Zodiac: Super Group Project
Whos got what so far
Henri - Taurs
wei yau - Libra
Lightslinger - Leo
VexXxa - Virgo
Powerstream - Scorpio
ChristopherRobin - Sagittarius
Airhead - Aquarius
EnnVee - Capricorn
Shadow State - Gemini
Opedius Rex - Aires
Pisces - Husband of EnnVee
Plenty of room for more people

Taurus is all yours Henri.
Thanks for helping out

Oh, if we're gonna call dibs, I'd like to take Libra. Or maybe Virgo.
BTW: Who wants to take the new 13th sign?
I believe the green column is greek or roman symbols. A is generally equated with the sun.
found a link.
Roxy On DA...Finally!
Is Leo taken yet? If not I've got a pretty good concept ready to go. Either way I want in on this, sounds really cool.
Sounds quite interesting! I'd like to take Virgo!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
Well, I'll just keep Libra then. I'm sure Vexxa will do a better job with Virgo, since I'm stymied.
k, think i'm happy with this for Taurus. I've tried to make him look powerful, brutish, godlike even. I was going to put a war mace in his hand too but i reckon you can decide that when you run demorecord with him. Hope you like, cheers H.
edit: forgot the file, lol.
k, nope, it's not working. how do you get the file to post in a small window instead of a massive list?
nm, sorted it
{ CostumeFilePrefix Huge Scale 8.249 BoneScale -0.7181 ShoulderScale -0.859 ChestScale -0.7572 WaistScale -0.6565 HipScale -0.7581 LegScale 0.003524 HeadScales -1, 1, -1 BrowScales 0.2247, -1, -1 CheekScales -0.1856, 0.1445, -1 ChinScales 1, 1, 1 CraniumScales 0, 1, 0.1053 JawScales -1, -1, 0.02324 NoseScales -1, -1, 0.3515 SkinColor 125, 82, 0 NumParts 28 BodyType 4 CostumePart "" { Geometry Tight Texture1 !sf_hips_leather_01 Texture2 !sf_hips_leather_01b DisplayName P887196332 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 38, 26, 0 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Tight Texture1 !X_Chest_Skin_Bioluminate_02 Texture2 !Chest_skin_Bioluminate_01_Mask DisplayName P566009771 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 26, 17, 0 Color2 255, 82, 82 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_HUGE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Masked Texture1 V_Mask_Skull Texture2 !V_Face_Dark_Eyes DisplayName P687117166 RegionName Head BodySetName Helmets Color1 85, 56, 0 Color2 255, 0, 0 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Smooth Texture1 !X_Glove_Skin_Bioluminate_01 Texture2 !Glove_Skin_Bioluminescence_01_Mask DisplayName P3937616722 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 26, 17, 0 Color2 183, 135, 40 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_HUGE_BOOT.GEO/GEO_LlegR_Valkyrie_02 Texture1 !X_Valkyrie_Boot_03 Texture2 !Boot_V_Valkyrie_03_Mask DisplayName P2104750136 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 26, 17, 0 Color2 85, 56, 0 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_HUGE_BELT.GEO/GEO_Belt_Boxer_01 Texture1 !belt_V_Boxer_01 Texture2 !belt_V_Boxer_01_Mask DisplayName P177456852 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 85, 56, 0 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_HUGE_HAIR.GEO/GEO_Hair_PratoriaTEST_P_01 Texture1 !Hair_V_PratoriaTEST_01 Texture2 !Hair_V_PratoriaTEST_01_Mask DisplayName P3020775162 RegionName Head BodySetName Helmets Color1 85, 56, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 126, 204, 241 Color2 126, 204, 241 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_HUGE_Eyes.GEO/GEO_Eyes_V_Viking_Horn_01 Texture1 !X_Viking_Helm Texture2 None DisplayName P2793026233 RegionName Head BodySetName Helmets Color1 241, 238, 126 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Strap_01 Texture1 Strap_01a Texture2 Strap_01b DisplayName P2281134661 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 38, 26, 0 Color2 126, 204, 241 