You might be a CoH addict if...




...if you contenplate renaming your kids Sparcetriel, Trepsarciel, and Ractespriel.

...if you understood that last referrence without needing the Google it.



...if you send in an identical petition, after the first was rejected, hoping to get "the nice GM" this time.



...if you walk pass the produce aisle and can't stop thinking of the BAF trial.



...if, when you are watch any speech, you keep looking to the side and behind the speaker, expecting to see someone posing or doing a Michael Jackson dance.



...if you are at the annual manditory group sensitity training at work, and you are honestly wondered who the noob in the group is that's making all of you go through this cutscene again.



You might be a CoH addict if you watch your dog successfully navigate obstacles to do what you told it to do and you think "Wow my dog's AI has good pathing, I wish my CoH pets were that good."

...if the first thing you do when you wake up is log into CoH to see if anything sold.

...if the first thing you do when you wake up is post in this thread.

...if your main character has their own Facebook page. (Kragothe Valour is on FB)

...if the first place you are told Happy Birthday is in CoH or the CoH forums (Thanks Shadow Ravenwolf)

...when your best friend tells you that you are a better person in CoH than in real life.

"A true hero has the strength to stand against evil
without wavering where all others despair,
even if it means standing alone."
- Kragothe Valour



Originally Posted by Kragothe View Post
...if your main character has their own Facebook page. (Kragothe Valour is on FB)
Hehe...and in the theme of "You might be a Redneck if" where they occassionally add to an existing entry...

...if your main character has their own Facebook page and you, yourself, only have a MySpace account.



Originally Posted by Kragothe View Post
You might be a CoH addict if you watch your dog successfully navigate obstacles to do what you told it to do and you think "Wow my dog's AI has good pathing, I wish my CoH pets were that good."
Originally Posted by Kragothe View Post
...when your best friend tells you that you are a better person in CoH than in real life.
LOL nice.



Originally Posted by Azure Lightstar View Post
Hehe...and in the theme of "You might be a Redneck if" where they occassionally add to an existing entry...

...if your main character has their own Facebook page and you, yourself, only have a MySpace account.
I personally have no social accounts outside of Krag's FB account, which I keep rather active. Lol.

"A true hero has the strength to stand against evil
without wavering where all others despair,
even if it means standing alone."
- Kragothe Valour



You take a 3 hour nap in the middle of the afternoon so you can stay up til after midnight to earn the master badges for the Keyes trial!!!

Controllers and Defenders RULE!
Guardian is home.

Vixen defined by
Totally gorgeous and amazing human female. With the cutest smile and a sweet body. Loves partying and drinks a lot but is still incredibly smart. But be warned, may jump you unexpectedly.



... When reading texts, social sites, other forums, important work documents, you stare at said stuff wondering what the person meant by refering to CoH terminology.

... When you tell someone not to use an acronym or word short because it confuses their meaning because you use it in CoH.



... when doing a follow up post on the CoH forums for a TF or trial you hear the ending music to "Doogie Howser" in your head.

@Omega Shockwave
Server: Guardian
SG: The Omega Revolution
VG: none



...if the police list your last known address as Pocket D.



...if you get several viruses in an attempt to find websites that offer costume codes from conventions you never attended.



...if your mom activates a free CoH trial account, so that she can send you tells that dinner is ready.



...your dog will now only respond to your voice on Ventrilo.



...if A&E agrees to put you on the next episode for Intervention for your unhealthy MMO habit.



...if you spend more money upgrading your computer than you spend on the vehicle that takes you to work everyday, so that you won't crash on the next trial.

...if you list loading into a zone before anyone on your list of accomplishments.

...If your bucket list contains one or more references to MO badges.



...if your dartboard contains a picture of Reichsman, Recluse, or Fusionette. But especially Fusionette...grrrrr.



...if a stroll through the park refers to you patrolling Atlas.



...if you can rattle off the last five AV's you battled, but don't know the names of the last two presidents.

...if you can rattle off each zone in alphabetical order but don't know the names of the town surrounding you.

...if you have uncovered every inch of the game (including the sewers, abandoned sewers, and the Shadow Shard), but don't even know where your washer and dryer are in your apartment complex.



...if you have a Pavlovian drooling response at the mere mention of Double XP weekend.


Posted are in your local bank, and it doesn't feel right, because the customers are not running around scared and confused.



Originally Posted by Mortimer_NA View Post
You might be a CoH addict if you are driving to work and notice every plaque placed around town.

*Bonus Addict points if you pull over and press your hand to them while reading them*
When I would walk to work, I would pass through the local park and there were plaques up all over, and markers on the ground as well.

I always thought to myself to touch the plaques and step on the ground markers as exploration badges.

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
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...a family trip the see the Ringling Brothers' carnival triggers a quick stop at a hardware store for temporary weapons.