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  1. How do you get a picture of an AI? Virtual composite male/female? Pic of a mainframe computer? Since we all know that Arcanaville is an unchained AI and not a fleshy. And, oddly enough, one who has caught the ire of Mod9. Giving away too many secrets Arcana?

  2. I'm kinda sad to say, but the only one I may be addicted to is /Devices from blaster secondary. Yes, yes I know that it is severely underpowered, but since the rest of the blaster secondaries are so melee oriented, I just can't bring myself to take them. I just don't feel that melee is the place for guys that use range to the enemy as a defense. Likely a failing on my part, but thats how I feel. That and I like the stealth and targeting drone I get from the set A LOT. And, hey maybe they'll buff the set someday soon (tm) and I will feel vindicated . . . yeah some day soon . . . yeah . . . <sigh>

  3. Its possibly what Bill is hinting at. If the shield are granting a decreased agro number, possibly because mobs would rather go after someone who isn't visibly shielded, and since the bubbler can't buff him/herself, then it stands to reason that the agro will fall to the caster.

    If the decrease hits a floor and more bubbles won't drop it more, then 2 bubblers in a team with other chars will both have the floored agro magnet chance as the others in the team and all will feel the same.

    Or, perhaps it is just thermal that grants the negative agro bonus (if it exists) and other types of bubbling do not.

    Or perhaps the thermal powerset has a low Wi number in comparison to some of the other sets in play at the time.

    I think there is still a number of variables that need to be excluded before making a conclusion as to why this phenomenom is occuring.

  4. If I remember correctly, on the redside, you would sometimes get the mission completion reward after you exit the mission. I think that the cape mission is one of those missions.

  5. When you are mapserved, the game will sometimes "reset" to a time a few minutes not just seconds before you get the mapserved notification. I have noticed this on quite a few occasions, but it usually doesn't have such dire consequences. In this case I think it did.

  6. Updated truth:

    You can please most of the people some of the time and you can please some of the people most of the time, but you cannot please most of the people most of the time.

  7. There is a third option for redside. Simply make your way to Grandville and purchase your shiney new Arachnos issued jetpack from the vendor under the statue of our glorious leader for 10,000 inf.

  8. The only case to be made for not supressing all powers in WW/BM is the accolade power "summon portable worktable" that a few toons have (including one of mine). I suppose an immunity could be given to it and allow it to be used even in the supression zone, but that seems to be a bit extreme.
