Powerset Proliferation 3.0




Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
Gun and Sword assault set, a la Sparkblade?
And then Sparkblade is added to the game as an Elec/G&S Dominator and we get epic content exploring WISDOM?

This update is looking delicious. Titan/Regen Brute, Dark/Fire Defender, Axe/WP Scrapper, Dark/Dark Blaster..


Devs, I want another page of character slots to buy.


Originally Posted by UberRod View Post
Which is why I can't understand why they didn't give Scrappers Super Strength. That would be just a straight port over, no new animations needed.
Knockout Blow on Scrapper multipliers + Rage x2 + crit. There are.. Quite a few balance issues at hand before the love can be spread, or so I've heard/read.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Originally Posted by Stryph View Post
As delightful as that would be to create custom frameworks, it's the balance of tying it all together that makes it a problem. With sets like Claws, Spines, and KM - we can have ranged attacks in a melee based archtype. But I'd figure trying to nail the animation down right is the key problem here.
A pistol Epic really doesn't need any new animations, I don't think. Even if all powers in it were pistol-related, you can still draw on five existing ones from Dual Pistols. Or, if you're going for a single pistol, you should still be able to use that one two-handed shot that most NPCs use, as well as some of the one-handed dual pistol animations, such as Pistols and Executioner's Shot. Rebalanced, of course.

When it comes to melee AT Epics, there are three things I want: Pistols, Rifle and Bow sets.


Speaking of redraw, this exists between Archery and Munitions Mastery, and has existed since... I2? I3? I'd be more than willing to deal with the redraw aspect of a Katana/SR/Pistols Scrapper combo if it meant I could make such a character. Then once that's possible, we can resume bugging the Art Team to finish BABs' work in removing redraw.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by UberRod View Post
Which is why I can't understand why they didn't give Scrappers Super Strength. That would be just a straight port over, no new animations needed.
Because they are already getting 2 new primaries and a new secondary?

Do you really want to hear the complaining if scrappers get Energy Melee, Super Strength, Battle Axe, War Mace, and Energy Aura while other ATs get 1 or 2 new sets at most? There are more things possible to port to scrappers than would possibly be fair in one round of proliferation.

As it is, Scrappers and Brutes are getting more things ported to them than anyone else is. Giving them even MORE stuff while in some cases there aren't even any more options to give other ATs just wouldn't be fair.

Dark Blast/Dark Manipulation is pretty much the ONLY possible proliferation to blasters left at this point. Anything else they get will have to be a new set.

I also suspect that Super Strength for scrappers isn't just going to be a direct port. If I were the devs, I would definitely be concerned that double-stacked rage and the ability to crit with a scrapper's damage modifier would end up being too powerful. It is possible to have full time double stacked Rage, if scrapper values compared to tanks and brutes were carried over (as far as Build Up is concerned) that would be a permanent 200% damage boost that a SS scrapper could acquire. With scrapper's already high damage modifier that could (and probably would) end up being pretty overpowered.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Bonus Powerset: Dance Control.

Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post

Disco Control

Level 1- Panel Freeze
Ranged, Moderate DMG (Energy), Immobilize
You’ve summoned a single panel from a disco grid to lock down an enemies movement.

Level 1- Boogie
Ranged, Moderate DMG (Energy), Hold
None but the strongest enemy can resist dancing when you start playing that music.

Level 2- Gridlock
Targeted AoE, Moderate DMG (Energy), Immobilize
You’ve frozen a group of enemies on the disco grid. But they’re not dancing!

Level 6- Record Toss
Ranged, High DMG (Smashing), chance for knockback
Like any prepared party animal, you can quickly fling a record at the nearest enemy. Be warned, this may kill their mood to party!

Level 8- Got the Fever
Toggle PBAoE, Minor DMG (Energy), Chance for confuse
The constant strobe lights around you stab at others eyes, and can confuse them into attacking anyone near them in an effort to stop the noise.

