Making CoX F2P: How would you do it?

Adeon Hawkwood



It strikes me that there are three contingents of people who are not represented in this conversation.

First, there are people who don't really know about City of Heroes, but if they saw, "Free game!", they'd be willing to give it a shot. For example, my teen-aged nephew right now is dying to get a particular superhero-themed MMORPG that isn't this one, but my sister won't let him because she doesn't want to be on the hook for shelling out the $15 per month subscription fee for that game. So instead, he's playing a different particular superhero-themed MMORPG because there's no monthly subscription fee. I'd love to make him a CoH convert, but it's not going to happen right now because if there is going to be $15 per month shelled out, it's going to be on the game with the licensed characters that he adores from the cartoons he grew up with. The beauty of a F2P model is that probably a considerable number of these players would eventually become long-time players, just like me and several other posters in this thread.

Second, there are people who have played City of Heroes in the past, but gave it up because, for whatever reason, $15 was just too much to shell out every single month for a game. The fact is, this is a hard economy we've been in the past few years, and a lot of my friends and fellow players have had to quit the game because they simply couldn't afford it. I would love to see some of these people again, but it's not going to happen as long as the game is $15 a month.

Neither of these groups have access rights to the forums, though, so you're not going to see a lot of posts here saying, "I'd love for CoH to go F2P so that I could play/come back!" Instead, you're going to see a disproportionate number of people who like the status quo posting DOOOOM!!! messages.

Another thing that strikes me is that people keep posting completely unproductive messages like, "I don't like it," or "If it goes F2P, I'm quitting!" You know what? If Paragon Studios/NCsoft thinks that they'll make more money and have a larger loyal player base without you, they're not going to shed too many tears about it.

Instead, how about trying to be constructive? If you don't like it, why do you not like it? Even better yet, how could Paragon Studios/NCsoft address your concerns to make you more comfortable and happy? Here, I'll give you some concrete examples.

One thing that worries me about the prospect of CoH going F2P is that it would open the doors to griefers and gold farmers. Will there be barriers to people setting up free accounts merely to harass other people?

That is something that Paragon Studios can read and react to, something that, if they do consider making the game F2P, they can have meetings about and solve. Something that, hopefully by the launch or conversion, I could be comfortable in not being an issue.

Another example:

If the game goes F2P, I'm worried that there would be a lot of nickel-and-diming going on and that I'd end up spending more than $15 per month plus some booster packs here and there to get all the stuff that I want. Will there be plans to help people like me, the players who don't mind shelling out $15 per month to not have to worry about having to continually get new stuff to keep up or having a perpetually empty wallet?

These kinds of thoughts and questions are SO much more constructive than just posting meaningless, "I hate it!" jabs or "That will be the day the game dies" unwarranted and unsubstantiated claims.

In the spirit of the OP, if the game were to go F2P, here are my thoughts on how it should be done:

  • It needs to be posted well ahead of time so that people have time to decide whether they want that booster pack now or to just wait until the game goes F2P to see if they can get a better deal.
  • Paragon Studios should make some solid notes about concerns players post, such as the ones above, and determine clever ways to work around them. Obviously, you're not going to make everyone happy, but still, there are a lot of smart people here who can literately express things that others are feeling but that come out as, "I hate this."
  • They need to make sure that people aren't spending more than they're already spending to get the same level of stuff and/or service. It should be geared towards bringing in new players and earning marginal income from people who are paying nothing right now, not getting greedy and milking existing ones for more than they're currently spending.
  • They need to grow a thick skin. Not that they don't have one already; ragequit posts are part and parcel for being a game developer. This studio has never struck me as one that is afraid to make major changes because the players were all in a tizzy, and hopefully they'd realize that if this is the course they want to follow, the forums will positively explode. Don't take it personally; it's just a natural consequence of stirring up the pudding, and these forums disproportionately represent the contingent of players who are happy with the status quo and don't like big changes.

