



Pong was competitive. And technically, any game can be with the inclusion of high scores. Folks love competing.



for competitive i play Wii tennis online man i hate lag on that server

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by vindizzLe View Post
So you think that gaming would be better without the 2D/3D fighters like the Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken & Virtua Fighter series? You think it would be better without Quake, Half Life & Source?

That's not even beginning to mention the fact that online gaming has come as far as it has on account of competitive gaming as well.

There is trollin' afoot.
It's like Poker on Sports channels.

I would like to issue a plea on behalf of Paragon's diminutive protectors, please watch where you step. We're four feet tall in a six foot tall world, we've been cast adrift in a sea of butts. -Pillbug



((What are we talking about here?))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((What are we talking about here?))
PVE people mocking PVP people.

Because the only thing better than a dev team that doesn't listen is a player community that kicks you when you're down.

Well...they "/e kick" you anyway.



The derailed train that's still rolling. How many people will try to stop it with their bare hands?

Hurray for CoH PvP.



i hear devs dont even think of pvp anymore they wish pvpers would go away

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Xan I was going to post in your other thread but there is so much hatred for PvP by the crowd there that there is not much point.

I think the developers are making a HUGE mistake by avoiding the PvP issue with CoH. If they truly want to bring in the big numbers after CoH:Freedom is released then they need to fix PvP. Like it or not, there is a very large group of dedicated MMO players that love to melt faces. Is there room for them and the PvE only people? Of course.

I think after CoH:F is released they need to check their numbers and see if it is feasible to create a dedicated PvP server with open areas of combat. Basically being able to fight in any zone at any time. I know I would have at least one character there to experience that level of game play.

I am sure someone will come along and make blanket statements that PvP attracts the "wrong" crowd but the same can be said about role-playing. Not everyone is a d-bag.

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Originally Posted by Static_Dizzle View Post
The derailed train that's still rolling. How many people will try to stop it with their bare hands?

Hurray for CoH PvP.
This thread's topic was oh-so-important to begin with.

Hurray for passive aggressive forum-goers.



Originally Posted by grae knight View Post
oh yeah. And...


Put that on his virtueverse, like, yesterday.



Originally Posted by vindizzLe View Post

Put that on his virtueverse, like, yesterday.
I can not take credit for this work of art. Poison is amazing.

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Hahaha. Poison is a complete *******. (Disclaimer: He is my BFF, I'm allowed to say this.) I just put it on my DA profile. It's not going on virtueverse though as it's non-cannon. Haha.

And yeah Grae I agree with you on PVP. I know a lot of people don't like it. (Not just because the current PVP system is bad, but also because they don't like PVP in general at all.) But I genuinely don't get why people act so SMUG that the devs are ignoring PVP. Reverse-elitism FTL. It'd be good if annoying things like Heal Decay and Travel Suppression were removed for COH:Freedom as I think that would incentivise a lot of people to try out PVP. (Alternatively they could roll back the ENTIRE Issue 13 changes.)

It would take an afternoon to do. They could get an intern to do it. It is literally as easy as flipping a switch. (Remember that zone they accidentally added a couple years ago that had pre-I13 rules? Yeah. The code is still there. Complete copy+paste job is all that's required.)

They won't do it though. I have no idea why. It can't be ego or to save face, no dev team is that stupid. Maybe Marketing has told them that subscriber numbers are low and that massive changes to game mechanics are not allowed anymore? I could see that tying their hands up.



I feel for you bro. I love PVP. Always did on all of my MMO's.
But the many gripes I have with the City of Heroes PVP system are long, and too ardous to get into. So I shall make a Top 5.

1. My main issue seems to be more or less the PVP Enhancement Drop Rate. That or I'm just not killing them fast enough. (Being gone for two issues isn't helping me on the Incarnate scale as well.) I love how shiny they are, like a little collectors pin every time I look at them in my ability slots. But they don't drop for me. Ever.

2. I guess balance is a main issue here. I believe Robotics/Dark Masterminds are still the PVP God Tier of MM's, so my Rob/FF gets pummeled no matter how high my Defense is. And why a Scrapper can beat a Stalker in PVP using the same power pools, same slots, same enhancements is beyond my capability of understanding. That or I have just seen some bad Stalkers. Anyways, balance sucks. Add in PVP Enhancements to make that even more so.

3. (Least when it comes to Virtue) WHERE THE HELL IS THE PVP?! I don't join Arena to PVP. Arena is specifically for sexy time. No exceptions. I join Recluses Victory to PVP, and I might have -maybe- one to five people at a time.

4. Combination of (1) and (2), but it feels like support classes are just easy targets, and they are really under-rewarded. You have to do killing damage to get a PVP enhancement (if I recall), so being a support in group PVP is like getting a serrated phallus shoved into an orifice. It's never enjoyable. Unless you're into that kind of stuff.

5. Group PVP is just god-awful. I'll admit I've seen a few arena fights that actually went as great as expected, but almost ninety percent of the time it's nothing but a focus-fire fest. AoE's are useless (EXCEPT AGAINST YOURS TRULY, DAMNED MM'S), Hold/Sleep/Stuns! THEY DO NOTHING. Also, I'd like to introduce a new mechanic when it comes to Support Classes: AoE Buffs. Think Mastermind Henchmen Upgrades, but instead of doing one at a time (like it used to for MM pets, and still does for buffers) it affects the whole team. That'd make my life so much easier. And lazier. I love laziness.



