Why limit content?




Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Already in process. Posi posted today that they are revamping the trial reward system and details will be posted tomorrow.
'Revamp' is a rather strong word to use here. There are 'changes' coming to the reward system. It might end up being a revamp, but we don't know yet.


Also on Steam



Agree with original poster.

I like the newer taskforces more than the raids, but they're all easier than ever thanks to incarnate powers, and the only way to get the new loot is the two raids.

Please add an incarnate difficulty setting to all level 50 taskforces.



Originally Posted by WenDarkFall View Post

If a person is intent on increasing his incarnates after alpha then the only thing he can do is the two trials....
It's not the only thing, it's just the fastest thing.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



"I'm bored with running the new content over and over again."
"So do this other thing which works, but is considerably less efficient."
"Let me repeat, with emphasis. I'm BORED. with RUNNING. the new content OVER and OVER again."

I haven't done the new trials yet. I've got twelve threads or something. I'm not really in a hurry. *shrug*

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



With all due respect to the great forum names in this thread. As a vet player myself, I appreciate the positive responses and direction to Positron's post rather than responding with "you're wrong" or "don't worry about it" or "just play differently".

Personally, I'm waiting on the dev's post. I want a reason to play the numerous 50 incarnates that I have. As a test of the new trials, I wanted to take one of my most powerful/vicious characters (a heavily I/O'd arch/fire/scorp blaster) through to the tier 4 stage before working on any other characters. The reason that I didn't play my other incarnates was that the system didn't apparently have a time release mechanism to it like the weekly strike targets except for the empyrean merits. To make matters worse, I got a very rare and some rares within the first few times I ran the trials.

My faulty thinking was reinforced and I went into gold rush/gambling mode of "I'll play the trials again, next time I can get the very rare". I no longer wanted to do other things in the game.

I've been stuck getting uncommons (in the upper 30s) and commons for weeks now if I play with my league. Rares have dropped for me if I play against my leagues, and I'd hazard a guess that if I were willing to play against my league some more I'd get very rares.

Now that I know the system is under review and may change in some way, I've stopped to take a breath. I cringe knowing my current level 20 something's have been collecting dust as are my other 50s. This game has always been about alts to me, but I won't try to grind that many alts through those 2 trials unless a significant change is made to the rewards. That breaks the end game for me and probably others.

Anyway, thank goodness the dev's listen to their customers. I'm also hoping for a fix to the current participation system and an incarnate level to each existing level 50 taskforce or any reason not to have to do these two trials adnausium. I also want a reason to do the Tinmage/Apex taskforces, as I really like those two.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Actually, an idea getting a lot of buzz is to have an "Incarnate Level" setting in the TF difficulty setting for certain Level 50 TFs. It would set all the foes to level 54, disable Temp Powers (the same ones on iTrials) and allow for Incarnate Threads to drop... and why not throw a few Astral Merits on completion.
You Sir, are a genius.




You may be appealing to the pragmatist in me...

If my objective is to fully incarnate all of my various alts, then I will naturaly would prefer to do so as effectively as possible, which would result in doing this as quickly as possible.

Once you have entered that frame of mind, then many aspects of the game becomes inconsequential and thus pointless to do.

I can admit at being at that state of mind, I have 10 alts I am trying to fully Incarnate, of those 10 I allready have 3 with Alpha 4, Infrastructure 3, Destiny 4, Judgement 3, and Lore 3.

As a consequence "of my choice" I have little use to do the weekly task force, or any other content since they effectively are a waste of time from this vantage point. Also as a consequence "of my choice" I am stuck doing endless loops of BAF and LAMDA.

But I do realize that my present state of gaming is as a result of my choices, I am fully aware that the rest of the game is still out there.




Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
As a consequence "of my choice" I have little use to do the weekly task force, or any other content since they effectively are a waste of time from this vantage point. Also as a consequence "of my choice" I am stuck doing endless loops of BAF and LAMDA.

But I do realize that my present state of gaming is as a result of my choices, I am fully aware that the rest of the game is still out there.
We've had our differences in the past Stormy, but I just wanted to say I wish more people were aware of and accepting of the role their own decisions plays in how they game.

Far too many people are spouting such things as "The devs are FORCING us to do this!" and completely glossing over the fact that they made the choice to do it themselves.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Being manipulated and forced ARE two different things. The devs have every right to create both in thier game. As players, we choose to abide by both, some, or none. However, you can only pull a rubber band so tight before it snaps. There are some who feel that the rubber band is too tight for them and are becoming burnt-out. Of course the devs don't want to risk losing business. The players are manipulating the devs, but the devs can choose who to listen to or can they? I'm sure the devs ARE forced by someone or somegroup.

Anyway, choices are great! However, everyone wants their cake and they want to eat it, too. If that is your choice, then you are forced to go for it since it may not just come to your mouth. Manipulating me in pursuit of my cake makes me think of other options. I just don't want to lose my taste for the cake.



