Why are Thermal shields aggro-magnets?

Adeon Hawkwood



For the caster?

My husband and I have both experienced this. At first, we thought it was just a fluke - my petless Demon/Thermal MM plays in a trio with my husband and our friend, a Stalker and a Blaster. Without fail, any ambushes target me, and anything that has insufficient damage done to it by either of the other characters aggs right to me. Aggravating, but since I chose not to take pets to take the brunt of the aggro, I kinda wrote off the fact that yeah, I die a lot on that character right now (she's 22, no IOs, etc)

My husband just started playing his Fire/Thermal Corruptor with the buddy and I on random duos. Tonight it was my Emp defender and a tri-form PB who was often in tank form. Again, without fail, ambushes targetted the Thermal, loose aggro went right to him, and the PB had to taunt a lot to keep him alive. This made One Good Spider not a lot of fun.

After the buddy logged, I got my Kin/Will scrapper (no taunt, but RTTC usually does a good job of gathering up aggro) and we did One Good Spider again because the scrapper needed her Hero Merit and the hubby needed the xp. Again, without fail, he got all the aggro from ambushes - to the point I was literally running around the map HURTING the mobs and they would continue to chase him. At one point, my fire shields wore off - and THEN the mobs suddenly noticed me.

Has anyone else noticed that Thermal seems to be Wi Flagged?



Murphy's Law of Combat: Your enemy will always attack where you're weakest.

More seriously I haven't noticed any specific tendency for ambushes to go for squishy characters over melee characters.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Murphy's Law of Combat: Your enemy will always attack where you're weakest.

More seriously I haven't noticed any specific tendency for ambushes to go for squishy characters over melee characters.
It's not squishy characters over melee characters. I can't help but feel like you didn't actually read the OP.

In the first example, it's a MM, Blaster and a Stalker. The MM is not squishier than the others.

In the second, it's a Corruptor, an Emp Defender, and a PB. Depending on what form the PB was in, the Corruptor was not the squishiest character, the Defender was (because I can't Fort myself, dangit.)

Only in the last example was it true that the Thermal was the squishiest character.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
It's not squishy characters over melee characters. I can't help but feel like you didn't actually read the OP.
I did, I was making a generic comment.

In the first example, it's a MM, Blaster and a Stalker. The MM is not squishier than the others.
PETLESS MM, therefore quite a bit squishier than the others. Also, I'll note that even with pets a Demons/Thermal is quite squishy in situations where he personally draws aggro, when I solo on mine, ambushes are my bane.

In the second, it's a Corruptor, an Emp Defender, and a PB. Depending on what form the PB was in, the Corruptor was not the squishiest character, the Defender was (because I can't Fort myself, dangit.)
And the Emp had thermal shields. Ignoring external buffs (which both characters had) Corruptors and Defenders are about the same level of squishiness.

Honestly, I think it's one of two things either confirmation bias or alternatively you're moving onto another group before the ambush arrives causing them to target the thermal character since the other characters are at the aggro cap.

I've teamed a lot and never seen any consistent targeting of ambushes.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Has anyone else noticed that Thermal seems to be Wi Flagged?

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I have a Demon/Therm MM that actually has the Presence pool. I designed him speficially to play different from my Bots/Dark whose solo strategy is to TP team into the middle of groups and let the pets go while I DeBuff/keep healed- or in teams to DeBuff and aggro with pets. I wanted to take full advantage of the Follow>Defensive Protocals on pets and get all the aggro while my pets tore things up. My Bots/Dark is 50, while the Dem/Therm is in the 20's currently.

Converse to your information, he doesn't hold aggro well against a Brute with or without taunt (though it's always had a damage aura) which means unless I flag the pets to attack a target, they don't do much (Defensive pets tend to only attack targets that attack you or them). This won't be a problem as a lot of things have AoE's later but...

It's kinda frustrating, as I built him to start with a Taunt to get the pets going while they attacked me, and keep them healed while I took a minimal ammount of damage (Yes I plan to get the Fighting Pool and other damage mitigating powers as part of the build). This works okay when soloing but converse to your data I have a hard time keeping aggro even with the Pool Taunt in teams; particulary those with something that either can Taunt or has an aggro aura. Your Wi flag could actualy explain that, assuming I had a low initial rating, so I don't know if this can help confirm or refute your collected data.

If there's any GM's or Dev's looking into this, my character's Hellion Hound on Champion Server if that makes any difference. I hope it helps!

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Honestly, I think it's one of two things either confirmation bias or alternatively you're moving onto another group before the ambush arrives causing them to target the thermal character since the other characters are at the aggro cap.

I've teamed a lot and never seen any consistent targeting of ambushes.
The most consistent of ambush targeting I've seen (anecdotally of course) is the one who's closest to the inital ambush. A bane to my stalkers, and ranged folks if they come in from behind- They're more inclined to attack the first target they run across over any other. That incudes Stalkers hanging back for an opportunity (since ambushes apparently ignore Hide, Stealth or anything else) or waiting for hide to kick back in.

From what I can tell, it's a matter of convenience over pattern. Attacking my Corrupter or Dom from behind, I can understand. Ignoring my MM's pets to attack my MM, I can almost forgive. I just really hate that they completely ignore Hide on Stalkers or stealth power in general on any characters.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
The most consistent of ambush targeting I've seen (anecdotally of course) is the one who's closest to the inital ambush. A bane to my stalkers, and ranged folks if they come in from behind- They're more inclined to attack the first target they run across over any other. That incudes Stalkers hanging back for an opportunity (since ambushes apparently ignore Hide, Stealth or anything else) or waiting for hide to kick back in.
Yeah, gotta hate ambushes on Stalkers in general. You're supposed to be the ambusher, not the ambushee. :|

As the third person in the group from the OP, and someone who's pretty open to writing things off to confirmation bias, things did seem a bit wonky. I spent most of the "Save Black Panther 952!" mission in Dwarf Form, and for several ambush waves we'd literally have the Therm Corr stand two rooms behind us, so there were two people and Frostfire in between him and a given wave. Several times they blew right past all three of us and anything that wasn't being attacked or that I didn't manage to snag with Taunt made a beeline two rooms away for the Corr.

Might just be that shield buffs and the like generate noticeable aggro now - I've played on and off since launch and I never really noticed that before, but I don't tend to play buff ATs - but either way, it was a bit exasperating.



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
The most consistent of ambush targeting I've seen (anecdotally of course) is the one who's closest to the inital ambush. A bane to my stalkers, and ranged folks if they come in from behind- They're more inclined to attack the first target they run across over any other. That incudes Stalkers hanging back for an opportunity (since ambushes apparently ignore Hide, Stealth or anything else) or waiting for hide to kick back in.
There are two types of ambushes: player-targeted, and location-targeted. Player-targeted ambushes will aggro on the player who triggered the ambush, will chase that player from anywhere on the map, will follow them through elevators, and ignore Hide (and other forms of stealth). Location-targeted ambushes will run towards the location where the ambush was triggered and will attack anyone they see. Stealth works just fine against location ambushes, as does simply staying out of the way.



Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
There are two types of ambushes: player-targeted, and location-targeted. Player-targeted ambushes will aggro on the player who triggered the ambush, will chase that player from anywhere on the map, will follow them through elevators, and ignore Hide (and other forms of stealth). Location-targeted ambushes will run towards the location where the ambush was triggered and will attack anyone they see. Stealth works just fine against location ambushes, as does simply staying out of the way.
There's a third type. Ambushes that divide themselves among the team and attack. This is why occasionally Door Sitting characters get attacked, or in a Katie Hannon TF people in the back row not doing anything get an equal share of the aggro.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



If I read the OP correctly, you are arguing that thermal shields draw aggro to the shielded character, not the Thermal. I have played a Thermal mastermind on and off since Going Rogue released, and I have not noticed what you're describing. He and his teammates seem to get attacked no more or less than any other character. His pets, which are almost always shielded, don't get targeted by ambushes or otherwise draw aggro in an unusual way, either.

I've also teamed with a (petless) demon/thermal mastermind while playing my stalker, and there, I had some trouble keeping the thermal alive, due to stalkers' tendency to shed aggro even when firing off AoE's frequently, as well as the frequent DoT and debuffs of her whip attacks. Damage over time and (especially) debuffs seem to do odd things to enemy AI, causing them to run in and out of melee, run across the map, change targets to the debuffer, etc.

In a mechanical sense, I'm not sure the system allows for a character to build aggro based on what buffs it is carrying. All existing forms of aggro I can think of are based on a particular target's actions (normally, some form of attack). The closest thing I can think of is the (unused) "heal aggro" setting, but that would cause enemies to attack the healer, not the healee.

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Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
If I read the OP correctly, you are arguing that thermal shields draw aggro to the shielded character, not the Thermal.
I'm pretty sure she's saying the exact opposite. That in her experiences, the agro is being drawn to the thermal character itself as long as another character is shielded.

One of her examples earlier she said that as a scrapper with thermal shields even after attacking the mobs they would still agro to the Thermal, but after her shields wore off she was finally able to hold agro off the other player.

As to the OP, No. I have never noticed this behavior on any Thermal character I've ever made.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



I'm not completely sure if I've understood your post correctly - because you first say "for the caster" then you say you swapped toons and the phenomenon still occurred.

But my 2nd fave char is an Earth/Thermal and I've never experienced this - either undue aggro on myself having cast shields, nor have I noticed (or ever had complaints) that those I shield get more aggro.

I'm not able to find the exact detail myself but I believe that MM's draw twice as much attention as all other ATs, so maybe that's a factor

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I noticed this recently too. On my ss/fa brute and teaming with a friend who wanted to try a /therm I had to chase after the spawns a couple of times to get some aggro. I put it down to the x8 diff but I will do some experimenting tonight.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
I'm not completely sure if I've understood your post correctly - because you first say "for the caster" then you say you swapped toons and the phenomenon still occurred.

But my 2nd fave char is an Earth/Thermal and I've never experienced this - either undue aggro on myself having cast shields, nor have I noticed (or ever had complaints) that those I shield get more aggro.

I'm not able to find the exact detail myself but I believe that MM's draw twice as much attention as all other ATs, so maybe that's a factor
There was a thermal present for all three scenarios, it was just a different thermal for the first one vs the latter two. By "caster" she means "whichever thermal was with us and providing buffs at the time."

As for the /Thermal Mastermind:
MMs were designed as the "Tank" archetype for Redside, so they may have a higher threat modifier/multiplier/doohickey, I just don't recall what it is atm.

Having a team of MM, Stalker and Blaster it seems a safe bet that the Mastermind has the highest threat mod of the group, which is why it seems to be pulling ago, though why this would seem to end if thermal buffs were allowed to wear off is beyond me, given that heals and buffs aren't coded to generate any agro at all.

In the other situations, that entire reasoning wouldn't apply though, since it was a Thermal Corruptor.

OP, if this is an occurrence you can reliably reproduce or occurs regularly (where it can't simply be an issue of perception), definitely /bug report it. If not, it could just be a collection of unfortunate incidents summed up as "well that sucks."

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Heals and buffs aren't coded to generate aggro, but there is an AI script that will attack a healer/buffer preferentially.



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
The most consistent of ambush targeting I've seen (anecdotally of course) is the one who's closest to the inital ambush. A bane to my stalkers, and ranged folks if they come in from behind- They're more inclined to attack the first target they run across over any other. That incudes Stalkers hanging back for an opportunity (since ambushes apparently ignore Hide, Stealth or anything else) or waiting for hide to kick back in.

From what I can tell, it's a matter of convenience over pattern. Attacking my Corrupter or Dom from behind, I can understand. Ignoring my MM's pets to attack my MM, I can almost forgive. I just really hate that they completely ignore Hide on Stalkers or stealth power in general on any characters.
Yeah, I'm aware of that. When we did Save Black Panther with all the Malta Ambushes, we positioned the Thermal in the middle (because he was the consistent target) and put my defender in the back doorway and the PB/tank in the front doorway. It didn't matter - ambushes consistently ran over and ignored us to get to him.

