Powerset Proliferation 3.0




Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I'm hoping whatever Doms get is so awesome that it makes up for the lack of proliferation in 3.0!
Wild hope: Hellfire (Whip) Assault? Since they tend to mix melee and blasts, Doms are really the best choice for proliferating Whips from Demon Summoning, since I understand the big problem is that it's hard to animate. Take the three attacks, repurpose the Hell on Earth animation as an attack, add a utility power and that's 5 powers. Maybe another whip power (a PBAoE spin perhaps), and the last three maybe being easier to animate blasts (or some oddball power).

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I too would love to finally see Power Customization finished, but I'm not holding my breath for it in I21.

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
  • Broad Sword (Primary)
About friggin' time. Just sayin'.



Great Stuff

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I too would love to finally see Power Customization finished, but I'm not holding my breath for it in I21.

I would love to see Power Customization finished just because I want to see what you do with it. Your costumes always look astounding.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I would love to see Power Customization finished just because I want to see what you do with it. Your costumes always look astounding.
Now you're just trying to inflate my ego. Heheh.

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Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
In an odd way, I was actually excited about hearing about the no-news for Doms. They've mentioned that art resources were tight for this round of power proliferation due to all the other demands for new artwork in i21. So my noggin immediately (and maybe erroneously) concluded that they've got a brand new powerset concocted for Doms that requires new animations/art.

At least I hope that's the case. Doms are so fun.
Gun and Sword assault set, a la Sparkblade?



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
Gun and Sword assault set, a la Sparkblade?
Man, I have been waiting for that set for a looooong time. I hope that gun and blade set is for Scrappers/Brutes/Tanks/Stalkers too.

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Man, I have been waiting for that set for a looooong time. I hope that gun and blade set is for Scrappers/Brutes/Tanks/Stalkers too.
That's lower on my wants list. I'd rather have some sort of blade or other hand to hand/natural melee as a secondary for blasters before I'd want it on the melee class.

Mostly because I'd rather have a fuller set of attacks, don't care about the whining about redraw. Whereas, if it's a straight melee attack set for the hand to hand archetypes, you end up with something like Spines and Claws, where you end up with only 3 or 4 ranged attacks. I want something with a more robust set of attack options, which a blaster secondary would seem to accomodate better.



Okay, I admit, it's nice to be wrong sometimes.
Pulling my hair out over Ice Armor only for Stalkers, but overall too pleased to be extremely bothered by it.



Having it be like Spines/Claws is exactly how I envisioned it. I think that would be thrilling! They could even allow the Scrapper to choose an element to enchant the blade with, sorta like Swap Ammo for Dual Pistols. Spark Blade for example, uses an electrified blade.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Without Dark Control, Dark Assault would be lonely.

And the tricky thing about Dark Control is that it will have to work with Dark Miasma for Controllers, which will be problematic since Miasma is already very controllery.
Electric Assault came in Issue 12, Electric Control arrived Issue 18.
Earth Control came in Issue 12, Earth Assault was added Issue 16.

Synergy loneliness doesn't appear to be an issue, as it's cropped up in the two major additions to the Dominator power set selection, and I could well see Dark/Dark Blasters as the test bed for Dark Assault, with Dark Control arriving at some point after that.


Character slots permitting, current plans on primary account:

Issue 21: Fire/Fire Hero Brute. Considering Ninja/Time Manipulation Mastermind. Dark/Dark Blaster.

Post issue 21: Titan Weapon/Energy Aura Hero Brute.


Opinions for Powerset Proliferation 4.0:

Scrappers: Energy Melee, Ice Armour
Defenders: Poison
Controllers: Dark Miasma (Altered)
Tankers: Broadsword, Energy Aura
Masterminds: Cold Domination
Brutes: Martial Arts
Stalkers: Icy Melee (W/Revamp)
Dominators: Dark Assault



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Okay, I admit, it's nice to be wrong sometimes.
Pulling my hair out over Ice Armor only for Stalkers, but overall too pleased to be extremely bothered by it.
This is one time where being wrong feels soooo good.

I really wish that Ice Armor was for Scrappers/Brutes too. They even solved the duplicate Hibernate problem that Scrappers/Stalkers have with the new Tier 9: Icy Bastion.

Oh well. For another round, 4.0 perhaps.

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Having it be like Spines/Claws is exactly how I envisioned it. I think that would be thrilling! They could even allow the Scrapper to choose an element to enchant the blade with, sorta like Swap Ammo for Dual Pistols. Spark Blade for example, uses an electrified blade.
And I get that, which is why I used spines/claws as an example. Well, that and it's the best example of integrated range and melee, outside of the assault sets.

For my money, more attacks = more awesome. So, I'm willing to sacrifice a defense secondary or primary to get more awesome.



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I really wish that Ice Armor was for Scrappers/Brutes too. They even solved the duplicate Hibernate problem that Scrappers/Stalkers have with the new Tier 9: Icy Bastion.
Actually, it's more of a "dammit, got armor, but not melee!" thing, really. But I've waited for my dang Ice Stalker since the very first day of CoV, so all I can hope is that they (probably) won't leave it half-done for long.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Actually, it's more of a "dammit, got armor, but not melee!" thing, really. But I've waited for my dang Ice Stalker since the very first day of CoV, so all I can hope is that they (probably) won't leave it half-done for long.
From Synapse's post earlier, it sounds like they're committed to getting the other sets proliferated over.
Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
Also, if you didn't see your set proliferated it is likely because we plan on having another round (or rounds) of proliferation in future issues and we only had enough time to implement as many sets as we did.

How long it takes is up in the air. We can definitely let them know what we'd like to be in the next round of proliferation though.

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Seeing as we just got controllable Phantoms in the Lore portion of the Incarnate system, does anyone else get the feeling that we'll be seeing an Illusion Mastermind primary before a dominator one?



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Man, I have been waiting for that set for a looooong time. I hope that gun and blade set is for Scrappers/Brutes/Tanks/Stalkers too.
I don't think making this into a full set is a good idea. Hybrid sets rarely are. Much more realistically, I'd like to see a Pistol(s) Epic for Scrappers, Brutes and Stalkers. With potentially up to four pistol powers on top of 9 powers of ANY type of sword, mace, axe or anything else you envision should be enough, I think.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
A Regen Brute? Never thought I'd see the day...
Inherent Fitness invalidated their original reason for not doing it in the first place.

They were concerned about how overpowered a brute would be with no downtime from level 4, giving us Stamina at level 2 made that no longer a concern so it got done with the next round of proliferation after that.

I'm really hoping the port to Brutes makes them look at giving Regen some sort of debuff resistance (it's the only mitigation set in the game that has no debuff resistance of any kind)

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Actually, it's more of a "dammit, got armor, but not melee!" thing, really. But I've waited for my dang Ice Stalker since the very first day of CoV, so all I can hope is that they (probably) won't leave it half-done for long.
It said in the announcement that, since the art team is so busy with I21, they are specifically doing things that don't involve the art team this time around. Ice Melee for stalkers would require a new animation for it's Assassin Strike at the very least, so perhaps they are waiting on that until the art team has more time.

It also implies that they are only using pre-existing powers in the Dark Manipulation that Blasters are getting.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I don't think making this into a full set is a good idea. Hybrid sets rarely are. Much more realistically, I'd like to see a Pistol(s) Epic for Scrappers, Brutes and Stalkers. With potentially up to four pistol powers on top of 9 powers of ANY type of sword, mace, axe or anything else you envision should be enough, I think.
I think that's a bad idea. There's been no word on if the weapon redraw problem is being worked on, and any meaningful attack chain with something like Broadsword and this Pistol APP would be butchered with two redraw animations.

If gun and blade is to be done, it needs to be a character wielding both, a gun in one hand and a melee weapon in the other.

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
If gun and blade is to be done, it needs to be a character wielding both, a gun in one hand and a melee weapon in the other.
And I, personally, would HATE that. Yes, I'm aware that Foreshadow... Was it Foreshadow? I'm aware that this was in the City of Hero trailer, but I hated it then as I hate it now. Fighting styles with a blade in one hand (usually the right) and a gun in the offhand just look positively ridiculous to me, to the point where I'd rather have a gunblade, instead.

It's also horribly limiting. It limits the set to only ever using BLADES, meaning I can't run, say, a Mace character with guns if I happen to have that concept. Or - and this is much more relevant to me - it means I can't use a two-handed katana with DUAL PISTOLS, which is what I want to make. Devil May Cry wannabe and all that. Or, hell, why not a Titanic Weapons character who uses guns, as well?

Choice is the name of the game in this case, and the more we are allowed to mix and match, the better the game will be overall. Single sword/single gun? So long as we have a single gun epic. Sword and shield + dual pistols? Sure, so long as we have a dual pistols epic. It goes on and on.

Yes, redraw would be an issue. Redraw can be fixed, and even if it isn't, it's not such a big detrement. I routinely mix in the Undead Slaying Axe and the Nemesis Staff into the attack chains of some of my weapon users when fighting specific enemies, and while it's slightly awkward, it still plays just fine.


Simply put, I don't want a single sword/single gun set like you do. I want a two-handed sword/dual pistols combo. I'm sure someone else might want a martial arts/dual pistols combo. I'm sure someone else still would want a dark melee/single pistol combo. You can't make a set for every combination, a there are far too many of them. Splitting them up into powerset and epic means that we can pick and choose our own combo.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Having it be like Spines/Claws is exactly how I envisioned it. I think that would be thrilling! They could even allow the Scrapper to choose an element to enchant the blade with, sorta like Swap Ammo for Dual Pistols. Spark Blade for example, uses an electrified blade.
I was actually kind of hoping Incarnates would bring Melee weapons these sort of elemental properties. KM, BS, Kat, BA, BM; etcetera.

Grant it, you can give the above a slight fire proc via Interface: Reactive. But I was kind of hoping to see the truth behind Valkyrie's flaming sword which I thought, when I first came to play, was one of the coolest effects.

Imagine lightning strikes and thunder sounds in KM -drools-

Originally Posted by Synapse
Also, if you didn't see your set proliferated it is likely because we plan on having another round (or rounds) of proliferation in future issues and we only had enough time to implement as many sets as we did.

I'm ok with that as long as animations for sets get changed a bit. BS looks horribly dated by now, new animations like Tai Chi for KM and the like.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Simply put, I don't want a single sword/single gun set like you do. I want a two-handed sword/dual pistols combo. I'm sure someone else might want a martial arts/dual pistols combo. I'm sure someone else still would want a dark melee/single pistol combo. You can't make a set for every combination, a there are far too many of them. Splitting them up into powerset and epic means that we can pick and choose our own combo.
As delightful as that would be to create custom frameworks, it's the balance of tying it all together that makes it a problem. With sets like Claws, Spines, and KM - we can have ranged attacks in a melee based archtype. But I'd figure trying to nail the animation down right is the key problem here.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
It said in the announcement that, since the art team is so busy with I21, they are specifically doing things that don't involve the art team this time around. Ice Melee for stalkers would require a new animation for it's Assassin Strike at the very least, so perhaps they are waiting on that until the art team has more time.

It also implies that they are only using pre-existing powers in the Dark Manipulation that Blasters are getting.
Which is why I can't understand why they didn't give Scrappers Super Strength. That would be just a straight port over, no new animations needed.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!