi with an 8-man team, no travel powers, enemies buffed and us debuffed was bad. You sir/ma'am are a sadist!
You got a better method of getting a good 4 hours alone with the coders to poke their brains?



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
That was a bad movie.
THE ONE was not bad. And Snow, you need to be ready. She coming for you. There can be only ONE!



Um, Maybe I am doing something wrong but I just did the whole "Make a Beta, etc. CoH thing, I log in and there is only one sever and I don't have any access to it..am I doing something wrong?



Originally Posted by The Dark Gerbil View Post
Um, Maybe I am doing something wrong but I just did the whole "Make a Beta, etc. CoH thing, I log in and there is only one sever and I don't have any access to it..am I doing something wrong?
Yes and No.

The Beta server is currently locked out. Only those invited to the Ongoing CLOSED Beta can access that server.

The Test server is where this event will be held. The Test Server needs to be installed separately.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Yes and No.

The Beta server is currently locked out. Only those invited to the Ongoing CLOSED Beta can access that server.

The Test server is where this event will be held. The Test Server needs to be installed separately.
And my stupidity gets the best of me. You know what the sad part is? I already knew the difference between the two and still made this mistake.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I've been killing off all the Snow Globes in all other dimensions and assuming their identities in order to accumulate all the Snow Globe power in the multiverse.
The annoying thing of it is, is that I've had the "Snow Globe" character on the test server for years (2005), so it couldn't be made from "the first character logging in". It had to be someone deliberately changing their chat handle to "@Snow Globe".

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
The annoying thing of it is, is that I've had the "Snow Globe" character on the test server for years (2005), so it couldn't be made from "the first character logging in". It had to be someone deliberately changing their chat handle to "@Snow Globe".
I'm wondering if it's a system glitch because it happened to me too a few months ago.

Contemplating trying to run an Abandoned Sewer Trial.



The Famous Super Hero Super Ratz will be there with Bells on Muh hahhaha!

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



The same thing happened to me on the Live server, a day after the merge my global changed after using it the previous day straight after the merge.

You may guess at how peeved I was, but still the devs are doing their best to appease me atm, so if they carry on appeasing me for the next 6 years I'll call it even.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
Want a chance to run some TFs with members of the development team? How about a costume code giveaway of the brand new, SDCC-exclusive Mk-VI "Victoria" to sweeten the deal?
We'll be running two special developer events on the Training Room
Wednesday, July 27, from 11am PDT (2 pm EDT / 7 pm BST / 8 pm CEST)
to 1 pm PDT (4 pm EDT / 9 pm BST / 10 pm CEST), and again at 5 pm PDT (8 pm EDT / 1 am BST / 2 am CEST) to 7 pm PDT (9 pm EDT / 3 am BST / 4 am CEST). Developers and OCR will be on to run missions, chat with players, and randomly give out EU and NA Mk-VI "Victoria" costume codes to a few lucky players! If you weren't able to make it out to San Diego Comic Con, you'll have a chance to get this exclusive costume code. It'll be a blast, so come join us!

Instructions on how to access the Training Room and Character Copy Tool here.
BTW, something not included in the announcement:

This portion they were intending to give EU codes out:

Wednesday, July 27, from 11am PDT (2 pm EDT / 7 pm BST / 8 pm CEST)
to 1 pm PDT (4 pm EDT / 9 pm BST / 10 pm CEST)

This portion they were intending to give NA codes out:
5 pm PDT (8 pm EDT / 1 am BST / 2 am CEST) to 7 pm PDT (9 pm EDT / 3 am BST / 4 am CEST).

It would have been nice to be warned in advance.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



"Complete" Pocket D 2 transcript. (I put it in quotes since I left out when Beastyle was forming an ITF after Positron left)


[Local] FASTER: Darn! That was posi!
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Guessing everyone is in Pocket D1 and I got zoned into PD2
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Hopefully the devs will realize this and spread out a bit
[Local] FASTER: Posi!
[Broadcast] Positron: hi
[Local] FASTER: Long time fan buddy!
[Broadcast] Positron: How you doing today?
[Local] FASTER: I've been here since beta
[Broadcast] Positron: EU or NA player?
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: doing allright
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: NA
[Local] FASTER: NA, Portland ,OR
[Local] Arcas: NA player here
[Local] Ghaidhi1: NA here
FASTER facepalm
FASTER facepalm
[Local] FASTER: aaw I can't facepalm in the training room
A Side Leadr Facepalm
[Broadcast] Positron: Yeah, you'd have to have imported your facepalm-ready character again
[Local] FASTER: My import should havedone it? I imported last night
[Broadcast] Positron: Weird then
[Local] Ghaidhi1: I gotta say Posi, I enjoy Mortimer Kal SF but robbing your place would be much more satisfying if it were snazzier. Erm, I mean uh [PLACATE]
[Broadcast] Positron: Only so much time to work on those things, Ghaidhi. We could spend forever on that stuff, but then you'd never get to actually play it
[Broadcast] Positron: Did you guys follow the SDCC coverage?
[Local] FASTER: Oh yeah!
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Understandable. I think a few tweaks might help but the SF is pretty enjoyable as is
[Local] Rill: a little. what i saw looks awesome
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Saw a decent bit
[Broadcast] Positron: Thanks Rill
[Local] FASTER: (snaps into a slimjim!)
[Broadcast] Positron: Yeah, we went a little crazy overboard on Freedom and I21.
[Local] A Side Leadr: im afrad not i was out at my Gramas in Iawa fore her 80th Berthday
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: good evening gentlemen and ladies
[Local] FASTER: Good! I like more than less if I can get it!
[Broadcast] Positron: Happy Birthday to your gramma then!
[Local] A Side Leadr: ty
[Local] FASTER: So much I can't wait for when Freedom hits!
[Local] Garcia Vega4: you are not alone in that one
[Local] A Side Leadr: So exited about it
[Local] FASTER: Time manips, dark/dark blasters...jeez so much
[Local] A Side Leadr: ya cant wait
[Broadcast] Positron: First Ward, Paragon Rewards
[Local] Garcia Vega4: I bet there's more that they haven't told us about
[Local] A Side Leadr: all cool too
[Local] Rill: Freedom looks great to me. only thing that worries me is that new players might feel isolated if they can't send tells or join the major global channels
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Most of what I've seen looks really good.
[Broadcast] Positron: I think we've said everything for Freedom/21 launch at this point... it's the POST-launch stuff we're holding back at this point
[Local] FASTER: Oh yeah, I originally beta'd coh so I'm going to have tons of tier9 goodness ready
[Local] Rill: are there space monkeys?
[Local] A Side Leadr: It all sonds good to me
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: I had to take the screen shot of course
[Broadcast] Positron: Rill, I understand your concern... we've seen what happens when gold spammers get free access to MMOs though...
[Local] FASTER: Is there one last ol'skool vet reward before I21?
[Local] Rill: that's true
[Local] Hyper Sonic Bullet: Heh, Still have this guy from back at DP test.
[Broadcast] Positron: I think so FASTER, but I am not positive
[Local] Garcia Vega4: sneaky
[Local] Moonshatter: Mapservered out of the other D
[Local] FASTER: But...but...you're POSItron!
[Admin] NCsoft_Freitag: It's like, that water thing, and it has to do with the moon?
[Local] Garcia Vega4: a Moon Vase?
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Have you contemplated creating a specific F2P type channel so new players can get an extra global channel without filling up regular channels?
[Local] FASTER: tides?
[Local] Hyper Sonic Bullet: I have a question regarding the "Windfall" Paragon Reward, as I know that term is usually associated with money.
[Broadcast] Positron: There is ANOTHER Pocket D?
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Pretty sure this is PD2
[Broadcast] Positron: HSB, Windfall gives you a bonus to Inf. AND to loot drops (enh, recipes, etc.)
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: Yup
[Local] Arcas: This is indeed PD2
[Local] Moonshatter: Yup, they were trying to do the longest wave!
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: kinda curious why there were only about a dozen of us
[Admin] Positron: Pocket D 2 is better than all the other Pocket Ds combined
[Local] A Side Leadr: thats funyThat is funy
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: who is running shadowfall?
[Local] Rill: bothering you?
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: See, now I have no idea if I am early, late or both at the same time
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: wanted a screen shot of me next to Posi
[Local] Rill: ah, it's off
[Broadcast] Positron: I killed powers so people dont spam them
[Local] Moonshatter: People were filling up in there about an hour ago.
[Local] Garcia Vega4: Thank you for that
[Local] Ghaidhi1: I gotta say thanks. That's been a frustration in past dev meetups
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: Probably a smart move
[Broadcast] Positron: Well they picked the wrong Pocket D now didn't they
[Local] Moonshatter: An it was all the buffs that cause me to drop out of D1, so appreciated.
[Local] Hyper Sonic Bullet: So it's a multiplier, and not bam XX amount of inf.
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: After all Posi has the most amusing sense of humor of the Devs
