Triform Shade Survivability Woes




I made a Warshade recently just for giggles and found it to be fairly entertaining. I typically cannot stand Blaster-types due to the utter lack of survival, and usually play Masterminds, Brutes, etc because of that. With squid though I found it was entertaining enough to keep me going; besides, at 20, I get Dwarf and the good times start rolling right?

To make a long hover-blasting story short, I hit 20, got Dwarf and am now kind of scratching my head at the whole situation. Dwarf seems completely useless outside the double mire and some situational uses in groups. But that's not even what's driving me crazy.. it's that, while playing solo, I try to do all the amazing Warshade things I've read about in a certain MFing infamous guide, and I find that I pretty much just get blown up.

I super-speed and stealth over to a group, Mire, Dwarf, Mire, Squid and.... die. I understand that the true survivability is in Eclipse but I don't know if I can make it that far like this. I feel like all those many low level blasters I've thrown out! I'd like to enjoy my Warshade but I'm really not feeling it at the moment...

I'm currently 21, using DOs in all my slots. I can post a build if someone really wants to see it but I basically just took the imperative powers (forms, the hold, Hasten, Mire) and some useful tricks (Stealth+Super Speed, TP foe). I've thrown my slots exclusively into Nova's blasts and the 2 from 21 into Dwarf so I can 3 slot resists into at 22. I also have Stamina 3 slotted.

Oh oh, one other thing about Dwarf; It runs out of endurance in seconds!

That's about it, if anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with dying (I'm tired of +0 x1 no bosses ;_ or needs more information, please let me know!



Here is the perfect guide to what you want. It's by the mighty Dechs Kaison ( I beat him to the post again). It's awesome, and if you follow the guide, will truly change the way you look at your Warshade.

No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.



Team with a tank. He runs in grabs alpha, you run in 2 seconds later, do all your stuff, completely safe. Set to 0/3 or 4, no bosses until you get SO's.

You just cant get to play like a solo 50 until you get to 50, but teammates help.


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My Warshade was total and utter agony to play until I got to 38, took Eclipse and switched to a Human-Form build. Now I'm at 50(+1) and halfway through IO Setting and she's by far my favourite toon to play these days.

Doubtless I'll get lots of people telling me that I'm crippling myself by not playing Dual or Tri form, but I just didn't like the playstyle or the sacrifices I had to make to slot the forms to a reasonable degree

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Originally Posted by EbonyPhoenix View Post
I super-speed and stealth over to a group, Mire, Dwarf, Mire, Squid and.... die. I understand that the true survivability is in Eclipse but I don't know if I can make it that far like this. I feel like all those many low level blasters I've thrown out! I'd like to enjoy my Warshade but I'm really not feeling it at the moment...
You're half right: the best survivability is in Eclipse. There is already survivability in the tools you already have, it just isn't as much. You're still a couple levels away from one of the best tools, though, which is Gravitic Emanation.

Right now you're at a level where you can't really solo like you're trying to. You don't have SOs, which is a major factor. Stygian Circle is also an incredible recovery power you're just one level from having. For now, when you're soloing, you'll have to rely a lot more on dwarf's survivability. Lead off with the human mire like you've been, but stay in dwarf for a few of the dwarf mires. You should kill all the minions quickly doing this and leave yourself with just LTs. Now you can drop forms and Gravity Well the strongest one (so you have a target you can ignore for a while) or the weakest one (kill it outright, but possibly overkill damage). This is typically where you will Stygian Circle, but maybe before the Gravity Well, too. You resume the fight at full health/endurance. Anyway, there's only a few of them left, and with your heaviest human attack on recharge, now is the time to switch to nova. Then again, Sunless Mire might be recharged in there somewhere. It's worth throwing that in when you can.

That should help, but really, I recommend sticking to larger teams (at least until Gravitic Emanation) for two reasons. The first is your lack of survival tools right now. A team not only shares aggro, but provides you with the inherent bonuses that will make you awesome. Hell, you could end up with capped resistance in dwarf. The second reason is the faster experience gain. Simply put: Larger teams earn XP faster. Take some time to form a few TFs. Hey, you want that accolade eventually, right?

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by EbonyPhoenix View Post
I made a Warshade recently just for giggles and found it to be fairly entertaining. I typically cannot stand Blaster-types due to the utter lack of survival, and usually play Masterminds, Brutes, etc because of that. With squid though I found it was entertaining enough to keep me going; besides, at 20, I get Dwarf and the good times start rolling right?

To make a long hover-blasting story short, I hit 20, got Dwarf and am now kind of scratching my head at the whole situation. Dwarf seems completely useless outside the double mire and some situational uses in groups. But that's not even what's driving me crazy.. it's that, while playing solo, I try to do all the amazing Warshade things I've read about in a certain MFing infamous guide, and I find that I pretty much just get blown up.

I super-speed and stealth over to a group, Mire, Dwarf, Mire, Squid and.... die. I understand that the true survivability is in Eclipse but I don't know if I can make it that far like this. I feel like all those many low level blasters I've thrown out! I'd like to enjoy my Warshade but I'm really not feeling it at the moment...

I'm currently 21, using DOs in all my slots. I can post a build if someone really wants to see it but I basically just took the imperative powers (forms, the hold, Hasten, Mire) and some useful tricks (Stealth+Super Speed, TP foe). I've thrown my slots exclusively into Nova's blasts and the 2 from 21 into Dwarf so I can 3 slot resists into at 22. I also have Stamina 3 slotted.

Oh oh, one other thing about Dwarf; It runs out of endurance in seconds!

That's about it, if anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with dying (I'm tired of +0 x1 no bosses ;_ or needs more information, please let me know!
Level 22 makes all the difference in the world for a few reasons.

1) Stygian Circle
2) SOs in your powers, including Dwarf Form which means he becomes much more survivable
3) That's the level I always do my Vet Respec and spend whatever slots I had in Human Form powers which I don't need on Dwarf Form instead (focusing on Dwarf Mire, the heal and the harder hitting melee starting out). Typically I end up shunting 5 slots from human form (from the blasts and shields which I usually drop in exchange for Super Speed and Shadow Cloak for high speed invisibilty) into Dwarf form.

I'm just 22 now in fact (on my second Warshade) and the only Human form powers I have slotted are Mire and the hard hitting Hold attack. Everything else has just the single slot in it.

Also remember that double-mire isn't as good as it used to be, Dwarf Mire only stick around 10 seconds now. So faffing around with Mire > Dwarf > Mire squid isn't as useful as it used to be. Double Mire is more useful in the nuke / mini-nuke chain IMO.

As Dechs says doing human mire (I always then follow with the hold on a choice Lieut), Dwarf Form and then miring and scrapping it out can work better.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
As Dechs says doing human mire (I always then follow with the hold on a choice Lieut), Dwarf Form and then miring and scrapping it out can work better.
Gah, I did forget this; it completely slipped my mind. Yes, do this. By the time you've finished killing the minions in dwarf form it should be recharged for a second shot where I did remember to mention it.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



As said before, teaming helps a LOT !
I spent most of my time with a tank in a duo. It worked like a charm for me, i could just focus on firing my powers without taking any damages.



Thanks for the help guys. It appears I'm not doing anything horribly wrong, so I'll just try to get on some teams and see how that goes.



Yeah, sounds like you're just expecting the build to mature a bit faster than it does. Stick with it - the first major leap upward in effectiveness is just one level away. At level 22 you get SOs and you get Stygian Circle. Gravitic Emanation / Inky Aspect represents another step up as having one or both of these powers greatly increases the amount of control you bring to the table. There's another big jump at 32 when you get Dark Extraction and your Essences give your DPS a significant increase. Finally, there's Eclipse at 38 which once slotted (so really around 39 or 40) caps eveything off by making you a juggernaut.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Originally Posted by EbonyPhoenix View Post
Thanks for the help guys. It appears I'm not doing anything horribly wrong, so I'll just try to get on some teams and see how that goes.
You spend a lot more time in dwarf in the early twenties. Blasting from Nova is something best left to teaming.