I enjoy PvP in games that are made for it, are made ONLY for it (that is, you're not interrupting anyone's non-PvP activity with your brand of fun), and have a lower level of investment. By the last, I don't mean to dismiss taking time to build skills; rather, I'm comparing everything involved in making a "competitive" PvP build in CoX to grabbing a prefab and jumping into a match in TF2 or CoD. (And in those, when I die, I'm respawned in 5 seconds and back in the action in 10.)

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by The Artificial Intel View Post
2. I guess balance is a main issue here. I believe Robotics/Dark Masterminds are still the PVP God Tier of MM's
Definitely not. Dark's main debuff is easily detoggled, and Tar Patch is easily mitigated through superior movement. There are far more options that greatly outweigh Bots/Dark (lol). See: Anything/Poison, Anything/Therm, Anything/Pain.

And why a Scrapper can beat a Stalker in PVP using the same power pools, same slots, same enhancements is beyond my capability of understanding.
Scrappers have a higher sustainable DPS, that is working as intended.

Scrapper HP cap is also higher than a Stalker's. Even before the nerf to ET, it was very rare to see a Stalker duel a Scrapper, and even more rare for that Stalker to beat the Scrapper. Such an outcome is more of an indication of the Scrapper's skill (or lack thereof).

3. (Least when it comes to Virtue) WHERE THE HELL IS THE PVP?! I don't join Arena to PVP. Arena is specifically for sexy time. No exceptions. I join Recluses Victory to PVP, and I might have -maybe- one to five people at a time.
For the most part, Virtue PvP is dead. Unfortunately, the "I go to RV only" mentality is partly what is killing it as well. TS & HD delivered the deathblow to the community, many of the active players that still choose to PvP regularly prefer to do it in the arena so that they can get a glimpse of how things used to be.

4. Combination of (1) and (2), but it feels like support classes are just easy targets, and they are really under-rewarded. You have to do killing damage to get a PVP enhancement (if I recall), so being a support in group PVP is like getting a serrated phallus shoved into an orifice. It's never enjoyable. Unless you're into that kind of stuff.
Many PvP enthusiasts didn't PvP just for the enhancements. There was a long span of time where PvP offered no reward whatsoever outside of a few badges, yet the community was far more active than it is now. Support classes are actually the hardest targets to kill.

5. Group PVP is just god-awful. I'll admit I've seen a few arena fights that actually went as great as expected, but almost ninety percent of the time it's nothing but a focus-fire fest. AoE's are useless (EXCEPT AGAINST YOURS TRULY, DAMNED MM'S), Hold/Sleep/Stuns! THEY DO NOTHING. Also, I'd like to introduce a new mechanic when it comes to Support Classes: AoE Buffs. Think Mastermind Henchmen Upgrades, but instead of doing one at a time (like it used to for MM pets, and still does for buffers) it affects the whole team. That'd make my life so much easier. And lazier. I love laziness.
Holds/Sleeps/Stuns not working can be blamed on the changes to the system made in i13. That's certainly not how things always were. Though, I'm sure that if we went back to the old system, you wouldn't be a fan of break-free management.

AoE's being useless in PvP is fairly consistent across the board with many MMO's, focus-firing down a target is the way to go.



Not to flame a dead horse but

Any word on base raids?

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
Not to flame a dead horse but

Any word on base raids?
Think they're pretty much a no go mate. Base builders can stack items now...would make base raiding impossible.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Think they're pretty much a no go mate. Base builders can stack items now...would make base raiding impossible.
This. I loved base raiding but they got rid of it in favor of people playing Barbie Dream House.

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Originally Posted by vindizzLe View Post
I heard Porch beat a Rad/Rad once in a duel with his Fire/EM blaster.

Tough stuff.


I feel like you're being facetious...

I suppose you're talking about the video on youtube? Shad0 was talking a bunch of **** and I told him when I beat him I was going to put a video up. Same went for the Ice/EM. I recorded all of my PvP stuff. Ha, I still have screenshots lying around somewhere of Quake:TF matches from way back when.

Anyway, hello, how're you doing? I don't think I know you, but it's good to see that not everyone in this game is a PvP hater (be it here, or anywhere else).

Yes, focused fire is the way to go. Calling targets and getting rid of the highest threat in an area wins matches. Group pvp is the best. Oh and Xanatos likes men.



Originally Posted by HPorch0 View Post


I feel like you're being facetious...

I suppose you're talking about the video on youtube? Shad0 was talking a bunch of **** and I told him when I beat him I was going to put a video up. Same went for the Ice/EM. I recorded all of my PvP stuff. Ha, I still have screenshots lying around somewhere of Quake:TF matches from way back when.

Anyway, hello, how're you doing? I don't think I know you, but it's good to see that not everyone in this game is a PvP hater (be it here, or anywhere else).

Yes, focused fire is the way to go. Calling targets and getting rid of the highest threat in an area wins matches. Group pvp is the best. Oh and Xanatos likes men.
Of course I'm going to be facetious. You were asking Dax who was I to think that I could beat him in a duel.

I mean... c'mon now.



Haha, *that* was me being facetious. I mean, c'mon it's Dax! I beat him with a defender (with no self heal) before they ruined PvP. He didn't have travel suppression!



Originally Posted by HPorch0 View Post
Haha, *that* was me being facetious. I mean, c'mon it's Dax! I beat him with a defender (with no self heal) before they ruined PvP. He didn't have travel suppression!
Alright, fair enough sir. Well played on your part.

You also had me at "I played Quake:TF".



We're about to have a Quake: TF bromance on the CoH forums. Ah, the good 'ole days.