to delete or not to delete, that is the question.




Incarnate trials are upon us and growing. i20.5 and i21 each come with a new trial, what does this mean for our characters? Will some be left behind and forgotten as others progress through the trials gaining more and more power. In my case the answer is yes.

I play a few hours a day and so far that seems to only really allow me to progress with one character who seems to be becoming my new main. Gaining incarnate powers takes a fair amount of time especially if you dont get the Very rare salvages often which is to be expected, hence the type name. And with the new issues coming up, having time to get incarnate powers with other characters is rather slim. So what does this mean for them? Deletion maybe?

Before all the incarnate business my main was a mind/psi/psi dom whom i loved. She was a brilliant character end of, but when the trials came out her usefulness dropped. Trying to mez lvl 54's is a pain in the *** and in BAF where the prisoners try to escape mind control is useless. Consequently i got rather annoyed with the fact my 'awesome' character was not any use in the most recent and most popular aspect of the game.

looking through my characters:
Psichosis.: ill/rad/soul troller 50 - Love to play, good for trials
Madamme Mayhem: Mind/psi/psi dom 50 - Haven't played in a while but cannot delete
Frost Bound: Ice/storm/elec corr 50 - fun to play, good for trials
Razzle Dazzle: Elec/fire/fire dom 50 - Not played in months, Good dmg, elec doesnt work with fire, boring concept.
Witch of dread: Rad/dark/dark corr 50 - new main, great all around, though wish had more AV killing abilites
Pyro immolator: Dark/fire/mu brute 49 - farmer, fun to play
Witch of woe: Sonic/pain/dark corr 41 - Not played in months, love the concept, might bring out of retirement
Glacial tsunami: Shield/ice tank 32 - fun to play, might be good for trials
Vassilisa: Dark/cold corr 24 - not played in months, dull
Pale Mistess: necro/therm MM 4 - love the concept, not a huge mm fan.

From the list there are characters who i enjoy playing now and some who i havent touched in months yet still like the idea of the character but will most likely not bother with. Do i delete them and take the enhancements or do i keep them and let them take up space?

Razzle Dazzle: Elec/fire/fire dom 50
Vassilisa: Dark/cold corr 24

These are the two characters which i would get rid of. The question is, should i?

Id appreciate peoples opinions on the matter and advice, thanks!



I've deleted perhaps 5 to 6 characters. Total. In 7 years.

The only time I delete is when I have a great new concept but my server of choice is full (I'm an altoholic, I have 3 servers full.) Even then it has to be a toon not played in over a year that I just never got into.

I've even payed for transfers so I could free up space on Infinity and Virtue without deletion.

I guess you could put me in the "To not delete" crowd.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



I wouldn't delete anything unless

a) You need space on that server for a new alt you want to play and can't play that alt idea on a different server.
b) You want to reroll the concept of a character as different AT or powersets.
c) You absolutely abhor how the character plays.

I've never used A. I've used B, but only because it was a Peacebringer that overlapped with condition C. Many, many stalkers have fallen to C.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I didnt delete any characters, but I did cancel my other account and now have only one that I use. I will never have enough time to do incarnate on all of my characters so I only play on my main account now. I kept my least played characters to Triumph, moved my best costume/theme Characters to Virtue and moved my most played to Freedom.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



I rarely delete a character (they get moved to an empty server or I buy more slots), but out of the 2 you mentioned, I'd delete the lvl 50 because thats as good as its going to get. You have seen it all so to speak.

Also, Cold domination is a very late blooming set and at lvl 24 you haven't even gotten any of the good stuff yet. It also syncs well with the -tohit and vampiric heal of Dark blast.



I only play on Pinnacle and I've deleted more characters than most players have created. It's not a biggie. Email their inf off. Use respecs to snag enhancements you don't want to lose and email those of. Delete. Move on.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I only play on Pinnacle and I've deleted more characters than most players have created. It's not a biggie. Email their inf off. Use respecs to snag enhancements you don't want to lose and email those of. Delete. Move on.
QFT. I deleted a bunch of level 50s to simplify my life.



Psichosis.: ill/rad/soul troller 50 - Love to play, good for trials
Madamme Mayhem: Mind/psi/psi dom 50 - Haven't played in a while but cannot delete
Frost Bound: Ice/storm/elec corr 50 - fun to play, good for trials
Razzle Dazzle: Elec/fire/fire dom 50 - Not played in months, Good dmg, elec doesnt work with fire, boring concept.
Witch of dread: Rad/dark/dark corr 50 - new main, great all around, though wish had more AV killing abilites
Pyro immolator: Dark/fire/mu brute 49 - farmer, fun to play
Witch of woe: Sonic/pain/dark corr 41 - Not played in months, love the concept, might bring out of retirement
Glacial tsunami: Shield/ice tank 32 - fun to play, might be good for trials
Vassilisa: Dark/cold corr 24 - not played in months, dull
Pale Mistess: necro/therm MM 4 - love the concept, not a huge mm fan.

If it's level 50. Keep it. If need be, move it to a server you don't play on.

That Dark/Cold Corr, that sits at level 24 and you find dull to play, delete it!

Witch of Woe, it's at level 41 so that's a toss up. If you have no intention of playing it, or want to reroll the concept into a new AT/Powerset Combo, delete it and reroll or save it and go back to deletion if you need the space.

The MM, that's an easy delete, it's level 4. You can always remake it again later if wanted.

The Shield/Ice, it's at lvl 32, sooo it's an easy free up space deletion if space is needed for a new alt, but if you enjoy it, keep it.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I deleted a lvl 41 Kheld Peacebringer this morning (boring and weak AT in my view) and a lvl 44 Warshade just this past week. If you've no emotional attachment to a toon, no reason to keep them.

With a farming character in your stable (you've got one) its very easy to find another farmer that will trade farming runs with you and create another lvl 32 alt in just a few hours of farming. Or if you want to help another player, level-pact with a lowbie and PL their toon, building two lvl 32 alts in a couple of evenings. There should be no reason to fear deleting anything less than 32 anymore since you can replace them so quickly.



I use three servers as my main servers. I use one for the hardcore SG. There's simply no way I could ever Incarnate all that I have. Do I delete something I have no desire to Incarnate? Nope. I just level it to 50 if it isn't already and basically retire it. It's always there if I need it. Do I delete characters? Oh, hell yes. Not as many these days since I'm on so many severs and I tend to go back to certain builds and rediscover why I rolled them in the first place even if it's been 1-2 years.

How I weed through characters is based on how fun it is and what purpose does it serve. I deleted two Kins recently. Why? I still have 5 others so it's not like I'm lacking there. The Kin/rad really offered me nothing my Kin/sonic didn't already and the Kin/sonic is already 50. The Fire/kin was just because I felt like I was suppose to have one considering how many Kins I have rolled since starting out and then I found out I wasn't exactly fond of Fire. I rerolled both as /fire brutes to have my farmers for their respective servers. Even if the Fire/kin could farm, it's not nearly as fun as a SS/fire.

I also roll, don't roll, or delete characters based on how often certain ATs, or power sets are used. I would love to roll a Plant/fire/ice dom, but I have a level 50 Plant/storm/ice so I see no real point in rolling the dom. I would just play the controller instead. I axed a Plant/ta for a Widow due to already using Plant and TA elsewhere and me not having a SoA. Same thing deleting a scrapper for a stalker. I think Elec Melee and War Mace are the last two sets on my to do list that look like fun.



I only delete a character if I actively dislike the powersets I've chosen, or the character is, for whatever reason, incredibly frustrating for me to play. I've only deleted about 10 characters in 84 months (I have 46 active alts).

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



The main purpose of MMO endgame content is generally to get stronger so you can do harder endgame content, and CoX seems to be following that formula. That means that if you don't have time to run a character through trials and slot up Incarnate powers then that character should still be perfectly playable in non-trial environments... sure the fully slotted out guys are going to be better but you'll still be able to complete a normal TF / story arc / whatever just fine without fancy Incarnate powers. You probably won't be able to do the later Incarnate content on that character, but since you aren't going to have time to run a bunch of characters' worth of Incarnate stuff that's no big deal.

As for when to delete characters, I delete one if I want a new character to be on Virtue and like the concept better than one of my existing 36 characters there. (If I'm just testing something out I put it on a different server.)

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I only play on Pinnacle and I've deleted more characters than most players have created. It's not a biggie. Email their inf off. Use respecs to snag enhancements you don't want to lose and email those of. Delete. Move on.
Insert Infinity for Pinnacle and this fits me pretty well.

I often make a toon based on a concept that I have for a build. Get it to the late 30's and start to IO it. If it doesn't live up to what I wanted it to I'll vetspec off the goodies and delete away.

If the character isn't fun for you there isn't any reason to keep it around.

Global: @Kelig



Originally Posted by Madamme Mayhem View Post
Incarnate trials are upon us and growing. i20.5 and i21 each come with a new trial, what does this mean for our characters? Will some be left behind and forgotten as others progress through the trials gaining more and more power. In my case the answer is yes.

I play a few hours a day and so far that seems to only really allow me to progress with one character who seems to be becoming my new main. Gaining incarnate powers takes a fair amount of time especially if you dont get the Very rare salvages often which is to be expected, hence the type name. And with the new issues coming up, having time to get incarnate powers with other characters is rather slim. So what does this mean for them? Deletion maybe?

Before all the incarnate business my main was a mind/psi/psi dom whom i loved. She was a brilliant character end of, but when the trials came out her usefulness dropped. Trying to mez lvl 54's is a pain in the *** and in BAF where the prisoners try to escape mind control is useless. Consequently i got rather annoyed with the fact my 'awesome' character was not any use in the most recent and most popular aspect of the game.

looking through my characters:
Psichosis.: ill/rad/soul troller 50 - Love to play, good for trials
Madamme Mayhem: Mind/psi/psi dom 50 - Haven't played in a while but cannot delete
Frost Bound: Ice/storm/elec corr 50 - fun to play, good for trials
Razzle Dazzle: Elec/fire/fire dom 50 - Not played in months, Good dmg, elec doesnt work with fire, boring concept.
Witch of dread: Rad/dark/dark corr 50 - new main, great all around, though wish had more AV killing abilites
Pyro immolator: Dark/fire/mu brute 49 - farmer, fun to play
Witch of woe: Sonic/pain/dark corr 41 - Not played in months, love the concept, might bring out of retirement
Glacial tsunami: Shield/ice tank 32 - fun to play, might be good for trials
Vassilisa: Dark/cold corr 24 - not played in months, dull
Pale Mistess: necro/therm MM 4 - love the concept, not a huge mm fan.

From the list there are characters who i enjoy playing now and some who i havent touched in months yet still like the idea of the character but will most likely not bother with. Do i delete them and take the enhancements or do i keep them and let them take up space?

Razzle Dazzle: Elec/fire/fire dom 50
Vassilisa: Dark/cold corr 24

These are the two characters which i would get rid of. The question is, should i?

Id appreciate peoples opinions on the matter and advice, thanks!
As another option to the OP the Alpha Merit and Emphrean Merit stores in i20.5 allow you to trade a Alpha Merit for 4 thread and an Emphrean Merit for 18 threads that can be sent to any character. You will also be able to run the Tin Mage and Apex TF's for 1 astral a day and then 10 threads a day.

So even if you only like playing 1 toon on the trials run them once a day and convert the 3 Emp merits and the 12-18 Astrals into `84 threads and mail them off to the toon of your choice. When you have time run the Tin Mage and Apex to speed the earnings. You should be able to get one side toon done every week or two I would think.

Global: @Kelig