So with the new lore pets...

Arbiter Hawk



Role Playing lolz
Right, which is sort of my issue. I get that, and for the most part, it's fine. If someone wants to color their ice shields red and role play that they're using SPIRIT RUBIES or whatever, more power to them. If the natural martial artist wants to (and should, because wow) ignore the name of the SO enhancements they use, okay. Those bits have always been sort of fiddly to begin with, and aren't really attached to active elements of the game. One person's cryokinetic is another's ice demon is another's blah blah blah.

But the Incarnate content is part of the setting and story. I also get that there are role players who hate it, but honestly I don't really empathize. City is a living breathing world of its own, that you are playing in. Asking them to change the Lore pets so you can pretend they aren't what they are is like asking them to remove specific mention of city names in NPC text so you can pretend you're running around Metropolis, because you don't like the setting the game provides so want to RP something different.

When you're getting a Lore pet, what you're getting is the in-game ability to do X, within the specific setting and theme elements of the Incarnate story being told by the writers and developers. You're not calling in reinforcements, you're not calling in favors. If you want to ignore the actual story being told which those powers are a part of, go you, but asking the developers to strip the specific rewards of that story of the thematic elements of that story to facilitate your RP is just... bleh. I don't get that mindset.

It'd be like asking for the ability to rename temp powers because you want the benefits of the Wedding Band, but your character has a major phobia about rings. At some point your role play has to actually connect with and allow for the specific elements of the setting you're playing in, and if you can't do that, I don't really see why the developers should cater to you.



Originally Posted by Protonic_Flux View Post
This! And Ice. Why not some sort of frost pets too. I wouldnt even mind the snowmen if they had frost powers. Something that at least matches for my Ice/ice/ice blaster
Polar lights? Might be you closest bet.



Originally Posted by Barbie_Ink View Post
But the Incarnate content is part of the setting and story. I also get that there are role players who hate it, but honestly I don't really empathize. City is a living breathing world of its own, that you are playing in. Asking them to change the Lore pets so you can pretend they aren't what they are is like asking them to remove specific mention of city names in NPC text so you can pretend you're running around Metropolis, because you don't like the setting the game provides so want to RP something different.
It's nothing of the sort, actually. Some of us are still rather miffed about having the Well retroactively shafted onto EVERYTHING in the City Of lore. So I think it's understandable and perfectly reasonable, actually, to have alternate options for things like the lore pets.

I mean, I'm not asking for the Warworks to actually look like unique cyber-megadeath robots that don't exist anywhere else in game. I'm only asking that the silly wispy aura be removed from them, so that they look solid. My Robotics Mastermind doesn't mess around with mystical BS stuff; he'd either steal a pair of Praetorian robots and upgrade them, or build his own. Telling him 'he can't do that because the Well says so' is so much rail-roading guff as to be unstomachable, frankly.

When you're getting a Lore pet, what you're getting is the in-game ability to do X, within the specific setting and theme elements of the Incarnate story being told by the writers and developers. You're not calling in reinforcements, you're not calling in favors. If you want to ignore the actual story being told which those powers are a part of, go you, but asking the developers to strip the specific rewards of that story of the thematic elements of that story to facilitate your RP is just... bleh. I don't get that mindset.
So? You don't get it, fine. But telling other people they specifically SHOULDN'T do something is bad form. Again, NO ONE is asking for rewards to be stripped. Those of us asking are merely asking for a 'no aura' version of Lore Pets. I do not see any way how that can be twisted into an 'unreasonable' request.

It'd be like asking for the ability to rename temp powers because you want the benefits of the Wedding Band, but your character has a major phobia about rings. At some point your role play has to actually connect with and allow for the specific elements of the setting you're playing in, and if you can't do that, I don't really see why the developers should cater to you.
Thats...not an accurate example at all, actually. For one, Temp powers are just that. They are not the much touted end-game system which has had a lot of time and effort put into it, nor are they something players have to put quite an amount of effort into acquiring. Also, the Incarnate powers are ALREADY customisable, as seen in the Judgement powers. Why, then, is it so unrealistic to ask for a 'no aura' option for Lore pets?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
To be fair you're using the well's power to do so.
Originally Posted by Arkyaeon View Post
Yes I think you are missing the point of the whole "Lore" thing with the Well.
No, no I really am not.

