The Lazy Marketeer's Journal




This idea occurred to me two weeks ago: to keep a detailed journal of exactly how I make my money in this game. The point would be to show everything I'm doing, rather than speak in general terms. It's all well and good to tell people to buy low, sell high, to be patient with bids, to list below what the actual sell price is but not too low, to check out mid-range uncommons or even to mention specific IOs that you can make money crafting -- but I figure there's no substitute for saying, "This is what I did, this is when I did it, this is how I did it, this is the money I made doing it."

I call it "Lazy Marketing" because I don't keep track of trends or prices, I don't try to manipulate things, I don't try to defend my niches, I don't worry about flooding the market with too many of one IO, I don't even work a single IO or niche, but usually multiple niches at once and sometimes the same niche on several different characters at once. I work every niche it occurs to me to work, even ones that have a lower profit margin. I generally base my bids and list prices on the last 5 bought/sold, unless I'm pretty certain that I can buy lower or sell higher. I had one person in The Market channel tell me last week that I could "make a much bigger profit margin if I knew what I was doing. Whatever.

I have all the money I need to IO out every one of my characters, and I have a lot of characters. I use all of my level 50s, plus quite a few other characters, to market. I can do this with about half an hour spent an evening, or an hour or so on a Saturday when I'm especially lazy (taking notes has slowed me down a lot of course ). Anyone can do this, if they want to.

I started this on February 14th, and waited two weeks to start posting to provide me with some protection from other marketeers, because I'm basically saying exactly what I'm bidding on and selling and for how much. This may or may not be interesting reading. But here it is. (I think my first few posts were a lot more chatty than later ones!)

Also: this is not necessarily meant to represent the best way to make money, or the only way, or the method that other marketeers use. Just what I do to make my money.

Monday February 14 2011

Logged in: Shinobu Dragonheart, 50 scrapper.
Last logged: 8 days ago.
Money: 1184 million

10 items sold: crafted Decimation triple for 80 mil, 80, 80, 80, 85 90 90 90 90 75 mil.

792 million profit = 1.976 billion

30 items purchased: 10 Decimation acc/end/rech for 3.2 mil each, 10 Mu Vestment for 2.2 mil each, 10 Scientific Theory for 51 thousand each.
I have failed to purchase: 10 Alchemical Gold for 81 thousand each, 10 Alchemical Silver for 101,000 each.

Well, I have nearly 2 billion here, I can afford to bid higher on the salvage. I bid 171,000 each for 10 Alchemical Silver, and it fills before I'm finished typing this. I bid 361,000 each on 10 Alchemical Gold, and ten minutes later -- nothing.

Decimations have fallen in price -- a lot. The triples are going for 20 million a pice at the moment, Acc/dam/rech has 56 for sale and 80 bidding, acc/end/rech has 97 for sale and 54 bidding. But that's just in the last week -- I know the price will go up again. So time to buy is now. Acc/End/Rech are selling for 1.5 to 2 million in last five, including two sales for 1,555,555 which I suspect was a marketeer just because of the odd number duplicated. But there's been a sale of 1.5 mil since... so the one marketeer bid must have filled. I place two bids of 10 stack each for 1.6 million. Three recipes are bought immediately.

Acc/Dam/Rech has sold for 10, 15, 13, 10, and 1 million in last 5 sales. That one million is eye-catching, that means a lot of low bids are out there and not very many high bids. I place one bid for 10 at 6.1 million (should fill easily) and 1 bid for 10 at 2 million (longer range lowball bid to see if I can get lucky).

While I'm at it, with my toon flush with cash and prices seemingly dropping at the moment, I put in bids for other Decimations -- 10 Acc/Dam at 7,000,112 each (some marketeer was buying at 7,000,111) and 10 Dam/End at 5,612,000 (again, bidding just above an obvious marketeer's bids).

At this point my Alchemical Golds still haven't filled, so I can't craft or put anything up for sale yet. Time to move on.

Money after bids are out: 1.737 billion

Logged in: Huntress Midnight, 50 brute
Last logged in: 8 days ago
Money: 810 million

10 items sold: Aegis Resistance for 55,555,555 (x5), 55 million (x4) and 1 at 57 million.

Money after collecting sales: 1.335 billion

Purchased: 8 Reactive Armor: Resistance for 10.1 million each (bid on 2 still outstanding), 6 Ancient Bone (I have 4 on me already) 10 Stabilized Mutant Genome and 10 Carnival of Shadows Mask.

I craft the 8 recipes. Going price at the moment seems to be 23 to 25 million, with 52 bidding and 57 for sale. Seems low. Price may spike again, but I'm not sure I want to take a big risk on that happening. In any case, salvage and crafting costs are negligible; I bought at 10.1 mil so a 25 mil sale is still a very good profit.

I need to buy too -- I have nothing else in the pipe. But Reactive Armor: Resistance recipes are going for 15 to 20 million each in last 5. That's just stupid -- and makes me wonder if I shouldn't have listed my crafted ones higher. Anyway, I rebid for 10 at 10.2 million, and bid for 2 stacks of Aegis: Resistance at 13,220,111, matching the price of the last 5 sales. When I do this, I'm hoping that my bids will go undetected by the other marketeer for a longer period of time (although someone else could always come along and outbid us both).

Ending Money after bids: 979 million

Enough marketeering for one day. Off to play!

At least, that was the plan. But I recall that my current toon needs some recipes mailed from my tanker. So:

Logged in: Sailor Shinobu, 50 tanker
last logged in: 2 days ago
Money: 271 million

Purchased: 1 Apocalypse Dam/Rech for 471 million (for my current build, reworked after respec'ing into inherent fitness. I had a bid at a lower amount -- about 350 million I think -- for more than a month with no luck, then rebid on it Saturday.) 10 Aegis bought at 15 million each. 10 Reactive Armor: Resistance bought at 15 million each. Probably overpaid on both of those, eh. Luckily for me I won't be selling them now, I need salvage first.

I bid recklessly on the salvage for my Apocalypse, I want to craft it now. 3.6 million for Hamidon Goo and Magical Conspiracy, 4.5 million for Synthetic Intelligence Unit. When I'm done I have a nice 16% regen bonus for a 2-slotted Fire Blast epic pool power. ^_^

For the rest, I put in a bid of 10 Pangean Soil at 3.1 mil each, 10 Carnival of Shadow Masks at 51 thousand each (currently selling for 500,000 and up - yikes.) 10 Ancient Bone at 5,000 each, 7 Stabilized Mutant Genomes at 31,000 each (I have 3 on hand already).

Mail my recipes to my other account, and NOW I can go play!

Ending Money after bids: 227 million

(As an aside: MG invited me to an Abandoned Sewer Trial. I've done this four times I think, twice failing and twice BARELY succeeding. MG asks, "Anyone remember how this goes?" I reply that the last time I did it was of course the last time MG did it. ^_^ Anyway we rock the AST, we're down clearing the rikti out with more than an hour to go, we have the hydra down below 50% after the first wave, we kill it with something like 30 minutes left -- just over an hour spent on the trial total. I've NEVER seen it done like that before. ^_^ )

Tuesday February 15 2011

Log in: Nina Ballerina, 50 scrapper
Last logged in: 9 days ago
Money: 796 million

51 bought, 0 sold (nothing for sale) 10 x Devastation acc/dam (paid 1 mil each), 20 x Decimation acc/dam/rech (paid 2.1 mil each -- guess I was gambling on those 80 million per crafted IO sales hehe). 1 Obliteration dam/rech level 30 for 3 million (save for later use). 10 ancient bone at 600 inf, 10 inert gas at 26 thousand inf each.

Bids that have failed to fill: 20x Military Cybernetic at 2.6 mil each, 20x Commercial Cybernetic at 51 thousand each. Lowball bids are too low. (Also some misc outstanding lowball Obliteration bids in the level 30-32 range).

Not much to do here but up my bids on the Commercial and Military Cybernetics (151 thousand and 3.2 million respectively). Also put in a bid for 10 Rikti Alloy at 2.8 mil each to craft the Devastation recipes.

Ending Money after bids: 754 million

Logged in: Sparks Fly, 50 scrapper
Last logged: 9 days ago.

(For some reason I'm standing in the Vanguard base -- oh, probably working on the day job badge. I don't do that with most of my characters anymore.)

Money: 677 million

10 sold: Touch of Death Dam/end/rech for 21,234,567, for 22,00,002, 3 for 25 mil, 1 for 22 mil, 4 for 20 mil. It's hard to predict what people will pay -- I suspect i had these listed for something like 18.1 mil or 19.1 mil, or even 17.1 mil.

Purchased; 10x Touch of Death acc/dam/end (for 751,000 ea), 10x sci theory, 10x rune.

Bids not filled: 10x Deific Weapon at 2.1 mil ea, 10x Steel at 51,000 each. Sigh.

Rebid at 152,000 per steel, 3.3 mil per Deific Weapon. Also place a bid for 10 Touch of Death at 2.1 mil each.

Ending money after bids: 850 million

Logged in: Squddy Kitty, 50 WS
Last logged: 9 days ago
Money: 688 million

10 sold: Scirocco's Dervish dam/rech, all 10 for 10 mil each.

Money at this point: 782 mil

Purchased: 10x Scirocco's Dervish dam/acc/end at 251,00 each
9 Platinum at 2.6 mil each (I have the 10th on me)

Bid: 10x Temporal Tracer at 2,000 (fills instantly) 10x Hydraulic Piston at 1,000 (fills instantly) 10x Ruby at 500 (buys 5) at 1,000 (buys other 5). Oh hay look, I can actually craft and list something!

Scirocco's Dervish triple: last 5 are 10 mil (4) and 1 at 9 mil. 36 bidding, 64 for sale. Seems safe to list just under 10 mil... although I seem to recall these selling for above 10 mil in the past. Ah well. List all at 9.1 mil.

Bids on: Scirocco's Dervish triple 10x 552,00 each, dam/rech 10x 200 inf each (0 bids out, I got one insta purchase), and dam/end at 12,000 each. 10 Hamidon Goo at 2.8 mil each (pretty lowball bid these days).

Ending Money: 739 million

Logged in: Bubble Girl Six, 50 defender
Last logged: Last night, I ran the Abandoned Sewer Trial with her. I can't remember if I did any quick marketing when I first logged her in, but when we were done I logged out in Ouroboros.
Money; 808 million

Bought: 10x Mako's Bite dam/rech at 100,015 each; 10x Mako's quad at 501,00 each; 10x Pangean Soil at 2.6 mil, 10x Magical Conspiracy at 2.6 mil. 10x Spirit Thorn, 10x Silver, 10x Thorn Tree Vine (ah, I now remember bidding on the common and uncommon salvage just before the Abandoned Sewer Trial. Good! I place bids for common/uncommon salvage for the other recipe too. All cheap stuff, level 50 salvage) I craft 20 recipes.

Mako's dam/rech has 128 bidding and 47 for sale. Top price 10 mil. I list ten for 9.1 mil, betting that I can get that much since there aren't a ton of them for sale.

Mako's quad -- 44 for sale, 84 bidding. last 5 includes sales of 13, 13, and 14 mil, and one for 9,999,999. I list 5 at 10.1 mil.

Ending money: 791 million

All for Tuesday!

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



As always I love seeing how others do it. Thanks for a look into your world Organica



Very much like what I--on a smaller scale--do.

That Sparks Fly wouldn't be from Justice, would it?



I envy you your apparent ability to put things up for sale (large stacks, to boot!) within 10% of the going rate and still sell them. I've been trying to get into this myself lately (albeit on a smaller scale), and ever since the first niche I was working dried up, the new ones I find keep having the bottom fall out of the prices as soon as I've sold a couple enhancements. At the moment I've got enhancements listed from 3 different sets (9 in all) that are currently 5-10 million above the going rate, but were 5-10 million *below* the going rate when I posted them.

Since I'm only doing this on one character, I hardly think I'm posting enough to crash the niche, but I can't think of any other reason. Is it just bad luck, or am I doing something wrong?

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Originally Posted by Reptlbrain View Post
That Sparks Fly wouldn't be from Justice, would it?
Most of my characters are on Virtue -- I'll usually note the ones that aren't. I have one level 50 on Justice that I market with, a broadsword/regen scrapper named Maiden Knight. I also have a level 42 Mouse Police there I think.

Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
Since I'm only doing this on one character, I hardly think I'm posting enough to crash the niche, but I can't think of any other reason. Is it just bad luck, or am I doing something wrong?
I do end up with IOs listed above the current going rate. Since I market with so many different characters, I'll often leave them up for weeks or months to see if the price rebounds. Also, by not logging in characters for up to a week or more, I often don't see when the price dips and rebounds over the course of just a few days.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
I envy you your apparent ability to put things up for sale (large stacks, to boot!) within 10% of the going rate and still sell them.
Generally, this strategy is entirely dependent upon how many people are bidding and how many are for sale. Popular things, that are still expensive but have lots of people bidding and not so much for sale, you can generally get away with the 90% kind of rule. But if there is few bidders, and lots for sale, I find myself listing for about 55-60% of the last 5. Generally, I usually get anywhere between 80-100% of the last 5 sales regardless of the low listing price. If something was selling for 10 mill, and there were say 30 bidding, and 5 for sale - I would list for 9.5 mill. There is a demand there. If the same enhancement selling for 10 million had 5 bidding, and 30 for sale, I would probably list for 5.1 million, and hope for the best. It's somewhat risky listing really low with so few bidders tho because they could all be real lowballs. But more often than not, for every time I list for 5.1 and it sells for 5.3 million, there is more than enough that sells for 8-10 that it is a non-issue for me.

Another thing to consider, is how much effort you are investing time-wise. Since Organica is only checking a toon maybe every few days, the need to sell quickly to keep your slots from filling up, is moot. You can afford to list higher(closer to the buy it now price), if you are prepared to wait for a sale. This is the perfect strategy for toons you are only playing or checking once or twice a week.



All of that is exactly right. For some things that I market, there are as many as 200 or more crafted and for sale (endurance IOs for example are sometimes like this). In that case my list price is whatever I think is the lowest I want to go or that I think I can go without being nailed by a lowball bid. If the average sale price is 5-7 million, I might list as low as 3.1 million (for a cheap uncommon recipe w/out rare salvage -- Efficacy Adaptors for example). For an orange recipe requiring rare salvage, I'm generally pretty hesitant to list below 5 million -- 5.1 million is kind of a floor min list price for that kind of IO for me. If I'm forced to list that low then it's a sign that this particular niche is not worth my time. ^_^ (Mako's is an example of a set where the prices sometimes drop very low, there are so many of them out there and it's a nice set but not a hugely in demand one.)

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Wednesday Feb 16 2011

Logged in: Valkyrie of Atlantis, 50 scrapper
Last logged: 10 days ago
Money: 704 million

10 sold: Touch of Death acc/dam/end, 7x 25 mil, 3x 24 mil.

New money total: 938 million

Bought: 10x Touch of Death dam/end/rech at 555,556 each, 10x Soul Trapped Gem at 2.1 mil each. Also 1 Reactive Armor Resistance level 30 at 5 million, to be crafted and stored in base.

Not bidding on the Alchemical Silvers needed was probably a mistake... but then, I probably would have bid too low. Anyway, I buy 10x Alchemical Silver at 261,000 each, 10x Iron at 100,000 each, 10x Data Drive at 12,000 each. All bids instantly filled. Now I can craft!

Crafted Touch of Death dam/end/rech has 100 for sale, 123 bidding, last 5 are 3 at 20 mil, 2 at 15 mil. I probably want more than 15 mil for mine, but there's a lot for sale so it's going to be hard to not overprice. I list everything for 15.2 mil and hope that works. The good thing is, I can afford to be patient if need be.

I have outstanding bids on 10x Doctored Wounds heal/rech at 600,000 each and 8x Numina's Convalescence Heal at 15.1 mil each. Those bids have been there maybe since October or November -- they're probably never going to fill. And I need to be bidding on something that I can sell next time I log in. (Side note -- these are level 50 recipes; unless otherwise noted I'm always bidding and selling the top level of the recipe in question.)

Numina's Convalescence Heal are going for 38 to 50 million per recipe right now. 263 bidding, I have no idea what the bottom end is or where I should bid. I pull down the heal bids and decide to bid on Touch of Death again -- stack of 10 dam/end at 2.1 mil, stack of 10 acc/dam/end at 2.2 mil ea, stack of 10 dam/end/rech at 2.2 mil each. Stack of 10 acc/dam at 1,020,000 each. Also 10x Deific Weapon at 3,000,001 ea and 10x Soul Trapped Gem at 3,000,001 each.

Ending money: 917 million

Logged in: Serpentine-Fire, 50 blaster
Last logged: 10 days ago
Money: 807 million

I have nothing sold, nothing for sale, and 40 items bought: 10x Efficacy Adaptor rech/ac for 6,000 each; 10x Performance Shifter end mod/rech at 1,620,000 each; 10x Performance Shifter Endurance Modification/Accuracy at 2,300,000 each, and 10x Performance Shifter End Mod at 11,111,112 each.
Okay, I need some salvage! I put in bids for Synthetic Intelligence Unit 10@3.1 mil, Chronal Skip 10@3.1 mil, and Hamdon Goo 10@3,000,500 each. But those won't fill for a long while. The salvage for the Efficacy Adaptor recipes is cheap to buy.

I also discover some random drop recipes on my character that are worth crafting and selling: another Performance Shifter end mod/acc lvl 50, a Crushing Impact acc/dam/end level 45, a Red Fortune Endurance lvl 50, and best of all, a Numina's Convalescence Heal lvl 50.

I list the Efficacy Adaptors at 2.7 mil each and hope for the best (87 for sale). List both the Crushing Impact and Red Fortune at 3,000,100. The Numina's shows last 5 at 45 mil each... but wait, wasn't last 5 between 38 and 50 mil just a half hour ago? There are lots bidding, not as many for sale. I list it at 45.1 million. The performance Shifter has last 5 sales around 20 million, with over 200 for sale and over 600 bidding. I list for 17.1 million.

Ending Money: 699 million

Logged in: Organica, 50 scrapper
Last logged: 39 days ago. Maybe not since I hit 50 actually.
Money: 513 million

You have 10 bought and 16 sold items in the Consignment House! Considering my 17 slots, that about covers it. Sold: Efficacy Adaptor Endurance Modification/Accuracy for 6x 4 mil, 1x 3.5 mil, 5x 6 mil, 1x 5.5 mil, 3x 7 mil. Gotta love the way people bid. ^_^

Money: 592 million

I also have 3 more Efficacy Adaptor End Mod/Acc to put up for sale. I list them for 3.1 mil each.

My purchase is 10x Efficacy Adaptor End Mod/Rech at 105,000 each. I buy salvage and craft those as well. I list them for 3.6 mil each -- that might be too high, but last 5 includes some sales at 10 mil, and only 54 for sale. Put in bids for more Efficay Adaptors, 2 stacks of end mod/acc at 12,000 each and 1 stack of end mod/rech at 105,000 each

Ending Money: 583 million

Logged in: Popeye Khan, 43 tank
Last logged: 39 days ago
Money: 640 million

2 items bought, 0 sold: I have bought a level 31 Luck of the Gambler +7.5% recharge speed for 103 million and a level 32 Luck of the Gambler +7.5% recharge speed also for 103 million. Now if I could only remember why I wanted to do that. Not that they aren't useful, I'll craft and dump them into storage and use 'em on someone later. But I probably had a specific charcter in mind at the time.

I have outstanding bids on Impervium Armor Resistance recipes in the 29-33 range, and nothing has filled in 39 days. Hmmm. Looks like people have moved into my niche while I wasn't paying attention (for 40 days). I relist bids.

Ending Money: 578 million

Logged in: Holy Bell, 41 Peacebringer
Last logged: 39 days ago
Money: 819 million

40 bought: 10x Scirocco's Dervish dam/rech at 51,000; 10x Scirocco's Dervish dam/end at 15,000; 10x Hamidon Goo at 2 million ea, 10x Photonic Weapon at 2.2 mil each.

Buy salvage, list 10 Scirocco's Dervish dam/rech at 9.1 mil each. Put in bids for 20 more recipes of the same at 10,000 each.

Ending money: 809 million

All for Wednesday!

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Thursday February 17 2011

Logged in: Mouse Police (Victory) 50 Scrapper
Last logged: 5 days ago
Money: 367 million

3 sold: Decimation acc/rech, all three for 20,100,000 each. (Forget what I listed them for, possibly someone bought them for exactly my list price?)
110 items bought: 10x Decimation acc/end/rech at 5.1 and 10x Decimation acc/dam/rech at 5.2 mil; 10x Devestation at 501,000; various salvage for said recipes including 10x Mu Vestment at 2 million each, 10x Military Cybernetic at 2.8 mil each, 10x Rikti Alloy at 3.1 mil each, 10x Alchemical Silver at 126.000 each, etc. 10x Alchemical Gold at 401,000 each, which is probably what kept me from crafting last time around.

I craft everything -- 30 IOs. I have 19 market slots (and 10 on my character) so I have to e-mail one to myself in order to finish crafting. I place all 10 Devestations up at 11.1 million. I'm more leery of the Decimation, which are still trading in the 20 million range, when a few weeks ago it was much higher. I'm suspicious that the price will go up again at some point. I list seven of the acc/end/rech for 20.1 mil and two of the acc/dam/rech at 21.1 mil.

Ending money: 402 million, with a full 19 slots up for sale. ^_^

Logged in: Black Unicorn, 50 tank (Freedom)
Last logged: 5 days ago
Money: 552 million

Sold: 6 Mako's Bite acc/rech 3x 10 million 3x 8.5 million. 4 are still for sale.
Bought: 10x Mako's Bite quads at 501,000 each; 10x Mako's dam/rech at 16.000 each, rate and uncommon salvage for both (10x Pangean Soil at 2.9 mil each, 10x Magical Conspiracy at 3.3 mil each).

