Dark/Fire (DM/FA) -- brute or scrapper?

Dechs Kaison



Would DM/FA work better on a brute or a scrapper?



Brutes actually benifit more from FE (if i have to explain what it does post i18 im gonna have to light someone on fire) but scappers benefit more from SD, overall i would say brute. Thanks to FE being way awesome on a brute is possible you will be doing only a little less, if not more dmg. While being a little bit tougher

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




Originally Posted by ultrawatt View Post
Brutes actually benifit more from FE.
Meh, FE does more base damage as a scrapper, but the proc damge benefits from Brute Fury. We'll call it even until someone takes the time to do the math.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Meh, FE does more base damage as a scrapper, but the proc damge benefits from Brute Fury. We'll call it even until someone takes the time to do the math.
Just did some maths, looks like your right. With fury, enhancements and FE a brute can end up dealing just a little bit less than a scrapper's pre-crit dmg (that means i didnt factor it in and average it and stuff) with an equal amount of enhancements and FE. Maybe later today i will come up with some better maths.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




Originally Posted by ultrawatt View Post
Just did some maths, looks like your right. With fury, enhancements and FE a brute can end up dealing just a little bit less than a scrapper's pre-crit dmg (that means i didnt factor it in and average it and stuff) with an equal amount of enhancements and FE. Maybe later today i will come up with some better maths.
Keep in mind that is with equal enhancement values as well. Most scrappers will ED cap their damage slotting, while a lot of brutes rely on fury to boost damage, and use enhancements for endurance and recharge to create that endless flurry of attacks, thus keeping fury. So assuming equal enhancements is not really the best way to go about that math.



Another consideration is that the brute will have more hitpoints and higher resist caps, which would be helpful to resist-based FA.

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so................. in summation,
DM/FA works great as either a scrapper or a brute, the theoretical numbers being nothing more then internet argument fodder.

i've played both AT's with this build, i prefer the brute, because as fury builds i FEEL like i'm doing more damage, but that's nothing more then my perception. and i'm ok with that. the higher res numbers on a brute may actually help, but anyone who's played FA will know it's more about the res plus the heal, and with DM's siphon life being a great attack (if not end heavy) and a decent little heal to boot, with 2 end management powers and 2 "build ups", this is a fun, clicky, action oriented meleer. you won't go wrong with either.

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
so................. in summation,
DM/FA works great as either a scrapper or a brute, the theoretical numbers being nothing more then internet argument fodder.
lol, yay for stupid arguments! :P
But yes, that.

Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
i've played both AT's with this build, i prefer the brute, because as fury builds i FEEL like i'm doing more damage, but that's nothing more then my perception. and i'm ok with that. the higher res numbers on a brute may actually help, but anyone who's played FA will know it's more about the res plus the heal, and with DM's siphon life being a great attack (if not end heavy) and a decent little heal to boot, with 2 end management powers and 2 "build ups", this is a fun, clicky, action oriented meleer. you won't go wrong with either.
I have to agree with you here, again.

Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
Keep in mind that is with equal enhancement values as well. Most scrappers will ED cap their damage slotting, while a lot of brutes rely on fury to boost damage, and use enhancements for endurance and recharge to create that endless flurry of attacks, thus keeping fury. So assuming equal enhancements is not really the best way to go about that math.
I guess i figured at level 50 they would be pretty close, but very very good point. Specially while they are lvling up.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




I like /FA on Brutes the most because of the whole taunt aura thing. Also, you can pick up Gloom for a devastating attack chain.




One of the reason's I like Brutes is the pairing of Fury with damage aura powers, like Blazing Aura. If I were to use a damage aura power on a scrapper, I'd feel the need to make sure it was slotted for accuracy, endurance, and damage. On a Brute, I'd settle for Accuracy and Endurance, leaving Fury to boost the power's damage instead. It helps to save a few slots too, particularly if you decide to frankenslot.

Mind you, this choice is pure personal preference, but I find that it works out quite well for me when I make my builds. My DM/FA brute tends to work out quite nice, especially since i19 where stamina became an inherent, allowing me to add a few powers into what was already a tight build for me.



Originally Posted by Void Spirit View Post
Thanks for the input. I am leaning towards Brute in order to take Darkest Night.
Yeah a slotted darkest night would increase your survivability dramatically, esp if you get some S/L defense in your build. And what is nice is you have the tools in consume and dark consumption to effectively manage it.



Originally Posted by Void Spirit View Post
Thanks for the input. I am leaning towards Brute in order to take Darkest Night.
Good choice. Had I seen this thread earlier I would have cast my vote for a Brute. Soul Master for Brutes is much better than any epics Scrappers have access to IMO.