Beta Server Access Questions




I finally downloaded the beta client. I did 4GB in about 25 minutes today. This was my fastest download with the ncsoft installer ever.

I have several questions about the beta server:

1. Why so many servers?

2. How long does it take to get access? I copied my characters over but I still couldn't logon. Is the character copy tool down again?



Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
I finally downloaded the beta client. I did 4GB in about 25 minutes today. This was my fastest download with the ncsoft installer ever.

I have several questions about the beta server:

1. Why so many servers?

2. How long does it take to get access? I copied my characters over but I still couldn't logon. Is the character copy tool down again?
I think the multiple servers were set up for an earlier idea they had to test global access that they didn't go through with.

As far as how long it will take? However long until they invite you. It's a closed Beta, and is apparently in the very picky early phase this week.

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Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
It's a closed Beta, and is apparently in the very picky early phase this week.
Are people still getting invited to this? On Ustream, I thought they tested this with another group earlier. So how does one qualify to get into the pool to be selected? Is it random?



It's partly random, but also determined by some requirements that they will not share, so that there is no way anyone can tamper with the results. Also, just because you get into one Beta doesn't mean you'll get in the rest.

Personally, I think they just write all account names on scraps of paper, and throw them at Positron. Whatever ones he doesn't destroy make it in.

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Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
Are people still getting invited to this? On Ustream, I thought they tested this with another group earlier. So how does one qualify to get into the pool to be selected? Is it random?
Nope... they normally arent random on this. They choose based on how the person in question acted on previous closed betas, on how that person act on the game and community, if he is helpfull or not. Last thing they want is someone with a disrupting demeanor, who actually dont help on the closed beta.
Thats why they do it on waves. First wave is generally internal. Then they open up a bit. On every wave they lessen the restrictions and get more people, normally testing different aspects on every phase. Then, when its almost ready for launching, they give some candy and turn the closed into an Open Beta, letting everyone go inside. By then almost everything is set.

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Do they take into account helpdesk tickets? I report all of my bugs with screenshots.

At least, I'm glad I didn't download this for nothing. Thanks KayJMM



What was tested previously starting almost a year ago were the Incarnate Trials: BAF, Lamda, Keyes, and The Underground.

That was a separate Closed Beta track from the Closed Beta for Issues, for they still had separate Closed and Open Betas for Issues 19 and 20.

I would imagine that right now the folks that were part of the in-person focus group are giving feedback to how the devs are implementing CoH:Freedom as well as what's available for Issue 21.

About the third or fourth 'wave' of Closed Beta, they start inviting long-time Vets and random picks. We still see people who have never been in Beta before, or even on the Test Server get into Closed Beta early. They like to have a wide range of view for input.

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Character Copy tool has nothing to do with being able to log into the beta or test servers.

And as they are saying, the Beta (not test) servers are all closed right now for i21 testing.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

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Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
Do they take into account helpdesk tickets? I report all of my bugs with screenshots.
We don't know. They refuse to tell us anything about how they choose between eligible players.

If I remember correctly the only thing they did tell us was that anyone who isn't subscribed to recieve emails or has unsubscribed will never be chosen.

All we know is that you have to be a player in good standing. What good standing means they refuse to tell us. We can only speculate.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
If I remember correctly the only thing they did tell us was that anyone who isn't subscribed to recieve emails or has unsubscribed will never be chosen.

All we know is that you have to be a player in good standing. What good standing means they refuse to tell us. We can only speculate.
Regarding the first part, this is untrue. I was invited to Issue 20 closed beta while unsubbed.

Regarding the second part, apparently "good standing" doesn't include subscription details.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Regarding the first part, this is untrue. I was invited to Issue 20 closed beta while unsubbed.

Regarding the second part, apparently "good standing" doesn't include subscription details.

Are you saying you were unsubbed to the game or that you were unsubbed to recieving the emails? Because I'm talking about unsubbing from the email list.

My recollection has me remembering a discussion about closed beta invites on the forums where it was mentioned that players that unsubbed from getting emails wouldn't be invited to any future closed beta's. I think it was around the time that GR loyalty program started.



Hi all,

I can't speak to what gets players into a beta, but I can confirm that being subscribed to the COH newsletter has no impact.

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Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
Hi all,

I can't speak to what gets players into a beta, but I can confirm that being subscribed to the COH newsletter has no impact.
Thanks Black Pebble I appreciate hearing that my memory of that old conversation is wrong.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
Hi all,

I can't speak to what gets players into a beta, but I can confirm that being subscribed to the COH newsletter has no impact.

Meh. I'm not all that concerned about getting into beta. I find that I enjoy the new shiny more if I don't see it before it goes live.

However, I would like to get the newsletter and other associated announcements.....

*Yes, I've mentioned it before that I don't get them.
**Yes, I've verified that my profile has the correct email address and is set to "yes" for the newsletter.
***Yes, I've verified that my ISP isn't blocking/deleting them.

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I'm subbed to the newsletter and I think I mysteriously get a ton of copies that are meant for other people :P I get an announcement newsletter for every City account I've ever opened, even the supergroup padding trial account and the mistakenly-created CoH account when I was trying to update my CoV account. I get like six copies of the email where other people get none even when they ARE subscribed.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
I'm subbed to the newsletter and I think I mysteriously get a ton of copies that are meant for other people :P I get an announcement newsletter for every City account I've ever opened, even the supergroup padding trial account and the mistakenly-created CoH account when I was trying to update my CoV account. I get like six copies of the email where other people get none even when they ARE subscribed.
Did you ever make a couple of trial accounts? I did when they had that big Prestige give away a few years back when they doubled the SG membership cap.

Now I get half a dozen copies myself all the time. 1 for each account I made.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
I'm subbed to the newsletter and I think I mysteriously get a ton of copies that are meant for other people :P I get an announcement newsletter for every City account I've ever opened, even the supergroup padding trial account and the mistakenly-created CoH account when I was trying to update my CoV account. I get like six copies of the email where other people get none even when they ARE subscribed.
Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Did you ever make a couple of trial accounts? I did when they had that big Prestige give away a few years back when they doubled the SG membership cap.

Now I get half a dozen copies myself all the time. 1 for each account I made.
I believe I covered that.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I think it was said that you wouldn't get notification of any invite if you were unsubbed to the newsletter.

And "in good standing" means no bannings/etc.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Thanks Black Pebble I appreciate hearing that my memory of that old conversation is wrong.
Nah it is just that your memory is fuzzy and full of squirrels.

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