Originally Posted by VashNKnives View Post
Being manipulated and forced ARE two different things. The devs have every right to create both in thier game. As players, we choose to abide by both, some, or none. However, you can only pull a rubber band so tight before it snaps. There are some who feel that the rubber band is too tight for them and are becoming burnt-out. Of course the devs don't want to risk losing business. The players are manipulating the devs, but the devs can choose who to listen to or can they? I'm sure the devs ARE forced by someone or somegroup.

Anyway, choices are great! However, everyone wants their cake and they want to eat it, too. If that is your choice, then you are forced to go for it since it may not just come to your mouth. Manipulating me in pursuit of my cake makes me think of other options. I just don't want to lose my taste for the cake.
You make an interesting brain teaser here...

When you say the Devs have every right to manipulate and force, that is a very interesting concept you bring to table for at least myself to contemplate over.

Please note that I am neither agreeing or disagreeing with you, its just something to think about.

But I wonder how your statement collides with the rights of the customer?

We do pay a monthly subscription for a service, and we have as the lawyers will say "a reasonable expectation" for a reasonable quality product and service associated.

I find intellectually stimulating trying to figure where that boundary is, where the devs have a free reign of whatever they do as opposed to the customer is alway right. At the end, I suspect it is all subjective, and the "proof of the pudding" is when the devs finally went too far, and the customer gives them the extended middle finger by leaving the game, with their monthly subscription going to their competition.




Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Far too many people are spouting such things as "The devs are FORCING us to do this!" and completely glossing over the fact that they made the choice to do it themselves.
I'll agree that this is the trend lately on the greater part of the forums, but there hasn't been too much of that on this thread. It seems like its turned into how great an idea having "incarnate settings" for other TF's would be.

Yes its my choice that I have basically only run BAF's and Lamda's since i20, but that doesn't mean more choices where to get incarnate goodies is a bad thing.



I really do wish they hadn't made a separate, [mostly] non-interchangeable reward system with I20 (I don't count breaking down stuff into Shards and then turning Shards into Threads as "interchangeable.") If I have a Shard component in one hand and two Thread components in the other, why can't I just make something with that? Will it destroy the universe?



Originally Posted by Setsuna View Post
If I have a Shard component in one hand and two Thread components in the other, why can't I just make something with that? Will it destroy the universe?
Yes it will, you will open a blackhole in the universe and we will all be sucked into it going to another universe. You obviously haven't watch "LEXX". lol.

Liberty Server
Active Character: Canadian Firestorm
Fire/Rad Controller Level 50



Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
I find intellectually stimulating trying to figure where that boundary is, where the devs have a free reign of whatever they do as opposed to the customer is alway right.
If the customer were always right, this game would have died years ago.

The customer always being right would have meant the devs would have been obligated to implement every idiotic suggestion anyone ever made for the game.

The truth of the matter is: The customer is very frequently dead wrong.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I was just getting ready to post the exact same question.

I can't stand that I don't get credit for the regular incarnates, what if I'm not finished with those then I'm screwed. Everything in the past has allowed us to play any content. I'm am so SICK of lambda on anything other than a tank/scrapper. I'm sick of the whole content and I've only leveled up two characters for the minimum slots. BAF requires something like 20-30 runs to get one character leveled up for two slots. LAMB crate/acid part of the game is just one big death trap for any squishy without invisible powers + super speed.



Originally Posted by OutaControl View Post
I was just getting ready to post the exact same question.

I can't stand that I don't get credit for the regular incarnates, what if I'm not finished with those then I'm screwed. Everything in the past has allowed us to play any content. I'm am so SICK of lambda on anything other than a tank/scrapper. I'm sick of the whole content and I've only leveled up two characters for the minimum slots. BAF requires something like 20-30 runs to get one character leveled up for two slots. LAMB crate/acid part of the game is just one big death trap for any squishy without invisible powers + super speed.
I have news for ya...

Both Lamda and BAF are filled with ambush squads, stealth does not work. Also in Lamda and BAF they have mobs that just "saturate area attacks", being stealthy does nothing to keep you safe.

When I look at the sense of game balance, Support ATs are reminicent of the "Red Shirts" in the old Star Trek TV series. The red shirts were often murdered by monsters in horrible ways, so we the audience could go "wow, how powerful the monster is" and then be more awed when Kirk kicks their buns. I tend to feel support AT's role in CoX is to be the red shirts in this game, so we can go "wow, look how powerful the monsters are" and then be appropriately awed at the melee Ats when they beat them up. Little surprise when you look at PUGs compositions and they are melee heavy...

