Ok, listen, this is starting to get to a critical mass

Ad Astra



Originally Posted by Biidi View Post
The thinking behind the people who think this type of thing just boggle my mind. Lemme clarify, I agree with the whole post, just commenting on the last bit of this part. I saw this a lot on another game's forum where there were a lot of bugs and broken gameplay. After a new patch that introduced uniforms, off-duty clothes and other fluff items, people whined and complained that instead of that "the devs" should work on fixing the broken stuff. Of course, the art team needs to focus on bug fixing! Hear that art team? Go. Hunt. Fix bugs!

Another part I fully agreed with was part 1 (I think?) where it was mentioned that the Keyes trial isn't just a smash-n-grab. That's a GOOD thing! We have enough content where you just go in and steamroll through and curbstomp a boss or two. Something like this requires a little in the way of strategy. Also having healing be a bigger part in a team situation in the higher levels is a nice change from just tossing around def/resist buffs and punching things til they stop twitching.
Thank you for the support! I especially like the last part.



Originally Posted by Pacur View Post
Thank you for the support! I especially like the last part.
Funny as how teams are already steamrolling through Keyes. I was just on three back to back ones.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
This deserves quoting again.
So, you like trials? Good for you. What about those of us who don't?
You wait for the next round of non trial stuff. Just like people who like big group raids/trials had to wait for years for something they liked.

Acting like everything from now on forever and ever is gonna be related to this feature and locked behind a wall you're unwilling to climb is shortsighted at best, moronic at worst.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
You wait for the next round of non trial stuff. Just like people who like big group raids/trials had to wait for years for something they liked.

Acting like everything from now on forever and ever is gonna be related to this feature and locked behind a wall you're unwilling to climb is shortsighted at best, moronic at worst.
I'd rather not wait years for a workable solo incarnate path, thanks.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Actually, your post is one of the problems. Not to single you out or anything cause you seem like a reasonable chap but seriously...

What we have going on here is a very serious case of Glossing over posts, picking them apart for ammunition and posters putting cliched words into others mouths and I'm forced to point it out.

NOBODY I'll repeat. NOBODY has been asking for quicker rewards. This is a classic case of reverse talk. A few of the more vocal iTrial fans make it a point to allude to this in every post they make but it's only a strawman they are using.

Point me to a single post that has someone clamoring for quicker rewards/rewards for less work. I'll wait...

When you search this topic and read the threads (with an open mind instead of coming in from a single PoV) you start to see the pattern.
What players are clamoring for.
What all this hubbub is over;

The locking of non-incarnate items behind the system.
The lack of a solo option that doesn't take literal years.
The fact that our choices just became really limited for progression.
To a lesser degree, the over abundance of Praetorian lore.

Nobody is asking to be T4 in 3 days.
Nobody is asking for the Incarnate armor to be given to us without doing the Incarnate content.

So everyone needs to start actually paying attention and stop glossing over any post that merely appears to be on the 'wrong' side of the fence. If we did there'd be alot less forum PvPing come next week.
You are right, no one was asking for quicker rewards. Then you move five posts later, and we have one of those people.

I really appreciate that you are trying to see the big picture, as it were. So in your opinion, what is the most important thing we are learning here, and if it's a problem, how can we fix it?



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
You wait for the next round of non trial stuff. Just like people who like big group raids/trials had to wait for years for something they liked.

Acting like everything from now on forever and ever is gonna be related to this feature and locked behind a wall you're unwilling to climb is shortsighted at best, moronic at worst.
Or take a break from COH for a bit, or drop to Freemium when the choice comes.

Originally Posted by Pacur View Post
You are right, no one was asking for quicker rewards. Then you move five posts later, and we have one of those people.

I really appreciate that you are trying to see the big picture, as it were. So in your opinion, what is the most important thing we are learning here, and if it's a problem, how can we fix it?
I would argue the perfect solution already existed with the way the alpha slot worked.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
What about you?

Really, what about you?

Paragon produces a product/service.

There will be people that like and people that don't.

It's called reality.

There is no MMO company on the planet that produces a product every single gamer, or even every single customer, likes all aspects of in terms of game play and content.

Like any business, there is simply no way to please everyone and it is foolish to even attempt to do so.

This incessant complaining about the product has been here from Day 1, it is not going anywhere because it is not something that can ever be fixed. Pedantic gamers can NEVER be pleased and more than OCD (or CDO if you prefer) can be 'cured'.

Does that mean as a customer you are not allowed to complain, or that you should not voice your opinion of the product? Of course not.

However, to act as if you should be catered to when an aspect of the product itself is something you don't like is, frankly, shortsighted and irrational.

If you don't like parts of the game, then perhaps you you realize that does not mean there is anything wrong with those parts, it's simply that you don't like them.
Very nicely put in terms of realizing that this is a game, and games have to have revenue in order to stay afloat. If the devs were trying to please everyone all the time, we'd be out of players in a month of two.



Originally Posted by Pacur View Post
Ok, I am glad you asked this question.

It works kind of like this: You have a lvl 50 character, who has gone through trials, and has accumulated much power. He or she can grant some of this power to a very low levelcharacter, sort of like "taking the low lvl character under their wing", or "uplifting" them. Now, the low level character has a fraction of this power, and can don the costumes, and have an aura. But they will not be able to shoot giant fireballs or call down lightning until they go through the trials themselves, and accumulate further power.
Sorry to disagree, but this is a contrived explanation Pacur. The new stuff is tied to the new trials because they're the assets they completed and decided to add to this system. That's all, and it's not any more involved than that.

However they did concede the kind of mistake they made with Vanguard and the RWZ and they made most of these new shinies unlock account wide so that people would only have to do the trials enough times to get the credits once, instead of once for each character.

It's simple. The devs come up with a theme park event system they want people to play, and they tie shinies to it. In this case though they've learned from their mistakes and don't expect people to jump the hurdle in perpetuity.

Ultimately we agree that new assets should be tied to new content. However there doesn't need to be a mumbo jumbo explanation that doesn't satisfy most people. It's a matter of economics, and not much more than that.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Sorry to disagree, but this is a contrived explanation Pacur. The new stuff is tied to the new trials because they're the assets they completed and decided to add to this system. That's all, and it's not any more involved than that.

However they did concede the kind of mistake they made with Vanguard and the RWZ and they made most of these new shinies unlock account wide so that people would only have to do the trials enough times to get the credits once, instead of once for each character.

It's simple. The devs come up with a theme park event system they want people to play, and they tie shinies to it. In this case though they've learned from their mistakes and don't expect people to jump the hurdle in perpetuity.

Ultimately we agree that new assets should be tied to new content. However there doesn't need to be a mumbo jumbo explanation that doesn't satisfy most people. It's a matter of economics, and not much more than that.
This is an explanation I except.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Pacur View Post
Ok, I am glad you asked this question.

It works kind of like this:
No, it actually works like this: "I have a barcode on my chest. And I can swoon. That means that one of my characters have grinded Incarnate content. I has bragging rights!!! Fear me!!!"

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
This is wrong, as a subscription based service, yes I and anyone else should be damn well catered for. Why should I pay my subs, for the development time to be put into something I do not like, do not want and will not ever want?

If you aren't able to at least 'try' and please your userbase, you have no business as a subscription based service.

That's one thing going Free to Play will solve for the devs.
I addressed this in my original post. Only in the last year have the trials been rolled out, mainly, I suspect because people have been asking for them.

People are being catered for. People asked for "elder game content" as Positron put it, and now we have trials. Like I said earlier, this game just turned 7 years old. For six years, we had 1-team content, basically. People wanted a change, and the developers catered to it.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I'd rather not wait years for a workable solo incarnate path, thanks.
And I wasn't particularly happy waiting years for more raid type things, but I didn't break out the pitchforks and torches all over the forums about it. Sorry it bugs you more than me.

Bill you and I have talked enough that I know you know that development can be glacial at times. I still like you and respect you even though we disagree on what that means for the Incarnate system. But I think this is gonna be one of those times where waiting is the only option. At least until we see what the Paragon Market has in store.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
"most" ? "exclusively" ? Bad way to start your premise with such a gross inaccuracy.

About 1/3 of my playtime is taken up by trials, that's recruiting included. Last night I ran the Usurper arc with a friend, helped 2 other friends get Portal Jockey, and ran some tips on my lowbie Cold Defender.

I get a pretty good handle on what's going on on the server because I'm nearly always watching PinnBadges with half an eye. Even on a day like Patch day, Trials are barely over half the things happening.

Do they take up a lot of people during prime time? yup, but they're by no means the only thing people are doing.
Hey, c'mon, I already admitted that my use of the word "exclusively" was inaccurate (page 2 or 3, I think, Pacur quoted it only a few posts up from this one). I suppose I should go back and edit the post considering few people will read the entire thread at this point. I also tried to be clear in both places that, indeed, there are many other things being run. To paraphrase myself from earlier: there was a time when the AE building was also packed, and people cried out that the rest of the game would never be played again. Since you and I are both on Pinnacle, I think we can both agree that nowadays, even the Atlas Park AE building is quite quiet, yes?

With that hopefully cleared up, I have to say I enjoyed following you on the Keyes trial on Tuesday night. You kept it tight and ran it successfully, so I hope a poor choice of words on my part does not deter you from taking me on as a teammate in the future.

Originally Posted by Pacur View Post
I think you are right that we have to agree to disagree on that. I am viewing the auras and costume pieces obtainable only through e-merits together with their names and the story we have going on in general. So to me, they are signifying an increase in power, and since before we haven't really had anything like the Incarnates rewards. But I guess costumes are just costumes and auras are just auras to other people.

I know we share the server, and this was not meant as a roundabout affront. I was simply stating all the facts so that people who were not there to see that event would have all the same information as well. The point I was making is that even on low-population servers, you can find people to run the TFs that basically noone runs.
First, bless you for keeping this a civilized debate. *Looks at other posts* It isn't easy, haha. And I now see what you meant with that last sentence. What I said about sharing the server was very tongue in cheek. There was no affront seen, nor offense taken on this end.

Originally Posted by Pacur View Post
As for the Incarnates are the current hot items thing? yes, I agree with you there to an extent. Especially with the new trial coming out, there is great interest in it. But as you yourself implied, the hotness of these things will die down, as it did for AE, and the population will "redistribute".
Agreed. For many people, myself included to a lesser extent, shifts like this in the player population location are viewed at a higher magnitude than they actually occur at. In-game, if a person is used to putting together an 8-man team for an older piece of content in (say) 5 minutes, then that time increases (probably only by 5-10 minutes) due to many players playing the "new" thing, in which said original player is probably uninterested, that feels like a lot more time than it actually is. (DISCLAIMER: the above numbers are arbitrary estimates, and there is no need to prove me wrong, as I now admit they may be wrong. If someone reads this and disagrees, I invite them over to Pinnacle, and we can run some other content together, lol)

Originally Posted by Pacur View Post
What if the auras were something more flashy? Would it be more reasonable then?
I believe this is a big point, and so I will say yes, many would find it more reasonable. It has already been confirmed by development that the Ascension costume was created specifically for Incarnates. Anyone can (but shouldn't) complain about those pieces all they want, but that's Dev-confirmed fact right there. And there is other stuff amongst the rewards that feels rather Incarnate-esque, like the Ultimate Power emote, naturally the Incarnate power chest emblems, and possibly a couple of the Costume Change emotes like Nuke or Pure Energy (though I cannot confirm how "Incarnate" those look as I have not yet seen them).

For everything else, what we see is that we can change costumes with a fiery evil laugh at level 1, but have to wait until we are Incarnate to change with an ice block. An alien can be on your chest at level 1, but a bar code requires Incarnate status. You can be surrounded by a fiery aura at level 30, but if you want to have boils popping all over your body you will need to be an Incarnate. You see where I'm going, and I don't mean to shove it down your throat, simply give multiple pieces of evidence. By all means, if all the rewards were a step up from the pre-level 50 non-booster-pack items (<--important), then I would have absolutely no complaints.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
In no particular order:

*New powersets (plural) now, as opposed to in six months.

*More power customization, specifically pool and epic customization.

*More weapons for existing weapon sets.

*Custom animations for existing weapon sets.

*More costume pieces and auras THAT I CAN ACCESS, for money if need be.

*That muscular skin texture for women that I almost made David promise.

*Removing redraw from weapon sets when a power can be used like BABs promised.

*Solo-capable content that is specific to the Incarnate storyline and offers us non-punitive speed of progress.

*Fixes for, underperforming powersets and specific powers, or even entire ATs.

*New power pools, new epic pools (electricity for Scrappers, pistols for Scrappers, etc).

*Something that doesn't have anything to do with Praetoria or Incarnates, be it story arcs or zones.

*Powerset proliferation, specifically Axes for Scrappers and Stalkers and Swords for Brutes.

*Better colour selection for air- and ice-related powers, better colour selection and "themes" for darkness powers, more colours for earth powers.

*New mechanics in costume design, such as non-robotic items in "robotic arms" torsos, animal muzzles as face details for normal faces, animated/moving/wobbling hair.

*Fixing inconsistencies in the editor, such as lack of shiny tights for Large boots and gloves, lack of scaly texture for Monster hands and so forth.

*Fixing at least some of the numerous bugs in the game, such as Keith Nancy's final mission where the dialogue with the "double" no longer happens.

And that's just off the top of my head.
Thank you for that. I really hope someone on either the dev or GM team will read this and pass this on.

One question though, how would scrappers use pistols?



Originally Posted by Pacur View Post
Thank you for that. I really hope someone on either the dev or GM team will read this and pass this on.

One question though, how would scrappers use pistols?
Pacur people have been requesting those things for a year+. Some way more.

I'd be shocked if the devs and GMs aren't already aware of those things.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
Actually, I am. Having "special" costume parts that you have to earn by raiding should be a relic of the Bad Old Days™ by now...

If Astrals & Empyreans were available through normal play, than I wouldn't mind as much. As it is, the Devs have tied the thing I care about most (costume options) to raiding. That's why this has become a raiding game for me.