I craft 20 IOs, list 10 dam/rech at 9.1 mil and list 8 quads at 8.1 mil each. No bids to buy atm.

Ending Money: 588 million

Log in: Mouse Police (Freedom) 42 Blaster
Money: 580 million

Sold: 4 Gift of the Ancients Defense, 3 @ 50 mil each and 1 @ 55 million. Nice. But I have 6 more listed for 46 million that haven't sold, and might be overpriced at the moment.

Bought: 3 Gift of Ancients Defense at 9,000,001 each. bid for other 7 still going.

Recipe is currently selling for over 11 million (looks like at least 2 other marketeers are buying). Crafted last 5 sales are 40 million (four) and one at 25 million. 71 for sale, 45 bidding. So it appears that the crafted price is coming down and the recipe price is going up... but there's still a large profit margin here. Buying at 11 million is still well worth it.

I adjust my bid for the last 7 to 11,201,000. That matches the last two sales, and hopefully I can buy several before someone ups the buy price further. Not worth bidding for another 10 on top of that, as the price looks like it's changing quickly.

Place bid for 10 Soul Trapped Gems at 3.2 mil each (five are bought before I'm done). Also pull that Decimation acc/dam/rech from e-mail and list it for 21.1 million. I should be bidding on something else too, but I'm not really sure what at the moment. I have 9 slots not being used for anything. :/

When in doubt, place lowball bids on stuff that you use a lot. I place bids for 5 Luck of the Gambler Defense level 31 at 16.1 million each and 5 level 32 at 16.2 million each. Also 1 bid for a level 31 LotG +7.5% recharge at 108 million. Hey, you never know.

Ending Money: 455 million

Friday Feb 18 2011

Logged in: Hunter's Kiss, 50 defender
Last Logged: 12 days ago
Money: 485 million

Bought: Devastation acc/dam/rech and all salvage to craft them. Also Devastation dam/end (for 12,000 each) and the rare salvage needed -- the rest is easy to come by. So I craft 20 recipes.

The triples are selling for 12 to 13 million each crafted, with only 25 for sale. I list mine at 10.1 million. That might be too much, but we'll see. Devestation recipes are usually dirt cheap. The dam/end are only selling for 6 and 7 million with 78 for sale. I list 3 for 6.1 million, I don't really want to list for a lot less than that. Not sure those will sell either.

Ending Money: 469 million

Logged in: Wall Street Brawler, 27 scrapper
Last logged: 12 days ago
Money: 497 million

This is my Crazy 88 toon. I'm supposed to be making money to burn for the group, though I'm not sure what our current goals as a SG are.

Sold: 10 Scirocco's Dervish dam/rech for 10 million each.

Bought: 10x Scirocco's Dervish triples for 516,00 each

Place bids on salvage (common and uncommon at 100 inf each, Platinum 10x 3.1 mil each) and also 10x Scirocco's Dervish triples at 21,000 each

Ending Money: 560 million

Logged: Tiffany Blackheart 50 scrapper
Last logged: 5 days ago
Money: 741 million

You earned the Caregiver badge (day job) Woo!

Sold 7 items: Decimation Acc/Dam/Rech all for 20 million each

Still listed: 3 Decimation Acc/Dam/Rech for 21.1 million each. So I tried to list a couple of them higher than the current going rate -- no bites. But the weekend is here so there's still hope.

Purchased: 10x Decimation Acc/End/Rech and all salvage needed. I paid 7.8 mil each for the recipes, 3 mil ea for the Mu Vestments. Time to craft! Sooo glad I got Field Crafter on Tiff back in November/December!

119 of these for sale crafted. Ugly. I know some of the others are mine too, but still... price is 20 million and not likely to go up any time soon. I list most of mine at 17.1 million anda few at 18.1 million.

I also have two level 50 Thunderstrike recipes and a level 49 Titanium Coating: Resistance recipe on me from recent drops that I kept to craft. I craft and list these as well. Doesn't matter to me what I list them for, they're virtually free in terms of cost to me, so I list 'em cheap.

Ending Money: 863 million

Logged in: Shinobu Valntine, 50 troller
Last logged: 5 days ago.
Money: 922 million

Nothing for sale, nothing sold. Bought: 10x Scirocco's Dervish dam/rech at 12,000 each, 10x Scirocco's Dervish acc/dam at 1,615,203 each, 10x scirocco's Dervish dam/acc/end at 202,000 each. No salvage yet.
Bid: 10x synthetic Intelligence Unit at 3.2 mil each, 10x Platinum at 3,000,010 each, 10x Hamidon GOo at 3,050,000 each. Buy 3 Hamidon Goo and 1 Platinum within two minutes.

End Money: 829 million

Later Friday night:

Logged in: Shinobu Dragonheart 50 scrapper
Money: 1,737 million

(My new scrapper that I started last Saturday has hit 30 and needs money! I ship off 700 million to play with.)

Purchased: 10x Decimation acc/end/rech and all salvage to craft them. Also many other Decimations: 10x acc/dam/rech at 6.1 mil each, 10x acc/dam/rech at 2 million each (hmmm... waay overspent on the other bid then), 20x more acc/end/rech at 1.6 mil each, 6x Decimation dam/end at 5,612,000; 10x acc/dam at 7,000,112. I have recipes to craft for a while now it seems. If the price of Decimations spikes again I'll be in good shape. ^_^
I put in bids for Demonic Blood Samples 10x 51,000, Circuit Boards 10x 51,000, Scientific Law 10x 51,000. That will allow me to craft the acc/dam recipes next time around. I Craft the acc/dam/rech and list 7 of them for 17.1 mil each.

End Money: 995 million

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Sunday February 20 2011

Logged in: Tiffany Blackheart 50 scrapper
Last logged: technically last night, ran a Calvin Scott Task Force
Money: 864 million

Sold 10 items: Decimation acc/end/recharge for 20 million, 6x for 18 million, Titanium Coating: Resist for 3 million, Thunderstrike dam/rech for 4 million, Thunderstrike acc/dam for 5 million

Unsold: 3 Decimation acc/dam/rech listed for 21.1 mil. 3 Decimation acc/end/rech listed for 18.1 mil. Also there's an Executioners Contract dam/interrupt listed for 2.1 mil that's been there forever and probably will never sell, but eh.

Prices on Decimations have fallen into the basement. On the theory that they will inevitably rise again at some point (and also that they are still selling for well over 10 million crafted), I put in some very lowball bids, 30x Decmation acc/end/rech at 100 inf each and 20x acc/dam/rech for a little over 1 mil each.

Ending Money: 976 million

Logged in: Sailor Shionbu 50 tank
Money: 246 million
Last logged: Also technically yesterday, ran a Faathim the Kind TF, an ITF, and then a Posi 2 before switching to Tiffany for the Calvin Scott. ^_^

I have a bunch of stuff bought and ready to craft: 10 Aegis: Resistance and 10 Reactive Armor: Resistance. I craft them. The Aegis seem to be selling better, with fewer for sale. I list all 10 at 31.1 million. I list 3 Reactive Armor at 25.1 mil (probably too high) and 5 at 23.1 mil (last 5 sales were 26 mil x4 and one at 23 mil, and there are lots for sale)

4 Reactive Armor sell for 25 mil before I'm done typing this. Okay then, 25.1 mil is NOT too low to list. I collect sales and list the last two at 25.1 mil. ^_^

Also listed a Crushing Impact acc/dam/end for 1.6 mil. It dropped to me during the ITF, and a Winter's Gift Run/Range/End which I had on me and salvage for it dropped to me; I was able to craft both right there in Cim, hehe. So few opportunities to actually USE the field crafter table in the field. The Winter's Gift I would normally save for Summer, but it looks like they're inexplicably selling for 50 million even now, so I list for 42 million.

Ending Money; 300 million

Logged in: Mouse Police, 50 scrapper
Last logged: 4 days ago, though I don't remember doing any marketing
Money: 217 million

Bought: 10x Touch of Death dam/end/rech at 500,001; 10x Touch of Death acc/dam at 1.2 mil each; various salvage for crafting the triples. Also crafted IO's Winter's Gift Slow Resistance 20%, 1 level 15 at 12 million and 2 level 10 at 12 mil each (bought in Dec/Jan I'm pretty sure).

Failed to buy: 10x Alchemical Gold at 201,000 each (needed to craft the acc/dam). I also have lowball bids on 6 Achilles' Heel Chance for Resistance Debuff that will probably never fill, and tw more bids on level 15 Winter's Gift Slow Resistance 20% that won't fill until next year. ^_^

Craft the tripes and list them for 18.1 mil each. Rebid on the Alchemical Gold and the Achilles' Heels -- still a very lowball bid, but about 3x what I was bidding before. Bid on other salvage needed for the acc/dam recipes, and put in bids for Touch of Death 10x acc/dam/edn at 712,000 each, 10x dam/rech at 100,001 each, 10x dam/end/rech at 2.1 mil each. Also collect my Winter's Gifts and place them in base storage.

Ending Money; 185 million.

Logged in: Huntress Midnight, 50 Brute
Last logged: 5 days ago
Money: 979 million

Sold 8 items: Reactive Armor: Resistance, 6@ 25 mil each, 1@ 24.5 mil, 1@ 24 mil.

Bought: 20x Aegis: Reistance at 13,220,111 each

Bid not filled: 10x Reactive Armor at 10.2 mil each

I place a bid on 10x Pangean Soil at 3.1 mil each

I've taken stock of IOs in my base. Last week I started a new scrapper, dark melee/willpower, and she's at 32 now. I raided my base for the level 30-33 IOs needed for her build, specifially five sets of Kinetic Combat and 2 sets of Obliteration. At the moment I have in storage:

Kinetic Combat acc/dam: 10
Kinetic Combat dam/end: 6
Kinetic Combat dam/end/rech: 2
Kinetic Combat dam/rech: 0

I need more triples and dam/rech!

Obliteration quads: 2
Obliteration triples: 6
Obliteration damage: 2
Obliteration acc/rech: 4
Obliteration dam/rech: 1
Obliteration proc: 3

I could use more of just about all of these. ^_^

So I have a lot of empty slots on my brute and over a billion... time to buy!
Observe: Level 35 KC dam/rech are selling for 71 to 81 million (the recipe). Level 34 last 5 are 30 to 50 million. Level 33 last 5 20 to 75 mil. Level 32 last 5 are 15 to 50 mil. Level 31 last 5 are 20 to 50 mill and one at 7,777,777. Level 30 last 5 are as high as 40 mil but includes 3 buys between 3 million and 3.7 million each.

Level 29 last 5: 25 million, 200,100, 200,100, 500,000, and one for 2 million. That last one is mine, there were 5 for sale and I put in a bid for 10 at 2 million.