Now don't totally despair, once you suffered through the never ending humiliation of being a pansy during these trials, eventually you become less woozy as you slot up your incarnate slots. By the time you get Destiny and Lore to tier 3, and given Alpha is level 3 too, you can become an equivalent level 53, making you much less "blah" effective during the trials.

A great thing despite the horrid humiliation we must endure in the trials is that we can get Clarion from the destiny pool, and finally have some protection versus mez, FINALLY!!!!

Judgement gives non blaster, support ATs one hard hitting attack, deserving much respect, call it the squoshie basooka, lol

Now there are parts, I truly frown with BAF, and that is having particular AT abilities essentially disabled.

My first very bad experience, amazingly happened with my Tanker. I had always prided myself with having a very well developed and effective taunt. Then on BAF, I could not taunt a LT, how humiliating! I mean a LT!!!!!!! Come on!!!! What gives?

My second aweful experience, was with my dominator, also in BAF. I tried to hold the mobs and LTs simply gave me the bird and continued going. Once more, LTs? Come on!!!! What gives with this? I thought as a Dominatrix my holds were my bread and butter, what happened? I mean, I can't hold a LT? That is simply ridiculous.

But I guess, with great sadness, the devs are uncapable of providing us challenge with out disabling AT powers. So sad, and such a terrible trend...




Originally Posted by Canadian_Stars View Post
You really only have 2 questions here so I'll answer them.

"Why the heck didn't it have a requirement that continued the Alpha system to a degree?"

It does, you can convert the shards you earn in groups of 10's for threads to make the new stuff.

"Am I wrong in wondering what they were thinking?"

Yes I think in my opinion you are wrong.

Oh I can see his points to an extent. Sure you can turn 10 shards PER DAY into 10 Threads but it takes 60 threads to create a common enhancement and by just running the trials and converting Astrals you can create that same common in a couple trials not 6 days. Now on the other end converting threads to make Rare or Very rares can get expnsive as opposed to getting drops.. Not really an issue for me since several of my characters that ran multiple TFs to get the Alpha slot to tier 4 are worth more than 1 Billion INF but it could be a problem for someone with little cash on hand.

Now the temp powers are a small issue for the majority of us ... if the difference between failure and success is your Nemesis Staff you have serious problems with you build. Still one thing a lot of people here, myself included, have praised is the new format they came up with on the Apex and Tin Mage TFs for Master's runs. Gone were the standard No Temps/No deaths stuff and you actually had to fulfill set accomplishments. Now they still use that in the trials but suddenly every temp power we have goes POOF? Okay so on stuff like the COP using Nukes made it too easy so they managed to suppress JUST those powers. Frankly if I have a character with a Back up radio (Recipe temp), a Vangaurd HVAC (purchased with V Merits), an Amy (Reward for KHTF), and Shivan (Bloody Bay mission temp) why I can't rez those to help me battle Siege and Nightstar is beyond me. Hey they get reinforcements constantly why can't I summon the ones I earned or paid for? LOL

Still its not a big deal. I am on my 5th character working toward the 4 new powers and I haven't had a problem with my Two Blaster, Crab Sipder, Mastermind, or my Widow. I don;t know what he's referring to about Accepted AT??? I have been on teams that had every AT imaginable and no one seemed to care as long as all three teams filled for a BAF.

To the OP... relax a bit the Devs have already said we only have TWO trials now but have already promised us more and I am assuming since they also said that eventually Astrals would be able to BUY other things the new trials and any new powers we may get will use this same system.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
Now there are parts, I truly frown with BAF, and that is having particular AT abilities essentially disabled.
No. This is false. Although I love the weasel-phrasing, 'essentially' disabled.

The fact of the matter is that your powers are not disabled at all. There is ONE enemy type in that trial that has broad, high level protection to mez and control effects of all sorts.

My first very bad experience, amazingly happened with my Tanker. I had always prided myself with having a very well developed and effective taunt. Then on BAF, I could not taunt a LT, how humiliating! I mean a LT!!!!!!! Come on!!!! What gives?

My second aweful experience, was with my dominator, also in BAF. I tried to hold the mobs and LTs simply gave me the bird and continued going. Once more, LTs? Come on!!!! What gives with this? I thought as a Dominatrix my holds were my bread and butter, what happened? I mean, I can't hold a LT? That is simply ridiculous.

But I guess, with great sadness, the devs are uncapable of providing us challenge with out disabling AT powers. So sad, and such a terrible trend...
Except, in both cases, it wasn't *ALL* lieutenants, was it? As I said, it's one specific enemy type. There was no change to YOUR powers. One specific enemy simply had better defensive powers.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
No. This is false. Although I love the weasel-phrasing, 'essentially' disabled.

The fact of the matter is that your powers are not disabled at all. There is ONE enemy type in that trial that has broad, high level protection to mez and control effects of all sorts.