[Local] Orion Star: Power Supression just made me fall into oblivion, I was totally just midning my own business out there
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: y did my powers lock out?
[Broadcast] Positron: Right HSB
[Broadcast] Positron: I killed the powers near me so people don't spam them
[Local] Hyper Sonic Bullet: That's one concern alleviated.
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Heh, still have access to my AE accolade
[Local] Orion Star: Bleh, I can't get back out again until my mission TPer is available again >.>
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: That would explain why I had to check my targeting drone at the door.
[Local] Garcia Vega4: Mission TP doesn't work in here anyway
[Local] Orion Star: Not for that no
[Broadcast] Prism Ranger Red2: Ya know, I really should have brought the right aura for the occasion
[Local] Orion Star: But the magical bug that gets you out of maps does
[Local] FASTER: Can't wait to try this TF!
[Broadcast] Point of Balance.: on my way to cimerora
[Local] Garcia Vega4: oh the fall bug. Jeez that is annoying
[Local] Zilya: yay posi
[Local] Ghaidhi1: That and the team bug
[Local] Zilya: figured I come see th other half of the party
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: ah, so everyone else is at 1?
[Broadcast] Positron: No party until I am there, and I am here, so PARTY TIME
[Local] Techna Jade: Woot!
[Broadcast] Mr. Jeremy: ^^ agree to what he said
[Local] Zilya: yay
[Admin] Positron: If you are looking for me, I am hanging with the chill crowd in Pocket D 2
[Local] Hyper Sonic Bullet: I think I still have a screeny of Posi floating just outside of the D, with everyone ramming the glass like bugs. ;p
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: im guna atempt to swich toons and come back
[Local] Moonshatter: So what TFs are getting run today?
[Broadcast] Transcendent One: crappy, I am at work playing on small laptop blows
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: Indeed, I admit I am curious...maybe the Posi TF? -twirls nonexistant mustache-
[Local] Zilya: Posi your not 50 +1 :O
[Local] Moonshatter: Fears the posi doppleganger!
[Local] Hyper Sonic Bullet: Would that be the steampack moustache?
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: Speaking of that, I was trying to figure out the lowest-priced computer I cold get, that would still run CoX well.
[Local] Neil Fracas: I'd say run the old Posi TF since we actually have Posi to do his own fed exes.
[Local] Zilya: so does that mean I'm a higher lvl XD jk :P
[Broadcast] Transcendent One: lol '
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: ..YES
[Local] Ghaidhi1: I am rather curious about the TF/SF choice. Dev pick or player pick?
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: This must happen
[Broadcast] Positron: I'm not running TFs here
[Broadcast] Positron: I'll talk to you guys though
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: It's really difficult to figure out which graphics cards are okay, based on the specs provided for the game.
[Broadcast] Positron: which is better, IMO
[Broadcast] Who Sucks Meow?: so this is where the cool kids hang out eh?
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: I am still confused if I am late or early or what
[Local] Techna Jade: Talking is good... we like talking. Specially to an awesome person like Posi... *grins*
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: I am thinking early
[Broadcast] Zilya: I'm down with just talking. Can't go to cons to talk to you so thats why I come to these events XD
[Broadcast] Positron: Prism Ranger, if you want to run TFs, go to Pocket D 1
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: Hmmm, run TFs or Chat with Posi
[Local] Neil Fracas: Had to tease. Though I can say I remember back to the really old days. My first Posi was over 8 hours. You kids don't know how easy you have it now. :P
[Local] Techna Jade: I so wanted to go to Comic con... I have for years ... eventueally I'll make it out there
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: If you can get in.
[Broadcast] Positron: Back when we put the TASK in Task Force
[Local] Hyper Sonic Bullet: I just took my D-porter and it sent me here.
[Broadcast] Who Sucks Meow?: i left pd1 to come hang out here
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: back
[Broadcast] Liberty Incarnate: Hehe ditto
[Local] Neil Fracas: Back when SR scrappers were debt capped from lvl 5 on.
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: Did Zwils voice ever recover from SDCC? Poor guy seems like he was killing himself.
[Broadcast] Zilya: me too I left as well <_< but wanted to make sure to see everyone
[Broadcast] Liberty Incarnate: I remember back when you set aside 6 to 11 hours on a saturday to run a posi TF at level 10
[Local] Hyper Sonic Bullet: Those were the days.
[Local] Viva la Kai2: So how you doing Posi everything good with ya?
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: I tend to think TF stands for Tedious Force. They take so long.that I avoid them.
[Local] ShadowGunn: oh My Goodness it's POSITRON *screams like a little school girl*
[Broadcast] Positron: Good times, Liberty, good times
[Local] Swansoo1: Forgot Posi wasn't an Incarnate =P
[Broadcast] Zilya: I remember back when no one wanted to play blasters cause they were to much of a pain
[Local] Hyper Sonic Bullet: He's beyond incarnate...everything still cons grey to him.
[Broadcast] Positron: Yeah, we're just making some last minute decisions for Freedom... trying to get everything working for you guys out the gate
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: Hes a Admin, which is more powerful than even the incarnate.
[Local] Liberty Incarnate: Made for fun weekends at least, if you could get away with it
[Local] Who Sucks Meow?: posi not like shard hunting?
[Local] Neil Fracas: I'd love the chance of getting the costume code but figured it is more fun to hang with Posi
[Broadcast] Rill: i remember when no one knew what kin defenders did...other than make folks run really fast
[Broadcast] Positron: I don't run Incarnate stuff on this character.
[Local] Techna Jade: Ranger's got it right... Admis are some of the most epic out there
[Local] Viva la Kai2: Stoked for I21:FREEM. Gonna be epic!
[Local] Who Sucks Meow?: so no codes in this pd though?
[Broadcast] Zilya: do you really need it tho you are uber after all
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: Could I get a question answered? What the deleted are "priority queues"? I saw them mentioned in the Freedom info, but never heard of them before.
[Local] Liberty Incarnate: Hehe even better Rill, when Kin could crash everyone after a dumpster herd with the old FS with no target cap
[Broadcast] Positron: I21 is Convergeance, not Freem
[Broadcast] Mind Over Mountain: Hey, Posi
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: I admit, I am pretty stoked as well, I am getting like half the squad back.
[Broadcast] Swansoo1: You answering any questions yet Posi?
[Broadcast] Positron: AFK one sec
[Local] Neil Fracas: I'd like to see the shadow shard turn co op. Gotta torture the red side badge whores too.
[Broadcast] Zilya: hurry back
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Any limit on what game questions we can and can't ask? Don't want to be bothersome with "Can't answer that now" "Can't answer that now" "Can't answer that now" etc
[Local] Rill: haha, i remember a tanker friend who used to herd the entire Bobcat mission for me Liberty
[Local] Viva la Kai2: Ah my bad, well both then.
[Local] Viva la Kai2: xP
[Local] Rill: buffs across the screen
[Local] Hyper Sonic Bullet: I like the notion of that idea, Neil.
[Local] Rill: i'll second the Shadow Shard Co-Op! i love thsoe zones
[Local] Cinder ElIie: Posi, you've been doing a pretty good job with the Incarnate system. I vote that we clone you and send your clone slave to fix the mess that is PvP.
[Broadcast] Positron: ok back
[Local] Ghaidhi1: I know on a UStream it was mentioned that there were difficulties, with making the Shard coop.
[Broadcast] Zilya: wb
[Broadcast] Positron: I am getting some codes to give out
[Local] Moonshatter: So, we saw some of the AT enhcancements at the SDCC, but not all. Are All the ATs getting an enhancement set?
[Local] Techna Jade: NOooo just blame PVP on ANtimatter
[Broadcast] Positron: it's gonna be RANDOM who gets them
[Local] FASTER: Yaaaay!
[Local] ShadowGunn: oooo codes... for what?
[Local] Mind Over Mountain: hurray!
[Broadcast] Maxine Pain1: so what are we supposed to test?
[Local] Hyper Sonic Bullet: Vicky's?
[Local] Techna Jade: *removes cat from keysboard*
[Local] Mind Over Mountain: Also, Posit - can we talk for a moment about your costume getting an upgrade?
[Broadcast] Positron: AT enhancements are something post-launch... we're still working out how they will work/be given
[Local] Hyper Sonic Bullet: But cat's love keyboards.
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: What I'd really like to know is if we'll be able to re-place our added toon slots (bought and veteran slots) under Premium, or if they're stuck where they are. :-/
[Broadcast] Maxine Pain1: don't you know -- a cat on the keyboard is their RNG
[Broadcast] Positron: David Nakayama did some concept for a new Positron outfit
[Local] Cinder ElIie: Tie them in with master's badges!
[Local] Mind Over Mountain: Hurray!
[Broadcast] Zilya: :O a new one
[Local] FASTER: Nice!
[Local] Who Sucks Meow?: that'd be coo
[Broadcast] HardBreaker: neat
[Broadcast] Positron: Citizen Commando, you will re-place them
[Broadcast] Zilya: oh oh oh i wants to see it @_@
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: is it going to Shine more?
[Local] Rill: upgraded armour? nifty
[Local] Ghaidhi1: I dunno, I like Posi's outfit.
[Broadcast] Hyper Sonic Bullet: Sans turquiose piping? ;p
[Local] Moonshatter: Can you poke him into working on Kheld sashes! I look kinda sad using the MA belt as a stand in
[Local] Mind Over Mountain: Make sure he adds a counter-Obliteration beam to your new armor, Posi
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: Thank you! I have some on at least two servers, and I was hoping I could move some to a server where a friend is.
[Local] Neil Fracas: Got one question I would like to know about the unlockable powersets. Can you preview the animations on something like AE's create a critter?
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Plus, newCOT has me...wary...about NPC updates
[Local] FASTER: I'd like David to draw a nice pic of FASTER, butI'm afraid my design might be too much for him to handle!
[Local] Hyper Sonic Bullet: Hoping that'll be in market, the Kheld sash. Where can I see that, Ghaidhi?
[Broadcast] Positron: Man, I love the new COT. The old ones look soooo dated now.
[Local] Viva la Kai2: True that Pos I like 'em too.
[Broadcast] Cinder ElIie: True, but the new ones look so different
[Local] Neil Fracas: New CoT. That intrigues me
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: Now if I can just get a construction hardhat and a cloth trench coat for two of my toons,... :-)
[Broadcast] Cinder ElIie: When the Rikti were revamped a while back, they still looked like Rikti
[Broadcast] Who Sucks Meow?: the game needed a revamp, and i'm glad we're getting it
[Local] Viva la Kai2: Hey, change is good.
[Local] Rill: any chance of another Rularuu invasion?
[Local] Moonshatter: They looked dated, but they looked like CoT, now they don't.
[Local] Ghaidhi1: I like some of the pieces but not the currently compose look
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: My private eye looks like he's from San Francisco in a leather trench coat.
[Local] FASTER: Will new CoT show up in Kings Row rooftops at night still?
[Local] Hyper Sonic Bullet: Why wouldn't they?
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Well, new composed look
[Broadcast] Positron: Yes, the COT are getting replaced game-wide
[Local] FASTER: Sweeet
[Broadcast] Zilya: are the 7 year stances going to be buy able in the market?
[Local] Neil Fracas: nice
[Broadcast] Who Sucks Meow?: are they going to keep the hordlings?
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: personaley i think the updated costums go good past lvl 20
[Local] Mind Over Mountain: I know that I ask this every time I see you Posi, but will Nemesis finally unleash the Ponies of War?
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: for COT
[Broadcast] Swansoo1: Any idea when a beta will be for i21?
[Local] Mind Over Mountain: I'm just keeping the dream alive!
[Broadcast] Positron: 21 is in closed beta right now
[Local] Neil Fracas: Done posting the screen shot of me and Posi on my Facebook page. :P
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: All hall nemesis and his fun Plots
[Broadcast] Positron: Nemesis horses are still a no-go for now
[Local] Mind Over Mountain: =(
[Broadcast] ShadowGunn: cool costume Liberty
[Broadcast] Swansoo1: What is you personal favorite part of i21?
[Local] Mind Over Mountain: Clearly, they will be too powerful for mere mortals to comprehend
[Broadcast] Flux Inductor2: I rather like this magnetic aura
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: Could we get the mission-map snack machines to work? I get the munchies something fierce during missions.
[Local] Liberty Incarnate: Thankya
[Broadcast] Positron: I love the Paragon Rewards Program. I think that turned out awesome
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: are we guna git a motercile travil power?
[Local] Mind Over Mountain: Oh, well. Thanks for the update though, Posi.
[Local] Mind Over Mountain: Oh, well. Thanks for the update though, Posi.
[Local] Techna Jade: are they still accpeting new people into the beta?
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: Oh, yeah! Vehicles would be nice!
[Local] Liberty Incarnate: Invites usually go out in waves Jade
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: I like that it makes vet rewards more accessable. Lets face it 5 years is a long time for new players to wait
[Local] Swansoo1: My guess is that they're probably in like the 3rd invite wave with Open Beta in a couple weeks
[Broadcast] ShadowGunn: VEHICLES!! I want vehicles
[Local] FASTER: As a 7 year vet, will I be able to get the celestrial costume when I21 hits?
[Broadcast] Prism Ranger Red2: Actually, I do have one question about the PRP, When we redeem "Burnable" Rewards, are these things that are rewarded to all characters we will or have made like they are now? admittedly I have no reason to believe otherwise but I have not had that confir
[Local] Techna Jade: I'm bran new here so this is very exciting to me
[Broadcast] Cinder ElIie: Do you still work on powers or are you strictly incarnet stuff nowadays?
[Broadcast] Positron: We're looking into vehicles
[Broadcast] Prism Ranger Red2: med
[Broadcast] Positron: no promises
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: I want something like the black gravbike I had in There.
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: asome vehikls coming soon
[Local] FASTER: Vehicles?!!!!! awesomes!
[Broadcast] Maxine Pain1: so seriously, do we need to test something or can we just split?
[Broadcast] Positron: we'll likely find some weird reason why vehicles don't work
[Local] FASTER: Motorcycle gang SGs!
[Broadcast] Zilya: is there going to be a way to get the cel badges for each year? I am missing it on my main but was paid up -_-
[Broadcast] Flux Inductor2: Cool, but i suspect that 'looking into' can be either a long process, or a short one. Most commonly long, I'd suspect.
[Broadcast] Positron: I am giving out random costume codes
[Broadcast] Hyper Sonic Bullet: I wonder what will be the fates of Shadowstar, Paco Sanchez, and Jack Wolfe. How will Warshades get their arcs, Heroes get their capes, and respec?
[Local] Liberty Incarnate: How about Power Armor, its like the last iconic super hero powerish type thing that hasnt' really been done?
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: Well we know that the Devs can turn into Tanks.
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: o come on you have one for the brute MM
[Broadcast] NCsoft_Beastyle: Hi everyone
[Broadcast] Mind Over Mountain: Speaking of the Incarnate stuff, have you confirmed any plans of having Incarnate Story Arcs separate from the trials, Posi? Pardon my ignorance if you've announced that elsewhere
[Local] Swansoo1: Woot Beastyle
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: At least, permanent jetpacks for the Natural & Tech origins, to explain how we fly.
[Local] Who Sucks Meow?: hai beast
[Broadcast] Hyper Sonic Bullet: Hi Beastyle
[Broadcast] Prism Ranger Red2: Greetings Beastyle!
[Broadcast] Cinder ElIie: Greetings
[Local] Mind Over Mountain: Hey, Beastyle!
[Local] Moonshatter: Any info you can give us on upcoming incarnate slots?
[Local] Techna Jade: Hi Beastyle
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: Good day Bea
[Local] FASTER: Yooo Beastyle!
[Broadcast] Flux Inductor2: Will the signature story arcs give merit rewards on completion?
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: ill tacke one evin if the wells dont work right
[Local] Mind Over Mountain: Allow me to slip into something more...*magical*
[Broadcast] Positron: Flux, Yes
[Broadcast] Positron: Among other things
[Broadcast] Zilya: ooo
[Broadcast] Prism Ranger Red2: I admit in my heart of hearts I want some sort of Combo Power that I haveto trigger along with my teammates to get off...even though I know that is not gonna happen..yes, I ish a sentai nerd
[Broadcast] Flux Inductor2: Number has yet to be fully determined, correct?
[Local] Ghaidhi1: I understand that new features may be a while out but is there any word on when this filter bug will finally be fixed in the AE?
ShadowGunn tantrum
[Local] Mind Over Mountain: Raid Form: Activate!
[Local] Arcas: What level range is the new sewer trial?
[Broadcast] Positron: sewer trial is level 1+
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Speaking of the new trial, the old Abandoned Sewer Trial will still be available, correct?
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: Sorry about all the Questions, Positron, but it's hard finding specific answers in over 100 pages of forum posts. :-/
[Broadcast] Swansoo1: ^^^
[Broadcast] Positron: Yes, Ghaidhi
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: Well when I costume changed I didn't think I was right in front of you..so rudeness, so appology
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: admittedly not something SUPER rude, but still ^.^
[Broadcast] Hyper Sonic Bullet: To all paticipants or just the arc holder? ...Nevermind I suppose I coul also autocomplete mine while running a friends.
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: Posi wer did you go?
[Local] Moonshatter: So no info on upcoming incarnate slots?
[Broadcast] Maxine Pain1: I think he's inbisibl
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: INvis Posi
[Broadcast] Swansoo1: Will the new iTrial be more or less "difficult" than the last 3?
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Perhaps Post is secretly a Stalker?
[Broadcast] Positron: Shoot
[Local] Hyper Sonic Bullet: They can do that.
[Broadcast] Maxine Pain1: *bang*
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: I'd like it if they stopped putting powerful enemies near contacts.
[Broadcast] Positron: There we go
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: Ow, I just hit my head on something
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: Posi is playtesting a Rad Stalker. hehehehehehehe
[Broadcast] Orion Star: Wedding costume, heh
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: nice cote
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: No telling how many times I've been whacked visiting Bell or the Colonel in Talos.
[Local] Liberty Incarnate: What is that? Rad melee on its way!
[Broadcast] Mind Over Mountain: Is the new armor invisible? Emperor's New Clothes-style? =)
[Broadcast] ShadowGunn: whos gettin married
[Broadcast] Hyper Sonic Bullet: CATMAN!
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: then command those nonexistant pets to attack
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: and attack fiercely
[Broadcast] Orion Star: It was from Manti & Sister's wedding
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: Posi Returns!
[Broadcast] NCsoft_Beastyle: BAT-THING!
[Local] Rill: very Hugh Hefner
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: Needs smoking pipe
[Local] FASTER: Needs cigar!
[Broadcast] Flux Inductor2: You know, I really have to ask: Why are there no funeral homes in city limits? We have graveyards, but no funeral homes?
[Broadcast] Maxine Pain1: and a martini glass
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: no no, POsi is a pipe man, obviously
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: :scritching Meow behind the ears:
[Local] Orion Star: Why aren't you upside down here?
[Broadcast] Positron: If I had a cigar I'd be Bender
[Local] FASTER: Smoking pipe!
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: I do not see a problem with Posibender
[Broadcast] Flux Inductor2: Then again, that would be one-stop shopping for necromancy...
[Local] Prism Ranger Red2: ...please insert girder
[Broadcast] Hyper Sonic Bullet: Any Possibilities of Posi getting hitched? ;p
[Local] Ghaidhi1: I wasn't here at that time but was the Ouro wedding map an actual instanced map or just Ouro itself?
[Local] Mind Over Mountain: Will you be running any TFs, Beastyle?
[Local] Orion Star: Instanced version
[Local] Moonshatter: Oh god, D_R would flip
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Interesting.
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: Well Synapse is still single Hyper
[Broadcast] Positron: TFs are over in Pocket D 1.
[Broadcast] Flux Inductor2: Um, in the case of Numina, wouldn't the 'til death do us part' vow be a little problematic?
[Local] Rill: any chance of Hero-1 getting de-riktified?
[Broadcast] Hyper Sonic Bullet: All work and no play, you now.
[Local] Moonshatter: Speaking of going nuts, hows Numina doing Posi?
[Broadcast] Positron: Numina and I are doing great
[Local] FASTER: I'm going to try out the new TF. Thanks Posi! I hope to kick it with you again soon. Lets just not make it another 7 years before I see ya agains!
[Broadcast] Positron: I don't know where you all got the impression that she couldn't turn solid. You guys make up weird stuff some times.
[Broadcast] Maxine Pain1: unfortunately I gotta split. prob be back on at 5. laters all
[Broadcast] Hyper Sonic Bullet: ... How do know if we get a code...?
[Broadcast] Positron: Yeah, I have to go soon as well.
[Local] Moonshatter: Watch out for a ninja with a camera!
[Broadcast] NCsoft_Beastyle: You get a tell =)
[Broadcast] Flux Inductor2: Any chance of seeing some WW2 era-content?
[Broadcast] Positron: Not planned anytime soon, Flux
[Local] Viva la Kai2: Would be neat though xD
[Broadcast] Positron: We have the coming storm to deal with, and unfortunately none of that is WW2 era
[Local] Cinder ElIie: Any chance you can give a quick summary of time manipulation. Like compared to other sets.
[Local] Liberty Incarnate: I thought there was a possible Kheld Revamp mentioned somewhere? Is that still in the works.
[Broadcast] Flux Inductor2: Yeah, would be nice to actually see Atlas as an NPC
[Local] Viva la Kai2: Yeah as a GM who helps you out. That'd be cool too.
[Broadcast] Hyper Sonic Bullet: Any chance of poking Merulina in some Ouroboros Missions?
[Local] Moonshatter: Are you guys considering a preview system for free/premium accounts to let them test stuff before buying it?
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: It'd be nice if the signatures pitched in during invasions, rather than just standing there all useless.
[Broadcast] Positron: Quick summary: Has two powers in it, a debuff for enemies and a buff for allies. If that power is active on an entity, then OTHER powers in the set do additional/greater effect
[Broadcast] Prism Ranger Red2: Ohhhhhhh
[Local] Cinder ElIie: nice
[Local] Cinder ElIie: thanks!
[Broadcast] Positron: Moonshatter, they will be able to preview any costume set they want
[Local] Rill: interesting
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: Thats nice
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: I think the easiest way to allow people to preiew sets before buying them would be with the AE chr builder.
[Local] Liberty Incarnate: Very cool sounding on TC
[Local] Moonshatter: Costumes yes, but is there any thought toward a Sig arc or powerset preview system?
[Local] Techna Jade: it does sound very neat, I might have to try it out at some point
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: oooooooooh that sounds a lot better Positron.
[Broadcast] Positron: Not at this time, Moonshatter, we'll have to see what demand for that is like
[Broadcast] Prism Ranger Red2: I actualy do have a question, and its admittedly a small one, the PRP stuff, When we unlock a consumable reward is it once per account, or a copy is given to every character like it currently is, logically it would be like it is but I haven't heard that s
[Local] Moonshatter: Cool
[Broadcast] Prism Ranger Red2: tated anywhere
[Broadcast] Zilya: you know when your not around I have a million questions and now your right here I can't think of any of them lol
[Broadcast] Positron: Costumes in PRP are account wide
[Local] Swansoo1: Did he already answer any questions on Street Justice?
[Broadcast] Hyper Sonic Bullet: I thought purchaing stuff unlocked the AE.
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: Join the club, Zilya. That doesn't just happen to me in here, either.
[Broadcast] Positron: Some things like the consumable items are one (a couple) per account
[Broadcast] Cinder ElIie: If there is high demand when the freebies come around, will PvP be looked at again?
[Broadcast] Prism Ranger Red2: Thanks
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: Is there actually a staff fighting set?
[Local] Moonshatter: Also want to express curiosity liberties question regarding Kheldian improvements.
[Local] Viva la Kai2: Are we looking at per character purchases for costume slots?
[Broadcast] Positron: We're trying to cram a couple PVP things into I21, but don't know who on the team has time to do the
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: After Mace I have to look for new ways to "hit em with a stick"
[Broadcast] Positron: Viva la Kai, we haven't announced that yet
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: I've been trying to come up with powers for a disc-throwing/rolling blaster set I thought of.
[Local] Viva la Kai2: Kk
[Broadcast] Cinder ElIie: Awesome
[Broadcast] Flux Inductor2: Any chance of seeing some unlockable slots for enhancing powers? I know we can get 10 extra storage slots, but what about applying them to powers?
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Will the Prestige Power Slide purchaseable? Also, noting that having currently voucher restricted items added as unlockables for AE critters would be nice.
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: If someone wanted to make it a "reality", no objections here.
[Broadcast] Hyper Sonic Bullet: The purchaable Enhancements slots are a global unlock for 10 more slots?
[Broadcast] Positron: Flux, that would break the game
[Broadcast] Positron: Global, HSB
[Broadcast] Flux Inductor2: I kinda figured....
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: I thought allowing us to have Sybil tops would break the game.
[Broadcast] Positron: ok guys, I have to jet. This was fun. Hopefully we can do it again soon.
[Broadcast] Flux Inductor2: Being an Incarnate just doesn't give me the 'Flee before me Mortals!' feel I've been looking for..
[Broadcast] Zilya: i hope so
[Broadcast] Mind Over Mountain: take care, Posi
[Local] Swansoo1: Appreciate it Posi
[Broadcast] Prism Ranger Red2: another question, I might have missed it, but were are current vet powers like Mu and Nem Staff gonna fir into the PRP?
[Local] Liberty Incarnate: Take it easy Posi
[Broadcast] Flux Inductor2: Close, but not quite.
[Broadcast] Neil Fracas: thank you posi
[Local] Viva la Kai2: Thanks again Posi have a good one!
[Local] Techna Jade: See ya Posi ^.^
[Broadcast] Prism Ranger Red2: Take care posi
[Local] Rill: thanks Posi
[Broadcast] A Side Leadr: Have a good one
[Broadcast] Positron: Yes, Prism Ranger
[Broadcast] Positron: bye!
[Local] Moonshatter: Thanks posi See ya!
[Broadcast] NCsoft_Beastyle: See you Positron!
[Broadcast] Zilya: take care Posi
[Local] Ghaidhi1: The problem with Sybil tops (in theory) is the double cape but the structure would be good
[Broadcast] Hyper Sonic Bullet: Later Posi.
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Bye Posi
[Broadcast] Citizen Commando: I've been toying with various power-set ideas: disc blaster, quarterstaff scrapper, shapeshifter, etc.
[Broadcast] Swansoo1: So, whats forming? =P
[Broadcast] NCsoft_Beastyle: Alright guys, going to be giving out some EU Mk-VI Victoria costume codes. EU players, represent!
[Local] Ghaidhi1: Well...it seems some people have Hasten on auto >_>

^^When Positron left, the power dampening field was turned off.^^



I had a wonderful time with so many people in a Keyes. While it wasn't a PUG Hamidon raid, it was the next best thing. A lot of chaos, a lot of KOs, and a lot of enjoyment was had.

Special thanks to Avatea and Freitag for coming out and joining us for some crazy mischief. We'll have to run it again to completion during the second phase of this event.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
I had a wonderful time with so many people in a Keyes. While it wasn't a PUG Hamidon raid, it was the next best thing. A lot of chaos, a lot of KOs, and a lot of enjoyment was had.

Special thanks to Avatea and Freitag for coming out and joining us for some crazy mischief. We'll have to run it again to completion during the second phase of this event.
Good to know you guys had fun.

I just couldn't face that thing with Kestrel. Keyes and Kes aren't on speaking terms.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Thanks for forming the Keyes team, Paladin!

Pity Avatea crashed and then the server going down took the rest of us out. Thanks for sticking it out with us to the end, Freitag!



server is down?

and the forum is still broken.I had to log in almost 10 time.to post this.



[Broadcast] Positron: We're trying to cram a couple PVP things into I21, but don't know who on the team has time to do the
This intrigues me.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
This intrigues me.
Just as long as whatever they're doing doesn't muck up the PvE side of the game, more power to them.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Training room is Down, had to download a paatch 146.3 mb just now



Well I missed the first event due to an issue on PlayNC side. My account couldn't get access to test server and the issue wasn't resolved until after the first half. So now I feel halfway ripped off cause I was forced to miss the event due to an error on their side. Hopefully I can get that costume code on the next half of this event...

On a different note. Are they going to wait till its actually time for the event to start up again to bring the test server up? Was hoping they would at least give us an hr to log on before hand.