Avid costume lovers... a question.




How important is the nature of your characters costume? How much does it define "them?" Are small tweaks here and there O.K.? What about a major overhaul?

I'm excited for the new Wonder Woman tv show coming out this fall, but in the just released image of what her costume is going to look like, I'm feeling a bit disappointed:

Some other rumored character changes are of concern (Diana Prince runs a corporation that manufactures Wonder Woman memorabilia instead of working for the US government.)

While I appreciate it's Wonder Woman, that costume changes seem to concern. Granted, a costume overhaul actually helped for X-Men, but for Wonder Woman - is it too much of a change?

How do you feel when you overhaul your characters signature look? Or make slight adjustments? Do you ever feel it sometimes betrays the "core" image/feel/tone of your character?



There exists no costume that makes up for the fact that she uses a whip. =P

But honestly, I don't get too hung up about costume changes. I mean, heck, I wear the same clothes for years, but even I update my wardrobe every now and then. Why shouldn't Batman or Wonder Woman?

...Just so long as the costume doesn't include nipples.



If that's her costume, I really don't have a problem. No it's not classic Wonder Woman with the bikini bottoms, but I kinda wondered how they were going to avoid that.

It could work imo, but I think they have the mind set of "So and so vocal group will complain" so they put her in pants, which work rather well and keep the feel of Wonder Woman.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



It could stand to look a little less like plastic. The lipstick and WonderBra are a little overdone, but it's the *shiny* that actually makes me think it looks weird. That, and the strangely ill-fitting boots really do make it look like it came out of a bag at a mall Halloween store.

And there really isn't much they can dress her in that can excuse the fact that one of her signature powers is a rope. That, as I understand it, often gets stolen by bad guys so they can use it on her.



I just understand the latex/pleather pants. From a story perspective - would a Greek/Amazon warrior be wearing latex/pleather and cheap plastic looking "metal"?



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I just understand the latex/pleather pants. From a story perspective - would a Greek/Amazon warrior be wearing latex/pleather and cheap plastic looking "metal"?
What makes you think it will look like latex/pleather and cheap plastic looking metal in the show?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
That, as I understand it, often gets stolen by bad guys so they can use it on her.
Which could be why she's so popular... *innocent whistle*



I don't care for the color choices, but as for the plastic look, bear in mind that the first shots we saw of Thor's movie outfit had the same problem. He looked great in the actual trailers, though. I don't know if it's something they do in post-production or a lighting thing or what, but it's very possible the costume won't look so artificial in the actual show.

As far as the changes, I think she'd be better with either black boots or with black pants and the classic red boots, and I think the high heels are not going to go over well in live action. They should have gone with a heavier tread and more practical design, something like what Batwoman has in the comics. I like that they put her in pants though, I like Wonder Woman but I've never liked the silly shorts look. Either give her pants or put a nice looking skirt over the shorts.



Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
And there really isn't much they can dress her in that can excuse the fact that one of her signature powers is a rope. That, as I understand it, often gets stolen by bad guys so they can use it on her.
That hasn't actually been true in the comics since the '60s or so, but yeah. It used to be a major aspect of her stories. She did have it stolen and used against her in a recent story arc, but it was more of a parody and subversion of those old stories than anything else.



It could be worse.

It could be the Tim Burton treatment of Superman (with Nicolas Cage!)



lets think about this

Cheap hot pants.

or Vinyl pants?



Needs red boots.



Yeah, I think my only problem with it is the boots, they just don't look quite right. Not that you'll probably notice once she's moving or whatever.

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM



i dont like..i think im not gonna watch the show

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



((They could have taken the Rucka Wonder Woman series and created a show without having to adapt the rest of the DCU. Instead, they are making Ally McWonderWoman. The costume does not look like something a "warrior" would wear. It looks like something you'd wear to a dance club. It's definitely not something you'd want to be wearing if you were fighting an angry Greek god. But then, it sounds like she's going to be fighting lawyers and marketing firms, so I guess the extra low-cut bustier and the high heels might be effective for that. I have always thought Wonder Woman needed a new costume, but this isn't a move in the right direction. (Don't like the Jim Lee look either.)

I'm a fan of the character (from the Rucka run and up through the Gail Simone run) but I'll take a pass on this.))



Yeah.. that outfit looks way too stripperific to me. More like someone going to a party as 'sexy Wonder Woman' would wear.

The pants aren't bad if they were a different, more sensible material. A bustier/corset sort of thing has never been sensible action wear... And the lipstick is way overdone.

If they would change the materials, give her a proper top and tone down the makeup several notches it would be good I think... But I think we know what the target audience for this show is....

But hey, Wonder Woman started out life as some sort of strange women empowerment/bondage fantasy anyway, sooooooo

SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.



Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
But hey, Wonder Woman started out life as some sort of strange women empowerment/bondage fantasy anyway, sooooooo
Truthfully, she can lasso me any time she wants. Heheh.


I'm terrible.



Except it was always Wonder Woman who would get tied up... The creator of Wonder Woman was very much a feminist, and lived in a three way relationship with two other women.. So WW's character was very much influenced by their independence and ideas that were unheard of in the 40's... She is often held up as a role model of early feminism in comics. And yet nearly every story had her being captured and tied up by men, often with her own lasso. In fact that was her great weakness, when tied by a man she became powerless. Many of her early book covers featured prominently Wonder Woman tied spread eagled to a giant rocket or some other phallic death trap... So she has always been a strange combination of themes.

Also ironically, the creator of Wonder Woman is also the person who invented the polygraph machine... An attempt at a real Lasso of Truth?

SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.



Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
Also ironically, the creator of Wonder Woman is also the person who invented the polygraph machine... An attempt at a real Lasso of Truth?
I don't remember the precise time line, but that boils down to one of two possibilities in my mind: 1. The Lasso was the ideal and the polygraph machine was a result of attempting to reach it or 2. The polygraph machine came first, with the lasso as the concept taken to its ultimate conclusion.

Also, I don't care if WW was always the one tied up or not. That in no way diminishes my thoughts. >.>

Dear god, I'm getting into an argument on the internet over wanting to be tied up by Wonder Woman... I... don't know how to feel about that...



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((They could have taken the Rucka Wonder Woman series and created a show without having to adapt the rest of the DCU. Instead, they are making Ally McWonderWoman. The costume does not look like something a "warrior" would wear. It looks like something you'd wear to a dance club. It's definitely not something you'd want to be wearing if you were fighting an angry Greek god. But then, it sounds like she's going to be fighting lawyers and marketing firms, so I guess the extra low-cut bustier and the high heels might be effective for that. I have always thought Wonder Woman needed a new costume, but this isn't a move in the right direction. (Don't like the Jim Lee look either.)

I'm a fan of the character (from the Rucka run and up through the Gail Simone run) but I'll take a pass on this.))
So, the iconic spandex bikini style outfit = AWESOME! But the pleather style pants = OMG! Never fight a god in that?


BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Kiana Wolf View Post
Dear god, I'm getting into an argument on the internet over wanting to be tied up by Wonder Woman... I... don't know how to feel about that...
I'd tell you how to feel about it, but you might enjoy it too much. Ahem.

Anyway, I'm guessing a decent chunk of WW's persona was a product of what would sell lots of comics. To this day, most of us think of Wonder Woman as Linda Carter, and sex appeal of the character has always front and center in people's mind, followed not too closely by the rather bizarre gadgets she had. Invisible Jet? Magic Lasso?



Originally Posted by Emgro View Post
Invisible Jet? Magic Lasso?
Oh god, the invisible jet. That always slips my mind. (Ironically, perhaps.) That's about as useful as rocket skates.

Also, I assure you, I am not that much of a bondage crazy pervert. I just get that way when I'm bored. Honestly. Don't look at me like that.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
So, the iconic spandex bikini style outfit = AWESOME! But the pleather style pants = OMG! Never fight a god in that?

((Did you miss where I said I've always thought she needed a new costume?))



Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
Except it was always Wonder Woman who would get tied up... The creator of Wonder Woman was very much a feminist, and lived in a three way relationship with two other women.. So WW's character was very much influenced by their independence and ideas that were unheard of in the 40's... She is often held up as a role model of early feminism in comics. And yet nearly every story had her being captured and tied up by men, often with her own lasso. In fact that was her great weakness, when tied by a man she became powerless. Many of her early book covers featured prominently Wonder Woman tied spread eagled to a giant rocket or some other phallic death trap... So she has always been a strange combination of themes.

Also ironically, the creator of Wonder Woman is also the person who invented the polygraph machine... An attempt at a real Lasso of Truth?
((While most people have assumed that Marston was indulging in a bit of "bondage" comics, I think the case could also be made that he was using said bondage to say that women are often tied down and kept down by men, using the very virtues that women possess. But that's just a speculation on my part.))



Originally Posted by Emgro View Post
I'd tell you how to feel about it, but you might enjoy it too much. Ahem.

Anyway, I'm guessing a decent chunk of WW's persona was a product of what would sell lots of comics. To this day, most of us think of Wonder Woman as Linda Carter, and sex appeal of the character has always front and center in people's mind, followed not too closely by the rather bizarre gadgets she had. Invisible Jet? Magic Lasso?
I think of Wonder Woman as the awesome JLU version myself.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection