Oblitory Evil Double from another universe Goatee




It just occurred to me that while some Praetorian do have facial hair non of them seem to have the signature "Evil double from another universe goatee".

This was first seen in Star Trek with the episode "Mirror Mirror" as the Evil Spock has the signature goatee pictured here. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3286/...5c6b3876b5.jpg

This was later parody in South Park and WAY over done as every character had the Goatee. The episode was titled "Evil Cartman" however he was actually evil WITHOUT the Goatee and the one with was good. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_BdLOVjNJru...an-149x150.jpg

Most recently we have the Shattered Glass Rodimus from Transformer with a painted on Goatee as of course robots can't grow facial hair. http://images-mediawiki-sites.theful...6086268588.jpg

Perhaps Anti-Matter has a Goatee under that helmet? We haven't seen what he looks like under there and Positron is completely bald so maybe Anti-Matter got all the hair. lol



Yeah but Emperor Cole is so Perfectly Coiffed.

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



Originally Posted by Rial_Vestro View Post
The episode was titled "Evil Cartman" however he was actually evil WITHOUT the Goatee and the one with was good. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_BdLOVjNJru...an-149x150.jpg
Actually the episode was "Spookyfish". Season 2, Episode 15.

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Don't forget The Middleman episode, "The Palindrome Reversal Palindrome" where our squeaky clean hero goes from this

to this

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



The funny part is that the Mirror Spock, the one who had the goatee, really wasn't evil. He was still logical, not motivated by ambition to kill his superior and usurp his position, and was receptive to "standard" Kirk's reasoning when Kirk attempted to persuade him to work for change.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



I have a goatee, so am i the Evil Obi Wan?



Originally Posted by ObiWan View Post
I have a goatee, so am i the Evil Obi Wan?
Yes. And apparently, you're dead too.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
Yes. And apparently, you're dead too.
It's fake i tell you! CIA plot!



I know of two truths:

Everyone in the world has an exact double (or twin).

Evil twins wear goatees.

These things cause me concern because I have a goatee


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Remember the Goatee guy isn't always the evil one.

in Futurama there was an episode featuring Bender's Goatee Twin.

As Bender is pretty evil already, the Goatee one was the good version.



<3 Flexo

Thank you, Champion.



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
Remember the Goatee guy isn't always the evil one.

in Futurama there was an episode featuring Bender's Goatee Twin.

As Bender is pretty evil already, the Goatee one was the good version.
Two things about that.

1. Flexo was not Bender's evil double from another universe.

2. That was not a Goatee it was a soul patch. A Goatee is basically anything where the sides of your face are shaved but not your chin and not your mustache. A soul patch is an almost completely shaved face with the exception of a triangular patch of beard left on your chin. You could technically have a soul patch as part of a goatee but in order for it to be a goatee a mustache is required. And evil Goatees are always in the style that Spock had.

On the comment of Evil Spock not being evil. I guess being good or evil requires some emotional reasoning one way or the other however one could also be good or evil by association. Shockwave is logical like a Vulcan but he is still a Decepticon and therefore evil. Ironically Lenard Nimoy actually voiced Galvatron and he was a crazy nut job. (Though he didn't really go crazy till Frank Welker took over again in the series. Nimoy only did the voice for the movie.)

Now if you'll excuse me I have to go hide in the corner after showing off what a gigantic nerd I am...



Originally Posted by Bramphousian View Post
<3 Flexo

So random thought from your avatar.

Between Ketchup and Catsup which is the evil twin?



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
So random thought from your avatar.

Between Ketchup and Catsup which is the evil twin?
Catsup because technically it's spelled wrong.



Originally Posted by Rial_Vestro View Post
Catsup because technically it's spelled wrong.
Eh. It's arguable that both are spelled wrong. "Catchup" was how it first entered the English vocabulary.

...or so I recall from looking into its etymology a few years back.

Also, "Catsup" is the evil twin, because, really, who says "catsup" anymore?

Thank you, Champion.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
My brother (non-twin) has a waxed mustache that he twirls.
Your brother is awesome

Thank you, Champion.



Originally Posted by Bramphousian View Post
Eh. It's arguable that both are spelled wrong. "Catchup" was how it first entered the English vocabulary.

...or so I recall from looking into its etymology a few years back.

Also, "Catsup" is the evil twin, because, really, who says "catsup" anymore?
Actually "Ketchup" is how it was originally entered in the English vocabulary and it's not arguable at all, there's multiple sources confirming this. I was even taught in school that Catsup was wrong not to mention the spell check keeps marking it that way while Ketchup is showing to be correct.


I can't seem to find anything about where Catsup came from, at least not from any reliable sources but I believe it's just a really bad marketing idea. This not really the only time this has happened but probably the first where in an effort to create a brand name for a product all they did was change the spelling on it's proper name. It would be like if I were to start a bottled Water company and use whattr as the brand name. (Whattr obviously just being Water spelled wrong.)