People slot Kinetic Combats for the defense set bonus. Level 29 Kinetic Combats give the same 3.75% smashing/lethal defense as level 35s. The four-piece set (I almost never slot the proc) is unbalanced, ever piece of the set gives damage so you wind up with max damage no matter if you're slotting level 29s or 35s. Recharge at level 29 is 21.5%, at level 35 it's 22.9%. So you're paying 75 or 80 million instead of 200,100 for a difference in 1.4% recharge and because you can't be bothered to put a bid up and wait.
Never mind that I, like many people I suspect, often 4-slot Kinetic Combat in Boxing as a mule set. I'm planning to do that with my current scrapper in order to fit 5 sets into my build. Who cares what level your mule set is?
Anyway: Bid 10x Kinetic C ombat dam/rech level 29 at 2 million each. Also 3 level 30 at 4 million each.

Prices on the triple are crazy at all levels, but I see one level 29 sold for 42 mil and a couple of level 30s for 54 mil. Otherwise they're typically over 100 mil each. Bid 3 level 29 at 46 mil each, 3 level 30 at 55 mil each, and 2 level 31 at 62 mil each. There's half my money invested, heh.

End Money: 590 million

Logged in: Popeye Khan, 42 tank
Last logged: 3 days ago
Money: 578 million

Nothing for sale. I have bids out on tons of md level Impervium Armor: Resistance recipes, but nothing's happened there. I have two Luck of the Gambler +7.5% recipes and now the salvage to craft them. I do so and dump them into base storage, will probably use them on my new scrapper. I put in bids for a bunch of Obliteration IOs. mostly level 30,31,32. I get insta-purchases on 3 Oblit dam/rech for 2 million each, and three Oblit triples for 1 million each, so I put in bids for Conspiratorial Evidence and Soul Trapped Gems as well.

Ending Money: 202 million.

Sunday evening:

Logged in: Shinbou Valentine 50 troller
Last logged: 2 days ago
Money: 829 million

Crafted a bunch of Scirocco's Dervish acc/dam and listed all 10 of them for 21.1 mil each. Bid on some common/uncommon salvage needed for the next 10 recipes.

Ending money: 814 million

Logged in: Nina Ballerina 50 scrapper
Last logged: 2 days ago
Money after running Sara Moore TF: 759 million

Failed to buy: 20x Commercial Cybernetic at 151,000 each. Rebid for 201,000 each

That's all.

End Money: 758 million

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



... I'm too lazy to read all this =(


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
I can do this with about half an hour spent an evening, or an hour or so on a Saturday when I'm especially lazy (taking notes has slowed me down a lot of course ). Anyone can do this, if they want to.
You know, having read this whole thread, I have to say I'm amazed how efficient you are.

Here's an example. I logged into my namesake on Virtue. Traveled from the Midnighter's guild in Steel to the Went. Picked up 3 million in sold junk, grabbed 2 recipes and some salvage that came in. Put up higher bids for the salvage that didn't come in at my original price so I had everything I needed. Flew to the Uni and crafted 4 recipes. Flew back to wents, emailed myself 1, listed 2, slotted 1. Bought 4 Multistrike recipes and all the salvage I needed for them. Put up a few more bids for other recipes and salvage. Flew back to the uni, crafted and slotted all 4. Back to the guild, auto-completed one tip mission and logged out.

Took over 20 minutes for that one character alone. No way could I accomplish what you do in 30 minutes in less than 3 or 4 hours.

Hell it took more than 10 minutes just to find out none of the crafted multistrikes were affordable (under 2 million), then find the recipe and all the salvage and enter the bids.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
Since I'm only doing this on one character, I hardly think I'm posting enough to crash the niche, but I can't think of any other reason. Is it just bad luck, or am I doing something wrong?
Note that he had a couple of different niches do this exact same thing, crash, like his Decimations. Hence he is working multiple characters, and not just multiple recipes within one IO set, or multiple IO sets within one category (i.e. Ranged Damage), but multiple different categories.

Thus, if for some reason Resistance sets all take a dip because a shiny new AT comes out thats all defense based so demand shifts, you have things going in Damage, in Healing, etc. as well. Plus, you can wait out short price swings because you are only checking characters every few days.

Same thing as they say in RL finance, diversify. I know I get a lot of my ideas for niches from either drops I'm selling (hey, thats a nice ratio of bids/sales!) or from things I'm trying to buy to make my builds (looks like I'm not the only one who likes this set. . .).

And I share the comment that the OP is very efficient, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to cycle through that many characters crafting that many things that quickly.



I've done the random roll for recipes and craft whatever will sell route too of course, but it's a lot more work to craft 10 different recipes than to craft 10 of the same thing.

This is a lot to read, and not terribly interesting to most people I suspect. Most people want concise answers and explanations that explain everything. The advantage of saying, "buy low, sell high," (or a guide that expands on that idea a bit) is that it's a quick read, so more people will read it -- but it might not tell you everything you need to know. But going through what I'm posting is (I suspect) probably mostly of interest to people who are already marketeers, or trying to become marketeers.

Also, on crashing a particular niche: most of what I'm working is such high volume that I suspect one or two people alone would have a hard time crashing it, unless that was their goal and they devoted all their energy to doing so. That's why I'm not worried about listing all the niches I'm working, because I don't think one or two or five more people working the same niche will affect me that much in the long run. I could be wrong, of course. ^_^ Decimations have continued to crash over the last month, by the way, but I think that has more to do with supply and demand than anything else.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
You know, having read this whole thread, I have to say I'm amazed how efficient you are.
I don't know about Organica's thoughts on this, but I've gotten so spoiled by my marketeers who have Field Crafter that I have a hard time actively marketeering on anyone who doesn't. The ability to drop a workbench at my right hand while I have the CH window open and can pick up exactly what I need, craft, and put it back up? Life is just crazy-easy that way.

It takes some doing to get the portable workbench, but for me it's worth it a thousand times over.

/end threadjack

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



I don't have the workbench on every toon, but I do on about six or seven of them. For the others, one trip to my base is not too difficult, or I park them in Steel Canyon. Also, there are other marketeers around in Talos or Atlas Park in the evenings when I do this on Virtue, it's not too hard to find someone with bench out when I'm ready to craft.

But yeah, I like my portable benches and have plans to add them to every market toon at some point. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Enjoyable read. Nothing to say really, just wanted to voice my appreciation.



Monday Feb 21 2011

Apparently tonight the Crazy 88's are doing another bonfire party to try and catch the top two SGs (ranked by Prestige) on Freedom, which also happen to be the top two SGs in the game. The last time I helped out in December by limiting my marketing toons to 700 million influence each, and any extra money got tossed onto the bonfire. So I guess I'll try to scrounge up whatever cash I can for the effort, although I have no plans to burn all my billions like some the the crazier 88's do. (What do you think I am, crazy?)

Logged in: Valkyrie of Atlantis, 50 scrapper
Money: 918 million

Sold 10 items: Touch of Death dam/end/rech, 6 @ 20 million each, 2@ 15,555,555, 1@ 15,202,020, 1@ 16 million. That gives me...

Money: 1,090 million

Purchased: 10x Touch of Death dam/end/rech (for 2.2 mil each) and 10x Soul Trapped Gem; 10x Touch of Death acc/dam/end (for 2.2 mil each) and 10x Deific Weapon; 10x Touch of Death acc/dam.

Not purchased: 10x Touch of Death dam/rech at 2.1 million each.

I need Alchemical SIlvers for the first set, Steel/Scientific Theory/Rune for the second set, and Alchemical Golds for the third set. The Alchemical Silvers seems the easiest to buy quickly, so I bid at 10x 161,000 (buys in just a few minutes) and also buy the Iron and Data Drives that I need which are easy to come by. Also put in bids for my Steel and Alchemical Gold. I have 7 of 17 slots filled atm so I can't bid on more if I want to list 10 items for sale.

Touch of Death dam/end/rech are selling for 10 to 15 mil it looks like, 107 for sale 114 bidding. Bleah, I'd like them to sell for more than that, I know they were selling for a lot more only a month or so ago. Ah well. I list everything for 11.1 million. A profit is still a profit.

Money: 1,076 million. I can dump 350 million towards the Crazy 88 cause!

I swear, I've tried e-mailing stuff to @sailor shinobu more than once. My 2nd account is @shinobu valentine; sailor shinobu just happens to be what I think of as the "main" character on that account. If anyone had the handle @sailor shinobu, I'd have sent them a lot of money by now. ^_^

Logged in: Nina Ballerina, 50 scrapper
Last logged: I played Nina last night on a Sara Moore TF. Nina has 539 merits saved up at the moment, and also 9 shards plus an essense of the incarnate and an infinite tesselation. Not that I remember what I was going to do with those at the moment. I had to log her in because before running the Sara Moore, I dumped 13 Essense of the Earths into e-mail. If I'm going to be e-mailing myself money, I better make sure my e-mail isn't clogged up with stupid EoEs.

I sell four of them for 200,000 each.

Money: 756 million. Not really enough above 700 mil to worry about, and I have nothing for sale. I do, however, have all the salvage needed to craft 10 Decimation acc/dam/rech. I just need to dump a bunch of junk salvage from the TF first... rubys, regen flesh, silver, spirit thorn, temporal analyzer, thorn tree vine, kinetic weapon, nevermelting ice, gold, hydraulic piston, pnuematic piston, chaos theorum, ceramic armor plate... all dumped onto the market at 1 inf each. I keep the Photonic Weapon and Military Conspiracy of course.

Oh, I also picked up an Aegis: Resistance recipe on the TF. No purples for me sadly, but that will sell at least. I buy a Pangean Soil needed to craft that, and also salvage to craft the Oblit dam/rech level 30 that I bought for 3 million at some point. (This is turning into a rather more complicated market stop than normal for me.)

Craft the Oblit and dump it into base salvage. Craft the Aegis and e-mail to myself. Craft the 10 Decimations. Dump five EoEs into base storage.
By now my junk salvage has all sold and I have 10 slots free -- just enough to list my 10 Decimations. It looks like prices have continued to go down on these -- last 5 are three at 15 mil, 17 mil and 5,777,777. 45 for sale 63 bidding. I suspect I can list high; I don't really want to list too low. And I'm willing to wait for my price to move, so I'm going to list all at 17.1 mil.

Ending money: 742 million

Logged in: Serpentine-Fire 50 blaster
Last logged: 5 days ago
Money; 699 million

Sold 12 items: Efficacy Adaptor rech/acc 8 @ 3 million, 1 @ 3.3 mil, 1@2,880,088. Crushing Impact acc/dam/end for 4 milion. Numina's Convalescence Healing for 50 million.

I would craft 10 Performance Shifter end mod/accuracy but I need to buy 10 Nevermelting Ice first, and someone is playing games with those at the moment (for the last day or so in fact.) Meh. I craft 10 Performance Shifter end mod instead, I have the salvage or can buy it quickly for that.

I list one for 8.1 million and it sells instantly for 10,251,000. Hmmm. Last five are for the same price, so someone has a large bid out at that price. There are 71 for sale, and I now know they are all selling for more than that. That's useful info.

I list the other nine for 13.1 mil each. Ten seconds later, two sell for 13,252,000. Yeah, okay, I STILL listed too low. Ah well, profit is still profit.
In the meantime I haven't pulled down my Nevermelting Ice bid at 261,000 each, and it fills. So I can craft the end mod/acc and list some of those. I list 9 of them for 11.1 mil each. Now I have 18 things for sale, and 790 million influence in hand. That's enough to dump 100 million towards the Crazy 88's.

Ending money: 690 million

Logged in: Holy Bell, 41 Peacebringer
Last logged: 4 days ago
Money: 809 million

Sold 10 items: Scirocco's Dervish dam/rech 5 @ 10 mil each, 10,111,111, 9.5 mil, 11,111,111, 10,100,100, 10,000,111. Several tricksy bidders there.
In the buy column I have 10x Scirocco's Dervish dam/end bought for 15,000 and all salvage needed to craft them, and 20x Scirocco's Dervish dam/rech purchased at 10,000 inf each. Same item I just sold for an average of 10 million each crafted. Yeah it's really that easy.

Scirocco's Dervish dam/end are selling for 20 mil, 20 mil, 24 mil, 9.5 mil, 26 mil (last 5). Only 24 for sale. Did I say I bought these for 15,000 each? It's like printing money, people.

I list everything for 17.1 mil. I place bids on 20x Hamdon Goo at just over 3 mil each.

Ending money: 831 mil. I send 100 of that off to the Crazy 88's fund.

Logged in: Valentine Candy, 47 defender
Last logged: 44 days ago (not one of my regular marketers)
Money: 377 million

Sold 12 items: Efficacy Adamptor end mod/rech 2@ 6 million 1@ 5.1 mil; Efficacy Adaptor end mod/accuracy 5@ 6 mil 1 @ 5 mil 3@ 7 mil.
In the buy box I have 10x Efficacy Adaptor end mod/acc (252,000 ea purchase price) and 10x Performance Shifter end mod/acc (1,111,111 ea). No salvage, but the Efficacy salvage is insta-purchasable. I bid for 10x Synthetic Intelligence Unit at 2.9 mil each, and all the salvage needed for the Efficacy Adaptors, then craft. I list them all for 3.1 million. I also bid on more Efficacy Adaptors; 10x end mod for 555,555; 10x end mod/rech at 400,000 inf each; 20x end mod/acc at 100 inf each (no outstanding bids, 1 instant purchase)

Ending money: 400 million

(Normally I'd have stopped by now, but I'm hoping to scrounge up a few more hundred million for the Crazy 88's.)

Logged in: Organica 50 scrapper
Last logged: 4 days ago
Money: 583 million

Sold 13 items: Yet more Efficacy Adaptors! end mod/acc for 6 million and 2 for 5 million; end mod/rech 5 for 4 million, 2 for 5 million, 1 for 3,880,088, 1 for 4.5 million, and one very generous buyer gave me 9.5 million for one. Donkey shine!

In the buy column we have a curious puzzle. I have outstanding bids for 9 and 8 Efficacy Adaptor end mod/accuracy at 12,000 inf each, but the last 5 buys are all well below that including my 100 inf buy on another toon just a few minutes ago, and we're showing 19 bids total outstanding, including 9 on Valentine Candy and 18 on Organica here. Huh? These are all level 50 bids too.

Weird. I put in another bid for 9 at 12,000 each and it fills immediately. I put in a bid for 8 at 12,000 each and get one more buy. I kill the two non-bidding bids.

Things get weirder when I notice that my previously purchased IOs are "Efficacy Adaptor: Endurance Modification/Accuracy" and "Efficacy Adaptor: Endurance Modification/Recharge" all spelled out, but the new ones I've bought are "Efficacy Adaptor: End Mod/Acc" and "Efficacy Adaptor: End Mod/Rech". So there's been a name change? Will the two different names even stack?

I claim my purchased recipes -- but the ones with the long names don't appear in my inventory. They just vanish into thin air.

Or not. Because the longer name is for the CRAFTED version. I've actually purchased several crafted recipes for the price I was willing to pay for the recipe itself. Mystery solved, I'm an idiot, but I ain't gonna complain about buying something for 12,000 and selling it immediately for millions.

I list 14 Efficacy Adaptor Endurance Modification/Accuracy at 3.1 mil each and 2 Efficacy Adaptor Endurance Modification/Recharge at 7.1 mil each.

Ending Money: 630 million

At this point I've spent too much time screwing around and I've only dug up about a half billion to burn for the Crazy 88's. I need to go do my exercise. Thus:

Logged in: Wall Street Brawler, 27 scrapper
Last logged: 3 days ago
Money: 560 million

In the buy folder: 10x scirocco's Dervish dam/acc/end and all salvage to craft; 10x Scirocco's Dervish dam/rech (bought at 21,000 each).
Last 5 sales on the triples are 2 mil, 1.5 mil, 3 at 3 mil. Seriously? 119 for sale 34 bidding. Ugh. I list everything for 6.1 mil anyway; can't make money otherwise. Against all logic I place bids for more Scirocco's Dervish recipes. I also claim and list the Aegis: Resistance that was in e-mail.

Ending Money: 549 million

Ending Money after claiming money from e-mail: 1,098 million

Ending Money after burning 700 million of that: 398 million

I went and burned my money and didn't see anyone else from the SG, or find any of them talking in the Market channel. So I guess it wasn't that big of a party after all.

Tuesday February 22 2011

Logged in: Popeye Khan, 42 tank
Last logged: 2 days ago
Money: 202 million

Purchased: 5 Conspiratorial Evidence, 5 Soul Trapped Gems, 2x Obliteration dam/rech level 32, 3x Obliteration acc/dam/rech level 32; 2x Obliteration dam/ech level 31; Obliteration damage level 30, Obliteration acc/dam/rech level 31, Obliteration damage level 31. Nice haul, that will refill my base storage bins!

Have not bought any Impervium Armor Resistance IOs, and I have bids out for stacks of 10x on level 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33. I think my niche here is seriously compromised; I'll either have to up my bids again or find something different to work. I have about 400 million influence tied up in those bids too.
Impervium Armor Resistance Recipes in the 29-33 range are selling for anywhere from 5 million for level 29 to 15 million or so for higher levels (2 bids for 25 million and one for 50 million for level 33 recipes... and one for 120 million???). The crafted item is selling for 30 to 50 million it seems. But there are none for sale in these ranges, either recipes or crafted IOs. So this is still a very lucrative niche, I just need to up my bids and maybe narrow my focus to just a few levels instead of trying to buy 5 different levels at once. It's never been a fast-moving niche, but I make a nice profit when I have stuff to sell.

Level 30 and 33 are the levels people pay stupidly higher for. But when there's none for sale, people will pay for whatever you have to sell, so it's well worth buying at level 29, 31, 32. I rebid in stacks of 10 at those levels (and since this is a slow moving niche where my bids will be out there for weeks or months, I'm not going to say exactly WHAT my bids are this time. ^_^ )
That frees up a couple of slots and some money though. Now I just need to craft my Oblits and stash them in my base.

Ending money: 281 million

Logged in: Huntress Midnight 50 brute
Last logged; 2 days ago
Money: 590 million

This is the toon I've got Kinetic Combat bids on, but I've only purchased one dam/rech so far. But I have 20 Aegis: Restance recipes and now have the salvage to craft them.

Last 5 are 22 mil, 22 mil, 17.8 mil, 25 mil, 25 mil. But they were selling for well over 30 mil last time. I list them for 25.1 mil each. (13 listed, 7 in my inventory waiting to list.)

Ending money: 563 million

Logged in: Shinobu Dragonheart, 50 scrapper
Last logged: 4 days ago
Money: 995 million

Sold 7 items: Decimation acc/end/rech 6 for 20 million, 1 for 18 million
I have 3 more already crafted, list those for 17.1 million. I also have all the salvage needed to craft 10 Decimation acc/dam. I list seven of them for 18.1 mil each.

End money: 1,115 million

Logged in: Black Unicorn, 50 tanker (Freedom)
Last logged: 5 days ago
Money: 588 million

Sold 18 items: Mako's Bite acc/dam/end/rech 4 for 10 mil each; Mako's Bite dam/rech 5@ 10 million, 5@ 11 million, 2@ 9.5 million, 1@ 10,000,124.

I have 6 crafted Mako's quads still waiting to list. I list 'em for 10.1 mil each, because I'm greedy and there's only 31 for sale at the moment.

I have nothing else purchased, so I put in new bids for Mako's Bite: dam/rech 10x 12,000 each, dam/end 10x 12,000 each (entire bid fills instantly), acc/end/rech 10x 500 each (4 are insta purchased), acc/dam/end/rech 10x 5,000 each, and acc/dam 10x 401,000 each. Also 10x Rikti Alloy at 3.3 mil each and 10x Prophecy at 3 mil each, and other salvage to craft the dam/end and triples.

End Money: 691 million

Logged in: Mouse Police, 42 blaster (freedom)
Last logged: 5 days ago
Money: 455 million

I have 7 items for sale at ridiculously high prices. They aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

I have bids in for Luck of the Gambler: Defnese and +7.5% recharge. I don't remember why -- this is a Freedom toon so it's not likely I was planning to stash them in storage. I check, and decide they're actually needed for my own build. Which is a nice theory, except that I'm bidding on 10 defense recipes total. Eh. Anyway, only one has been purchased so far, but I have 10x Gift of the Ancients Defense (bought 3 at 9,000,001 and 7 at 11,201,000) and 10x Soul Trapped Gem (bought at 3.2 mil each). I bid on the other salvage I need and wait.

I list nine of them for 21.1 mil each.

End money:[/B] 440 mil

Logged: Mouse Police, 50 scrapper (Victory)
Last logged: 5 days ago
Money: 402 million

Sold 10 items: Devastation acc/dam 4 for 15 mil, 1 for 16 mil, 2 for 13,333,333, 1 for 12 mil, 1 for 11,111,111.

I have nothing bought, but 9 items still for sale and also 7x Decimation acc/dam/rech and 3x Decimation acc/end/rech already crafted to sell. But Decimations are what I have listed now that aren't selling

List everything for 17.1 mil each.

End Money: 527 million

Log in: Tiffany Blackheart 50 scrapper
Last logged: 2 days ago
Money: 976 million

Sold: 3 Decimation acc/end/rech for 20 mil each

Lots of bids out but none that are completely filled yet, so that's it for now

End Money: 1,033 million

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Wednesday Feb 23 2011

I am an RMTer, of a sort.

I worked late and wasn't planning to do any marketing today, but when I log in a friend makes an offer to me: the new Beast Pack, in exchange for a billion influence that he needs for his current build. Cool, I didn't even know the pack was available yet. Done deal! And so...

Log in: Shinobu Dragonheart, 50 scrapper
Last logged: 2 days ago
Money: 1,115 million

Sold 10 items: 3 Decimation acc/end/rech for 20 million each; Decimation acc/dam 7@ 20 million each

List 3 more Decimation acc/dam at 17.1 bil each

Ship off 1 billion to my friend

Bid on more salvage, including 10x Mu Vestment at 3.3 mil each and also another bid of 10x Decimation acc/dam at 6.6 mil each

Money left: 202 million. Easy come, easy go!