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_HUGE_SPADR.GEO/GEO_SpadR_Sport_01 Texture1 !Boot_V_Sport_01 Texture2 !Boot_V_Sport_01_Mask DisplayName P772741860 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 38, 26, 0 Color2 183, 135, 40 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 126, 204, 241 Color2 126, 204, 241 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Fx WEAPONS/Custom_Mace/Huge_Mace_Rularuu01.fx Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P1596236415 RegionName WEAPONS BodySetName WEAPONS Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 167, 0, 255 Color3 251, 0, 255 Color4 49, 81, 97 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_HUGE_NECK.GEO/GEO_Neck_Gas_Mask_Breather_01 Texture1 !X_Eyes_Gas_Mask_01B Texture2 !Eyes_V_Science_Goggle_01_Mask DisplayName P2371314042 RegionName Head BodySetName Helmets Color1 85, 56, 0 Color2 31, 31, 31 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 49, 97, 49 Color2 126, 204, 241 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Half Texture1 Cape_Top_01 Texture2 None DisplayName P1987928225 RegionName Capes BodySetName HalfMantle Color1 38, 26, 0 Color2 183, 135, 40 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P33398819 RegionName Capes BodySetName HalfMantle Color1 126, 204, 241 Color2 126, 204, 241 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Fx capes/CapeLongHuge.fx Geometry None Texture1 Cape_01 Texture2 Cape_Special_DVD_01 DisplayName P4269015351 RegionName Capes BodySetName HalfMantle Color1 38, 26, 0 Color2 183, 135, 40 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 212, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx Auras/Huge/Smoldering/SmolderEyes.fx Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P3636920680 RegionName Special BodySetName Smoldering Color1 0, 0, 31 Color2 31, 0, 0 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 126, 204, 241 Color2 126, 204, 241 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 126, 204, 241 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 38, 26, 0 Color2 126, 204, 241 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 126, 204, 241 Color2 126, 204, 241 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 126, 204, 241 Color2 126, 204, 241 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 126, 204, 241 Color2 126, 204, 241 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 126, 204, 241 Color2 126, 204, 241 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 126, 204, 241 Color2 126, 204, 241 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P546439883 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 126, 204, 241 Color2 126, 204, 241 Color3 126, 204, 241 Color4 126, 204, 241 } CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } }
Looks great, Henri! I can't wait to get home to do mine!!!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
Someone should do Gemini and make their character look exactly like Phantom Army.
Hmmm think I could do something with Sagittarius although not having the horse hindquarters is a limitation.
Here's my contribution for Leo.
Arieh by ayres101, on Flickr
Name: Arieh
Broadsword / Regen Scrapper
The Sword of Arieh carries with it great power; it was sent from the star of Leo to Stonehenge as a gift from the cosmos. Whoever holds the Sword of Arieh is gifted with cosmic power and must use it for the greater good of mankind.
The sword grants its owner massive healing powers and can cut through any known object on earth. If its possible to add a rune-like glow to just the sword that'd be great. I decided to go with a silver age look for Arieh, who was a two-bit hero operating out of King's Row in 1984 before he heard the sword's call. He eventually found the sword deep in Orenbega and liberated it from the Circle.
I hope Arieh is of some use to your project, enjoy!
{ CostumeFilePrefix male BoneScale -0.4295 ShoulderScale 0.1699 ChestScale -0.4984 WaistScale -0.2392 HipScale -0.2148 LegScale 0.02 HeadScales 0, 0, 0 BrowScales 0, 0, 0 CheekScales 0, 0, 0 ChinScales -0.71, 0, 0 CraniumScales 0, 0, 0 JawScales -0.69, 0, 0 NoseScales -0.13, 0, 0 SkinColor 147, 87, 70 NumParts 28 CostumePart "" { Geometry Tight Texture1 Tights Texture2 !Hips_V_Pattern_Lock_01 DisplayName P887196332 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Tight Texture1 !Chest_Skin_V_Tanker_01 Texture2 !Chest_V_Pattern_Tanker_02 DisplayName P566009771 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 170, 0, 0 Color2 115, 115, 115 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_MALE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard Texture1 skin_v_head_75 Texture2 !V_Face_Small_Mask_1 DisplayName P687117166 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 85, 28, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Armored Texture1 skin_wrapped_01a Texture2 skin_wrapped_01b DisplayName P3937616722 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 0, 11, 31 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Big Texture1 Tights Texture2 !boot_v_pattern_stripe_01 DisplayName P2104750136 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_MALE_BELT.GEO/GEO_Belt_Alpha_01 Texture1 !Glove_V_Alpha_02 Texture2 !Glove_V_Alpha_02_Mask DisplayName P177456852 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 170, 0, 0 Color2 85, 28, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_Male_Hair.GEO/GEO_Hair_Barbaric_01 Texture1 !Hair_V_Barbaric_01 Texture2 !Hair_V_Barbaric_01_Mask DisplayName P2681220175 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 97, 85, 60 Color2 26, 17, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2793026233 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 0, 11, 31 Color2 85, 28, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Tight Texture1 Base Texture2 lion_01 DisplayName P2281134661 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P772741860 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 0, 11, 31 Color2 85, 28, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx WEAPONS/Custom_Broadsword/Male_Broadsword_Base.fx Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P3831956833 RegionName WEAPONS BodySetName WEAPONS Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 0, 11, 31 Color4 85, 28, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2371314042 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 0, 11, 31 Color2 85, 28, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 255, 255, 255 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 11, 31 Color2 85, 28, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 255, 255, 255 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P1848153390 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 0, 11, 31 Color2 85, 28, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P546439883 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } }
Cool, look how many people are participating. I'm going go back and edit the second post in the thread to show who is talking on which character.
I wanna thank each of you for playing.

Here's my entry for Libra, it's a fairly conventional interpretation. I toyed with a 1960s Secret Agent thing, but thought it was a bit of a stretch.
Little is known about the heroine named by the media as simply "Justice". Indeed, it is not certain if she is truly heroic. She has been known to capture criminals who have played the courts to their advantage, as well as free innocent people wrongly convicted.
Though blind, she has the power to see into a person and weigh them upon her scales. Their innocence or guilt will determine whether they are protected by her shield or punished by her sword.
{ CostumeFilePrefix fem BoneScale -0.1758 ShoulderScale -0.4354 ChestScale -0.4615 WaistScale 0.3256 HipScale -0.3 LegScale -0.08088 HeadScales 0, 0, 0 BrowScales 0, 0, 0 CheekScales 0, 0, 0 ChinScales 0, 0, 0 CraniumScales 0, 0, 0 JawScales 0, 0, 0 NoseScales 0, 0, 0 SkinColor 247, 200, 170 NumParts 28 BodyType 1 CostumePart "" { Geometry shorts Texture1 !X_Metallic_Hips_01 Texture2 !v_sf_hips_fishnets_02 DisplayName P1525729866 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName NewSkirts Color1 59, 59, 59 Color2 115, 115, 115 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Tight Texture1 Tights Texture2 None DisplayName P566009771 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 87, 87, 87 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_fem_Head.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard Texture1 !Face_Skin_V_Fem_Head_45 Texture2 None DisplayName P687117166 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Loose Texture1 skin_bare Texture2 Sleeve DisplayName P3937616722 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 26, 17, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_FEM_BOOT.GEO/GEO_LlegR_High_Heel_Boot_01 Texture1 !Boot_V_High_Heel_01 Texture2 !Boot_V_High_Heel_01_Mask DisplayName P2104750136 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName NewSkirts Color1 170, 112, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_FEM_BELT.GEO/GEO_Belt_Valkyrie_01 Texture1 !X_Valkyrie_Belt_02 Texture2 !belt_V_Valkyrie_01_Mask DisplayName P177456852 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 212, 140, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_Fem_HAIR.GEO/GEO_Hair_V_Bun_02 Texture1 !X_Hair_Fem_Laurels_Normal Texture2 None DisplayName P2681220175 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 152, 153, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_FEM_Eyes.GEO/GEO_Eyes_Chain_02 Texture1 !X_V_Belt_Barb_Wrap Texture2 None DisplayName P2793026233 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_Fem_EMBLEM.GEO/GEO_Emblem_PratoriaTEST_P_01 Texture1 !Emblem_V_PratoriaTEST_01P Texture2 !Emblem_V_PratoriaTEST_01_Mask DisplayName P2281134661 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_FEM_SPADR.GEO/GEO_SpadR_Valkyrie_02 Texture1 !X_Valkyrie_SpadR_02 Texture2 !SpadR_V_Valkyrie_02_Mask DisplayName P772741860 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 255, 169, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx WEAPONS/Custom_Broadsword/Fem_Broadsword_Longsword01.fx Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P3831956833 RegionName WEAPONS BodySetName WEAPONS Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 255, 169, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 153, 0, 100 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2371314042 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 26, 17, 0 Color2 38, 26, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 77, 97, 49 Color2 49, 97, 49 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 153, 0, 100 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 153, 0, 100 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry LongSkirt_02 Texture1 plain Texture2 None DisplayName P3930658043 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName NewSkirts Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P1848153390 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Fx WEAPONS/CustomShields/Round/Female_Shields_Round1_01.fx Geometry None Texture1 !x_customshield_round01_front01 Texture2 Shield_Per_Pale DisplayName P621611857 RegionName Shields BodySetName "Round Shields" Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 153, 0, 100 } CostumePart "" { Fx WEAPONS/CustomShields/Round/Female_Shields_Round1_Emblem.fx Geometry None Texture1 !EMBLEM_base Texture2 !emblem_Scales DisplayName P1164533673 RegionName Shields BodySetName "Round Shields" Color1 85, 56, 0 Color2 170, 112, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 153, 0, 100 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P546439883 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName NewSkirts Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } }
Here is my take on Scorpio. Bio will come later, but I am thinking someone of Middle Eastern descent, preferrably a hero of the country.
{ CostumeFilePrefix male Scale 16.63 BoneScale -1 ShoulderScale -1 ChestScale -1 WaistScale -1 HipScale -1 LegScale 0.02 HeadScales -0.7738, -0.6899, -0.7655 BrowScales 0.1561, 0, 0 CheekScales 0.5546, -0.318, 0 ChinScales -1, -0.2914, -0.1544 CraniumScales -0.455, -0.3977, 0 JawScales -1, -0.8493, -0.2873 NoseScales 0.3421, 0.7181, -0.2341 SkinColor 93, 55, 32 NumParts 28 CostumePart "" { Geometry Tight Texture1 V_Arachnos_01 Texture2 V_Arachnos_01b DisplayName P887196332 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 51, 17, 0 Color2 183, 135, 40 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Right_Amp Texture1 !Chest_V_Overguard_01 Texture2 !Chest_V_Overguard_01_Mask DisplayName P566009771 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName RoboticArm3 Color1 51, 17, 0 Color2 183, 135, 40 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_MALE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard Texture1 skin_v_head_74 Texture2 !V_Face_Mask_11 DisplayName P687117166 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 183, 135, 40 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_MALE_GLOVE.GEO/GEO_LarmL_Overguard_01 Texture1 !Glove_V_Overguard_01 