Except, in both cases, it wasn't *ALL* lieutenants, was it? As I said, it's one specific enemy type. There was no change to YOUR powers. One specific enemy simply had better defensive powers.
Guess you can play lawyer with words...

You imply that because one set of LTs is really out of wack, that there is no issue at all, and all is fair and correct.

I contend no set of anything should be that much out of wack.

I can see your technicallity in a very close minded sense of a way, the controller's mez has been and still is MAG-3, thus it never changed, talking about a weasel view here too, ha ha ha. The mob MAG resistance went from a 2 to heck of a lot, beyond dominace ranges; therefore the Controller and Dominator was not intrinsically nurfed, but their environmental performance in BAF went to the garbage instead.

I judge a class AT performance based on performance at their environment as a whole, kinda like a systems engineer looks at a problem.

Normally a Controller type is expected to lock down a minion and LT in a single MAG-3 mez application, taking 2 such applications to take on a boss. I would take this performance as a benchmark, when you go to a TF or any other activity and this benchmark changes, it will result in a change of AT performance, if the mob's MAG mez resistance drops (as if that would happen) the AT performance pragmatically improves, if the mob's MAG resistance increases, then naturally the ATs performance deteriorates, any moron can understand this basic concept.

There are in game instances on making Controller effectiveness deteriorate such as eminators on devouring earth, force bubbles on malta, Roman gains after a roar, etc. In some cases the deterioration is within moderation and others excessive. In some cases you can counter act it by destroying the emanators or force field generators, or pre-empting the screaming romans. But in BAF you get no such choices, they are there on your face.

While the Controller's mag-3 hold has not changed, they are uncapable of holding the running LTs in BAF, so while their power has not been nurfed, their performance has been significantly nurfed, thus my choice of the word "essentially". If you can understand this very simple principle, you may understand why it saddens me that a developer could not find a way to challenge us without disabling an ATs main power.


Note: While the power works just fine, if the target to be used against is made immune to it, the power has been in all practicallity dis-abled, as in no longer able to do its purpose.



Yeah, my Energy/Dark Corrupter has Petrifying Gaze 5-slotted with a near-full Lockdown set and also Electric Shackles 4-slotted with Gladiator's Net, and both of these together often fail to do anything to stop Lieutenants, runners or anything else (Although oddly enough it seems like I have managed to Hold bosses for about a second - maybe it's just an animation glitch.) And Fearsome Stare 6-slotted for that matter.

My attacks aren't exactly super-high damage, so having my secondary abilities gutted like this doesn't really help my ability to contribute.

Ironically during a TF/SF, he often ends up not needing these abilities because even large groups of enemies die too quickly for them to be of real use. So it's more than a little irksome to be placed into a situation where they would be more than a little helpful and have them do almost nothing at all. I think if I'm lucky enough to have my Dark Servant use his Petrifying Gaze on the same target as I use my two holds on, I can briefly hold something. I may as well just be blasting away and hoping for knockbacks/knockdowns. It'll briefly disable the targets for about the same amount of time, and damage them too.



Originally Posted by HotFlash View Post
Been saying this since day one......this needs to be added now as I am sick of the cutscenes and doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. I want to play regular content and still be able to advance my incarnates to higher lvls.
So you want to do the same stuff you've been doing over and over and over (ad infinitum) again PRIOR to i20 to avoid the stuff you've been repeating for... the last two weeks?

And you're sick of the iTrial cutscenes, and would much rather see the cutscenes in the STF, LRSF, LGTF, ITF, DrKTF and BSF that you've seen a bajillion times already?

Hindsight bias at work, I guess? This whole thread is like that episode of South Park where they were starting 5th grade, and wanted to go back to 4th grade where life was so much simpler... only to remember that 4th grade had its own problems and wasn't really any better. (I could probably say the same about any i12 PVP thread, but I don't have any burning desire to pick my teeth up after a drive-by face bricking.)

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by OutaControl View Post
I can't stand that I don't get credit for the regular incarnates, what if I'm not finished with those then I'm screwed.
As I understand it, there are options to build Alpha abilities using Threads and the salvage gained from the iTrials. So no, you are not screwed. Bonus points for hyperbole, though.

There's also nothing saying you can't go run normal content to get the original Incarnate salvage. I've seen almost no drop in calls for LGTFs and ITFs on Victory, which usually have the best Shard drop rate according to the (highly biased) community. And Weekly Strike Target TFs are run pretty regularly, as well (though I admit I've missed a couple due to low interest levels on certain week nights).

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
If the customer were always right, this game would have died years ago.

The customer always being right would have meant the devs would have been obligated to implement every idiotic suggestion anyone ever made for the game.

The truth of the matter is: The customer is very frequently dead wrong.
Can't be said often enough. Very, very true.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
If the customer were always right, this game would have died years ago.
What are you babbling about, again?

The game has survived seven years without an end game based on customer feedback.