Level 12- Rock the Boat
Location AoE, Knockdown
You summon a grid on the ground that tends to surprise enemies passing over it. And by surprise, I mean knock them down.

Level 18- Boogie Fever
PBAoE, Hold
The combination of lights and sounds force all surrounding enemies into a dancing fever they just can’t resist.

Level 26- Time Warp
Targeted AoE, Stun
Enemies are so bewildered by your continued fascination with Disco despite it’s death, they don’t know whether to be impressed or disgusted. It takes them quite a bit of time to make up their mind after you mix it up in front of them.

Level 32- Do the Disco
Pet summon
Because of your extensive memorabilia collection and love for the era, you’ve managed to create the one thing that will bring the envy of all your peers; A giant floating disco ball! The peers that don’t find the ball amusing can rest assured, the ball shoots lasers at those who mock it.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
As much as I like the idea of power proliferation, I have to admit the breakpoint of awesome for me was one specific thing: the possibility of customizable APPs. It might seem silly to some people, but recolorable powers have probably added more replay to this game for me than anything else (proliferation and new powersets being second).

NOTE: I don't believe we're getting this in I21. It was more just that the possibility was even discussed.
I would seriously kill for APP/Pool customization. Or even the ability to turn the effects OFF. The pink scribbles all over my darkblue/black themed Mind/Storm controller from the Psi APP armor makes me scream. Not to mention TURNING OFF HASTEN FX!

Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Wild hope: Hellfire (Whip) Assault? Since they tend to mix melee and blasts, Doms are really the best choice for proliferating Whips from Demon Summoning, since I understand the big problem is that it's hard to animate. Take the three attacks, repurpose the Hell on Earth animation as an attack, add a utility power and that's 5 powers. Maybe another whip power (a PBAoE spin perhaps), and the last three maybe being easier to animate blasts (or some oddball power).
And that's why I have a petless Demon MM. Hate the huge noisy gross pets, LOVE that attack set.



Proliferation shmroliferation. Everyone knows that the real bonus here is that Energy Aura is going to be worth more than half a crap. (-:

Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Okay, I admit, it's nice to be wrong sometimes.
I'm still going to hold it against you. It's the least I could do.



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Awhhhh yeahhhhh. Can I get my Masterminds to say it's NINJA/TIME!
...curse you, I'm now seriously considering rerolling my Ninja/Pain, and this after just hitting 39 last night

Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
Seeing as we just got controllable Phantoms in the Lore portion of the Incarnate system, does anyone else get the feeling that we'll be seeing an Illusion Mastermind primary before a dominator one?
I'm hoping it opens the door for my long-awaited Elemental Mastermind primary

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I don't think making this into a full set is a good idea. Hybrid sets rarely are. Much more realistically, I'd like to see a Pistol(s) Epic for Scrappers, Brutes and Stalkers. With potentially up to four pistol powers on top of 9 powers of ANY type of sword, mace, axe or anything else you envision should be enough, I think.
YES YES YES for Pistol ancillaries for melee ATs. But I still think a "Martial Arts" Blaster secondary and a "Gun Fu" (Dual Pistols and a punchy Martial Arts using the pistols as blunt weapons) Dominator secondary would be great

Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I think that's a bad idea. There's been no word on if the weapon redraw problem is being worked on, and any meaningful attack chain with something like Broadsword and this Pistol APP would be butchered with two redraw animations.
Do people really add APP attacks into their chain? Honestly curious, I've felt they come way too late (what happened to the chain you've been using for the last 40+ levels) and the effects not good enough (so they don't match up to the original powers) to fit it/them in

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Dark Blast/Dark Manipulation is pretty much the ONLY possible proliferation to blasters left at this point. Anything else they get will have to be a new set.
Not necessarily true. /"Martial Arts" is doable, I'm thinking a hybrid of MA and Trick Arrow. Here's a general idea

Thunder Kick
Entangling Arrow or Glue Arrow
Storm Kick
Build Up
Crane Kick
Flash Arrow
Ice Arrow or Cobra Strike
Oil Slick or Dragon's Tail
Eagle's Claw

Or throw in some Kinetic Melee in there (I'm not too familiar with it). They could also add an /Earth Manipulation secondary, then add a proper Earth Blast primary later like they did with Electric Assault and Electric Control



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Hero Archetypes
  • Blaster
    • Dark Blast (Primary)
    • Darkness Manipulation (Secondary)
  • Controller
    • Poison (Secondary)
  • Defender
    • Thermal Radiation (Primary)
    • Fire Blast (Primary)
  • Scrapper
    • Battle Axe (Primary)
    • War Mace (Primary)
    • Energy Aura (Secondary)
  • Tanker
    • Super Reflexes (Primary)
    • Martial Arts (Secondary)
Villain Archetypes
  • Brute
    • Katana (Primary)
    • Broad Sword (Primary)
    • Regeneration (Secondary)
  • Corruptor
    • Psychic Blast (Primary)
    • Poison (Secondary)
  • Dominator
    • None
  • Mastermind
    • Sonic Resonance (Secondary)
  • Stalker
    • Ice Armor (Secondary)

Scrappers get the Strong and Pretty! Defenders get Fire Blast! DARKNESS MANIPULATION FOR BLASTERS?!
Excellent, more powers - always good. New alts.



Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
Well it would be nice if Dominators get something nice later.

Illusion control!
If this ever get's done I would love to see a doppelganger option for the various pets



Originally Posted by evertheskeptic View Post

Not necessarily true. /"Martial Arts" is doable, I'm thinking a hybrid of MA and Trick Arrow. Here's a general idea

Thunder Kick
Entangling Arrow or Glue Arrow
Storm Kick
Build Up
Crane Kick
Flash Arrow
Ice Arrow or Cobra Strike
Oil Slick or Dragon's Tail
Eagle's Claw

Or throw in some Kinetic Melee in there (I'm not too familiar with it). They could also add an /Earth Manipulation secondary, then add a proper Earth Blast primary later like they did with Electric Assault and Electric Control
I like your thinking.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Fighting styles with a blade in one hand (usually the right) and a gun in the offhand just look positively ridiculous to me, to the point where I'd rather have a gunblade, instead.
Hey, it's a classic pirate combo!

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Proliferation shmroliferation. Everyone knows that the real bonus here is that Energy Aura is going to be worth more than half a crap. (-:

I'm still going to hold it against you. It's the least I could do.
I'm pumped about /EA getting some love. I used it once on a stalker in my 4th or 5th month and learned about it a bit later. I already rerolled my Kin melee brute to reserve the name too lol. But if entropy shield is getting:

"Entropy Shield is now Entropic Aura for Scrappers and Brutes. This power is a taunt aura that grants the user a scaling recharge buff based on the number of foes surrounding the user. The Stalker version of the set doesn't have a taunt aura, but it offers a small Recharge bonus."

Then what will be the mezz protection? or will it just do both?



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Hey, it's a classic pirate combo!
It was also used in the City of Hero trailer, so I don't mean to say it's unheard of. It just really, REALLY doesn't work for me. It bugs the hell out of me, in fact, in much the same way as using a single one-handed weapon and nothing in the off hand. Just not something I like. What really does me in, though, is using a gun in the left hand. Maybe I'm biassed as a right-handed person, but to me it always seems awkward to put your gun in your offhand, like it's a secondary weapon. I've seen it used in quite a few fictional environments, such as Warhammer 40 000 and... There was that one game about angels and demons that had this setup, but I forget what it's called.