Texture2 !Glove_V_Overguard_01_Mask DisplayName P3937616722 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName RoboticArm3 Color1 51, 17, 0 Color2 183, 135, 40 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_MALE_BOOT.GEO/GEO_Lleg*_Sinister_Boot_01 Texture1 !Boot_V_Sinister_01 Texture2 !Boot_V_Sinister_01_Mask DisplayName P2104750136 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 183, 135, 40 Color2 87, 87, 87 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Tech_02 Texture1 tech_01a Texture2 tech_01b DisplayName P177456852 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName RoboticArm3 Color1 87, 87, 87 Color2 183, 135, 40 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Top_knot_NoSkin Texture1 skin_01a Texture2 skin_01b DisplayName P2681220175 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 59, 59, 59 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 183, 135, 40 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_MALE_EYES.GEO/GEO_Eyes_Sonic_01 Texture1 !Cranium_Warrior_01 Texture2 !Cranium_Warrior_01_Mask DisplayName P2793026233 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2281134661 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName RoboticArm3 Color1 183, 135, 40 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_MALE_SPADR.GEO/GEO_SpadR_Clockwork_02 Texture1 !X_Clockwork_SpadR_01 Texture2 !spadr_v_Clockwork_01_Mask DisplayName P772741860 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName RoboticArm3 Color1 51, 17, 0 Color2 115, 115, 115 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 183, 135, 40 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx WEAPONS/Custom_Claws/Male_ClawsRight_TalsorianBlade01.fx Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P3270519229 RegionName WEAPONS BodySetName WEAPONS Color1 149, 255, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Beard_Goatee_02 Texture1 Beard_01a Texture2 Beard_01b DisplayName P2371314042 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 59, 59, 59 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Robotic_Full_03 Texture1 robotic_clean Texture2 None DisplayName P3133012715 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName RoboticArm3 Color1 115, 115, 115 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Half Texture1 Cape_Top_01 Texture2 None DisplayName P1987928225 RegionName Capes BodySetName HalfMantle Color1 51, 17, 0 Color2 183, 135, 40 Color3 51, 17, 0 Color4 183, 135, 40 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Half_17 Texture1 Generic_01a Texture2 Generic_01b DisplayName P33398819 RegionName Capes BodySetName HalfMantle Color1 183, 135, 40 Color2 87, 87, 87 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx capes/Origin/UnifiedFieldFacade/Male/CapeLong2sided.fx Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P4269015351 RegionName Capes BodySetName HalfMantle Color1 51, 17, 0 Color2 183, 135, 40 Color3 51, 17, 0 Color4 183, 135, 40 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 183, 135, 40 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 183, 135, 40 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 183, 135, 40 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 183, 135, 40 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P1848153390 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 183, 135, 40 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 183, 135, 40 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx WEAPONS/Custom_Claws/Male_ClawsLeft_WidowBlades01.fx Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2059796000 RegionName WEAPONS BodySetName WEAPONS Color1 183, 135, 40 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 183, 135, 40 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 183, 135, 40 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P546439883 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName Tight Color1 183, 135, 40 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 183, 135, 40 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } }

Great work on Scorpion, PowerStream. Love how you got very nice insect elements in there.
Like I said, the tough part for me would be stopping at one. Also, she's stuck in my head, so posting her might help get her out.
Code Name: Libra
MI6 can keep their old men and their shaken martinis in the 1950s. Today's modern world needs a modern spy. Enter Code Name: Libra
Whether there's a need to spoil the wicked machinations of the Groovy Guru or turn up the heat on The Cold Warrior, Code Name: Libra is a throughly mod gal ready to do her duty for God, Queen, Country and Peace.
