Need a new server.
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
I'm a Virtuite myself all the way, And I tend to have an easy time throwing TFs together, even those low-to-mid range villain Strike Forces. We also have regularly-scheduled raids in addition to the occasional impromptu raid.
Thanks for the responses people. I use to play on infinity and champion 4-5 years ago on my old acount. Maybe I will try n look up some old friends and see if they still play on them servers.
I would say Champion or Justice
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Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
What SG were you in, on Freedom? We decided to kick players out of our SG were did not play for more than 1000 days.
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If you're red side on Freedom, maybe you won't want to spend the $$ on server transfers; we have the following VGs with a large coalition, huge and fully loaded bases, hundreds in the VG ranks, and events every weekend (Flashback Fridays, *new* WST Saturdays, SF Sundays) and teaming during the weekday evenings:
Champions of Arachnos
Legion of Arachnos
Although they have "Arachnos" in the name, any and all ATs/villains/rogues are welcome! We don't kick folks from the VGs unless they're a 3-strikes-yer-out discipline case or haven't logged in for over 1 year.
If interested or need more info, send me a PM or look me up online via global @Major Deej.
Good luck with your search!
What SG were you in, on Freedom? We decided to kick players out of our SG were did not play for more than 1000 days.
and I am on red side but got Rogue status atm for the blue side badges.
Hi all. I recently went on vacation for a month and was kicked from my Dark kingdom sg on freedumb!
BTW, this isn't just you. This rule applies to any toon, even those belonging to the VG leads. For example, if a leader is going away for a while, ie, overseas business trip for 3 months, and forgets to move his toons to Damned, all his toons will be kicked within 2 weeks. When he comes back, his toons can be reinvited.
If you are concerned about losing rank, don't be. New members to 1 rank below the leader have almost the same permissions and access to storage in the base. Ie, unless you are the highest or next highest rank, you don't get any new priviledges when you go up in rank.
Also, a lot of top 20 VGs have similar kick policies. So if you were in one of these VGs instead of Dark Kingdom, you will get kicked as well.
For your toons on Freedom, I suggest Venu Sovereignty or Shadow Souls which have a much more relaxed activity policy.
Sorry, if you were not in Dark Kingdom Damned, you will be kicked out of the other DK VGs in the coalition if your toon is inactive for more than 2 weeks. This rule is explained in the Message of the day for the VG that you are in. Any unplayed toons should be moved to Dark Kingdom Damned which doesn't have an inactivity policy.
BTW, this isn't just you. This rule applies to any toon, even those belonging to the VG leads. For example, if a leader is going away for a while, ie, overseas business trip for 3 months, and forgets to move his toons to Damned, all his toons will be kicked within 2 weeks. When he comes back, his toons can be reinvited. If you are concerned about losing rank, don't be. New members to 1 rank below the leader have almost the same permissions and access to storage in the base. Ie, unless you are the highest or next highest rank, you don't get any new priviledges when you go up in rank. Also, a lot of top 20 VGs have similar kick policies. So if you were in one of these VGs instead of Dark Kingdom, you will get kicked as well. For your toons on Freedom, I suggest Venu Sovereignty or Shadow Souls which have a much more relaxed activity policy. |
I do understand this and fully agree with the rule but I gave the leader Taz notice and was told not to worry I wouldnt be kicked unless I went over 60 days inactive. Only was inactive for 41 days..
Several people have suggested alternative VGs. Feel free to try them out. I tried out about 5-6 different VGs on Freedom and eventually stuck with DK because of the crew.
Oh just come play on Justice. Silly rules need not apply.
Enjoy your day please.
Thanks for the invites everyone. I have found some old friends on victory and made the switch I still have lots of alts on freedom so guess they will just have to hang out awhile till nsoft gives us free transfers again.
I'm glad you reconnected with some old friends Stoner. I hope you have lots of fun with them.
Enjoy your day please.
Stoner., once again I am truly sorry, I did wait 41 days for you to return. I really did not remember you telling me you would be gone for 30 days, but I have had a lot going on. My brother died recently, so I guess my brain just threw out a lot of info. If you ever wish to come back in, we will be happy to have you. We always pride ourselves on taking care of our people. Kicking does happen, though. To go 41 days in main DK means that you were very very cherished, a lot do not last that long on idle in main group. The best way for me to remember not to kick is to send an email so I can keep it in my box, otherwise, yea I am very forgetful. I am an old lady after all. Anyhow, good luck on your new server. Sorry that you are not with us anymore.
Stoner., once again I am truly sorry, I did wait 41 days for you to return. I really did not remember you telling me you would be gone for 30 days, but I have had a lot going on. My brother died recently, so I guess my brain just threw out a lot of info. If you ever wish to come back in, we will be happy to have you. We always pride ourselves on taking care of our people. Kicking does happen, though. To go 41 days in main DK means that you were very very cherished, a lot do not last that long on idle in main group. The best way for me to remember not to kick is to send an email so I can keep it in my box, otherwise, yea I am very forgetful. I am an old lady after all. Anyhow, good luck on your new server. Sorry that you are not with us anymore.
Freedom "tends" to be like this in general. I once had an alt kicked from a coalition group for 5 days inactivity when my main was active and in good standing in the #4 group on the server.
"This isn't Champion or Guardian. This is Freedom and we do things differently here."
As a personal policy, I consider all SGs with such a strict kick policy to be crappy. I strongly encourage people to abandon control freak leaders like that.
i have a decent sg on victory, good coalition and basically no rules, so if you are interested always welcome to join
the only time i ever kicked poeple is when the sg is literally full, and i usually try to not kick poeple who are in good standing (ie they have been promoted at least once)

Hi all. I recently went on vacation for a month and was kicked from my Dark kingdom sg on freedumb! I was alil upset at first but kinda wanted to switch servers anyway. Just wondering what other servers would make a good home for me. I love to run TF's SF's and raids so need to be at least moderatly populated.