To be honest I don't even know what I'll do with the pack just yet.

Thursday Feb 24 2011 (early AM)

Logged in: Shinobu Dragonheart (again, still at 202 mil)
Sold: 3 items, Decimation acc/dam for 26 mil, 25 mil, and 20 mil

The plan here was to do some quick crafting, but my bid for 10x Commercial Cybernetics at 156,000 each has failed to buy any. I rebid at 201,000 and also put in bid for some other salvage

Ending Money: 262 million

Logged in: Mouse Police 50 scrapper
Last logged: 3 days ago
Money: 185 million

Nothing sold, 58 items bought

Craft 10x Touch of Death acc/dam. List one for 17.1 mil, which is what happens when I do these things while I'm still half asleep. List seven others for 11.1 mil. I still have a bunch of Decimations for sale for 18.1 mil that aren't moving at the moment (probably because my other toons are undercutting me.)

Ending Money: Eh... I forget. Less than 185 million.

Logged in: (evening) Shinobu Dragonheart again

Craft 10x Decination acc/dam/rech. Place bids on more salvage. List 7 of said IOs at 18.1 million each.

Ending money: 215 million

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
(probably because my other toons are undercutting me.)
I found this far more funny, than I probably should have.



But it is true. Even when I'm writing all this stuff down, I'm not paying careful attention to what I bid on or listed the same thing for earlier. ^_^

Saturday Feb 26 2011

Logged in: Holy Bell 42 Peacebringer
Last logged: 4 days ago
Money: 731 million

10 items sold: Scirocco's Dervish dam/end, 5 for 20 mil, 3 for 18 mil, 2 for 22 mil.

In the buy box I have 20x Scirocco's Dervish dam/rech (paid 10,000 each) and 20x Hamidon Goo (paid 3,000,111 each). The other salvage is easy to get: Sapphire, Temporal Analyzer, Fortune; I buy 20 each at instant buy prices (12,000 inf, 500 inf, 500 inf respectively).

There are only 22 dam/rech for sale. Last 5 include two sales at 15 mil. I list 13 of them for 12.1 mil each. I also put in bids for 10x Scirocco's Dervish dam/end at 251,000 each and 10x Scirocco's Dervish acc/dam at 501,000 each.

Ending Money: 892 million

Logged in: Kung Fu Chelsea, 23 scrapper (Victory)
Last logged: 48 days ago
Money: 555 million

1 item sold: Mako's Bite acc/dam for 9 million

In the buy box: 10x Mako's Bite acc/dam for 1.2 mil each; 10x Mako's Bite acc/end/rech for 101,000 ea; 10x Mako's Bite dam/rech for 16,000 each. No salvage. :P Luckily the acc/dam does not require rare salvage, just 20 Chaos Theorums, 10 Nevermelting Ice, and 10 Hydraulic Pistons. A bid of 12,000 each buys the Chaos Theorums but only nabs one Nevermelting Ice instantly, and another a minute later. Hmmm. I can wait a few minutes, or up my bid... I decide to hang out. Hydraulic Pistons buy instantly at 1,000 each.

I have one level 50 on Victory on my main account (Mouse Police) and because of that have always marketed with the highest level Victory toon on my second account as well. This is Chelsea, who is one of only a handfull of toons below level 30 that I (occasionally) market with. Doing so is kind of annoying, most of them can only hold 32 salvage at once for example. I have her parked in Steel Canyon for that reason, jumping to the University and back to Wents with super jump isn't too much trouble. By the time I'me done running back and forth a couple of times to craft, all of my Nevermelting Ice are purchased.

Prices on Scirocco's acc/dam are not good at all. Last five includes two purchases at 5 million, those are the highest buys. I list everything at 5.1 million. I want to make money and I know that Chelsea is a toon I may not come back to for several weeks, so listing a little high works. Possibly I could have listed even higher.

End Money: 493 million

Logged in: Maiden Knight, 50 scrapper (Justice)
Last logged; 13 days ago
Money: 280 million

Nothing sold, 22 items bought: 10x Touch of Death acc/dam for 501,000, 10x Touch of Death dam/rech for 950,000, Absolute Amazement stun duration for 58 million, Absolute Amazement stun duration/end reduction for 62 million.

The Absolute Amazements are for my own build, I have a mule set of five in Boxing (Maiden Knight is broadsword/regen, I want massive recharge), but for more than half a year I've been consistently failing to purchase them at lowball prices as the price of purples keeps inching up. I still have bids out for two of the recipes: Stun/rech at 76 million and stun/rech/acc at 91 million, and I apparently need to up those bids again. Sad to think I could have bought these for maybe 30 million if I'd bid that high last Summer. Lowball bidding doesn't always work!

I rebid stun/rech at 112 million and stun/rech/acc at 171 million, which might still be too low. I put in bids for 10x Alchemical Gold at 401,000 each, 10x Military Cybernetic at 3.6 mil each (this price is well below the last 5 but I still buy 7 instantly -- doh! Should've bid lower). 10xEnsorcelled Weapon at 201,000 each. I place bids on the other stuff needed for the Touch of Death dam/recharge. I also bid on all the salvage needed for the two purples, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to craft anything soon, so that's all for the moment.

Chaos says, "Hi Organica!" I wave hello as he logs out. ^_^ (He later claims in the Market channel that I had ignored him!)

Ending Money: 108 million

Logged in: Jalia, 50 scrapper (Freedom)
Last logged: 13 days ago
Money: 741 million

7 items sold: Mako's Bite acc/end/rech, 6 for 10 million, 1 for 20 million
I have three Mako's Bite dam/rech listed for 18.1 million. Yeah, those are gonna sell reeeeeaaal soon.

Bought: 10x Mako's quad at 501,000; 10x Pangean Soil at 3,000,200 ea; 10x Mako's triple at 112,000 each; 10x Mako's dam/rech at 100,001 each; 10x Mako's acc/dam at 601,000 each.

The Pangean Soils are for the quads. Other salvage is insta-buy stuff; Temporal Tracer, Fortune, Ceramic Armor Plate. I have 10 quad IOs in just a couple of minutes. I also have 3 triples left from last time, already crafted. I put in bids for 10 Magical Conspiracy at 3.2 mil each, and Thorn Tree Vine at 6,001.

On Mako's triple last 5 sales are 5 million each. I just don't see a profit in selling that low. I list for 5.1 mil. I list the quads at 6.1 mil, most of the last 5 are in the 8 mil range.

Mako's dam/rech are currently selling for 13 to 15 mil, so my 18.1 mil prices are not TOO out of line. But there's still little chance that they'll sell anytime soon. I decide to pull them and relist at 13.1 mil.

End Money: 784 million

Logged in: Sailor Shinobu, 50 tank
Last logged: 6 days ago
Money: 300 million

17 items sold: Aegis Resistance for 2 for 33 million, 1 for 32 million, 1 for 35 million, 1 for 33,333,333, 1 for 35,100,000, 4 for 40 million. Crushing Impace acc/dam/end for 2 million, Reactive Armor Resistance 1 for 25 million, 2 for 30 million, 3 for 35 million. People sure are being generous!

Bid on: 10x Aegis Resistance at 8.7 mil each; 10x Reactive Armor Resist at 18.2 mil each; 10x Symbol at 501,000 each; 10x Pangean Soil at 3.2 mil each.

Ending Money: 515 million

Logged in: Bubble Girl Six, 50 defender
Last logged: 10 days ago
Money: 791 million

15 items sold: Mako's Bite dam/rech 2 for 9,987,000; 1 for 10.1 mil; 7 for 10 mil; Mako's Bite Acc/dam/end/rech 3 for 10.1 mil, 1 for 10,125,005, 1 for 11 mil.

I have 5 quads left to sell; I list those for 7.1 mil each. I have nothing else bought so I put in bids for 10x Mako's dam/rech at 12,000 each and 10x Mako's quad at 101,000 each, and also salvage: Magical Conspiracy and Pangean Soil, 10x each at 3.1 mil

End Money: 869 million

Logged: Squiddy Kitty, 50 Warshade
Last logged: 10 days ago
Money: 739 million

10 items sold: scirocco's Dervish acc/dam/end: 8 for 10 mil each, 2 for 12 mil each

Buy box: 10x Scirocco's Dervish dam/acc/end at 552,000; 10x Scirocco's Dervish dam/end at 13,000; 10x Scirocco's Dervish dam/rech at 200 inf each. 10x Hamidon Goo at 2.8 mil each.

Buy other salvage needed for the dam/rech and also bid on 10x Platinum at 3.1 mil each. Also Photonic Weapon at 3 mil each. Craft and list 10 dam/rech at 13.1 mil each.

End Money: 765 million

Log in: Sparks Fly, 50 scrapper
Last logged; 10 days ago
Money: 850 million

Buy box: 10x Touch of Death acc/dam/end and all salvage to craft; 10x ToD dam/end/rech.

Craft and list the acc/dam/end for 17.1 mil each. Bid on 10 more of same recipe at 1.8 mil each; bid on salvage for the other recipe including Soul Trapped Gems 10x 3,010,000 each.

End Money: 791 million

Logged in: Shinobu Valentine 50 troller
Last logged: 5 days ago
Money: 814 million

10 items sold: Scirocco's Dervish acc/dam 9 for 22 million, 1 for 22,222,222,
Bought: 10x Scirocco's Dervish dam/rech for 12,000; 10x Scirocco's Dervish dam/acc/end for 202,000; 10x Hamidon Goo for 3,050,000; 10x Plaatinum for 3,000,010, and also 10x Temporal Analyzer, Fortune, and Sapphire.

I have nothing for sale, so potentially 18 free slots. I can craft evrything (salvage not yet bought is easily purchased stuff).

List the dam/rech for 12.1 mil each, list seven of the triples at 8.1 mil each. Place a bid on 10x acc/dam at 501,000 each.

End Money: 998 million

Also I get a request to join an ITF, which I do, so that's my marketing for now. ^_^

Logged in: Nina Ballerina, 50 scrapper
(who I really logged in to run a Sister Psy right after that ITF)
Last logged: uh.. I forget. Not that many days ago
Money: 745 million

9 items sold: Decimation acc/dam/rech, 3 for 18 million, 3 for 20 million, 2 for 222,222,222, 1 for 18,111,111. (One is s still for sale at 17.1 mil).

Bought: 10x Devastation acc/dam, 10x Decimation acc/dam/rech, 10x Military Cybernetic, 10x Rikti Alloy, 10x Commercial Cybernetic.

Buy other salvage to craft all 20 recipes, place another bid for 10x Decimation acc/dam/rech for 1.586 million each.

List 10 Decimation acc/dam/recharge for 17.1 million, list 3 Devastation acc/dam for 10.1 million.