{ CostumeFilePrefix fem ChestScale -0.6048 HeadScales 0.3567, -0.3989, -0.2333 BrowScales 0.3579, -0.3303, -0.7248 CheekScales 0.3765, 0.2818, 0.1791 ChinScales -1, -1, 0.00599 CraniumScales 0.7308, 0.01467, -0.2809 JawScales -0.7167, -1, -1 NoseScales -0.3426, -0.04343, -0.6828 SkinColor 247, 200, 170 NumParts 28 BodyType 1 CostumePart "" { Geometry shorts Texture1 skin_tights Texture2 bikini_3 DisplayName P1525729866 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName NewSkirts Color1 253, 114, 255 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Tight Texture1 skin_tights Texture2 Top_7 DisplayName P566009771 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tights/Skin Color1 0, 137, 204 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_fem_Head.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard Texture1 !v_sf_face_skin_head_03 Texture2 !v_sf_face_Lips DisplayName P687117166 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 253, 114, 255 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Wristband Texture1 skin_wristband_01a Texture2 skin_wristband_01b DisplayName P3937616722 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tights/Skin Color1 170, 112, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Smooth Texture1 smooth_01 Texture2 None DisplayName P2104750136 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName NewSkirts Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry standard Texture1 Circle_01a Texture2 Circle_01b DisplayName P177456852 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tights/Skin Color1 255, 255, 255 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry V_Fem_HAIR.GEO/GEO_Hair_Strange_01 Texture1 !SF_Hair_Strange_01 Texture2 !SF_Hair_Strange_01_Mask DisplayName P2681220175 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 102, 102, 0 Color2 204, 202, 0 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2793026233 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Tight Texture1 Base Texture2 Scales DisplayName P2281134661 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tights/Skin Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P772741860 RegionName "Upper Body" BodySetName Tights/Skin Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2371314042 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry Miniskirt_02 Texture1 plain Texture2 Plain_03b DisplayName P3930658043 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName NewSkirts Color1 0, 137, 204 Color2 0, 172, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P1848153390 RegionName Head BodySetName MaskW/Hair Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx None Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx WEAPONS/Custom_Pistols/Fem_PistolLeft_SemiAuto03.fx Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P2828614709 RegionName WEAPONS BodySetName WEAPONS Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Fx WEAPONS/Custom_Pistols/Fem_PistolRight_SemiAuto03.fx Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P3962878527 RegionName WEAPONS BodySetName WEAPONS Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Geometry None Texture1 None Texture2 None DisplayName P546439883 RegionName "Lower Body" BodySetName NewSkirts Color1 85, 0, 0 Color2 255, 255, 255 Color3 85, 0, 0 Color4 255, 255, 255 } CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } CostumePart "" { Color1 0, 0, 0 Color2 0, 0, 0 Color3 0, 0, 0 Color4 0, 0, 0 } }
I was thinking it might be fun for a lot of people to work on one project. As long as there is enough room for everyone to participate. I want to ask you guys to help build a supergroup that doesn't exist in the game. Outside of this subforum of this board nobody will ever even know it exists.
For this supergroup I'm using the theme Zodiac. Now I'm pretty sure we don't have Zodiac chest symbols in the game. Hopefully this will be a theme that most of you haven't already built costumes around before.
This is a cheat sheet for a family of fonts, the font in the brown row is obviously zodiac, at work they say the green row is zodiac also but it looks like some weird witchcraft stuff. Everytime I see P-Green printed out I think its some text book diagram of a uterus.
What I plan to do...if I can get some people particapate is take the coustume file you come up with and then run them through demorecord. Get some action shots and use photoshop in order to show the costumes in a more dynamic fashion.
I'm hoping to see a wide range of themes, if anyone of you read old Marvel the Zodiac was a group that had a theme but there looks were all totally different. None of them shared the same origin. They just couldn't hack it as solo villains so they came together and changed their names into Zodiac signs.
I would like to say the costume file is the all you need to participate but if you bring more, like a bio or descriptive text it'd be nice. I don't want to have to make any of the characters and a little information about who they are might help in further steps down the line.
Since demorecord is being used we can do some powerset combinations that don't exist in the game. Pistol/Katana, Shields/Claws, Rikti Assualt Rifle. There are some easy powersets that can be mocked up in photoshop as well, Whips, Chains, Bo Staff.
Huge models are pretty hard for me to work with in Demorecord so we need to avoid them, maxing out the male model is perfectly fine, and I'll be turning off any auras.
It shouldn't be too hard to use the zodiac fonts as a chest piece. If you make the design decision to do so just put the correct letter in the chest spot.
I'll be using NPC models from the game in this project, those NPCS will be somewhere in the level range of Independence Port. Not the mobs only found in IP but this project isn't going to involve the more powerful factions in the game.
We'll have to go through a round of posting screenshots before we get to the file passing part. There are some costume parts that is colored a certain way cause problems.
I should also let you know a few of them will die. Hopefully noble deaths in the name of a great cause. Just letting you know some of them won't be making it back alive.
I hope I wake up tomorrow and a lot of people are interested in playing.