Mostly, my biass is Devil May Cry. This was the first game which showed me that you can use more types of weapons than you have free hands by insta-switching between them, and STILL make it look good in real action. That's why I don't like forcing odd pairs of weapons together as a static set when they can be made as different, self-contained sets. I really don't want to be using a gun/sword combo. What I want to use is guns AND a sword, but not necessarily both at the same time and not necessarily both in the same situations. Having access to two different classes of weapons doesn't have to mean dual-wielding both weapons at all times.

As an example, I give you Onimusha 3: Demon Siege. In that game, Samonoske spends most of his time using a collection of bizarre swords, but when enemies shoot at him from out of reach, he uses a bow that's still pretty dang lethal. I wouldn't expect him to cycle through bow and sword attacks in the same combo, but having access to two weapons gives the character a much wider tool kit, conceptually speaking.

If, for instance, I wanted to make a pirate (for whatever strange reason that might be), I'd want said pirate to have access to a sword with which he could swordfight, a gun with which he could shoot at range, and only then would I consider using both in the same fight.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Yarrr. Then to the plank with ye.



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
I've been asking for this since like 2004

As have I. What could possibly be better than playing the powersets you like AND on the ATs that you want to play?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Actually, this will need to be watched.

In Beta, the Demons were doing so much stacked -Resist, that they were far surpassing what a Sonic/Sonic Defender could do... which should not be the case. No other AT should be able to out-debuff a synergistic Defender. And so, the -Resist of the Demons was scaled back rather significantly.

So, we'll have to see exactly how much -Resist a Demons/Sonic can throw.
Yes I remember that too, and you're right about synergistic defenders. but for a Mastermind, this will be great with any set that can take Achille's heel: chance for -res (Jounin, Enforcers, Soldiers, etc.) but for Demons, who already produce smaller +res shields, it will be great to stack with the sonic shields.



IMO Thermal is a much better set than Sonic, on a Mastermind in particular. I have no worries about /Sonic Masterminds except for how many are likely to reroll the first time they run into Psi enemies and realize they have zero resistance and no way to heal the damage back or take advantage of Body Guard mode with it.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Hey, it's a classic pirate combo!
True. But that was only because they had one, maybe two shots, and then they needed to discard the gun.

Now, don't get me wrong. Wielding a gun and blade at the same time can look awesome, regardless of how unrealistic it is. And in a game where people fly and shoot lasers from their eyes... realism isn't too big a concern.

BUT - it's a narrow niche appeal. Just like those forsaken Dual Pistol animations... they only fit certain character types, and if you don't play one of those, then it just looks stupid.

Now... a character that HAS bot, but uses them one at a time... that's got a broader application...

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Wow, SR for tanks? They are likely to come out pretty tough.

Using tanker numbers, they should be in the 40% defense range, before even using IO sets, or weave.

That means they can easily achieve even the incarnate defense cap.

Then throw in SR's passive resist scaling with the tanker's huge HP pool...

Elude is almost overkill at that point, wonder if they'll stick to that, or change it up a bit.

Fire/Thermal for defenders also makes me happy.



Huh, did you say something Primantiss, I got distracted by this giant dancing kitty. Seriously, I stared at it for five minutes before realizing I was still on a message forum.

But yeah, I agree, SR might be excessive for tankers. Scrappers with it are untouchable as it is.

Saddly nothing really screamed at me with this proliferation. Annoyed that Brutes are finally getting broadsword, but since I got my Axe/shield, who I would have liked to be broadsword, one to 50 not too long ago I don't think I'll reroll them.

And right after posting I went right back to the kitty. Okay, it's time for bed.



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
Now, don't get me wrong. Wielding a gun and blade at the same time can look awesome, regardless of how unrealistic it is. And in a game where people fly and shoot lasers from their eyes... realism isn't too big a concern.

BUT - it's a narrow niche appeal.
Just like those enormous titanic weapons, right??




Introduce Blade and Gun into the game and see how narrow and niche it is.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Just like those enormous titanic weapons, right??

Meh... Titan Weapons look like it will also be another way to express 'Super Strength,' which broadens its appeal.

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