BAF/Lambda Trial Zone Crashing
yupe, played 4 and crashed out once which was everyone, it was same teams repeating although there was some team shuffling mid trial, dunno if that did anything!!??
Defiant: "@Felix"
ATO Felix - Gamma Anne - Fire me Boy!
Kit the Kat - Black Felix - Gremlet
Shadow Sorceress - Dr Doom and Gloom - Rob Rubble
Mitzy White - Wanda Smith - Henry Remo
We are investigating the issues with the Incarnate Trials, but I want to make sure we are talking about the same thing here.
When you say "crash," are you experiencing a client crash, "lost connection to mapserver," or just being booted out of the Trial?
Experienced this myself last night, crashed 4 times out or 8 trials. It is a client crash with the warning message "COH would have crashed..... etc etc...." The Try not to crash option has never worked. Crash is usually preceded by an annoying sound loop skipping thing like an old LP album stuck on a scratch.
We are investigating the issues with the Incarnate Trials, but I want to make sure we are talking about the same thing here.
When you say "crash," are you experiencing a client crash, "lost connection to mapserver," or just being booted out of the Trial? |
I have had at least a half dozen instances of the same thing happening on the BaF and Lambda (so it's not confined to just one of them).
Whathappens is, at some point in the trial (it has varied for me from incident to incident, including almost instantly happening as soon as everyone got inside the instance), the screen will switch to the "logo" screen used during loading, the next zone will load and you're back in the zone you originally left from to enter the trial. The chat window will inform you that you quit your team along with a long list of others who also quit. If you open the LFG window, it will give you the option to rejoin or abandon, clicking rejoin does nothing but clear the trial from you.
Experienced this myself last night, crashed 4 times out or 8 trials. It is a client crash with the warning message "COH would have crashed..... etc etc...." The Try not to crash option has never worked. Crash is usually preceded by an annoying sound loop skipping thing like an old LP album stuck on a scratch.
My Characters
Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012

We are investigating the issues with the Incarnate Trials, but I want to make sure we are talking about the same thing here.
When you say "crash," are you experiencing a client crash, "lost connection to mapserver," or just being booted out of the Trial? |
The majority of the problems according to global chat channels and my experiences are you get in the trial and are going to town and boooom instakick. The whole league will disband etc...
It can happen upon loading, during the first phase or the last phase.

Issue 24 PPM Calculator // The Great Makeover: The Vindicators
2 things came to mind:
1) the infamous pets summoning pets with Incarnate Shifts is back. It,s still probably fixed for the Alpha level shift, but maybe not with the Incarnate shifts from Lore and Destiny.
2) Very often, when you join a League. If you click LFG it says you are in a queue or in an on-going trial (probably the one that you just got kicked out). When we asked people to all click the LFG buttong and then Abandon if they were in a queue or on-going trial, the trials ran without a problem.
Beside that, I have no idea.
Arc ID 104041 Attack of the Mini Phalanx Solo Friendly; Custom Characters; Comedy.
Arc ID 292449 The Shadow of Eihbon Solo Friendly; Canon Related; Magic.
There was another thread in which people noted that most often it seems that it crashes WITHOUT a full team - or after somebody who has disconnected logs back into the game.
I.E. when somebody joins the trial, which most often was formed beforehand.
Does that seem to be the case with you?
Edit: before I came on forums, a trial team left in front of me - one of them came back as I was typing the post, and he disappeared. Then the entire league showed back up and went "WTF?!" so that is certainly interesting timing.
-Proud leader of Captain Planet's Magical Friends
I know I was trying to run a BAF trial earlier on Union and pretty much every time the league loaded the map a significant number of the players transitioned from the loading screen to the map and the message 'lost connection to mapserver' - personally I must have made 5-6 attempts to get onto the map and only suceeded once; which was when the rest of the league had just left the map due to failing the trial.
I suspect part of the cause is most likely the sheer number of players hammering the mapserver due to the trials being all new and shiny. *shrug*
Roleplayer and member of "The Unity Vigil"
Characters: Union (Heroes) -
White Warlock Lv50 Ill/Storm Controller
Black Providence Lv50 MA/SR Scrapper
Starwhisper Lv50 Peacebringer
I received the "You have quit your team." as all the others did as well 4x last night while joining the Lambda Sector Trial on Guardian through the LFG interface.
I believe we all joined through the LFG interface and we were all in RWZ, mix of Heroes/Villains and 50s and 50(+1)s on a team of 8...
I promptly logged out of City of Heroes for the night out of frustration. I don't believe everything's working correctly at all and I just wasn't in the mood to waste my time getting repeatedly "quit"-booted. I have faith it will get fixed tho.
Same here, kept getting the you have quit your team message when I didn't.
And -- Error map not found message.
I was on a 50 +1 tier 4 alpha/cardiac blaster with Rogue aligment in the RWZ.
50-Magnitude Zero Nrg/Nrg Blaster
50-Phoss Fire/Fire Blaster
50-Phantasy Mirage Ill/Rad Controller
50-Bronze Girl Earth/Storm Controller
50-Infernel Zero Fire/Dev Blaster
50-Joni Sunlight Bots/Traps MM
50-Cherry Phrost Ice/EM Blaster
50-Nuku Frost-Empathy/Radiation Tank
I've tried about a dozen times to get into both trials and i always get the 'Lost Connection to Mapserver' message before being sent back to the login screen. Most frustrating.
booted out
Defiant: "@Felix"
ATO Felix - Gamma Anne - Fire me Boy!
Kit the Kat - Black Felix - Gremlet
Shadow Sorceress - Dr Doom and Gloom - Rob Rubble
Mitzy White - Wanda Smith - Henry Remo
I've had the booted out of the trial (on zoning in) and crashing to my desktop twice each. So there's more going on.
Still here, even after all this time!

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
We are investigating the issues with the Incarnate Trials, but I want to make sure we are talking about the same thing here.
When you say "crash," are you experiencing a client crash, "lost connection to mapserver," or just being booted out of the Trial? |
It is not a client, mapserver or being booted out of the trial.
Basically the instance crashes, I believe this is the same type of issue that used to happen in the arena (old bug new system?) pre i13. If people try to rejoin the instance by clicking on their LFG tab and then hitting rejoin, there is a message stating something along the lines of Map Error.
I haven't experienced this yet, just tried to help people who had it happen to them on one of the global channels I am in.
I've had the incarnate trial instance crashing happen four times, three of them tonight. (Seems to be getting worse?)
This issue is really annoying and you can't even resume, it always says "Error: Instance could not be found.".
So many toons, so little time.
I've had a client crash in two of the six Lambda Sector Trials I've run. The first time it was during a battle, and the trial ended in failure before I could get back and rejoin. The last time my client crashed (and I had Windows send off an error report) and I restarted the client. I attempted to rejoin the event in progress, and then the instance crashed sending everyone back to the zone where we started.
Since the release I've had at least one other client crash (during the last mission of the ITF). I send off the error report each time this happens.
I have the most current graphics drivers (nVidia 460).
I have experienced CTD, and random disbanding.
Had a successful (as in went to the end, though failed) Lambda trial. My first ever so not sure how much of this is standard operation.
Full team, formed beforehand.
Upon starting trial, had an LFG popup saying [enter] or [??I forget, abandon or quit??] I clicked [enter] after 15-20 seconds.
Saw a spam full of everyone quitting team in my chat window.
Loading screen for Lambda popped up.
Everyone zoned successfully.
Had one member crash, and rejoined League successfully upon re-entering game.
I'm typing this message up in frustration, to inform the devs that their new trials are crashing a lot more often than they should. I've just come from a league that crashed the BAF trial 3 times in a row, once in the final battle with Siege before Nightstar and Siege revive and you have to fight them in unision. Each crash disbands every single team member, forcing us to remake the entire league, a tedious task to say the least as inevitably, some quit, get left out, etc. It's a huge hassle.
The BAF I was on crashed, and now half the league is on a map with an Imperitus Task Force team.
I've been experiencing both. I lose connection to the mapserver often while the league is trying to form, or as the trial begins in the trial zone. Or occasionally the game crashes from the sound looping in the middle of a trial and I get an error message.
Last night on a BAF trial I received the "COH is trying to crash" style popup box and clicked cancel as the trial was almost complete. The game went into the sound loop and a couple of seconds later my PC locked completely solid. I hard rebooted to try to see if I could get back in time, The trial completed successfully and I logged back in to the reward screen but in Cimeroa.
I tried to join another trial from within Cimeroa and instead zoned into someone's AE mission. I exited the mission and re-joined the queue, before a mission came up I zoned through the midnighter club, into steel, and then atlas and finally the RWZ where the queue finally popped up but instead of joining a trial I ended up on the "grid" outside a supergroup base.
I was unable to exit from the supergroup base so logged completely to desktop and then back in, after two "failed to start group" error's I finally got into a trial. I logged bugs from both missions.
I'm typing this message up in frustration, to inform the devs that their new trials are crashing a lot more often than they should. I've just come from a league that crashed the BAF trial 3 times in a row, once in the final battle with Siege before Nightstar and Siege revive and you have to fight them in unision. Each crash disbands every single team member, forcing us to remake the entire league, a tedious task to say the least as inevitably, some quit, get left out, etc. It's a huge hassle.
This is the 7th crash I've seen out of about 18 trial attempts by me personally, which I consider to be quite a bit more than is acceptable for what's supposed to be a non-beta product. Add in all the trial failures during the first day, and this issue has turned out to be one big headache.
NCSoft, please be aware that the Lambda and BAF trials are crashing at different times during the trials for seemingly inexplicable reasons and fix it. Thank you.