I can kind of sort of deal with the 'Source of all Powers in the City Of Universe' part of the Well/Furies/W/e you call it. But telling me the powers of my robotics and technology based MM HAVE to come from there? I'm sorry, take a hike.

Alpha builds things. He does not 'summon essences' or 'call on the Well' or any of that. As I said, he would either steal the robots and improve them, or simply build them himself. Telling me 'Your character cannot do that, and has to break character to access these powers' is railroading and going too far, and thus I refuse to accept that.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
No, no I really am not.

I can kind of sort of deal with the 'Source of all Powers in the City Of Universe' part of the Well/Furies/W/e you call it. But telling me the powers of my robotics and technology based MM HAVE to come from there? I'm sorry, take a hike.

Alpha builds things. He does not 'summon essences' or 'call on the Well' or any of that. As I said, he would either steal the robots and improve them, or simply build them himself. Telling me 'Your character cannot do that, and has to break character to access these powers' is railroading and going too far, and thus I refuse to accept that.
I'll drink to that.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Im prolly gonna spell this wrong.

On my Mind/Psi dom I want to go for the Rulaaru. Shes in a constant sleep/dream state so I thought they were nightmarish enough to be psionic manifestations of her nightmares.



That works. I have a Jack O' Lantern toon and the closest thing theme wise for him is the Rularuu. I still want to go Cimeroran though...just b/c who didn't get owned by these guys in one or two hits before?



I would like the Phantom Lore pets to look more like COT ghosts in stead of regular white avatars.

Rene Descartes orders a glass of wine and drinks it. The bartender says, "Would you like another?" Descartes replies, "I think not." And he disappears.



Originally Posted by Carnada View Post
I would like the Phantom Lore pets to look more like COT ghosts in stead of regular white avatars.
Thread necromancy!

But hell, personally I would just want Circle of Thorns pets period.

maybe some PPD lore pets

And to top it off, Tsoo lore pets.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Thread necromancy!

But hell, personally I would just want Circle of Thorns pets period.

maybe some PPD lore pets

And to top it off, Tsoo lore pets.
Since we have thread resurrection...Cabal, please ( ' ;




Originally Posted by Carnada View Post
I would like the Phantom Lore pets to look more like COT ghosts in stead of regular white avatars.
CoT ghosts wouldn't fit with their powers, which are fire and ice blasts and Empathy heals. A separate tree for actual ghosts CoT-style, rather than Phantom Army ghosts, would be cool though.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
CoT ghosts wouldn't fit with their powers, which are fire and ice blasts and Empathy heals. A separate tree for actual ghosts CoT-style, rather than Phantom Army ghosts, would be cool though.
And pirate ghosts. And the Croatoa ghosts, are they more or less the same ghosts that show up with the ghost ship?



I would love to see Circle of Thorns Behemoths and Behemoth Overlords added as Lore Pets.



I would like to see the following added for lore.

CoT Behemoth Overlord

CoT Hellfrost

Fir Bolg Streng

Winter Horde Snow Beast

Council Eclipse Warwolf



Originally Posted by Barbie_Ink View Post
Asking them to change the Lore pets so you can pretend they aren't what they are is like asking them to remove specific mention of city names in NPC text so you can pretend you're running around Metropolis, because you don't like the setting the game provides so want to RP something different.
Actually its a world away from that. We have been asked and encouraged to create our own unique characters with a host of different origins. Now the Devs have added a final (?) character progression that forces a very specific mythology, whether it fits our characters or not.

A better simile would be to compare it to l33t armour. Imagine if all purple recipes required you to wear ascension armour? Its not in the spirit of the game.

I am all for the Devs developing their storyline and their mythology. I even think its quite good. I just don't want to force my characters to go down the same path. And really, would it be that much work to make a solid option?

Originally Posted by Barbie_Ink View Post
I don't really see why the developers should cater to you.
But clearly the developers do, because they have created alternate SFX for most powers. They just need to work on Lore.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



So, on the topic of Lore "essences" and the ghostly aura they have: when the Lore slot was in Beta, it originally only had the 4 Praetorian trees, but without the aura or the word "essence" in their names when summoned. At the time, I and others thought that this would be it for the tree, that these would be the only options that would ever be in the Lore tree (after all, there was very little precedent to getting new powers in a powerset).

I made a big post about it, and made two points. The first, and the most important to me, was that it would fit very few concepts to have the ability to summon Praetorian Loyalist troops. The second was that it made no sense within the lore whatsoever for Incarnates to summon troops from one specific faction in one specific dimension that, for most of the playerbase, wasn't their home dimension. Compounding that, it happened to be our enemies. There was no precedent for any Incarnate in the game summoning Praetorian Loyalist troops, not even Tyrant (though it would obviously make sense if he could). The only Incarnate with summoning powers is Lord Recluse, and he summons Arachnos troops, not Praetorian Loyalists. I then pointed out the irony of the slot being named "Lore" when looked at from this perspective.

So, I gave two suggestions. The first suggestion was to change the name of the slot to Leadership, and allow us to create a sidekick/lackey-- the idea being that as an Incarnate, you are so influential that someone significant. Ideally it would use the character creator for the costume, but for balance's sake, they'd give us set options for powers. I gave examples of character types that I considered to be iconic for the genre (SS/Inv, MA/SR, Energy/Force Field, etc.). So, you'd pick a character type, and customize the costume, and have your own sidekick. This was the ideal option, in my mind, however, I knew there were technical limitations for customizing with Mastermind pets, so I suggested as an alternative version, allowing you to pick from some of the established characters in the game as a sidekick/lackey (like Flambeaux, Hollow Point, but good lord, not Fusionette). This obviously would be less ideal, as people would have multiple Flambeauxs running around.

I considered the Leadership idea to be the best because it has nothing to do with your concept, aside from the idea that you are looked up to by another person.

The second suggestion, if the first wasn't possible, was to have a sort of primal forces mastery slot, that gave somewhat generic elemental pets like Fire/Ice/Earth/Electricity elementals. This would fit less concepts than the Leadership idea, but more than having Praetorians follow them all over the place.

There was discussion over the idea, and a suggestion that came up from another poster (I know who it was, but I don't want to out them as the originator of the idea given the hostility to it in this thread, but I bet they'll just speak up anyway if they see it) was to give the Praetorian pets the ghostly aura, and say that they were essences summoned from the well, like the ones in the Ramiel arc. I said that would be better than nothing, as it resolved the second complaint, but I really wanted something that would fit more concepts.

We got the aura.

Then one issue later we got tons of Lore pets that rendered the whole argument pretty pointless (though if we hadn't had it, we may not have gotten those pets, or at least not as quickly, as they told us that our objections to the Praetorians led to the additional options being added to that issue), and we still had the essence thing that imposed the Well concept on us even though the non-Praetorian pets made that unnecessary.

So, at the time, the essence concept seemed like a resource-efficient idea for resolving one of the issues with the Lore slot, but now that the first issue was resolved through the extra options, the essence aura actually conflicts with concept flexibility since it forces the concept of the Well on your character's powers. So, yeah, I'd really like to see the aura and the name suffix at least be optional. Hopefully the developers will find a way to do that for us.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm at least partially to blame for that, and that they did it because we asked them to in Beta. I'm sorry that it resulted in people being somewhat unhappy with the end result (myself included), but the developers did listen to us, even if the result wasn't ideal in the end.

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Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)