Top Five List .. A Letterman parody




DAVE "We did a survey and the results are in .. The top five reasons a Lambda Trial fails are..."

Number Five. "This lag is so bad I fired off an attack and it hit me as I was trying to avoid being killed by a MK Vickie"

Number Four. "No I said Team 1 is on Nades and Team 2 is on Acids. Why are there twelve people in the warehouse and only four in the lab?"

Number Three. "Can we get those portals closed as quick as possible? What do you mean the three guys that just dc'd had all the acids?"

Number Two. "Do you think I should have recruited maybe one or two players that could debuff and/or heal?"

And the Number ONE reason for failing a Lambda is...

"Did anyone at all listen to me when I said don't attack the AV until AFTER we close all but one portal?" or version two .. "Did anyone listen at all?"


Now I usually have pretty good luck with lambda trials and can't recall the last one I was on that failed but it was probably way back when they first came out. you know back when no one was sure what to do yet and no one had more than 1 level shift and no extra incarnate powers. And then there was yesterday afternoon..

The league leader threw together a team that seemed very heavy on Blasters (including me) and kind of light on Tanks, Brutes or Scrappers. Also didn't seem to have a lot of support troops but hey wouldn't be the first time an odd ball team I on did well so . Let's get em!

Before we entered the leader asked if anyone had never done this trial before. Now its always a good idea to ask but I was suprised when three different players informed us it was their first.. EVER. okay no big deal everyone starts at some point but the extent of their instruction on the trial from our fearless leader consisted of.. Just follow us and kill stuff!

We got inside and didn't bother with the street ouside at all just jumped the wall and attacked the troops in the courtyard. First time I'd seen that but I just figured "Okay this must be what they mean by a speed run." Leaving all that IXP outside go to waste with 3 brand new trialers along that needed it to open two power slots seemed a bit off and with so many blasters I was a bit concerned about getting back after a trip to the hospital but I am a good team player so I went along. Things went pretty well inside and we did manage to unlock the facility by taking out just the troop inside. We wiped out the turrents... and I saw one guy actually asking WHY we were wasting time doing that? The leader did inform him for extra Thread drops and because the guns would hurt us if we left them while Maurader was attacking. Seemed like he knew his business.

We headed inside and took down the security guard. Team one was on grenades and Team two (My team) was on acids. I headed in and we did okay through the first 3 or 4 containment chambers and then I got face planted... HEY I AM A BLASTER it's normal LOL

When I got back from the hospital I noticed two things.

1. Several players were dead (little red triangles) and instead of heading to the hospital they were laying there waiting for someone to tp and rez them. I immediately reminded everyone that the hospital was IN ZONE don't wait to be rezzed go and get back,.

2. Next thing I discovered was after the trip to the hospital some of the folks on my team must have decided it was more fun to look for grenades because there were now only 4 of us in the lab.. including ONE dead blaster that apparently didn't hear me the first time and was still laying around waiting to be rescued

Somehow amazingly, and due latrgely to Team one along with my own missing team mates finding all the nades and coming to help on acids, we managed to get all 10 of each.

Now the real fun started.. Several people dc'd, or quit after dying X number of times in the collection phase, I am not sure which. The problem was it appeared that they must have had the majority of the acids because we only had about 5 doors closed quickly. I was on the acid team and had checked my temp trays several times.. I didn't get a single one. Okay NP so we have to wait on a couple weapons deliveries before we attack Maurader.

As I stood there waiting I even stated in LEAGUE CHAT. "Don't attack the AV until we get those portals closed." About ten seconds later Maurader and every IDF troop within ten miles was attacking us. This of course made trying to get more acids almost impossible because we were fighting for our lives and dying repeatedly. All the while more and more reinforcements are arriving.

At one point I know for a fact 5 of us, myself included, were standing around waiting for that stupid Hospital door to unlock and let us out. Eventually more people started quitting as it became obvious we couldn't win. Just before I rolled my eyes and joined them I saw the leader asking.. "So what do you think we did wrong that caused us to fail?" Ummmmm EVERYTHING?

Fortunately Later I managed to get on several good leagues and the memory of the nightmare faded.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I didn't think so until yesterday DarkGob. Then again somewhere on the forums there is a thread running on the Freedom folder (?) and the OP swears he has NEVER been on a successful one.

