2011 FArt battle
I'll try to join in this time. I keep missing the initial announcemnts and then you guys/gals are well underway before I spot it.
Fire eh? Cool... er I mean... Hot Dang!
I should take a stab at this.....
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I'd like to submit a change to the rules. Instead of doing eliminations at all just do a point system. participating each month gets you a point getting voted top 1, 2, or 3 gets you additional points. whoever gets the most points at the end of the year gets whatever in game prize you have. that way there is no stress and lots of art each month. But it's all up to you. It would also make for a closer and exciting race at the end of the year as several people could be vying for the top position rather than just two.
just my two inf. Good luck bubba.
Roxy On DA...Finally!
I have to agree. I never saw the point in Eliminating someone. Frankly, the drop-outs will keep the pool of artists from being too large and with a sheer points total, long-term participants will have the advantage anyway. It seems to me that the arguments over who was and wasn't 'allowed' to compete caused the most disruption in previous Battles.
I say, let the artists enter and leave the contest, at will. The ones that stick with it will have as much chance of winning as the ones that submit a few awesome arts. In fact, give Everyone who participates one point each month, just for being active!
Be Well!
I'll think it over this month and figure out the final system by next month's theme. I will consider removing the bottommost vote elimination, but I don't want to have an extremely easygoing drop-in/drop-out system. I think it's a good compromise to require a submission every month, but have two months - mentioned in this first month - where new people can join, or folks that missed a month can re-join.
I was actually thinking about a point system as well, and would say that would work, but I would suggest that you allow anyone to enter any time, and whomever has entered 12 entries over 12 months will enter in a vote, with the vote will count as 25% of the final score.
I guess one point for a valid entry, one point for making deadline, and one point for including a submitted character. You still need 12 entries and a minimum of 12 points to be considered for the title.
I would also suggest opening a thread where folks submit their characters and awarding contestants a point for using those characters in their submissions. That way folks on the boards can participate and get some free art.
I'm thinking this way if you want the FArt Title, you're gonna have to work for it, plus folks on the board will not only see lots of art, but will see their characters in the art, and the winner will be decided via hard work, based on a body of 12 pieces, with some help but not entirely based on votes.
Only sticking point is "valid" entry and that's gonna be up to the judge to be able to be impartial and stick to their guns, and to be as clear as possible about the rules.
The best method I guess would be to see the rules for each month as the instructions from a client for a commission, you want to stick as close to those rules to make the client happy. Now since you can still get two points without a valid entry, you can disregard them if you want. But is that any way to treat your client?
I've not done any math to see if there's any way to game this, so if there is, then this obviously won't work, but if there is a way to make it work, I'd love to hear any suggestions to improve upon it.
But this is just a suggestion.
Not sure if I will compete this time around or not but I would make some suggestions based on comments so far.
As to what the Fox Rox and Fireheart are suggesting:
The point of eliminations is pressure just like the point of immunity was to inspire each artist to do their very best to get a reprieve from said pressure every month. Some may view pressure as a bad thing but in a contest where you are in for the long haul (like a year) you will at some point slack off unless there is something driving you (like one missed deadline and you're out).
That said I do think you could get a good competitive contest with a point system but it needs to be more weighted towards participation than any one individual months total points. 1pt is insufficient as someone could just come in 2-3 months with really spectacular pieces (think Lousy Day's massive landslide last January) and earn enough 3's to put it out of reach of anyone else. It won't feel fair to someone participating every month and you'll get a lot of people (perhaps even all) dropping out before the contest is over... if it happens early enough like the first few months in a row the contest will be over very quickly as what's the point of submitting when you are guaranteed (in that artist's mind, if not in reality) to lose. You need to feel every month that you are still "in it" to keep participation up.
Perhaps 5-10 points for every month of participation and 3,2,1 points for voting... not so much that it will override having the best piece but enough that no one quits because they feel too far behind to continue.
To what Alex suggests:
Yeah there would be many ways to game that. An artist voting for himself getting a 25% value score will either lead to everyone voting for themselves (in which case those in the lead will get further ahead and those behind will not have a chance and quit) or if a couple vote for the same person you could end up with a winner that is the crowd favorite not the top artist... it could become a popularity contest again rather than an art contest.
Also while I probably gave away more free art of other people's characters this last year (I'm a big fan of it ) I would be against a separate area where people suggest use of their heroes and can award points based on this... it would lead I think to too much pressure to cram in as many people in each piece as possible. Also it could lead to people dinging certain artists because "they didn't choose me even though I was clearly perfect for that piece" (this month is fire... how many people have a fire based character?).
Who they want to draw should remain a voluntary choice on the artist's part to avoid hurt feelings and unnecessarily crowded pieces (of course an artist is still free to ask for volunteers to be in a piece but it shouldn't impact score to that degree).
I'd also be against letting artists ignore the theme for a small penalty in points as one of the best things about this contest is how it forces you outside your comfort zone and makes you try things you ordinarily wouldn't. You would get people drawing what they are best at all the time if they think they can earn enough points to win... what's the point in having a theme then? Think if the theme was tragedy and 10 artists submit their best tragic pieces but Foo submits a piece with boobs and wins that month. Who would follow the theme after that? :P Also this will put a lot of pressure on Bubba to "interpret" what is and what isn't technically valid.
Also if it is come and go as you please kind of contest you wouldn't want to require 12 pieces to even have a shot at winning for there exists the very real possibility that you may have no winner if all contestants miss a month at some point (because there isn't the pressure of elimination keeping them in every time) or you might have one person draw 12 sets of stick figures and win because everyone else has 11 or less submissions. etc etc...
I think an increased amount of points (over fox's suggestion) of 5-10 awarded for submitting on time every month would be the best way (short of elimination) to incentivise striving for 12 submissions from each artist. That way missing one month wouldn't be a deal breaker but you wouldn't want let it happen often.
If people really want to keep it an interesting close race there should be a way to earn bonus points... say 5pts for submitting 1-3 from the ranked votes and a bonus of 5 for best interpretation of the theme for example.
That way the one getting the most votes should still be the winner but he/she will want to submit every single month and try to do the very best adaption of the theme lest they be overtaken by another (or several others) who is (are) following the theme going for bonuses and submitting every month on time.
Something like that where the most votes still wins the day but there's positive pressure not to slack over the course of the year.
My two influ.
To what Alex suggests: Yeah there would be many ways to game that. An artist voting for himself getting a 25% value score will either lead to everyone voting for themselves (in which case those in the lead will get further ahead and those behind will not have a chance and quit) or if a couple vote for the same person you could end up with a winner that is the crowd favorite not the top artist... it could become a popularity contest again rather than an art contest. |
Sorry, what I meant is that the votes would only count as 25% of total score, so if you got a million votes, but only 12 points, you could still lose. By not allowing the votes to totally rule the score, no chance of popularity contest. Only one vote at the end of contest.
Also while I probably gave away more free art of other people's characters this last year (I'm a big fan of it ![]() Who they want to draw should remain a voluntary choice on the artist's part to avoid hurt feelings and unnecessarily crowded pieces (of course an artist is still free to ask for volunteers to be in a piece but it shouldn't impact score to that degree). |
To clarify, you get one point per piece regardless of how many characters you include, so no way to stack up by doing every single character. I see how the fire theme might suggest you draw a fire themed character, but um you don't have to? Saving someone in a fire, any other character fighting a fire character, um too many to list, but you get the idea...
I'd also be against letting artists ignore the theme for a small penalty in points as one of the best things about this contest is how it forces you outside your comfort zone and makes you try things you ordinarily wouldn't. You would get people drawing what they are best at all the time if they think they can earn enough points to win... what's the point in having a theme then? Think if the theme was tragedy and 10 artists submit their best tragic pieces but Foo submits a piece with boobs and wins that month. Who would follow the theme after that? :P Also this will put a lot of pressure on Bubba to "interpret" what is and what isn't technically valid. |
Also if it is come and go as you please kind of contest you wouldn't want to require 12 pieces to even have a shot at winning for there exists the very real possibility that you may have no winner if all contestants miss a month at some point (because there isn't the pressure of elimination keeping them in every time) or you might have one person draw 12 sets of stick figures and win because everyone else has 11 or less submissions. etc etc... |
Really appreciate the feedback, let's keep the discussion going, unless of course Bubba has decided and we are just hijacking the thread.
I don't mind seeing discussion on this. I only know a few things right now that I want to do:
I want to use a points system in some way.
I want to require a submission every month or the participant gets disqualified, BUT there will be two months to allow people to re-enter, or to join fresh. The points will put newcomers at a disadvantage, but not an insurmountable disadvantage.
There will be voting for the best piece each month.
I deserve a buy into the last round, since I am the greatest FArt champion this world has ever seen, do you understand me you sycophantic troglodytes? I am the best there is at what I do. I am an honest man and you will respect me and my accomplishments, not some Johnny-come-lately who panders to you and tells you what you want to hear!
Who's that meant to be?
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Umm... is it Keifer Sutherland on a bad hair, busted nose day?
I thought I'd get in early on this thread, before the real talent arrives. And because I wasted a bit of time in the office today.
Even got a hot chick or two in there...

Arc: 379017: Outbroken See all your old friends in the Outbreak Tutorial sequel!
Arc: Coming Soon: The Incarnate Shadow Shard of Fire and Ice Mender Rednem needs you!
Massively.com opinion poll: Please Help Save CoH!
You make me so sad.
@Foo: Raw is Jericho!
@Airhead: It's Chris Jericho a wrestler (if the wrestling championship belt didn't give it away) and talker of much trash...
or Kiefer Sutherland after a serious bender.
Oh hey, did someone say-
Full digital. I think I'm finally getting the hang of this 'art' thing
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Way to bring the heat Alpha! And thanks for joining us Airhead with that... um... you know. Well, it makes me laugh every time I see it. I'm not entirely sure if that's a compliment though ;^_^
Nice, H =]
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
love that furnace looking choker
If anyone else was planning on hosting this year's FArt competition, I will gladly step down. But this has been a yearly tradition since I've been watching the forums so I thought I'd try my hand at hosting it this year. There will also be some in-game prizes. Ok, let's go!
January's theme is Fire
In case you haven't noticed, I enjoy fire, so bring in the heat and make us forget about the weather outside.
All types of visual art are acceptable for this month's theme. Screenshot manipulations, sketches, graphic design, etc. So long as they incorporate this month's theme into the work.
1. Use City of Heroes/Villains Characters- This is, afterall, a CoX Fan Art competition, so I expect you guys to keep that in mind. If there's nothing relating to City of Heroes/Villains in your entry, you will be disqualified.
2. Keep It PG-13- All entries this month must be postable to these boards without a 2 click.
3. Deadlines- All entries MUST be submitted by Friday, January 21st by Midnight Eastern US time. Anyone participating who DOES NOT have an active account on these boards may note me via dA at Bubbawheat. I will take Saturday, January 22nd to screen all entries for adherence to the theme and rules. Voting will begin on Sunday, January 23rd, held here on the CoH boards. The pieces that I put up for a vote have been personally verified by me, so if you disagree with their qualifications, please give me the lashings rather than the artists.
Other Items of Note
We won't be having an elimination this month. The winner of the voting will have immunity for NEXT month's battle, which will have an elimination. To start off January, we pretty much just want to get a head count and see who's gonna be in this thing. If you do submit, try to keep in mind this is year-long and we want it going strong!
Things will be done slightly differently than past years. There will be a points system in place that will come into play in the latter half of the year. There will also be two months where people can jump into the contest - April and August. So keep that in mind and bring in the art!