I wouldn't have been saying this if it was just a one-off thing. When it was just my MM, I shrugged. But having played with my husband's thermal on a couple different occasions and noticing it on him too, this consistently, led me to post. It really seems like thermal shields are, at least in some cases, drawing aggro to the caster.

And it wasn't *just* ambushes. Any loose aggro in a pull went right for him/me, in both cases.

Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
There was a thermal present for all three scenarios, it was just a different thermal for the first one vs the latter two. By "caster" she means "whichever thermal was with us and providing buffs at the time."

As for the /Thermal Mastermind:
MMs were designed as the "Tank" archetype for Redside, so they may have a higher threat modifier/multiplier/doohickey, I just don't recall what it is atm.

Having a team of MM, Stalker and Blaster it seems a safe bet that the Mastermind has the highest threat mod of the group, which is why it seems to be pulling ago, though why this would seem to end if thermal buffs were allowed to wear off is beyond me, given that heals and buffs aren't coded to generate any agro at all.

In the other situations, that entire reasoning wouldn't apply though, since it was a Thermal Corruptor.

OP, if this is an occurrence you can reliably reproduce or occurs regularly (where it can't simply be an issue of perception), definitely /bug report it. If not, it could just be a collection of unfortunate incidents summed up as "well that sucks."
Yeah, looks like we'll have to do that! I just wondered if anyone else was seeing this behavior.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
my petless Demon/Thermal MM plays in a trio with my husband and our friend, a Stalker and a Blaster. Without fail, any ambushes target me...
It's your whip, Feycat. It scares the hell out of the mobs.



Originally Posted by indiramourning View Post
it's your whip, feycat. It scares the hell out of the mobs.




I think each AT is assigned a "threat" level. Tanker, Brutes, MM, I guessing each have a higher threat value.
I'm not at my gaming rig, so I can't provide a screen shot, but if you enable Combat Attributes in game, I believe the value can be found near stealth.



Why are Thermal shields aggro-magnets?
They're not. There is an AI option for critters to be aggro'd by healing and buffing, but it is not in use.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Ok I have noticed in AE while duo-ing that occasionally all the members of a spawn will stack on the rear person instead of splitting equally. It could be related to the out-of-zone issue.



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
given that heals and buffs aren't coded to generate any agro at all.
Hmm... Something may be a bit screwy with that.

BAFing last night, my Sonic defender managed to pull Siege's attention away from two tanks and a couple of brutes just by casting her shields on the melee people. (I was behind him at the time. He actually turned away from FCM's brute and the tank who was taunting him to directly attack Keph. It wasn't one of his AoEs that got her.)

He also seemed to still have that aggro after I hit the hospital and returned. He killed Keph again as soon as I got in range... I didn't even have time to buff or attack... Just *land* - *turn* - SMACK! - *dead again*.

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Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
For the caster?

At first, we thought it was just a fluke - my petless Demon/Thermal MM plays in a trio with my husband and our friend, a Stalker and a Blaster.

I'm not sure if this sentence is pure awesome or pure awful. You either are sadistic or highly accepting. Or sadistically accepting.



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
Hmm... Something may be a bit screwy with that.

BAFing last night, my Sonic defender managed to pull Siege's attention away from two tanks and a couple of brutes just by casting her shields on the melee people. (I was behind him at the time. He actually turned away from FCM's brute and the tank who was taunting him to directly attack Keph. It wasn't one of his AoEs that got her.)

He also seemed to still have that aggro after I hit the hospital and returned. He killed Keph again as soon as I got in range... I didn't even have time to buff or attack... Just *land* - *turn* - SMACK! - *dead again*.
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
They're not. There is an AI option for critters to be aggro'd by healing and buffing, but it is not in use.
Again. We've been told by the devs that it's not in use.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.