At the rate I'm going, I should have all of the new stuff in a month or two, unless I burn out first, but I'd much rather have them as Costume Packs, or failing that... rewards for everyday play.
Astrals are available through TFs. E-merits are available only through trails, for reasons I listed before. These particular costumes show increase in power. Again, see above.

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post

Comicsluvr is right about another thing. The end game only exists because WE ASKED FOR IT. Not every individual player asked for it, not trying to say that. But, enough people had been asking for some kind of end game to be added for literally YEARS now that the devs finally decided to give it to them. Is everyone going to enjoy it equally? Highly unlikely, I have yet to see ANYTHING in this game that received universal acceptance and praise from every single individual player.
Just wanted to say, I agree, especially with the point that people have been asking for it.



Originally Posted by Pacur View Post
Astrals are available through TFs. E-merits are available only through trails, for reasons I listed before. These particular costumes show increase in power. Again, see above.
An increase in which particular powers?

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
You kept it tight and ran it successfully, so I hope a poor choice of words on my part does not deter you from taking me on as a teammate in the future.
It never would. I don't take the forums personally except in the most extreme cases of personal attack, and this definitely doesn't qualify.

That, and you're not a Forcefield MM who goes AFK right on the ambush spawn point in a BAF with Force Bubble on. Those people get 1 starred and can die in a fire.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Pacur View Post
Just wanted to say, I agree, especially with the point that people have been asking for it.
We asked for Endgame, not necessarily trials. There's a difference.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Just commenting on the part bolded. I think this is an extreme fallacy. They don't need auras and emotes as a reason for us to keep running the trials when they have already stated that they will be expanding the slots and just did with LORE. The expansions to LORE BY THEMSELVES are enough for folks to justify going back to replay the BAF and LAMBDA and now Keyes, since Keyes gives BOTH types of iXP.

I completely disagree that they need costume parts to keep us running the trials. In fact if not for the LORE expansion I doubt most would keep running them. I think the devs are misguided if they think costume parts will keep the critical mass needed to keep the trials running.

Expansion of the actual slots and powers of the slots WILL.
The trials would still be run if it weren't for the Lore expansion.

Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
Shivans enabled my Emp defender to solo Sister Psyche's TF. I know that's probably not too impressive to a hardcore ITF soloer, but my point is : a shivan changed my game.

I never even tried to solo any TF. Just wanted to state that for the record.



Originally Posted by Pacur View Post
The trials would still be run if it weren't for the Lore expansion.
Thanks for making my point.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
We asked for Endgame, not necessarily trials. There's a difference.
And I understand that End Game means different things to different people, and not just trials. However there's a tendency among game developers (not just our's) to go after low hanging fruit. In this case that has meant they're making some raiding/trial content because it's one of the biggest holes in remaining in what this game has to offer.

The lack of it has actually driven away quite a few players over the years. People who like that sort of thing have tended to head to greener pastures. I'm happy to say I've seen a few of them come back lately.

It's a good thing to have a well rounded game, even if it takes a while to get to it. I'm not opposed to a robust endgame system for all types of players. It's the demanding insistence that it all be delivered now, and on a stick, with glitter, that gets unreasonable.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
If the devs want the system to linger, it would have been wiser to use time gating than repetitive grinding. It's worked for Merits, it's worked for the Alpha, but it's been the complete antithesis for the raids, which provide the greatest amount of reward to those who run the same character through them over and over and over and over again. What's more

This is not true. It's easy enough to get everything in a couple weeks. Hell, most of my characters who Incarnated, did so in a couple of days. The problem is that this content, by it's very nature, is burned through. It only takes 40 minutes to do a raid. Then it's done. Once the raid is over, you've already burned through that content. But once you're done with the content, you still haven't received any tangible reward, because doing one raid will never reward you enough to actually obtain anything.
On the first point, I don't see people who run same character over and over getting the most reward. I fact, they get less, because you can earn E-merits only once every 20 hours.

On the second point, when you say your characters get incarnated in a couple of days, what exactly do you mean? Can you clarify please?



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
And I understand that End Game means different things to different people, and not just trials. However there's a tendency among game developers (not just our's) to go after low hanging fruit. In this case that has meant they're making some raiding/trial content because it's one of the biggest holes in remaining in what this game has to offer.

The lack of it has actually driven away quite a few players over the years. People who like that sort of thing have tended to head to greener pastures. I'm happy to say I've seen a few of them come back lately.

It's a good thing to have a well rounded game, even if it takes a while to get to it. I'm not opposed to a robust endgame system for all types of players. It's the demanding insistence that it all be delivered now, and on a stick, with glitter, that gets unreasonable.
Oh I agree. I just wanted to make it clear that endgame can also mean pvp, more tfs like apex/tin mage, more IOs. etc.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
I would truly like to see an example of anyone complaining that you cannot unlock everything in a day.
That example is of course, extreme. But look at the top post of the page.