End money: 880 million

Just for fun: checked 10 toons on Saturday. Holy Bell is +161 million, Kung Fu Chelsea -62 million, Maiden Knight -172 million, Jalia +43 million, Sailor Shinobu + 215 million; Bubble Girl Six +78 million, Squiddy Kiddy +26 million, Sparks Fly -59 million, Shinobu Valentine +184 million, Nina Ballerina +135 million. Overall profits today = 549 million so far. ^_^

Logged: Hunter's Kiss, 50 defender
Last logged: 7 days ago
Money: 469 million

13 items sold: Devastation acc/dam/rech 2 for 12 million, 1 for 13 million, 1 for 11 million, 1 for 11,100,000, 5 for 15 million; Devastation dam/end 2 for 6.1 million and 1 for 6.5 million.

List 7 more dam/end for 6.2 million each, place a bid for 20x Devastation acc/dam/rech at 126,000 each, 10x Diamond at 3.1 mil each, 10x Unquenchable Flame at 51,000 each

End Money:[/B] 577 million

Logged: Wall Street Brawler 27 scrapper
Last logged: 4 days ago
Money: 398 million

11 items sold: Aegis Resistance for 33,333,333; Scirocco's Dervish acc/dam/end 6 or 7 million, 1 for 6.1 million, 1 for 8 million, 1 for 6.5 million, 1 for 8,111,111.

Bought: 20x Scirocco's Dervish dam/rech, 10x Scirocco's Dervish dam/end

Not bought: 10x Scirocco's Dervish acc/dam/end for 51,000. Too low. Rebid at 101,000. Also bid on 20x Hamidon Goo at 2.7 mil each, 10x Photonic Weapon at 3 mil each, 10x Thorn Tree Vine at 8,000 each.

End Money: 411 million

(late Saturday)

Log in: Valentine Candy, 47 defender
Last logged: 4 days ago

10 items sold: Efficay Adaptor Endurance Mod/Accuracy 10@ 5 million each

Bought: about a billion Efficay Adaptor recipes. Actually 10x end mod/rech, 20x end mod/acc, 10x end mod. But also 10x Perfomance Shifter End mod/accuracy, along with the rate salvage needed for it (the other salvage is insta-buy stuff). So I craft that.

I list the Performance Shifters for 10.1 million each. One sells for 12.1 million in just a few minutes. Ooh, someone's trying to be clever, but still bid 2 million above my price. ^_^ I buy salvage and craft 10x Efficacy Adaptor end mod/acc as well and list five of them for 3.1 mil each.

End money: 442 million. Eh, I forgot to write down how much I had to start with didn't I?

Log in: Valkyrie of Atlantis 50 scrapper
Last logged: 4 days ago
Money: 727 million

10 items sold: Touch of Death dam/end/rech, 2 for 12 million, 1 for 15 million, 5 for 20 million, 2 for 21 million. Yay for people who overpay!

You have purchased: 10x ToD acc/dam and 10x ToD acc/dam/end and all the uncommon/rare salvage needed to craft them. Time to go to work!

You have not purchased: 10x ToD dam/end for 2.1 mil each. I rebid on these at 5.1 mil each... there's still a good profit margin I think. Also bid on dam/rech and acc/dam for virtually nothing (314,000 and 101,000).

I got into an argument with a very annoying person on a task force the other day. They couldn't understand why anyone would slot IOs at less than max level. I tried to explain that the difference between a level 33 and a level 50 IO is not that great... it went over their head. Their argument boiled down to two somewhat contradictory statements: 1) Lower level content is so easy, you don't need set bonuses, you'd have to be an idiot to want them, and 2) You absolutely need the very best performance you can possibly get at level 50, so level 50 IOs all the way! Never mind that level 50 content is not necessarily hard either...

To which I replied, if you want to solo AVs and pylons, sure. Knock yourself out.

What I REALLY should have done though was thank her. It's people with that attitude that make all of my money for me. ^_^ I craft and sell level 50 (or top level) recipes/IOs almost exclusively -- the recipes are more plentiful and often cheaper, and the IOs sell for more money.

I list 8 of the ToD acc/dam/end for 17.1 mil each (selling for about 20 mil). I list 5 of the acc/dam at 9.1 mill each (selling for a little over 11 mil).

Ending Money: 849 million

Log in: Serpentine Fire 50 blaster
Last logged: 4 days ago

16 items sold: Performance Shifter end mod 5 for 15 million, 1 for 13.5 million, 1 for 14,555,555; Performance shifter end mod/acc 8 for 15 million, 1 for 12 million (1 smart buyer!)

I have one Performance Shifter end mod/acc left, I list it for 10.1 million.
I have purchased: 10x Performance Shifter end mod/rech for 1.62 million each, and also the 10 Hamdon Goos needed for that. Other salvage needed includes regen flesh and silver (insta buy) and Unquenchable Flame (not an insta buy by any stretch of the imagination. But I gamely put in a bid for 10 at 151.000 each. Eventually I up this to 251,000 because I'm not patient.)

I list all 10 for 11.1 mil each. Place bids for 20x Perfomance Shifter end mod/acc at 314,000 each, and 20x Synthetic Intelligence Unit at 3.1 mil each.

End Money: 830 million Bleah, I forgot to note how much money i had to start with again.

(After this... we ran a 4 man Doctor Q in 3 hours 16 minutes... and then a 4 man Statesman in 3 hours 27 minutes... something like that. We almost gave up on LR and the towers, but we pushed through.)

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Sunday Feb 27

Logged in: Serpentine-Fire 50 blaster
Last logged: ran a 4 man STF using this character last night. Took us more than 3 1/2 hours.
Money: 833 million.

11 items sold (I pretty much knew thatw before I logged off last night): Performance Shifter end mod/accuracy for11 million; Performance Shifter end mod/rech 8 for 12 million, 1 for 11,111,111, 1 for 15 million

Purchased: 9x and 7x Performance Shifter end mod/acc; 20x Synthetic Intelligence Unit.

Craft and list 14 of them at 11.1 mil each

Rebid on 20x Performance Shifter end mod/acc at 326,000 each, 10x Synthetic Intelligence Unit at 3 mil each, and 10x Performance Shifter end mod/rech at 501,000 (which is a low bid flyer, I don't have any information that suggests the recipe is selling that low).

End money: 903 million

Log in: Sparks Fly
Last logged: this is the toon I ran the 4 man Doctor Q with. I knew I had some stuff sold on this toon too.
Money: 796 million

4 items sold: Touch of Death acc/dam/end for 20 million each

I have purchased: 10x Touch of Death Damage/End/Rech and all salvage needed to craft them. (Also 10x ToD acc/dam/end for next time.) I craft these and list six of them at 17.1 mil each.

I also have a lot of recipes from the Dr. Q task force that I can craft and list (I have all the common and some of the uncommon salvage needed already): Obliteration acc/dam/rech level 50; Titanium Coating Res/End level 50; Devastation acc/dam level 45; Expedient Reinforcement acc/dam/rech level 50; Thunderstrike dam/end/rech level 50. I craft these as well, and list the Oblit at 16.1 mil and the Expedient Reinforcement at 5.1 mil.

I bid on 10x Deific Weapon at just over 3 mil each.

End money: 823 million

Logged in: Liberty or Debt, 44 blaster
Last logged: 58 days ago
Money: 230 million

15 items sold: Obliteration dam/rech for 20 million; Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control to hit buff/rech/end redu for 30 million; MIracle hea/end/rech 8 at 15 mil each, 1 at 15,555,555, 1 at 15,000,100, Performance Shifter end mod/rech/acc for 8 million; red fortune defense level 34 for 12.5 million.

Purchased: 10x Miracle Heal for 1.2 mil each, 10x Miracle end/heal for 12,000 each. Wish I could have bought the salvage for those two months ago.
Bid on 10x Deific Weapon at 3 mil each, 10x Ensorcelled Weapon at 131,000 each, 10x Commercial Cybernetic at 112,000 each.

Ending Money: 416 million

Log in: Valkyrie of Atlantis 50 scrapper
Last logged: 2 or 3 days ago?
Money: 849 million

5 items sold: Touch of Death acc/dam 2 for 10 mil, 2 for 11.5 mil, 1 for 12 mil
List 5 more (already crafted) for 9.1 mil each

Ending Money; 899 million

Log in: TIffany Blackheart 50 scrapper
Last logged: about 2 days ago

Nothing for sale, craft and list 9 Decimation acc/dam/rech for 14.1 mil each.

Endiing Money: 989 million

Logged in: Valentine Candy
Last logged: I forget... maybe yesterday I think (these are toons I'm logging in for other reasons)
Money: 442 million

15 items sold: Performance Shifter end mod/acc 3 for 12 million, 1 for 11 million, 1 for 12.1 million, 1 for 11,111,111; 1 for 13 million, 2 for 15 million. Efficacy Adaptor end mod/acc 5 for 5 million 1 for 4 million.

I have 4 more Efficay Adaptor end mod/acc already crafted. I have more recipes so I craft another 10x after buying salvage. I list all 14 at 3.1 mil each. This is low level marketing, but I market with so many different toons that I like to mix it up and try a bit of everything.

I have slots left so I place a bid on Performance Shifter end mod/acc 10x 320,000 and also on the Synthetic Intelligence Units, 10x 2.8 mil each.

End Money: 537 million

Monday 2/28

Log in: Tiffany Blackheart 50 scrapper
Last logged: Ran an ITF with Tiff yesterday
Money: 995 million

7 items sold: Decimation acc/dam/rech for 15 million each (all seven)

I have mone more to list, I list it for 15.1 mil

Bid on salvage: 20x Mu Vestment at 2.6 mil each, 20x Alchmeical Gold at 362,000 each, 20x Alchemical Silver at 166,00 each.

End Money: 1,067 million

Logged in: Mouse Police 50 scrapper
Last logged: 4 days ago
Money: 179 million

10 items sold: Touch of Death dam/end/rech 9 for 20 mil 1 for 22 mil

Place bids for Soul Trapped Gem at 3.1 mil x10, Deific Weapon at 2.8 mil x10, Steel at 91,000 x10

End Money: 309 million

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I've been very lazy about posting these logs, although I'm still writing them down. My plan was to do it for a month, but at the moment I'm working on purpling out a widow so I might continue long enough to see how long it takes me to come up with all the money needed for that. Plus I'm always more motivated to check my marketing toons nightly when I'm working on a goal like that one.


Tuesday March 1 2011

Logged in: Huntress Midnight 50 brute
Last logged: 7 days ago
Money: 563 million

13 items sold: Aegis Resistance 2 for 30 million, 3 for 27 million, 8 for 28 million

I have seven more crated to list. I list them for 26.1 million each

I have also bought: 4x Kinetic Combat dam/rech level 29. Stuff for my base storage!

Prices on rare salvage seems to be falling. Over 1,000 Pangean Soil for sale. Not sure why that is, but nice to see. I place another bid for 10x Aegis: Resistance recipes at 8 mil each, and 10x Pangean Soil at 2.6 mil each. That's below the last five but I'm fairly certain I can get it for that price -- perhaps even lower. For the Kinetic Combats I place bids for 7x Soul Trapped Gems at 2.3 million each and 7x Alchemical Gold at 351,000 each (uncommon salvage still selling for quite a lot I guess.)