When I originally saw it my reaction was the same as yours. YOU CAN'T COMPLETE A LAMBDA? But I was shown that if you get just the right group of people together.. that can't follow a simple instruction, get lost and forget where they were before their trip to the hospital and quit as soon as they die a couple times [your a 50 level and debt means exactly WHAT to you?] .. anything is possible.

Or maybe there was just a full moon last night and i got all the crazies on my team LOL

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I've seen fails for Cut-Scene ninjas walking the wrong way. Really annoying that. Tactical fails, usually only see that happen if the group as a majority doesn't attack Marauder at the same time, and even then it was only 'near fail' and we've recovered. Although I can certainly see a full fail coming from it.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
I've seen fails for Cut-Scene ninjas walking the wrong way. Really annoying that.
Yeah, some people think it's cute to be in the cutscene, even if it might screw over the entire team. I was on a Lambda today where the MM had to be in the cutscene with his pets. After the cutscene, Marauder aggroed on the pets as the MM ran back to the team and caused several people to die within seconds.

We're just lucky the bonehead wasn't standing a bit further back or Marauder might have run out the door after the pets and caused the trial to fail.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Lambda Trials still fail?
Lambda trials are still being done?

I have given up on trials because I wait about 45+ minutes for a group to form, then about 25 more minutes for everyone to figure out who is doing what. After that, I log off because I have used all my play time waiting for something to happen.

Est sularis oth Mithas



i mostly stopped with the trials because i just have no interest in the "rushrushrush" mentality of the trials

i dont mind doing large group activities, but i had being on forced time limits basically forcing poeple to rush (a la lambda collection phase being the worst offender) which in turn causes more deaths and increased tension/frustration

i have not run a single trial in almost 2-2.5 weeks now because i just have no interest in doing them, running a trial to me feels like running a speed/quick tf, which i already dislike

i could run 3 shard ITFs in a day, but running 3 BAFs or Lambda trials in a day is just kind of boring, your on the same map the whole time, your constantly getting killed due to stray aggro and or rush tactics due to time limits

when i die on an ITF im just "whoops too much aggro", but on a lambda when i die i feel "ugh, this is ridiculous, i hate skipping mobs"



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Yeah, some people think it's cute to be in the cutscene, even if it might screw over the entire team. I was on a Lambda today where the MM had to be in the cutscene with his pets. After the cutscene, Marauder aggroed on the pets as the MM ran back to the team and caused several people to die within seconds.

We're just lucky the bonehead wasn't standing a bit further back or Marauder might have run out the door after the pets and caused the trial to fail.
Yeah that annoys me too. It's especially aggravating when I am playing one of my squishier characters and on my 2nd or 3rd trip back from the hospital I spot two or three players from the other team already lined up for their "BIG MOMENT?" And the ones that really tick me off are when you discover the LEAGUE LEADER is the only person out of 16 that felt it was perfectly fine to leave collection to some one else while he/she prepared for cut scene glory.

On the failed attempt I spoke of I am still not certain what brought Maurader and the IDF down on us before we were anywhere near ready
but now that you mentioned it there were two guys from the acid team posing with Maurader. Those two geniuses probably aggroed him and that cost us a mission complete and an Empyrean merit.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Number Four. "No I said Team 1 is on Nades and Team 2 is on Acids. Why are there twelve people in the warehouse and only four in the lab?"
Because team 2 is on acid, duh!

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
Lambda trials are still being done?

I have given up on trials because I wait about 45+ minutes for a group to form, then about 25 more minutes for everyone to figure out who is doing what. After that, I log off because I have used all my play time waiting for something to happen.
It sounds like you are using the LFG queu.

Most Itrials are pre-formed by players gathering in Pocket D, Rikti War Zone, or Cim.

These pre-formed trials are why you see Average wait times measured only in minutes.

Let's say you have 10 Itrials that are pre-formed with 16 players, and launch within 45 seconds.

Then you have one person who uses the queue and waits around for 45 mintues.

What's the average time?

It sounds like you need to join some global channels or hang around a co-op zone, because yes, trials are still being done by lots of players.