Certain People Shouldn't Lead Task Forces
Ran a PUG Sister Pysche last night , took 3 hours and 45 minutes longer than it should since we were fighting through the first level at +4 before the team lead made it + 1 the rest of the way . One guy dropped towards the end but we got the badge and I barely got any sleep . No more late night TF for me
You're level 50, so debt isn't a big deal. And I ran a TM TF last night at 1 hour 20mins. Not the quickest I've ever ran it, but it's not that bad
Director 11 is what slowed us down.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
You're level 50, so debt isn't a big deal. And I ran a TM TF last night at 1 hour 20mins. Not the quickest I've ever ran it, but it's not that bad
![]() Director 11 is what slowed us down. |
As leader, I felt really bad. I don't like seeing teammates on the ground. I know it happens inevitably but it doesn't make me feel as better.
I want people to have fun when they run with me - not cursing their decision to join the TF :P
| Home Server: Virtue |

Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]
I propose more Zombie flyer led tfs.....
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
Heh, see, I main a regen. I don't consider constant teammate deaths to be discouraging, just annoying.
Seriously, that can't be worse than when I tried leading a Positron TF. Couldn't go five minutes without half the team dying. The only successful TF I've ever run was an ITF and that's because I had a lot of guys that already knew what to do. (I always get hung up on the second to last mission. My map bugs out and I always wind up losing track of everyone...)
*curses Zombie!*
Seriously though, considering how many good TFs you run or are a major part of getting together, you're bound to have a stinker here and there. And considering how many people are just giving the TMTF a shot for the first time now that it is the WST, lots of painful deaths are to be expected. I did one yesterday where only two of us were level shifted, only 3 of us had ever done it before with only 2 having been on successful runs, one person was alpha unlocked, but not slotted and the tank was on a test build. Just to make it even more fun, our only debuffer of note rage quit after dying to Director 11 so we went on with just 7. Hour and 20 minutes, 36 or so deaths later, we finished it. Sure it wasn't the ultimate run, but it was fun and there was a sense of satisfaction from all who stayed for getting it done.
"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"
Just to make it even more fun, our only debuffer of note rage quit after dying to Director 11 so we went on with just 7. Hour and 20 minutes, 36 or so deaths later, we finished it. Sure it wasn't the ultimate run, but it was fun and there was a sense of satisfaction from all who stayed for getting it done.
That just makes the inevitable victory all the sweeter. The one time I was on a TMTF team, after self rezzing just to explode one time too many, I declared I was going to rip out the Director's teeth. When we finally won? "I got your teeth! (string of profanity)! ...Now I feel better."
'Course, being Regen... Dying a lot doesn't faze me. And there's just something awesome about getting floored, only to get back up and keep fighting. Then going on to crush four 54 arch-villains.
*curses Zombie!*
Seriously though, considering how many good TFs you run or are a major part of getting together, you're bound to have a stinker here and there. And considering how many people are just giving the TMTF a shot for the first time now that it is the WST, lots of painful deaths are to be expected. I did one yesterday where only two of us were level shifted, only 3 of us had ever done it before with only 2 having been on successful runs, one person was alpha unlocked, but not slotted and the tank was on a test build. Just to make it even more fun, our only debuffer of note rage quit after dying to Director 11 so we went on with just 7. Hour and 20 minutes, 36 or so deaths later, we finished it. Sure it wasn't the ultimate run, but it was fun and there was a sense of satisfaction from all who stayed for getting it done. |
Pft. Dying against the Director isn't any reason to rage quit. It's a reason to rip his arms off. Interesting occurrence: He'll plant a bomb on the corpse of all defeated players. Right on top of it. Yeeeeah.

| Home Server: Virtue |

Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]
I guess I'm just amazed there can be such a disparity on difficulty depending on team makeup and players. It's hard to know what's "average" these days.

Issue 24 PPM Calculator // The Great Makeover: The Vindicators
Last week, I ran a pickup ITF since nobody else wanted to start one.
1st random invite: Cold Corruptor
2nd random invite: Rad Corruptor
3rd random invite: Kin Defender
At some point the Stalker said something about how it was the best run ITF team he'd been on all week. Nothing like randomly getting the best force multipliers in the game all on your team.
Yea, he gave us some issues too. His running around the map was particularly annoying. I definitely prefer the runs that engage him with 8 sets of warburg nukes, 8 shivans, 8 HVAS and the kitchen sink!
![]() |
Y'know, I'm not the kind of person who cares about party make-up. I'd rather an ITF with six scrappers now than a well balanced one three hours later. It usually works out, as far as powersets go. It's not like I aim for master runs or anything.
The real clincher on pretty much every team I join seems to be players. Most of the time, the teams are great. ATs don't matter, we get everything done and have fun. But every now and then, an idiot joins and ruins it for everyone... Of course, sometimes that idiot is me, since I sometimes play CoH when I should really be sleeping. "Hrblrrglechaaaaaaaaaaaaarge! *dies*" is the usual result...
And by certain people, I mean myself!
UGH! I always say I'm not going to do it, and then I wind up putting one together that is as bumpy a ride as it gets. So with that, major thanks to everyone who stayed for the Tin Mage run last night. After the first mission, we lost our 8th but the remaining folks pressed on. Just over an hour and 84 deaths later... a winner was us! ... and no more Zombie-led task forces for a while :P |
(btw, this is @Mellissandria!)
Global is @Mellissandria
I don't have that much art, but I do write stories and I do collect art on
my DA account
The Tin Mage was fun, even if my rad/archer made up about 80 percent of those deaths....and it was my first time on it. I have to thank you and the others for putting up with my noobishness!
(btw, this is @Mellissandria!) |
Next time we will kick major butt!
| Home Server: Virtue |

Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]
Running a TF team is like running a regular mission team.
Also, for the most part, leading any team is basically this...
"You know how to play your character. Go out and kill things!"
The only real choice for the leader is "Do we stealth or not?" "Do we need to pull" (which is hardly ever) and "Pull Romi to the side or rush him"
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Running a TF team is like running a regular mission team.
![]() Also, for the most part, leading any team is basically this... "You know how to play your character. Go out and kill things!" The only real choice for the leader is "Do we stealth or not?" "Do we need to pull" (which is hardly ever) and "Pull Romi to the side or rush him" |
Running a TF team is like running a regular mission team.
![]() Also, for the most part, leading any team is basically this... "You know how to play your character. Go out and kill things!" The only real choice for the leader is "Do we stealth or not?" "Do we need to pull" (which is hardly ever) and "Pull Romi to the side or rush him" |
I've had several characters who could split off the team and solo the map, but nobody splits off an Apex or Tin Mage team and lasts long.
Well, there's a big difference.
I've had several characters who could split off the team and solo the map, but nobody splits off an Apex or Tin Mage team and lasts long. |
Bash, crash, smash, pummel, kick, bite, scream, maul... "...Waaaait, where is everybody? ...DAMN IT!"
you forgot to invite me, im shocked!!!
Global Co VG's/SG's | xeaon plot
LRSF Mission 4, Get the code with no Agroo at all , Guide | Speed SMSF Guide | Speedy LGTF Guide |Post your Mids Build in game Guide

Last week, I ran a pickup ITF since nobody else wanted to start one.
1st random invite: Cold Corruptor 2nd random invite: Rad Corruptor 3rd random invite: Kin Defender At some point the Stalker said something about how it was the best run ITF team he'd been on all week. Nothing like randomly getting the best force multipliers in the game all on your team. |
I ran a complete pick up group of I dont know what's yesterday afternoon for a Tin Mage.. I just invited anyone that wanted in, and we completed the thing in 31 mins !
Seriously one of the best teams Ive had the pleasure of starting up in a looong time.
Sometimes you get lucky and get a great group where everyone is on the ball !

Virtue Server Forever !
Pure White Lightning - Level 50 Electric Brute
Purple Drop - work in progress Axe/Shield brute
Blue Icefall - Level 50 Ice Tank
@Blue Lava
In the end of it all...you ran a TF within about it's average time (it's 40 merits, suggesting a 1:20 avg time...maybe less if they're giving a few bonus merits) and won.
Deaths along the way happen from time to time. 84 deaths and you still managed to come in under the average time. Not to bad then!
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I was on a TM this weekend where the Director 11 fight went eerily smoothly. He was a grease spot on the floor in mere minutes. Even all my imps survived! That is...rarely the norm for that fight.
Favorite line after an especially difficult Director 11 battle:
"Get his pants. We're not done yet."
Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.
Certain people shouldn't join one either lol (Not trying to insult anyone)
Seems like not too long ago I spent most of my time joining farm missions in PI or Grandville. I avoided TFs like the plague. When I did join one it was still the same, perfectly content to join someone elses TF and do whatever he/she asked of me and my toon. Then I started running my own on redside. We would do Barracuda probably 3-4 times a week lol. Sprinkle in ITF and LGTF and then on the weekends perhaps a Recluse.
Then blueside with the same as mentioned but Kahn and Statesman in there too plus all the other signature hero TFs. At first it was fun but after a while....meh. Statesman and Recluse are like a slap in the face. You usually ALWAYS have to have an exact complimentary cast of toons to complete them. Most of the other TFs can be completed with any PUG fairly easy. They're intended to be hard, but not at the expense of groups not being able to enjoy themselves or people not being able to play whatever toon it was they wanted to play. This is a game after all.
What has started to bother me is the fact that after a while of successfully running certain TFs to completion in short time frames you basically have your own system of how you want things done. Generally these methods are fairly common amongst other players in how to achieve TF completion. Here as of late I've been getting a lot of people, especially on ITFs, who think I'm running a burger king and they "want it their way". I know people are perfectly capable of playing their toons (well...most of them) but jeebus...either half the time I got people running off and trying to solo the damn things or they keep wanting to put their two cents in on how they usually (or the teams they've been on) have usually done things.
I'm all for suggestions...but wait until a certain method fails. Our success rate is high. Our TF times are fairly low. Mostly because it's not just me, I've got two other people I start my teams with that play with me regularly (my family). This is a common fact of life for all of us that play on every team we ever join I know. Think it's just magnified by the fact that we used to run them so much it's started to stand out more and wear me down. It also bothers me to see teammates lying about on the ground dead especially when it could have easily been prevented. Just a couple stupid mistakes or improper teamwork and *squish* the whole thing can fall apart.
Guess what I'm trying to say is...listen to the team leader. Hopefully, but not always the case, they're not just leading a TF for the hell of it and may actually know wtf he or she is talking about and/or doing. =D
- Bow �o �he Reaper of Souls�
- 68 Unique Characters / Fifteen Level 50s & Counting! Damn you alt-itis!!!!!!!
Honestly, Zombie, that task force sounds like a lot of fun. The first thing I like to say when leading a task force is that "No deaths" means the team's being overly cautious; it's far more fun to flip out and try something daring than to take things slow, steady, and tedious. It's been my experience that once people know that they're free to try something crazy then they'll just laugh off a defeat - and try something crazy again. I like to think of those players as "Fun Force Multipliers."
84 KOs in an hour is my kind of task force and it sounds like you were doing something right.
Just bring someone with perma-Vengeance along next time. I hear there's a holy knight with it who's usually looking for a team..
The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue
Oh pfft, stop trying to make him feel better. Zombie failed, end 'o story and it's no one's fault but his own.
And by certain people, I mean myself!
I always say I'm not going to do it, and then I wind up putting one together that is as bumpy a ride as it gets.
So with that, major thanks to everyone who stayed for the Tin Mage run last night.
After the first mission, we lost our 8th but the remaining folks pressed on.
Just over an hour and 84 deaths later... a winner was us!
... and no more Zombie-led task forces for a while :P
| Home Server: Virtue |
Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]