Ending Money: 775 million

Logged in: Organica 50 scrapper
Last logged: 8 days ago
Money: 630 million

16 items sold: Efficacy Adaptor End mod/rech 2 for 7.5 million each, Efficay Adaptor End mod/accuracy 7 for 4 million, 7 for 5 million

I have 10 more of each recipe purchased -- 10x Efficacy Adaptor end mod/acc and 10x Efficacy Adaptor end mod/rech. Time to buy some salvage.
I craft all 20 recipes. I list 10 end mod/rech at 4.1 million each, and 7 end mod/acc at 3.6 million each

I place another bid for 10x Efficacy Adaptor end mod/rech at 124,000 each (someone is buying them at 123,333 each -- three of the last 5 bids are that price)

Ending Money: 689 million

Log in: Popeye Khan, 42 tank
Last logged: 7 days ago
Money: 281 million

I've been using Popeye to buy up mid level (30-33) Oblits. I also have bids out for Impervium Armor: Resistance recipes in the same level range. Those bids haven't been filling for the last two months, so I'm not expecting much when I log in... but recipe prices are also falling it seems. Makes me worry a little that I might snap up a lot of recipes suddenly that no longer see for what they did a month ago.

Anyway, I have 31 recipes purchased: Obliteration Damage level 32 for 12 mil; 3x Oblit Proc level 31 for 16 mil each; Oblit acc/rech level 31 for 1.2 mil; Oblit quad level 30 for 16 mil; 4x Oblit dam/rech level 32 for 2 mil each; 4x Oblit acc/dam/rech level 31 for 1 million each; 3x Oblit damage level 31 for 12 million each; Oblit quad level 31 for 13 mil; 2x Oblit dam/rech level 31 for 2 mil; 2x Oblit damage level 30 for 12 mil each. All of that's for my base for personal use in future builds (actually... I started a new brute over the weekend). Lastly I have 4x Impervium Armor Resistance level 32 purchased for 13.1 million each and one of the same at level 29 purchased for 5.1 million. That's the niche I've been working with Popeye since last Summer at the very least.

And I have some salvage purchased so I can craft a couple of things... but I've got a ton of stuff I'll need to craft... and I'll need salvage for it. Yikes. And I don't have a lot of slots to work with... this is going to take a bit of work.

I overbid on a lot of the Oblit salvage, and wait around for bids to fill, trying to craft everything and dump it into storage so I don't have to worry about it.
As for the Impervium Armors, I have salvage in personal storage to craft those (since I've been working this niche a while). Here's what I like about this niche: There are currently 21 level 40 (top level) Impervium Armor Resistance IOs for sale, with an average selling price of 66 million influence. There's also one single level 33 IO for sale. THAT'S IT. I can list my level 32 and 29 IOs for a very good price and they WILL sell, because someone's going to figure 30 million for a level 32 IO is better than twice that for a level 40. I list the 32's for 27.1 million each. In fact I probably should have listed them higher; level 31 and 30 IOs have sold for as much as 50 million in last 5. I know I've sold these for 45-50 million or more previously. With that in mind I list the level 29 IO at 30,1 million... which doesn't make a lot of sense on the face of it, but four of last five sales were for 40 million, so I have faith that it will sell in time.

I craft 20 Obliteration IOs and dump them into base storage. I have 3 more recipes waiting on salvage, but having listed my five Impervium IOs for sale I'm done here for now.

Ending money: 208 million

Now time to IO out my new brute with level 20 generics...

Wednesday March 2 2011

Logged in: Shinobu Dragonheart 50 scrapper
Last logged: 4 days ago
Money: 215 million

1 item sold: Pulverizing Fisticuffs acc/dam for 2 million

I have 9 items for sale that are not selling, most of them Decimation acc/dam/rech listed for 18.1 million each, but I also have a Decimation acc/end/rech listed for 36 million that I think has been there since January, and a Perplex acc/rech level 49 listed for 800,000 that will hopefully sell one day (just as my Pulverizing Fisticuffs finally did.)

I have three more IOs already crafted ready to sell... and a lot of stuff purchased ready to craft and list. I'm generally loathe to pull stuf down though if the price is not too unreasonable -- the acc/end/rech I can pull down, it's not selling for 36 million for a long long long time. The other stuff could sell by the weekend, who knows?

At this point I can pull down salvage and craft 20 new IOs -- and I'd really like to do that so that I can use the slots to list stuff for sale. I think my best option is to dump the crafted IOs into base salvage for the moment.

1. I pull down the Decimation acc/end/rech listed for 36 million, and i relist it for 17.1 million

2. I list the three Decimation acc/dam/rech IOs that I have on me for 16.1 million each

3. I craft 10 more acc/end/rech and 10 more add/dam/rech and store them in my base. This involves some juggling since my tables are pretty full. I remove a Detonation IO and delete it -- why did I ever craft it anyway? Also I remove a Winter's Gift travel/range IO, level 46, and list it for 6.1 million.
This leaves me with 30 bought recipes still in my market trays (Decmation acc/end/rech x10, dam/end x10, acc/dam x10). I have 3 free slots to buy salvage with. I decide to buy thesalvage needed for the acc/dam. I bid 122,000 on 10 Circuit Boards. The other salvage is cheap -- 12,000 per Demonic Sample, 12,000 per Scientific Law, and the latter fills immediately. That allows me to claim that, free up a slot, and bid on 10x Holographic Memory at 2.9 million each. And while I'm at it I claim the 10 acc/dam recipes and use the slot to bid on 10x Blood of the Incarnate at 91,000 each.

End Money: 181 million

Log in: Shinobu Valentine, 50 troller
Last logged: 4 days ago. I'm in Cimemora, because I ran an ITF last Saturday
Money: 1,003 million

16 items sold: Scirocco's Dervish damage/recharge 3 for 14 million, 2 for 13 million, 5 for 15 million. Scirocco's Dervish: acc/dam/end 5 for 10 million and 1 for 8.5 million

I have 1 acc/dam/end still listed for 8.1 million, and I have 3 more ready to list. There are 112 for sale and only 38 bidding, and last 5 are for 8 million at most. Hmmm... wondering if 8.1 million is becoming too high to list. But if I list for below 8 million, then I'm likely to sell for 8 million at the moment. I decide to list the other three at 8,000,001 each.

I have 10x Scirocco's Dervish acc/dam bought and ready to craft, I just need salvage. I place bids for 10x Synthetic Intelligence Unit at 2.9 million each. I'm surprised when the bid fills instantly. Hmm... 10x Chaos Theorem at 10,000 each fill instantly too. Nevermelting Ice is trading at normal levels -- some bought for 25 inf each in last 5, in fact. I can buy everything and craft now.

I also have several recipes picked up during the ITF that I can craft and sell: Red Fortune: Defense; Titanium Coating: Resistance (level 33 -- picked that up somewhere else); Thundestrike Dam/End/Rech; Impervious Skin rech/resist (level 30); Aegis end/rech/res. I also have a Numina's Convalescence end/rech recipe, but not sure I can sell that for anything, I need to check. (Answer: 230 for sale, 10 million max sale in last 5. Probably not worth bothering with.)

Scirocco's Dervish acc/dam is selling very well -- up to 20 million each. I forget what I paid for the recipe. I list for 15.1 million each, all 10 of them. I craft the other stuff, even the Numina's, and I list Titanium Coating Resistance level 33 at 5.1 million, Aegis triple at 7.1 million, Red Fortune Defense at 3.1 million and Impervious Skin res/rech at 9.1 million

Ending Money: 1,137 million

Thursday March 3 2011

No marketing. We did a Dr. Q TF tonight, my 2nd one of the week in fact. Finished in 3 hours 21 minutes, nearly exactly the time we expected, but I still was up too late.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Friday March 4 2011

Logged in: Bubble Girl Six 50 defender
Last logged: 6 days ago
Money: 869 million

5 items sold: Mako's Bite acc/dam for 8 million each. I didn't have any others for sale.

I have 20 Mako recipes and the rate salvage needed for them. I craft 10 quads and list them for 8.1 million each. Last 5 sales are for 10 million, 74 for sale 94 bidding.

The other 10 recipes are dam/rech, but my bid for thorn tree vines shows no sign of filling soon. I leave it up and put in bids for 10x Mako quad at 5,000 inf each and 10x Mako triple at 2,000 inf each.

End money: 898 million

Logged in: Hunter's Kiss 50 defender
Last logged: 6 days ago
Money: 577 million

7 items sold: Devestation dam/end for 10 million each

I have 20x Devastation acc/dam/rech purchased, and the rare and uncommon salvage needed to craft 10 of them. I craft 10.

The market for these looks terrible -- last 5 sales are for 8 million, 5.5 mil, 6.5 mil, and two at 3,500,101. There are 117 for sale and 68 bidding. I know it's a cheap recipe and not the most popular ranged set, but I'd like to be making 6-8 million on these. But I doubt I can list for much over 5 million.

After some consideration I list two for 5.55 million. One sells immediately for 6 million. Aha! Now I know that our other 117 IOs for sale are not listed below 6 million. THAT changes things! (We also know that we have 67 people bidding below 5.55 million, since my 2nd listing didn't sell.)

I list the oher 8 for 6.1 million each.

I place bids for 10x Diamond at 2.6 million each and 10x Unquenchable Flame at 126,00 each.

Ending Money: 612 million

Logged in: Sable Lance, 49 blaster
Last logged: 6 days ago
Money: 176 million

I haven't been marketing with this toon before now, but I now have 10 Scirocco's Dervish dam/acc/end recipes (bought for 100,000 each) and 10x Plutonium (bought for 2.9 mil each). So it's time to start!

I craft all 10 recipes and list them for 5.6 million each

End money: 169 million

That's enough of that. My new brute needs tip missions!


(After earning hero status for my brute and working out a build in Mids.)

Logged in: Popeye Khan, 42 tank
Last logged: 2 days ago
Money: 208 million

Since I'm working on a new brute and still working on my new scrapper, I wanted to check on Popeye and Huntress, my two toons that I'm buying up Oblit and Kinetic Combat IOs with.

1 item sold: Impervium Armor Resist level 32 for 30 million (I knew I should have listed higher.)

Newly purchased: Impervium Armor Resist level 31 for 9.1 million; Obliteration dam/rech level 31 for 2 million. Also salvage to craft a Oblit dam/rech level 32 and two Oblit triples level 31 from last time.

Craft & store 4 Oblits after buying some more salvage.

Craft & list level 31 Impervium Armor Resistance for 31 million.

Ending Money: 232 million

Log in: Huntress Midinght, 50 brute
Last logged: 3 days ago
Money: 775 million

7 items sold: Aegis Resistance all for 30 million each

I've only bought 1 new Aegis at 8 mllion. There's a very good chance someone is outbidding me, but I'm too lazy to check it out at the moment. I'll wait and see if anything happens.

In the meantime, I have salvage needed to craft seven level 29 and 30 Kinetic Combat dam/rech recipes. No other KC's of any kind purchased though.

Ending Money: 972 million

my lil RWZ Challenge vid