A few Kheldian power bugs




Awhile ago I went through the Kheldie powers list and attempted to match them up to other powers from pre-existing sets. In doing so I looked through the numbers in game and on City of Data (mostly CoD) and found a few oddities.

Since they're still hanging around, I figured I'd repost them and maybe catch the attention of the Devs. Who am I supposed to PM stuff like this to, by the by?

Useless Knockback
-PB: Gleaming Blast (10%)
-PB: Bright Nova Blast (10%)
-WS: Shadow Blast (10%)
-WS: Dark Nova Blast (10%)
-WS: Unchain Essence (10%)
-WS: Dark Nova Emanation (0%)

The chance for knockback in the first 5 powers is low enough to be essentially useless, and yet high enough to be annoying. They are they lowest chance for KB powers in the game, essentially. The closest I managed to find was a 20% chance.

I'm wondering if there was a decimal shift error or something of the like, because 10% chance for KB seems silly.

Also Dark Nova Emanation says in the power text that it has Knockback, but it does not have that feature as a part of the power. Odds are it's a copy/paste error that needs to be removed.

Power Parallel Oddities
-PB: Glowing Touch
Is functionally identical to every other 1.96 scale single target heal in everything with the exception of its range. All the others have an 80 foot range, as opposed to Glowing Touch's 30 foot range.

-PB: Pulsar
Parallels with Thunder Clap. Same Stun magnitude, though it does get the 50% chance for a bonus +1 mag, though I don't think that's worth the additional 50% more Endurance that PB's pay to use the power. Especially considering they have a smaller target radius (PB's 20 as opposed to Storm's 25) and a smaller target cap (PB 10, Storm 16).

-WS: Gravimetric Snare
Parallels with Chillblain. Is 1.0 Accuracy rather than 1.2, lacks the -Fly and -KB. Also is listed as an AoE under the Attack Types heading.

-WS: Ebon Eye
Parallels with Ice Bolt. Has 1.1 Accuracy for some reason. Possibly the result of some power shuffling early on and thus had it's accuracy switched with Grav Snare?

-WS: Essence Drain
Parallels with Dark Melee's Siphon Life. Siphon Life got a buff awhile back, and as usual it didn't get carried over to the then identical Kheldie power. Essence Drain deals about 1/2 as much damage, recharges 5 seconds slower, and costs half again as much endurance.

-WS: Black Dwarf Drain
Parallels with the very same Siphon Life. 1.75 damage scale as opposed to Essence Drain's 1 on the nose, but still shy of SL's 1.96. Still costs half again as much Endurance. Still recharges 5 seconds slower.

-WS: Inky Aspect
Parallels with Oppressive Gloom. Due to the Kheldie's higher damage mods, running this takes off a larger percentage of HP per tick than all the other versions.

-WS: Dark Extraction
Extracted Essences have a power labelled "Gravitic Emanation" that is actually a faster-animating version of Dark Nova Emanation and has nothing in common with Gravitic Emanation.

I think that's all the oddities and quirks with the numbers. But there might be more of them out there.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



I think several of the things are alterations to other powers that the Kheldie powers were based off of that didn't get carried over.

Or that they're oddly designed and I feel that they ought to be looked at.

As I said, 10% KB on a click power is not seen anywhere else in the game but on Kheldians. The next lowest is 20%.

There are powers in other sets that are functionally identical to what Khledians have, but they have bigger AoEs, more damage, more targets, and lesser costs for it.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Why quibble over what we call it?

Still problems, bugs or not. Problems that could use some attention, from devs who haven't given us any since I13, which was only token attention from after the 10 issues prior of not getting any attention. Khelds didn't exist for Issues 1 and 2 so I guess they get a pass on them...

Long story short, Dev's need to set aside time to finally deal with the problems in the Kheldian AT's. We've waited patiently long enough.



Khledians share the same situation as the PVP side of COX in my opinion. That is, there are not enough people playing Khelds/PVP for the devs to spend resources on fixing issues for the AT or that part of the game. So just like the PVP playerbase, providing suggestions (even some of the well though out, fact supported ones in these forums) for kheldians fall on deaf ears.

That's my perception, and my reality.



Originally Posted by Mercury_Down View Post
Khledians share the same situation as the PVP side of COX in my opinion. That is, there are not enough people playing Khelds/PVP for the devs to spend resources on fixing issues for the AT or that part of the game. So just like the PVP playerbase, providing suggestions (even some of the well though out, fact supported ones in these forums) for kheldians fall on deaf ears.

That's my perception, and my reality.
Doesn't make it right. Doesn't make it okay; and doesn't mean we should just give up on it.



TL;DR version:

Geko, when he was coding up Kheldians for Issue 3 did a botch job of it and penalized Kheldians just about every way he could. Since then, pretty much nothing has changed in 6.5 years.

And the person you want to pester about this sort of thing is Black Scorpion. He's taken over Powers from Castle.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Zenyth View Post
Doesn't make it right. Doesn't make it okay; and doesn't mean we should just give up on it.
I agree. I don't recall saying anything to the contrary in my post.



Originally Posted by Mercury_Down View Post
I agree. I don't recall saying anything to the contrary in my post.
I know, just saying.

No offense intended.