And if you do start spending a lot of time in dwarf, the first thing to slot your dwarf form attacks with is accuracy, but the next thing is recharge. Nothing kills a dwarf quicker than standing around waiting for attacks to recharge, and you've got a pretty good damage boost from dwarf mire.

Also, once you pick up stygian circle, make this macro:

macro SC "powexec_toggleoff black dwarf$$goto_tray 1$$powexec_name stygian circle"

Put it in your dwarf tray, and whenever you're getting low on health, hit that macro. It will drop you to human form and fire off Stygian Circle EVEN IF YOU HAVE A PERSISTANT MEZ on you. From there, you can use dwarf form's break-free ability and get back in the fight at full health. OR, if you're not mezzed, it switches to your human form tray so you can fire off a gravity well while you're there.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Getting to 22 makes a difference on every character. SO levels of enhancement make a huge difference, as they are intended to. I always remind people of that when they're in the late teens, heh.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I've been having similar problems at 23 with SO's. I'm just keeping him logged out to build patrol xp in a police station til I can get a group together until I can get Gravitic Emanation. Then hopefully I can try soloing a bit in the lulls again. At least I hope so. Form dancing has turned out to be a lot of fun even when I do go down.



Originally Posted by David_Yanakov View Post
Form dancing has turned out to be a lot of fun even when I do go down.
You bet your hindtentacles it is.

Just wait until you pick up Stygian Return. It practically begs you to get in over your head.

I ran an Apex last night as my 'shade and he had just as many defeats as the rest of the team combined because I couldn't be bothered with waiting for teammates to catch up to me. I did not, however, spend any time in the dirt. Defeat just meant I got a free health/endurance refill and 10 seconds of invulnerability.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I'm up to 30 now and things have been progressing nicely. Being able to rip a soul screaming from a body and use it to beat that souls former owners friends may not be the number one greatest power ever but it's certainly the most fun!

Fully mired unchain essences are well worth the wait. I still faceplant a lot more than on any other toon I own but even without a self rez I just make a wakie, eat a few corpses and keep bulling through. That said, I cannot wait for 32 when I can get yet more uses for a dead body. Grabbing a tortured soul, then /enslaving/ it before using it to beat up their friends will be legendary.

After 35 there simply won't be looking back, assuming I can get the rest of my recharge slotted by then.



<Insert Picture of your ear to ear grin here>

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



My 50 IOd perma Eclipse human shade is a killing machine that only stops when there are no more bodies left on the map. Honestly it is sexier than anything else I have ever played and I am glad I pushed through to the end with it.



Trust me.
Get to 47. Start IOing.


*ahem* But yes, being the MFing WS, as Dechs guide so well shows, is so much fun. Aim for +recharge. Love eclipse. Love double Mire. Love it as EVERYTHING falls before you.
It's fun, you just need to hang in there

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I have to say I was having a hard time with my 'shade until I got Eclipse, I spent a lot of time hugging an Emp.

Then I got eclipse, and things were better,
Then I slotted eclipse, I blinked and I was 50,
I blinked again and I had 5 LotGs slotted,
It might take more than one blink to go from my current 2 rare spirituals to a very rare, but Oh its fun on the way

It was just that awesome.



Although I think most of us vets in the Kheld forums have shown that Khelds (especially warshades) are very viable in solo play, never underestimate the power different you will experience on a Kheld while teaming. It is truly a glorious experience.

Solo play for a Kheld is more viable at higher levels when you have more tools under your belt (like has already been mentioned), whereas when you're at lower levels, it's a much better overall experience to team.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)