Speed Caps, Travel Pools, and Tier 5




In the not too distant future, we're going to start hearing more about the new t5 powers in the pools. For the power pools, these seem to all be 'Cap Breakers' of some kind, such as intra-zone teleport or a speed boost that ignores given arbitrary caps.

But, let's look at this situation for a bit before and ask what needs to be done to make these powers enjoyable.

In particular, let's examine flight, widely considered the weakest, slowest travel power. It comes with a huge tactical advantage in that enemies who cannot jump or fly up to meet you cannot melee you.

The speed cap for flight is 58.63 mph. As of issue 18, simply taking flight will place you at this cap without any kind of enhancement whatsoever. You cannot enhance fly to make it any faster. Despite this, it still happily accepts flight enhancements and sets.

The t5 power has been reported a few places as 'Afterburners'-- a way to temporarily boost your flight speed over the cap.

So if I want to go faster than 58.63 flying, I have to take this power. I can enhance fly all I want, but it will never go faster.

Let's look at the other speed caps in the game:


Super Jump caps out at its apex speed with 3 SOs at 78.18 mph
Super Speed caps out with 2 SOs at 92.5
By comparison, flight comes pre-capped at 58.63

This curve is not terribly intuitive and should be revisited, I think, especially if we're about to put in powers that will alter this mucked-up balance even further.

First of all, something that I think we could all use to know is, the global speed limit-- is it still around 96 MPH? Can it be moved further out with the new improvements to the game server engine?

Second, Fly has, right now, little opportunity for enhancement. I'd personally like to do some slotting with it before buying another power to make it work faster. Can the caps be readjusted so that they're a a hair more linear than +20mpg, +20 mph, +16mp

I'd personally like to recommend a curve that went something like the following

Hard speed cap is 120 MPH

Speed's unenhanced speed is 60mph. With 3 SOs, it just the 120mp cap.

Jump's unehanced speed is 55mph. With 3 SOs, it lands somewhat short of the cap at 110mph. Futher enhancements such as swift or travel bonuses could take it to the cap.

Flight's unenhanced fly is 50mph. With 3 SOs, it lands at about 100mph. Then other enhancements, such as swift, travel bonuses, or the new Afterburners power could take it all the way up to the 120MPH global cap.

How doable is this? If something like this is completely off the wall, can you guys give us a little more info on how Afterburners or any other movement power is going to work?



I'm fine with how the caps are now, to be honest. Fly is slowest due to it's ability to let you go anywhere and stay there. It's that freedom to go airborne that causes the power to become slower to balance it out with the others. Also why Superjump is slower that Superspeed, but faster than Fly. You can go airborne, but can't stay there. Plus I enjoy not having to put enhancements in Fly to cap it out.

Going with your plan would make Afterburners useless, also, as it only increases flight speed by twenty mph. Not really worth it enough to take an entire other power.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
The speed cap for flight is 58.63 mph. As of issue 18, simply taking flight will place you at this cap without any kind of enhancement whatsoever. You cannot enhance fly to make it any faster. Despite this, it still happily accepts flight enhancements and sets.
Why do people keep saying this? The ParagonWiki is wrong.

Fly does not hit cap as soon as you take it.

I'm looking at my level 15 character right now (well, when I alt-tab). Swift has a level 15 Fly IO, Fly has two level 15 Fly IOs. The Movement portion of the Combat Attributes says the Flying Speed is 43.60 mph.



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
Why do people keep saying this? The ParagonWiki is wrong.

Fly does not hit cap as soon as you take it.

I'm looking at my level 15 character right now (well, when I alt-tab). Swift has a level 15 Fly IO, Fly has two level 15 Fly IOs. The Movement portion of the Combat Attributes says the Flying Speed is 43.60 mph.
Fly does cap once you take it. That cap also increases as you level. So for a low level, it'll be in the 40s, higher level the 50s. But it will always be capped.



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
Why do people keep saying this? The ParagonWiki is wrong.

Fly does not hit cap as soon as you take it.

I'm looking at my level 15 character right now (well, when I alt-tab). Swift has a level 15 Fly IO, Fly has two level 15 Fly IOs. The Movement portion of the Combat Attributes says the Flying Speed is 43.60 mph.
The Fly Speed Cap changes per level.

ParagonWiki is correct.

If you remove all your Fly enhancements, you will still be at 43.6 mph. You have wasted slots and enhancements.

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Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
Why do people keep saying this? The ParagonWiki is wrong.

Fly does not hit cap as soon as you take it.

I'm looking at my level 15 character right now (well, when I alt-tab). Swift has a level 15 Fly IO, Fly has two level 15 Fly IOs. The Movement portion of the Combat Attributes says the Flying Speed is 43.60 mph.

The cap changes as you level, just like the base effectiveness of some of your powers, fly included. It's only 58.63 for a level fifty character.

At level 9, with no enhancements Flyspeed is capped at 41.02. With unslotted fly and swift, my flight speed exceeds that so is dropped to the cap.

At level 15, the flight cap is 43.60. With no enhancements in either flight or swift, again, I exceed the cap.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I'm fine with how the caps are now, to be honest. Fly is slowest due to it's ability to let you go anywhere and stay there.
The heck of it is, I don't use fly to do that, and I don't think many others do either. I use fly to go places. When I'm where I want to go, I switch to hover for the staying there bit.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
First of all, something that I think we could all use to know is, the global speed limit-- is it still around 96 MPH? Can it be moved further out with the new improvements to the game server engine?
Maybe in a few years when computer and broad band speeds are all 10x faster.

Until then, you have to deal with your computer's lag trying to draw that rapidly changing 3D environment, and in computer/server lag as they haggle with each other trying to figure out where you really are.

Both are bumping into mechanical limitations.

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Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I'm fine with how the caps are now, to be honest. Fly is slowest due to it's ability to let you go anywhere and stay there. It's that freedom to go airborne that causes the power to become slower to balance it out with the others. Also why Superjump is slower that Superspeed, but faster than Fly. You can go airborne, but can't stay there. Plus I enjoy not having to put enhancements in Fly to cap it out.

Going with your plan would make Afterburners useless, also, as it only increases flight speed by twenty mph. Not really worth it enough to take an entire other power.
Is the safety of fly vs speed of SS argument relevant in an IO world where one IO tossed in Sprint or SS can negate most normal risks.

Then you're looking at 3d vs 2d movement, which again, is it relevant with temp flight packs, GvE jump pack, steam jump pack etc etc, theres very few situations where permanent 3d is necessary, and the momentary need for 3d mvoement cant be replicated.
-Even the Shadow Shard, those of us with GvE pack and steampunk pack can feasably get from one end to the other with no proper travel power
-as can those who buy the jetpack for pittance available in that very zone.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Oh. THAT cap. Nevermind.



Either the capped speed of Flight needs to be increased or the enhancement screen needs to tell you that adding a Flight Speed Enhancement does not enhance flight speed.

I say this as someone that put slots in Fly from back when it cost more End and before the Combat Attributes screen showed me how pointless it was

I am disappointed that it sounds like Afterburner won't be that quick either. Guess I'll get Super Speed instead then.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Moo, when you talk about jump and run caps, are you factoring in powers like Swift, Hurdle and Sprint? I ask, because it seems to me that a single level 50 run speed Common in Super Speed plus one in Swift plus one in Spring ought to cap that. It did last I checked, but I could be wrong. Not sure about Super Jump, though.

Either way, the travel pool T5 powers seem like they'd be pretty dang cool. I doubt I'll ever have a build THAT tight as to be unable to snag at least one of these, and it really seems like an interesting concept, to be sure. I'm just concerned this might corrupt City Traveller, though, since I don't think I can snag a T4 or T5 travel pool power without taking two prerequisites, which City Traveller was supposed to alleviate.


Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Moo, when you talk about jump and run caps, are you factoring in powers like Swift, Hurdle and Sprint? I ask, because it seems to me that a single level 50 run speed Common in Super Speed plus one in Swift plus one in Spring ought to cap that. It did last I checked, but I could be wrong. Not sure about Super Jump, though.

Either way, the travel pool T5 powers seem like they'd be pretty dang cool. I doubt I'll ever have a build THAT tight as to be unable to snag at least one of these, and it really seems like an interesting concept, to be sure. I'm just concerned this might corrupt City Traveller, though, since I don't think I can snag a T4 or T5 travel pool power without taking two prerequisites, which City Traveller was supposed to alleviate.

I know what you mean. Being able to get Fly at lvl 6 is the best Vet Reward IMO. However I still tend to want Air Superiority and Hasten though.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
I know what you mean. Being able to get Fly at lvl 6 is the best Vet Reward IMO. However I still tend to want Air Superiority and Hasten though.
As do I, but I've often taken Teleport and paired it up with Hover. Teleport Foe is kind of crap, and Recall Friend isn't very useful to someone like me who doesn't team very often. That, and Teleport + Hover works surprisingly well, much better than just Teleport alone. However, if I want the T5 teleportation power, not only will I have to drop something for it, I will also have to drop something else for a prerequisite.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
As do I, but I've often taken Teleport and paired it up with Hover. Teleport Foe is kind of crap, and Recall Friend isn't very useful to someone like me who doesn't team very often. That, and Teleport + Hover works surprisingly well, much better than just Teleport alone. However, if I want the T5 teleportation power, not only will I have to drop something for it, I will also have to drop something else for a prerequisite.
Didn't think of that. Sad now for my teleporting characters

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Maybe in a few years when computer and broad band speeds are all 10x faster.

Until then, you have to deal with your computer's lag trying to draw that rapidly changing 3D environment, and in computer/server lag as they haggle with each other trying to figure out where you really are.

Both are bumping into mechanical limitations.
Draw speed isn't an issue for the majority of current PCs (assuming appropriate graphical detail settings), it's purely a server/client sync issue and that's partially down to the server-side netcode and partially down to client connection speed and latency.

It's certainly do-able given the right circumstances, but I have no idea about the specific limitations of the CoX backend.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Moo, when you talk about jump and run caps, are you factoring in powers like Swift, Hurdle and Sprint? I ask, because it seems to me that a single level 50 run speed Common in Super Speed plus one in Swift plus one in Spring ought to cap that. It did last I checked, but I could be wrong. Not sure about Super Jump, though.
I figured in swift when I was talking about how fly was capped from the get-go, but didn't really figure them when I was giving the original 'Capped with 3 SOs' figures. I was trying to give a baseline for how much enhancement it took, so I was repeating the Paragon Wiki chart.

But yeah, you can reach those caps fairly easy, especially with the few travel increases sprinkled around the set bonuses.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
I figured in swift when I was talking about how fly was capped from the get-go, but didn't really figure them when I was giving the original 'Capped with 3 SOs' figures. I was trying to give a baseline for how much enhancement it took, so I was repeating the Paragon Wiki chart.

But yeah, you can reach those caps fairly easy, especially with the few travel increases sprinkled around the set bonuses.
I think I can do some of the legwork on this one.

According to City of Data, Super Speed has a 3.5 run speed modifier, which comes up to 350%. Enhanced with a single level 50 Common run speed enhancement at 42.4% value itself, that comes up to 350*1.424 = 498.4%. Swift has a run speed modifier of 3.5, or 35% run speed buff. With a level 50 Common, that comes up to 49.84%. Together, two powers provide a 548.24%. Sprint has one 0.5 scale modifier and another one that's immune to enhancing. Together, they come up to 50% + 71.2% = 121.2%. Together with the rest, that's 669.44%.

Base run speed, as taken from the in-game combat attributes, is 14.32. Buffed, this comes up to 14.32*(1 + 6.6944) = 14.32*7.6944 ~ 110.18mph.

Now, I'm pretty sure I didn't make a mistake anywhere in my calculations, but it's possible I'm misreading some of the data. However, it seems to me that all things considered, you can cap your Super Speed with just a single run speed common in Super Speed, Sprint and Swift, only ever using just their default slots.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
Draw speed isn't an issue for the majority of current PCs (assuming appropriate graphical detail settings), it's purely a server/client sync issue and that's partially down to the server-side netcode and partially down to client connection speed and latency.

It's certainly do-able given the right circumstances, but I have no idea about the specific limitations of the CoX backend.
The limits are probably also an effort to cater to all types of machines, some of which may only have basic graphics cards and processors. Most gamers invest in the hardware in their computers because that is their hobby. But for someone who plays this game only a few hours a week (less than 5), they are probably running on simpler hardware that would have an issue with faster processing speed. Y'know, the people for whom Ultra Mode may as well be non-existent, haha.

As for the speed caps: meh. I am ecstatic that they are adding "Afterburner" to the flight pool. I would rather they focus on adding customization options to the travel pools than trying to find ways to increase travel speeds. While I would love to be able to fly at the same speed that my Super Speed-ers run, I have come to terms with the Devs' justification as to why those speeds are the way they are.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Perhaps, rather than doing away with the City Traveller reward we could persuade the Devs to make it apply to all tiers of the travel pools?

Or make it so that you qualified for the higher tier if you had two powers from the lower tier of ANY travel power pool? That would help the people that want Hover with Teleport.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Or make it so that you qualified for the higher tier if you had two powers from the lower tier of ANY travel power pool? That would help the people that want Hover with Teleport.
It would, and greatly. I'd still want to have to take SOMETHING from Teleportation to get Zone Teleport, though, and I wouldn't want to have Afterburner available with just Hover and Teleport. As such, I'd be in favour of City Traveller also enabling us to unlock the last Tier of a travel pool with JUST the travel power in that pool.

Actually, "zone teleport" is a pretty good representation of what I envisioned Teleport as being, conceptually speaking - you disappear from one place and appear in another. I have a homocidal alien spirit of destruction, actually, who has the ability to move between any two points in space instantly, and I mean ANY two points. This enables him to travel between planets quickly and manage multiple events simultaneously. Plus, let's face it - the short-range teleportation we have now just just... Goofy, if you're going for an actual teleporter.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'm frustrated by the new travel powers because while some are nice, they're not nice enough to tear my builds apart trying to fit in.

If I want Afterburner, I've got no power picks and nothing I would reasonably give up just for 12 more MPH added to flight, which is a little low when you think about it.

I would drop Hover because I only took it to get Fly, and I don't have to now. But I need Hover to get Afterburner.

It's not a fun conundrum, and I resent the devs a little for adding these powers the way they have, as opposed to putting them on a lower tier or making them as recipes to get with merits or Astrals or such. IMO, useless top tier powers that you didn't want was a better situation than slightly attractive top tiers that you can't take.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
It's not a fun conundrum, and I resent the devs a little for adding these powers the way they have, as opposed to putting them on a lower tier or making them as recipes to get with merits or Astrals or such. IMO, useless top tier powers that you didn't want was a better situation than slightly attractive top tiers that you can't take.
I know what you mean. I want Afterburner but Super Speed might be easier to add to my build and probably gets me there quicker.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Moo, when you talk about jump and run caps, are you factoring in powers like Swift, Hurdle and Sprint? I ask, because it seems to me that a single level 50 run speed Common in Super Speed plus one in Swift plus one in Spring ought to cap that. It did last I checked, but I could be wrong. Not sure about Super Jump, though.

Either way, the travel pool T5 powers seem like they'd be pretty dang cool. I doubt I'll ever have a build THAT tight as to be unable to snag at least one of these, and it really seems like an interesting concept, to be sure. I'm just concerned this might corrupt City Traveller, though, since I don't think I can snag a T4 or T5 travel pool power without taking two prerequisites, which City Traveller was supposed to alleviate.

City Traveler ought to allow 1 pool pick to open up the Tier V Powers, that would make sense.