Avid costume lovers... a question.




To answer the forgotten question in the OP, my character's costumes are very important to how I see them as a package/character. So much so that I have a very hard time creating alternate looks and rarely use any costume slots beyond the first.

As for the young lady depicted in the OP, she looks like a college freshman on her way to a Halloween party. Hopefully the costume will look less cheap in post-production.



Originally Posted by Warp_Factor View Post
I don't care for the color choices, but as for the plastic look, bear in mind that the first shots we saw of Thor's movie outfit had the same problem. He looked great in the actual trailers, though. I don't know if it's something they do in post-production or a lighting thing or what, but it's very possible the costume won't look so artificial in the actual show.
I've decided I'm going to wait to judge this Wonder Woman costume once the actual show is put on the air. As you imply it's quite likely things will be different once this evolves from the "pre-production pilot" phase to the "live TV show" phase.

Originally Posted by Warp_Factor View Post
I think the high heels are not going to go over well in live action. They should have gone with a heavier tread and more practical design, something like what Batwoman has in the comics.
I would agree that high heels would never be realistic for an actual live action superheroine but that fact has never stopped the comic book writers before.

Turns out during the 1970s Wonder Woman shows they constantly had Lynda Carter switching between high heeled boots and flat-soled boots depending on what the scene was having her do. It was fairly obvious any time Lynda was running/jumping around she was wearing flat-soled boots and then a second later (while standing still) she'd be wearing boots with heels. It'll be interesting to see how they handle that in this new show.

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At the very least, when I see that costume, I can imagine it int he comics and still see it as Wonder Woman (in the comics it wouldn't look so shiney, and in the show it may not look as shiney either...I think people keep forgetting this is a publicity shot...lighting of the show can make it look completely different).

They took her outfit, and gave her leggings (I don't think you'll ever see a WW movie with her in the bikini bottoms...while I believe it can work, I dont think it'll happen). IMO, it beats the hell out of that new jim lee created modern WW outfit

She looks like a superhero (okay, a bit plasticy in that photo, but still a superhero styled look)! How she should be!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
She looks like a superhero (okay, a bit plasticy in that photo, but still a superhero styled look)! How she should be!
I bet plenty of people still miss the leotard of power, though. =P



Originally Posted by Fire_Chief View Post
At one time this was more than rumor that Morena Baccarin (Inara Serra in Firefly) was in the running to play WW but then that was when Joss Whedon was involved in the WW movie too.
I am of the opinion that it is an unmitigated good thing that she won't be WW. She dragged that show down in every scene she appeared in, with no thanks to the writing and direction.



leaving aside the costume....the face is just not a wonder woman face

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
leaving aside the costume....the face is just not a wonder woman face
Though you would be amazed what good makeup can do... But on the other hand, you have a point. If you're trying to sell the concept of the show to fans, best to put your best effort forward first.

'Course, I've never been a great fan of live action adaptions of shows. Move adaptions, great. Nnnot so much on shows. Might be the whole having to stretch out their budget across a season thing that kills them or could just be that writers will inevitably write themselves into a corner if they go too long. (Though 'too long' varies.) Just... eh.

I'm actually really neutral on the whole thing. Odds are I won't be able to watch it for a few years anyway, regardless of how good it is. Good lord, I haven't even gotten to see the first season of that new Batman cartoon yet...



I do 't like it, not the costume design, but the fit. It's not doing, what I'm sure is an attractive woman, any favors. Her body is soooooo long and you end up with a yard of blue between her belt and crotch. That yard of blue just goes on and on and on. I'm also not in love with the actresses' face for Diana. Kind of oval and flat, I beleve she is actually a blond, and isn't doing it for me as a raven haired Greek goddess. I hope they take a step back, look at their actress and her body, and adjust. not gonna comment on "Allie McAmazon" show till I see it, but this take on the costume is a miss.

Oh, and do it in leather, the costume with the photoshopped "How I Met Your Mother" chick at least looks like some sorta armor like Diana wears now.

