Why are Thermal shields aggro-magnets?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Again. We've been told by the devs that it's not in use.
Try telling Siege that.

All I know is he instantly went from looking at the tank and brutes to specificly flattening my defender, and the one and only thing I did was shielding the melee people.

I didn't attack him
I wasn't the closest person to him.
He was actively being Taunted.
The only toggles I had up were my area shield and Leadership powers.
He wasn't even facing me prior to casting the shields.

So, you tell me... What did I do to catch aggro?

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



I've been playing a couple of thermal characters recently (Mastermind and Corruptor), and I've not noticed anything different about their aggro, ambushes or otherwise. The Corruptor only really gets aggro when I over-AoE (Rad primary, so lots of AoE to throw out there), while the Mastermind only gets aggro when I hit Provoke (otherwise I can happily sit with pets on aggressive while I buff and heal the team with almost nothing choosing to attack me, even with the occasional Crack Whip and Fireball). That's on full teams, and earlier today a team of four.

Originally Posted by Bright View Post
Try telling Siege that.

All I know is he instantly went from looking at the tank and brutes to specificly flattening my defender, and the one and only thing I did was shielding the melee people.
My understanding of how Taunt works is that if they were doing pretty much *any* damage at all, you wouldn't have been able to out-aggro them - even if buffs generated aggro - due to the extent to which Taunt modifies aggro values. Just being in the team that's fighting the spawn makes you a valid target, even if you did nothing, but it shouldn't be able to override taunt+damage. So if you were attacked, it seems that it is either a) a bug, b) you misinterpreted some aspect of the situation, or c) there's something else at work, perhaps something specific about Siege e.g. he's coded to switch targets randomly sometimes, or resist taunt, or somesuch. I've never attracted his attention on my own shielding characters - and that includes a Mastermind who spent a few trials buffing the entire league, before the shields went aoe (and whom I've taken on leagues since they did go AoE, again without AV aggro of any kind).

(for whatever it's worth, I'm personally convinced that Longbow Nullifiers will switch targets to a squishy specifically to use Beanbag, regardless of aggro/taunt, before going back to whoever should have their attention for the rest of their attacks)



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
I'm not sure if this sentence is pure awesome or pure awful. You either are sadistic or highly accepting. Or sadistically accepting.
None of the above! I love the demon attack set and loathe the demons.



Only thing I can think of is that it's not the shields, but the debuffs - at least if that thermal corr is over 35.

Monitor your threat and see what happens, perhaps? (Combat attributes monitor - see guides below.)



Its possibly what Bill is hinting at. If the shield are granting a decreased agro number, possibly because mobs would rather go after someone who isn't visibly shielded, and since the bubbler can't buff him/herself, then it stands to reason that the agro will fall to the caster.

If the decrease hits a floor and more bubbles won't drop it more, then 2 bubblers in a team with other chars will both have the floored agro magnet chance as the others in the team and all will feel the same.

Or, perhaps it is just thermal that grants the negative agro bonus (if it exists) and other types of bubbling do not.

Or perhaps the thermal powerset has a low Wi number in comparison to some of the other sets in play at the time.

I think there is still a number of variables that need to be excluded before making a conclusion as to why this phenomenom is occuring.
