Discussion: Designing Freedom by Matt "Positron" Miller




I have seen what happens when an MMO decides that it needs "new blood" and doesn't care who they have to lose in order to get it. All that does is show your new customers that you have the power to change the rules whenever you feel like it, and the veteran customers left out in the cold become a lobbying force against new people wanting to try your game.
yup you do have some first hand experience with this.

This is such a good point. The reason Virtue is now the highest populated server in the game is because the quantity Role-players we have, and the "quality of life" that these players bring to the game. These loyal, enthusiastic RPers are the backbone of the game and are the players that spend money first and often... so why their biggest request remain un-commented on for over 5, 6 years is baffling.

I can name all the changes done to bases and pvp on one hand. and the majority of AE changes were exploit fixes and could count the rest of the normal non-exploit changes on the other hand.

off the top of my head, RPers got an incredible amount of costume pieces, emotes, [walk], new animations, ect. RPers have had tons of stuff asked for and gotten by this dev team.

the argument of whether or not those other communities deserve dev time is a fairly lenghty discussion that has already been had multiple times, but i've never heard of RPers being broughten up as not having ENOUGH done for them. thats a real stretch that just can't be made.

I'm sure they know.

I just don't know why they aren't talking.

I don't see any real reason to remain silent.
because paragon studios has been notorious for starting things that are really cool then leaving them for years when they're half done. they're approach has been to simply avoid any and all of these problems and move forward with new systems to half ***. why stop now?

I think I can safely dismiss these comments, if only because once again, you guys have no idea what you're talking about, as evidenced by F2P being announced when everyone said there was no way in heck that was going to happen. The same thing will happen for CoH2 in the foreseeable future. My bet is at Comic Con, but if not then, then definitely before the end of year.
Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
How much?

I'll put up $1000 right now that we don't see any references to CoH2 before the end of the year.
i'll put down $100,000

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by Robot View Post
I think I can safely dismiss these comments, if only because once again, you guys have no idea what you're talking about, as evidenced by F2P being announced when everyone said there was no way in heck that was going to happen. The same thing will happen for CoH2 in the foreseeable future. My bet is at Comic Con, but if not then, then definitely before the end of year.
How much?

I'll put up $1000 right now that we don't see any references to CoH2 before the end of the year.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



I am very proud to announce with City of Heroes: Freedom that we've captured the Heroes-y feeling of the game, and with the EGN (Enhanced Game for Newbies) we're sure to bring our core players even more friends to play with!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



I wonder how powerful the VIP server will be ,pulling from allthe other servers,i could see it becoming the most populated and LAGGY server of them all. I hope that all the data from the stress test from end of May was looked at.And that the players with the largest wallets gets allthe goodies.

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
How much?

I'll put up $1000 right now that we don't see any references to CoH2 before the end of the year.
So, do you think the Next-Gen job postings were for revamping a few zone in a game using a 9 year old engine, or do you think Paragon Studios is working on a new next-gen, non-super hero game?

NC Soft did not spend all that money licencing the Unreal 3 Engine for no reason. Trust me, we'll get CoH2, Lineage 3 and of course, Guild Wars 2.

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Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
Honestly, let it go. There isn't going to be a CoH2 in the foreseeable future.
Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Then you really aren't thinking very hard.

Originally Posted by Robot View Post
I think I can safely dismiss these comments, if only because once again, you guys have no idea what you're talking about,

*pat* *pat* kids are cute. You're entitled to your imagination like everyone else, but get into one closed beta and chat directly with developers and then you can talk smack about what you 'know' over even just the two of us quoted.

as evidenced by F2P being announced when everyone said there was no way in heck that was going to happen.

The partial FTP model is one of their best held secrets because the devs wanted to give marketing the very best head start possible, but it was still discussed as a possibility at length just last month.





Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
[SIZE=1]*pat* *pat* kids are cute. You're entitled to your imagination like everyone else, but get into one closed beta and chat directly with developers and then you can talk smack about what you 'know' over even just the two of us quoted.
Exactly! Like I said, "CoH2 announced by the end of the year, CoH goes F2P".

Portland, OR Global Chat Channel: PDX
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Originally Posted by MadHobbit View Post
I wonder how powerful the VIP server will be ,pulling from allthe other servers,i could see it becoming the most populated and LAGGY server of them all. I hope that all the data from the stress test from end of May was looked at.And that the players with the largest wallets gets allthe goodies.
I wish they'd scrap that ridiculous idea, and in fact I foresee it to be quite the dead server. Let all the people who want to run away, screaming and crying about the F2P players ruining their experience. Those of us with some sense will be enjoying having a more packed game.



Originally Posted by Robot View Post
So, do you think the Next-Gen job postings were for revamping a few zone in a game using a 9 year old engine, or do you think Paragon Studios is working on a new next-gen, non-super hero game?

NC Soft did not spend all that money licencing the Unreal 3 Engine for no reason. Trust me, we'll get CoH2, Lineage 3 and of course, Guild Wars 2.
Don't know, don't dare.

I never said there would be no CoH2.

I am willing to put up on a bet there will be no CoH2 announced before the end of the year.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
Maybe they don't have anything substantive to tell you at this time, ey.

Or because even *if* they were midstream in re-development of bases and pvp and revealed some early tidbits *people* would likely vetch and moan even louder demanding more details and/or their "communities" input being considered.

I believe bases will more likely get a look under the new system then they would've otherwise, and that it wont happen fast enough to satisfy some people.


for what its worth I'm not bantering to get any details beyond this:

yes we will have a strike team dedicated to bases

yes bases will be looked at in the future

something to end speculation and give us hope. something to look forward to and be happy about.

those two answers would shut me up.

I realize there are passionate people and heated exchanges, that mess can be avoided if not shut down just by saying something to the effect of , "chill- good stuff is coming"... you get the idea. saying that there is good stuff and not being specific is better than silence.

I was told by my father once that the true message of hate is no message at all.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post

something to end speculation and give us hope. something to look forward to and be happy about.
I can give you hope, they will look at them, but they don't have the free manpower right now and they don't want to do a half ***** job with something as unique as bases.

Drool over 21's features for now. ;]



Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
I can give you hope, they will look at them, but they don't have the free manpower right now and they don't want to do a half ***** job with something as unique as bases.

Drool over 21's features for now. ;]
I trust you.

I believe you.

I am patient, I can wait.

*proceeds to drool over i21*

edit: Thank you!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I am very proud to announce with City of Heroes: Freedom that we've captured the Heroes-y feeling of the game, and with the EGN (Enhanced Game for Newbies) we're sure to bring our core players even more friends to play with!
Now, with EGN, you'll be able to start new characters as Incarnates.

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Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
We closely followed forum threads that complained about "this" and "that" and did everything in our power to ensure that when City of Heroes Freedom launches, players will no longer have those things to complain about.
Would some of that possibly be viable Incarnate Progression for players like me that do not want to do the Trials?

I am not going to say Solo content like many have because that is silly. Solo content has never been created before, short of maybe a few missions that forces single player in the 1-20 Pretorian arcs. But I have no interest in partaking in the Trials. The mass teaming is just not worth the hassle and stress after a days work.

If it is announced that there will be options for players to progress in the Incarnate system outside of trials, that do not make them feel that they still have to do the trials to make any significant progress, then my continued subscription will be ensured.

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

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Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



I would agree that while other games have better graphics, the content in some (champions online) was so poor that I got bored after a couple of days. I went back to try the F2P and all of my costume pieces that I earned getting to level 22 were gone... I also tried DCUO and at least froma computer keyboard (vs. console), the controls were poor. However, with that said, if there's anything "we" can do to spiff up the game more to make it more competitive would be great. Though I wonder, WoW's graphics aren't anything special, so how do they compete so overwhelminingly successfully?

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i just want to say i really love what they are doing, now show them how F2P is really done paragon studios

ps. don't you think it's a bit drastic to restrict even premium players from posting on the forums, not making a new thread ok but no post ether.....come on.



a price worth paying...

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



You would imagine bases will get looked at - after all, that'd be more stuff for them to sell us



I'd buy THAT for a dollar!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.