PS Bustier based armor is fine for chick that can trade blows with Superman. I mean the bracelet thing is cute, but not nessessary for WW to stop bullets anymore

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I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---



Plus, I think the How I Met Your Mother one was cast as Maria Hill... different comic, but still

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Originally Posted by DrJackWolfe View Post
PS Bustier based armor is fine for chick that can trade blows with Superman. I mean the bracelet thing is cute, but not nessessary for WW to stop bullets anymore
So they've been relegated to bling now? When did that happen?



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
lets think about this

Cheap hot pants.
Oh why yes please! Rawr!

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Originally Posted by Kiana Wolf View Post
So they've been relegated to bling now? When did that happen?
You know, it's hard to tell, I don't regularly read the comic, and when I do it's not clear. She still poses with the bracelets and deflects rays and stuff, but then she goes toe to toe with an enraged Superman. Sure he broke her arm, but she also survived a fall from low orbit in that fight. She clearly and regulary survives thing things that WAAYYYY over power a simple bullet. I get the feeling it's not set, it it's something about she has to be actively wanting to be invulnerable.

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
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I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---



Originally Posted by DrJackWolfe View Post
You know, it's hard to tell, I don't regularly read the comic, and when I do it's not clear. She still poses with the bracelets and deflects rays and stuff, but then she goes toe to toe with an enraged Superman. Sure he broke her arm, but she also survived a fall from low orbit in that fight. She clearly and regulary survives thing things that WAAYYYY over power a simple bullet. I get the feeling it's not set, it it's something about she has to be actively wanting to be invulnerable.
Ah. So is it like they've gone from 'the bracelets deflect bullets' to 'the bracelets grant invulnerability over her whole body'?



I would love to see Jeri Ryan I think she has the needed Assets



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
I would love to see Jeri Ryan I think she has the needed Assets
'Assets' aren't all that's necessary. She makes a good Borg, but I'm not seeing 'super hero' when I look at that picture. 'Super spy', maybe. She's certainly good at distractions...



I didn't even know this was coming out until I read this post. While WW is a character I've always found fairly boring and I most likely wouldn't have watched it anyways, that costume design just ensures that I'll avoid this show like the plague.

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Originally Posted by DrJackWolfe View Post
You know, it's hard to tell, I don't regularly read the comic, and when I do it's not clear. She still poses with the bracelets and deflects rays and stuff, but then she goes toe to toe with an enraged Superman. Sure he broke her arm, but she also survived a fall from low orbit in that fight. She clearly and regulary survives thing things that WAAYYYY over power a simple bullet. I get the feeling it's not set, it it's something about she has to be actively wanting to be invulnerable.
I always thought it was more like she can take LOTS of smashing damage. Her other resists are lacking!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I always thought it was more like she can take LOTS of smashing damage. Her other resists are lacking!
Ooh, crappy build. Respec.



Originally Posted by Kiana Wolf View Post
Ooh, crappy build. Respec.
Tanker level Health and Smashing Resist, with Scrapper levels to the rest of the INV set, and gets Scrapper level Damage mods with Super Strength!

That's awesome build!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Tanker level Health and Smashing Resist, with Scrapper levels to the rest of the INV set, and gets Scrapper level Damage mods with Super Strength!

That's awesome build!
Yeah, unless you're out to fight Nictus or something. Though I'd love to see her run an ITF, 'I can take a punch but BLARGIDEAD' wouldn't make that end well. =D



Originally Posted by Kiana Wolf View Post
Yeah, unless you're out to fight Nictus or something. Though I'd love to see her run an ITF, 'I can take a punch but BLARGIDEAD' wouldn't make that end well. =D
That's when she grabs one of their swords and uses Parry!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



my wonder woman =)

while on the subject....

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Apparently that image is not the finished product, actual stills from the show can be found here.

This costume is much better IMO, though I'm still not sold on the actress. I'll give it an episode or two to impress me.



The bustier is still pretty shiny, but at least the pants look more normal. (Well, normal for a super hero, anyway, and at least they *don't* look like they're made of linoleum.)



Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post

while on the subject....
It's missing a Superman (or Superboy...but as I recall still Clark Kent).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection