Blade Runner Reboot




Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
Die in a fire, Hollywood.
Time to die?


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Sweet Jeebus. No, No, a thousand times no!

There's a billion-zillion novels out there that deserve movies.


It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Maybe they'll actually make Blade Runner good this time around...
Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
Put me in the soulless line then.

Terrific idea. Awful execution. Damn near fell asleep trying to watch it. I've only fallen asleep during 2 movies in my life.

THX, I'm looking at you
Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Blade Runner was one of those movies that I struggled to sit completely through. And even then, I couldn't watch it in one sitting. I had to space it out over 3 or so nights because it was boring.
I blame today's violent media, MTV... oh, and get off my lawn!

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Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Perhaps so.

But Blade Runner was one of those movies that I struggled to sit completely through. And even then, I couldn't watch it in one sitting. I had to space it out over 3 or so nights because it was boring.
Agreed, sir.

It was definitely one of the more disappointing movies I'd seen because it'd been so hyped up over the years as one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time. Then I go to watch it and struggle to stay awake.

I might rewatch it again soon to reevaluate my take on it, but I've got Blu-Rays coming in that I'm actually interested in. >.>

- CaptainFoamerang

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Originally Posted by brandx View Post
my hope is they put the narrative voice of decker back in the movie!

I don't care what ford thought or whoever else!

I loved the voice over! It added that whole crime noir detective feeling of the movie i loved!

Or maybe i loved it because that's how it originally was, and so i think it's better that way! I don't care! I loved it!

Keeping the fact that decker is or is not a replicant, doesn't bother me at all. Leave it in the air or say one way or another, but leave the voice over in!

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Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
They have to reboot it with Charlie Sheen. He's a Vatican Assassin Warlock, full of could be more culty/iconic than the original.
As long as Sheen gets blown into more than 1000 tiny itty-bitty bits of UberMind Warlockness, I'll get behind this.


Oh, you were talking about the Movie. NM.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
It was definitely one of the more disappointing movies I'd seen because it'd been so hyped up over the years as one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time. Then I go to watch it and struggle to stay awake.

I might rewatch it again soon to reevaluate my take on it, but I've got Blu-Rays coming in that I'm actually interested in. >.>
If I had to guess the people currently behind the SyFy channel probably share your views on this.
YMMV of course.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
If I had to guess the people currently behind the SyFy channel probably share your views on this.
YMMV of course.
And that means what? o.O

- CaptainFoamerang

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Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
And that means what? o.O
It means pretty much what I said.

Most people generally look down on the typical dreck that SyFy has churned out over the last few years as a "bad thing" for actual science fiction. Let's just say if SyFy had had anything to do with Blade Runner it probably would have looked more like “Megapython vs. Gatoroid” or "WWE vs. Replicants".

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Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Maybe they'll actually make Blade Runner good this time around...
Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
You have terrible taste, and perhaps even no soul.

Someone gather the pitchforks.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Perhaps so.

But Blade Runner was one of those movies that I struggled to sit completely through. And even then, I couldn't watch it in one sitting. I had to space it out over 3 or so nights because it was boring.
Did you find the first half of District 9 boring too?

I bet you like Michel Bay's transformer movies don't you.



Sick of reboots of bad and borderline movies hoping to be good the next time. Really unfond of good movies being redone just to try and cash in a second time. "Blade Runner" firmly in the second category and I for one am not interested in it being re-done.

I'll grant tastes differ and all, but I cannot imagine at all were this opinion comes from.

Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Maybe they'll actually make Blade Runner good this time around...

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
It means pretty much what I said.

Most people generally look down on the typical dreck that SyFy has churned out over the last few years as a "bad thing" for actual science fiction. Let's just say if SyFy had had anything to do with Blade Runner it probably would have looked more like “Megapython vs. Gatoroid” or "WWE vs. Replicants".
So you were trying to say my taste sucks for saying what I said? Just say that next time.

- CaptainFoamerang

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Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
So you were trying to say my taste sucks for saying what I said? Just say that next time.
Well I figured the mere mentioning of SyFy in this context was good enough without having to directly call you out on it.

I ultimately don't really care if you didn't like Blade Runner or not. But at least you have to concede there's -some- reason why it's currently ranked #15 on's top 50 all-time Sci-Fi films list.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Well I figured the mere mentioning of SyFy in this context was good enough without having to directly call you out on it.

I ultimaltely don't really care if you didn't like Blade Runner or not. But as least you have to concede there's -some- reason why it's currently ranked #15 on's top 50 all-time Sci-Fi films list.
I don't really put that much stock in rankings like that anymore, especially after seeing how mediocre the first two Godfather movies were. And the same goes for Citizen Kane.

- CaptainFoamerang

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Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
I don't really put that much stock in rankings like that anymore, especially after seeing how mediocre the first two Godfather movies were. And the same goes for Citizen Kane.
Well at least your taste in movies is "consistent". I'll say that much for you.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Well at least your taste in movies is "consistent". I'll say that much for you.
You're right. I don't let the rankings and generally accepted perceptions of films to spackle over their glaring flaws. I'm pretty consistent about that.

- CaptainFoamerang

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Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
You're right. I don't let the rankings and generally accepted perceptions of films to spackle over their glaring flaws. I'm pretty consistent about that.
There's always a place for the minority viewpoint. I guess to be honest things would be pretty dull in general if everyone always agreed about everything.

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I would happy to go into why I thought those films didn't deserve the praise they get, in case you're wondering.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
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Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Maybe they'll actually make Blade Runner good this time around...
Must be quoted again. Blade Runner sucked as it lacked the depth of its source. It was a very flat and uncompelling movie compared to the novella.



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
I would happy to go into why I thought those films didn't deserve the praise they get, in case you're wondering.
Actually I'm not. I'm sure each of us could throw a mountain of evidence at each other to show why the other is wrong and at the end of it neither of us will have budged away from our current opinions one inch.

I'm willing enough to simply "agree to disagree" here.

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Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
I would happy to go into why I thought those films didn't deserve the praise they get, in case you're wondering.
I'm interested. Proceed.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Must be quoted again. Blade Runner sucked as it lacked the depth of its source. It was a very flat and uncompelling movie compared to the novella.
Claiming "a movie sucks compared to the book it came from" is hardly a valid way to damn any movie. Can you actually name me ANY movie that was "more in-depth" than the book it came from?

I don't care if you hated the movie or not, but at least offer up some "real" reasons to hate it.

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My SciFi lit prof in college loved Dick. We read I think three novels and a half a dozen short stories by him but only one novel each of Asimov, Clarke and Heinlein.

DADoES was one and then we were required to watch Blade Runner when it was shown on campus a few weeks later (this was 1982-83, so the original) and write a paper comparing the two.

God I hated Dick. Even though a lot of his work "inspired" a lot of okay to great SciFi movies, his stuff was just too damn depressing for an entire semester of it.

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Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
I'm interested. Proceed.
Bear in mind that this what I've gathered from these films upon single viewings. If someone brings up something that could warrant additional viewings, I might add them to my Netflix queue.

Blade Runner
Overall, just a very bland film to me. Much of the movie is spent building up the danger of the escaped androids, yet those same androids simply spend most of the their time acting odd or moping over their situation. The main character of the film wasn't fleshed out enough to make me care about him or his mission. Perhaps my interpretation of the film suffered for not looking at it as "Han Solo fights robots." There's just too much that goes unsaid or not shown about the characters and their relationships, so it's hollow.

The Godfather
Pretty disappointing to me because it had some of the best actors you could ask for in a movie, but the direction and the writing didn't use them to their fullest potential. The movie's supposed to be about a son whose kept his nose clean his whole life reluctantly taking over the reins of a criminal empire, but there's no reluctance. We don't really see Michael Corleone struggle with his decisions and his character comes off so flat. I mean, he takes off for the country of his forebears and has a wife, but after she gets offed and he returns it's like that whole part of his life never happened. Essentially, it was too evident that it was based on a novel because the writer and director tried to cram as much material in there as they could without putting more thought into smoothing out the story.

The Godfather Part II
There were the same issues as the first one, except they were compounded by the fact that this was the sequel and you'd think the creative staff would've learned from their mistakes. Furthermore, it was too much of a rehash of the first film. Again we get the flashbacks of Vito's earlier life, except now they're less relevant and less compelling. Again we have a betrayal that has to be addressed through a strategic mass assassination sequence.

Citizen Kane
Strangely enough, this came off to me as the Avatar of its time. The story, characters, and performances were so-so, and it depended a lot on its technical accomplishments. There were a lot directorial techniques applied that were among the first of their kind, but Welles was less talented behind the camera than Cameron, and much of the power and emotion behind the performances were lost, perhaps due to Welles' inexperience as a director or maybe because the actors' talent simply wasn't there. Some have suggested that I'm simply prejudiced against films that came before my time; however, I did enjoy 12 Angry Men and A Raisin in the Sun because there was talent behind the writing and the performances.

- CaptainFoamerang

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