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Also Dark Nova Emanation says in the power text that it has Knockback, but it does not have that feature as a part of the power. Odds are it's a copy/paste error that needs to be removed.
Wow, it's been bugged for over 6 years. If they fix this power to be like the human version it would give Warshades more knockback. Hopefully, they'll change the text and remove the slotting option instead.

Old School



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
-WS: Inky Aspect
Parallels with Oppressive Gloom. Due to the Kheldie's higher damage mods, running this takes off a larger percentage of HP per tick than all the other versions.
You don't list the actual bug with this power: If you're held, stunned, or slept, offensive toggles are supposed to toggle off (Oppressive Gloom toggles off), but Inky Aspect only seems to be suppressed (well, at least, I assume it's suppressed, I'm desperately clicking and not paying so much attention to see if it's working).



Originally Posted by Mercury_Down View Post
Khledians share the same situation as the PVP side of COX in my opinion. That is, there are not enough people playing Khelds/PVP for the devs to spend resources on fixing issues for the AT or that part of the game. So just like the PVP playerbase, providing suggestions (even some of the well though out, fact supported ones in these forums) for kheldians fall on deaf ears.

That's my perception, and my reality.
It's almost like a self perpetuating problem. Kheldians have issues so folks don't want to play them, Devs don't fix them because not enough folks play them.

Duh! Winning!

"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.

"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Black Scorpion mentioned in the dev chat tonight that Khelds are on the list of power sets to be looked at as time allows. So yay!
Its a step up from "We'd like to get around to it" at least. Id still have liked something a bit more concrete than "When we get around to it." though.



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
You don't list the actual bug with this power: If you're held, stunned, or slept, offensive toggles are supposed to toggle off (Oppressive Gloom toggles off), but Inky Aspect only seems to be suppressed (well, at least, I assume it's suppressed, I'm desperately clicking and not paying so much attention to see if it's working).
I'd MUCH rather a power be supressed than detoggled any day of the week.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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Originally Posted by Zenyth View Post
Its a step up from "We'd like to get around to it" at least. Id still have liked something a bit more concrete than "When we get around to it." though.
I'll take it! Just to have them acknowledge that they need looking at is encouraging!

So, yeah. Yay!

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



khelds do need attention

imho the biggest fix that will go along way would be to suppress toggles once switch into forms..

so example i run the 3 shields, tough, tactics, assault and acro, and the travel powers. So when i switched to dwarf to heal they should suppress the effects of it and the end..

Run around in dwarf a lil heal.. then switch back to human.. like nothing happened... this would help alot.. esp in pvp..

Its like 2 years to reapply everything after i switch to dwarf just to heal.

Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin



Originally Posted by IronAlex View Post
khelds do need attention

imho the biggest fix that will go along way would be to suppress toggles once switch into forms..

so example i run the 3 shields, tough, tactics, assault and acro, and the travel powers. So when i switched to dwarf to heal they should suppress the effects of it and the end..

Run around in dwarf a lil heal.. then switch back to human.. like nothing happened... this would help alot.. esp in pvp..

Its like 2 years to reapply everything after i switch to dwarf just to heal.
I think most Khelds would agree that would be a super awesome QOL feature. And I believe the general consensus to buff PBs would be to lower the recharge on Photon Seekers.

I'd be totally in favour of both of those.



Originally Posted by Mercury_Down View Post
I think most Khelds would agree that would be a super awesome QOL feature. And I believe the general consensus to buff PBs would be to lower the recharge on Photon Seekers.

I'd be totally in favour of both of those.
i'd hope for a little more. maybe bringing some of the human form animations times down to make a human form attack chain a little more fluid( I swear ever attack on my WS has a 2 sec animation time). along with a change to cosmic balance to give you something thats static. maybe some changes to the shields to defense based.

i'd also like to see extracted essence changed so that its either invuln like PA or isn't targetable. I find it strange that when your DPS relies that heavily on a pet that has that stipulation to actually get the thing out, to allow it to die is rather lame.



Someone mentioned Glowing Touch earlier in the thread having a 30ft range (which I recall being correct as well as a PITA at times when it came to providing emergency healing to keep a teammate upright and breathing), but when I was logged in on my PB tonight I noticed it was now listed as having an 80ft base range. I've checked and I cannot see any record of such a change being implemented in the last few sets of patch notes - any idea when this got snuck in?

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Originally Posted by White_Warlock View Post
Someone mentioned Glowing Touch earlier in the thread having a 30ft range (which I recall being correct as well as a PITA at times when it came to providing emergency healing to keep a teammate upright and breathing), but when I was logged in on my PB tonight I noticed it was now listed as having an 80ft base range. I've checked and I cannot see any record of such a change being implemented in the last few sets of patch notes - any idea when this got snuck in?
*Checks the game*

...Well by jimminy it HAS changed...

No clue when they snuck it in, but snuck in it was. Not exactly HUGE GAMEALTERING CHANGES, but hey...least it wasn't a nerf.



Originally Posted by Zenyth View Post
Not exactly HUGE GAMEALTERING CHANGES, but hey...least it wasn't a nerf.
Screenshots or it didn't (not) happen.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



I checked it out, and it actually is 80 feet (like, I can actually use the power at 80 feet). Huh.