Of course, while this is all an interesting hypothetical thought experiment, we don't know what's going on behind closed doors. It would be kind of dumb, given the movement in the industry by some companies, for them not to have at least had casual conversations about it. But while idle speculation is fun, I don't see too much reason for concern or outrage until we get some kind of announcement or sign from the devs or reps that this is actually being seriously considered.

Last bit of advice: No matter what happens, please stop with the "This would destroy the game!" posts. No, it wouldn't. I've heard that so many times over the years that the game should have been dead pre-arrival in 2004. The only thing that would be destroyed is your own credibility if you keep saying such things and this becomes a reality. I find it really hard to fathom that the developers would make a big change like that without looking out for the loyal subscribers. Yes, there will probably be some people leave. Just like they did over Enhancement Diversification. Just like they did over PvP changes. Just like they did over AE farm nerfs. Whether or not something like this comes down the pipeline, the game will go on and I'll still be playing and having fun; the only difference is that you won't be having as much fun because instead of playing City of Heroes (for free!), you'll probably be, I dunno, watching the dreadful new fall pablum of television shows or something. I'm not trying to shut you naysayers up; by all means, post your worries to your heart's content. But please, try to chill and keep it productive.

Oh, and that third contingent of players? They're people in comas. My thoughts and prayers are with them and I do hope they get better, but for purposes of this discussion, I'm not too worried about their thoughts on CoH right now.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
That is not "A characteristic of F2P games." That has happened in... what, *every* MMO, before F2P was more than "Hey, look, cruddy flash browser game."
Erm, none of the MMOs I've played before (5 of them actually) involved paying real money for booster packs, temp powers, character slots, etc. Expansion packs not included. If you want to know which ones, I can PM you. Maybe these games have changed since then but I'm just speaking from my own experience.



You don't make CoH freemium. You make an entirely new service on its own server that is not connected to the current subscription network. You let the current subscribers continue to live life as they always have, and you let the new people play "City of Heroes Extended", which is identical except for the way its content is parceled out and sold.

Then you let the old guard continue to play their subscription game for as long as there are enough of them to keep the subscription game profitable, while you also make money off of the micro-transaction-driven freemium service.

I don't know that it's really worthwhile to speculate on what "CoH Extended" might be like. It's silly to think that NCSoft or Paragon Studios would be looking to this forum for guidance on what people want from a freemium superhero game, especially when the vocal speakers on the topic are so vehemently against the idea.

I personally dislike the "bronze/silver/gold" model that attempts to trick your freemium members into subscribing to get all of the benefits, because that subscription is a losing proposition if you're a long term player. The more money you spend in the long term on a sub, the more you stand to lose when you cancel, in comparison to a person who spent the same amount of money on ala carte purchases and who never needs to cancel, nor loses access to his content when he goes away for awhile. Subscriptions to a freemium service only make sense for a player in the short term.

As for content - City of Heroes already has plenty of content that could be easily adapted to micro-transactions. Every archetype, powerset, and costume set is a potential sale. Salvage inventory, character slots, architect slots, booster packs, inherent powers, recipe storage, merits, assorted in-game currencies all purchasable with NCCoin.

Honestly, the game is practically made for micro-transactions at this point.

The "how" of it doesn't really matter. People on this forum can descry it all they want because a freemium City of Heroes game would not be targeted at current subscribers. The only reason it makes sense to even attempt it is that you believe that you can increase the market share significantly enough to make a profitable game out of it.

Bottom line, IMO - I see no indication that NCSoft/Paragon Studios are interested in a freemium City of Heroes but if they were, then they would probably be best served to make it a standalone version of the game instead of alienating the current subscribers, at least as long as the current subscription game continues to pay for itself.



Originally Posted by American_Knight View Post
For the purposes of this thread, let us assume F2P was seriously being looked at and a redname posted here asking for input/ideas on how is should be implemented.
My response to the rename would be, "CoH2 had better be ready to launch, because the day this game goes F2P is the day I walk away from it."

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Shadowclone View Post
So, twist this game into a nightmarish hell? Money to use your powers? Hah!
Not just money to use your powers, but coupling that with a system that says no rewards if you didn't use your powers often enough. The dilemma it would present the players amuses me.

I'm probably going to a nightmarish hell for that.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
One thing that worries me about the prospect of CoH going F2P is that it would open the doors to griefers and gold farmers. Will there be barriers to people setting up free accounts merely to harass other people?
It would also open the door to a lot more noobs, who can't be removed through petitioning. Is that an elitist attitude? Hell yeah. But as far as elitist attitudes go, it's a pretty inclusive one, I think. For just $15 a month anyone can join the club. The point is they have committed themselves in some manner. They're not just signing up to screw around and lol in broadcast. When you pay money for something, most people feel compelled to get their money's worth, which in an MMO generally involves learning how to play and not making an *** of yourself. F2P is open to any idiot with an internet connection, there is no commitment, there is no need to make a good impression, and there is no accountability.

Which brings me to the other reason F2P wouldn't work out in this game, depending on how it's implemented. What are they going to gate behind microtransactions for F2P players? Is it content? How many SGs would invite an F2P player who can't go on task forces with them? Is it inventions or powers? I can see F2P players being excluded from teams for that reason. Levels? Again, you now have an SG member who can't join you on high-level content. Do you really want to exemp down all the time to play with this person? Cosmetic items such as costumes and power customization? That will eliminate a huge draw of this game, making F2P unappealing to people who want to create their own unique characters, resulting in an influx of F2Pers with names like xXxninjascrapperxXx, again enforcing the divide between F2Pers and paying subscribers.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



  • Slow the default leveling progression, gate expedited leveling behind paid means (buy X badge, now enemies give 1.5x XP for the next week for you).
  • Add pay-for perks that give a boost to the economic earning power of a character (same as above, but now your recipe drop chance goes up 20%).
  • Implement pay-to-use temporary items/powers to the game (limit uses or time duration). Nerf existing powers to make these more desireable.
  • Fill the costume options with micro transaction items.
  • Enable cash-shop-only badges to mess with the badgers.
  • Make more items and drops bind-on-drop to discourage the creation of dedicated farming characters.




Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
So if something shouldn't be done and/or should not happen, we can't play pretendy imagination world.

Got it.
Nope not even close. We're saying just because the OP doesn't want to hear people say they wouldn't switch to F2P doesn't mean he gets to dictate that they can't voice their opinion in this thread.

He has every right to propose it and we have the same right to shoot it down. This is a public forum. Deal with it.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
It would also open the door to a lot more noobs, who can't be removed through petitioning. Is that an elitist attitude? Hell yeah. But as far as elitist attitudes go, it's a pretty inclusive one, I think. For just $15 a month anyone can join the club. The point is they have committed themselves in some manner. They're not just signing up to screw around and lol in broadcast. When you pay money for something, most people feel compelled to get their money's worth, which in an MMO generally involves learning how to play and not making an *** of yourself. F2P is open to any idiot with an internet connection, there is no commitment, there is no need to make a good impression, and there is no accountability.

Which brings me to the other reason F2P wouldn't work out in this game, depending on how it's implemented. What are they going to gate behind microtransactions for F2P players? Is it content? How many SGs would invite an F2P player who can't go on task forces with them? Is it inventions or powers? I can see F2P players being excluded from teams for that reason. Levels? Again, you now have an SG member who can't join you on high-level content. Do you really want to exemp down all the time to play with this person? Cosmetic items such as costumes and power customization? That will eliminate a huge draw of this game, making F2P unappealing to people who want to create their own unique characters, resulting in an influx of F2Pers with names like xXxninjascrapperxXx, again enforcing the divide between F2Pers and paying subscribers.
The first point, as far as "committing to something being somewhat of a throttle on behavior" (not so much "lol, noobs") is one thing to consider. It's what sticks in mind with a lot of the "I don't want/would leave if the game became F2P, because it would go down the tubes."

F2P? They open a new server specifically for it. All F2P characters are isolated there. Paying customers can go there if they want, but it's isolated - like test, it has its own market, AE and the like. (Actually, I'm tempted *not* to let paying/trial customers go there - just because it opens up an RMT pathway.) Of course, that makes the transition between F2P and real subscriber difficult (in both directions.) Allow transfers (free if current, fee if not) from the live servers to the F2P one.

And then we hit the second point, too - what gets *charged for* on this F2P? Our current packs and such just don't do very much for a F2P model, and splitting the game... eh. I don't see it working very well, or doing anything more than slowing updates.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Well the first thing I would do is not call them F2P accounts to avoid the stigmata that is associated with them. Instead I would call them Trial Accounts and they would have the following restrictions..
Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Unless you've restricted said F2P accounts in exactly the same way you have Trial accounts, you open the door to griefers and goldspammers..
We already have Trial accounts. Switching to F2P/MTS would allow people to play the game, ideally without severe restrictions, for free. How many people currently play a Trial Account right now and switch to subscriptions? Very few. I can't recall many Trial Accounts that switch to full subs - why? Because it's so restrictive.

If you haven't noticed, we've already had issues with spammers and griefers - on guess what! TRIAL ACCOUNTS. So switching to F2P isn't going to be magically opening a door that hasn't already been opened before.

Originally Posted by Biowraith View Post
I'd make each power activation charge you $0.02 or something like that, and then extend the incarnate trials' participation metric to all rewards game-wide.
That is the wrong type of Microtransaction - that's "microgriefing."

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
None of this will ever convert people to seeing some mystical golden glory of going F2P. Because such a thing doesn't even exist.
That's sort of along the line of people who denied the Holocaust ever happened *cough* Mel Gibson's father *cough*. If you refuse to see something, you won't see it, period. If you refuse to see the potential in something, you never will.

Simply because you refuse to see it doesn't mean isn't there.

Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
It would also open the door to a lot more noobs, who can't be removed through petitioning. I
And there's a lot of rude elitist players I can't remove either via petitioning. Go figure.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
F2P? They open a new server specifically for it. All F2P characters are isolated there.
Conversely, why not instead have a server specifically for subscription accounts? With the change to F2P you're more likely to have a large flux of free accounts - would one server do?



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
We already have Trial accounts. Switching to F2P/MTS would allow people to play the game, ideally without severe restrictions, for free. How many people currently play a Trial Account right now and switch to subscriptions? Very few. I can't recall many Trial Accounts that switch to full subs - why? Because it's so restrictive.
Do post your numbers and sources. Unless your source is the one supporting you on your chair, which I suspect to be the case.

If you haven't noticed, we've already had issues with spammers and griefers - on guess what! TRIAL ACCOUNTS. So switching to F2P isn't going to be magically opening a door that hasn't already been opened before.
We also had them on full accounts that were stolen. (The RMTers will try to be rather stealthy on their "legitimate" full accounts they're farming on and such.) They're also the primary reason that trial accounts have the restrictions on them now.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Conversely, why not instead have a server specifically for subscription accounts?
Becaue I have 11 servers full of subscription account characters and don't want their playstyle disrupted. And you're making a big assumption about "F2P = big influx!"

See also server-merge-copypasta.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Do post your numbers and sources. Unless your source is the one supporting you on your chair, which I suspect to be the case.
Funny you mention that - yes, I did get my sources and numbers from my chair - from my experiences playing the game, which I, get it, are entirely subjective - but that's my perception based off of my experiences.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Becaue I have 11 servers full of subscription account characters and don't want their playstyle disrupted. And you're making a big assumption about "F2P = big influx!"

See also server-merge-copypasta.
Because That Fantasy Tabletop Based MMO That Converted To F2P did experience a huge influx of players?



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Because That Fantasy Tabletop Based MMO That Converted To F2P did experience a huge influx of players?
Is this the one involving noble titles and a round object traditionally worn on the third finger of the hand? Because they've been advertising on TV like crazy.

If it's a different game, then I honestly have no idea which one you're talking about, and am thus surprised that they saw a huge influx of players.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Is this the one involving noble titles and a round object traditionally worn on the third finger of the hand? Because they've been advertising on TV like crazy.

If it's a different game, then I honestly have no idea which one you're talking about, and am thus surprised that they saw a huge influx of players.
No, no, it's one involving chickens, flying hens, and cannibal candles.



Originally Posted by American_Knight View Post
In the Q Earnings thread there was/is a debate about whether or not CoX should go F2P (free 2 play: relying on micro-transactions for money). For the purposes of this thread, let us assume F2P was seriously being looked at and a redname posted here asking for input/ideas on how is should be implemented.

Again, this is not a debate as to IF it should be done, but your ideas of HOW is should be done.

Please keep in mind that the forum rules prohibit speaking about other games (people were admonished for doing this in the other thread). So while you may be tempted to say CoX should be like XXXXX, please be more specific as to the details.

Here is my idea:

Have both subscription and F2P. The subscription player would get everything we get already. Still have to pay for boosters but at half cost.

The F2P player would only get:
- 2 character slots per server (can purchase more)
- have to pay full price for boosters
- have to pay one time fee for entering PvP zones
- have to pay a one time fee for entering Pocket D (this would not allow you Itrials - see below)
- have to pay a one time fee for entering MA
-have to pay a fee per character you want to incarante

This is what I got off the top of my head. I figured this plan would not "screw over" subscribers, and still make money off of peoples' desires to create alts.

Please share your own F2P plan.
Why are people so intent on starting these threads about CoH going F2P,if you want a super hero F2P I believe there is one out there go play it and stop trying to convince people that CoH should go F2P.You may say that this is how you would do it but unless you own NCSoft you are blowing so much hot air .The only reason you could want it F2P is you are to much of a tight wad to pay the small subs that are asked for each month .

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Because That Fantasy Tabletop Based MMO That Converted To F2P did experience a huge influx of players?
Name one Super Hero MMO that has been successful making the F2P crossover.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Name one Super Hero MMO that has been successful making the F2P crossover.
Forum rules prevent me from mentioning the names of any other MMO.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
The first point, as far as "committing to something being somewhat of a throttle on behavior" (not so much "lol, noobs") is one thing to consider. It's what sticks in mind with a lot of the "I don't want/would leave if the game became F2P, because it would go down the tubes."

F2P? They open a new server specifically for it. All F2P characters are isolated there. Paying customers can go there if they want, but it's isolated - like test, it has its own market, AE and the like. (Actually, I'm tempted *not* to let paying/trial customers go there - just because it opens up an RMT pathway.) Of course, that makes the transition between F2P and real subscriber difficult (in both directions.) Allow transfers (free if current, fee if not) from the live servers to the F2P one.

And then we hit the second point, too - what gets *charged for* on this F2P? Our current packs and such just don't do very much for a F2P model, and splitting the game... eh. I don't see it working very well, or doing anything more than slowing updates.
Damn Bill this is much like what I PM'd someone.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Because That Fantasy Tabletop Based MMO That Converted To F2P did experience a huge influx of players?
And they were around JUST as long as COH... no, wait, they weren't.

Find a game with a similar lifecycle, duration and playstyle as COH that did it successfully.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Forum rules prevent me from mentioning the names of any other MMO.
Truth prevents you from being able to name another MMO as a direct answer ("Divest yourself of..." and "financial loss" are not words that equal "Success.")



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
And they were around JUST as long as COH... no, wait, they weren't.

Find a game with a similar lifecycle, duration and playstyle as COH that did it successfully.
I can't - because no other game is like COH.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I can't - because no other game is like COH.
And yet you want to point at other games and use them as an example.

It doesn't work that way.