Is DP THAT bad? My Findings Thus Far...

Adeon Hawkwood



In the mind of a dev, good aesthetics is only balanced by being numerically terrible.

This is basically what Dual Pistols is.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
With a modest amount of recharge, assuming most high performance blasters will focus largely on softcapping ranged defense, the average fire blaster ought to be chaining flares -> blast -> flares -> blaze. DS of 6.8 in 4.67 seconds.
I read this and it made your entire post nonsense.

I open with fireball solo and step behind a wall drop Rain of Fire, then Fireball is back throw it again, fire breath, single target shoot any boss or Lt. who is near and Fireball is back and everything is dead.

The average fire blaster is not considering a single target attack at all. I am running at -1 x 4 at level 14 on my newest incarnation of a fire/fire blaster. I want HUGE groups and I shred them leaving the Lts to try running out of RoF as I tear them up, all their minions long dead.

Aim is not worth it? Seriously have you never popped Inferno and it fizzled not killing a single mob? I alternate Aim on 1st group, destroy most of that group move forward pop Buildup and fireball the next group pulling them to me - drop RoF, Fire Breath, Fireball again, Consume and clean up what ever is left.

You say this as if we have never PLAYED DP! Of course I did and I did it with the ultimate secondary - Dark Maisma. Comparing a Fire/Dark Corr with a DP/Dark Corr tells you all you need to know. DP is not even close to Fire in sheer damage.

If you like it - great! I am saying it doesn't have anything that stands out to me as better and if you like it because its fun! Awesome - don't even try and say it compares in damage to fire.



Heh, sorry Stryker, I guess it may have helped if I'd said I was specifically responding to "min/maxers" who think DP is terrible, rather than simply thinking it to myself very clearly. You have a point about cheaper builds, but I suppose all I can say to that is that it would probably drive me crazy to play a squishy blaster in the first place so my first order of business would be to pick up some ios.

Looking at my pistols/energy build right now, this wouldn't cost more than a billion inf even if you straight up bought everything. Mostly posi's blast and thunderstrike, several lotgs, a celerity, some botzs, gaussian's... I would personally call this a cheap build, in that I don't see how you could reach level 50 without being able to afford pricier if you run a lot of tfs.

This gives me 35% ranged, 40% global recharge, and enough endurance to be permanently sustainable with conserve power, spamming aoes or not. Perhaps it's no coincidence that hail of bullets' defense boost is enough to softcap me for ranged, as I cannot recall ever dying during its animation. Not that I never die, but with rise of the phoenix, who cares? It barely slows down the mayhem.

If anything, I wonder if dp's detractors have ever even tried it past level 35 or so. At that point not everyone has started ioing yet, which underlines the above-average recharge times of most of its best powers at a time where you also lack much of your coming survivability. If I had tried to do nothing but solo the painful old midbie hero content on x4 on a half-finished dp blaster, I'd probably be angry with it too.

Fortunately for us all, there exists a thing called "tee-uh-ming." Tea Amming? Oh, teaming! That was it. I don't see the point of running any blaster solo in the first place, if you're farming you can do a lot better than that.

Really, what I use blasters for at all is what I find dual pistols to be best at: high speed, high level, high impact task forces. It does things most blaster sets simply cannot do in the world of aoe damage and in trade gives up having a top end single target chain, which it turns out is almost useless in the aforementioned task forces. I find anyone's claims of it being unsatisfactory to min/maxers to be questionable at best, unless their definition of min/maxing is radically different from mine, which would be weird because mine is probably the best way to earn huge amounts of merits.



Fortunately for us all, there exists a thing called "tee-uh-ming." Tea Amming? Oh, teaming! That was it. I don't see the point of running any blaster solo in the first place, if you're farming you can do a lot better than that.
And people go around saying I hate blasters because I think they don't solo as well as they should and trade too much survivability for too little damage.

Anyway, My fire/Assualt rifle/Archery blasters are all having a good guffaw at your perception of their inability to farm.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
I read this and it made your entire post nonsense.
That's interesting, because I believe it was all of one paragraph later where I opened the shining gateway to the magical realm of aoe discussion. I admit that reading can be hard sometimes and it does make me sleepy.
I open with fireball solo and step behind a wall drop Rain of Fire, then Fireball is back throw it again, fire breath, single target shoot any boss or Lt. who is near and Fireball is back and everything is dead.
That isn't an attack chain at all and if your complaint about dual pistols is that the animations are too long, it's funny that you don't care about spending even longer than that on fire breath at close range. Conversely, if you're jousting into cover, animation time becomes completely irrelevant, rendering bullet rain exactly as good as fireball (because they do the same damage!).
The average fire blaster is not considering a single target attack at all. I am running at -1 x 4 at level 14 on my newest incarnation of a fire/fire blaster. I want HUGE groups and I shred them leaving the Lts to try running out of RoF as I tear them up, all their minions long dead.
Then perhaps the average fire blaster should consider playing a better aoe set, such as dual pistols or archery. Fire's principal advantage is its extremely powerful single target attacks, or perhaps I should say attack, because it only needs blaze and your goal should be to do anything that allows you to fire blaze as often as you can.
Aim is not worth it? Seriously have you never popped Inferno and it fizzled not killing a single mob? I alternate Aim on 1st group, destroy most of that group move forward pop Buildup and fireball the next group pulling them to me - drop RoF, Fire Breath, Fireball again, Consume and clean up what ever is left.
That's about the only use for aim that I can come up with and is how I use it on my fire blaster as well. The annoying part is that this adds a huge amount of animation time in the long term for a marginal gain in actual damage. Build up is worth it because it's nearly twice as powerful as aim, and guess which one of the two dual pistols can be paired with?

Inferno? Heh, no comment.
You say this as if we have never PLAYED DP! Of course I did and I did it with the ultimate secondary - Dark Maisma. Comparing a Fire/Dark Corr with a DP/Dark Corr tells you all you need to know. DP is not even close to Fire in sheer damage.
I wouldn't use dp on a corr either. Why? Mostly because redraw sucks if you have to do it multiple times a fight, which you do with a debuff secondary. Of course, fire blast is also a much better set for corrs than for blasters because rain of fire is brokenly good with double scourge. That alone makes up for many of its other shortcomings.
If you like it - great! I am saying it doesn't have anything that stands out to me as better and if you like it because its fun! Awesome - don't even try and say it compares in damage to fire.
Welp, I kinda did, and will continue to do so, because it does. If it would make you happy for me to specify that this is only true for blasters, I will do so just this once. Dual pistols is only better than fire blast for blasters, not for corruptors.

Edit: to Another Fan above, I didn't say they can't, I said they shouldn't. Run a controller, scrapper, or brute instead.



Dual Pistols is a mediocre set, but only when compared to other powersets.

You can make a Pistolero who can hold his own just fine against critters, but it's always gonna pale in comparison to say, an archer.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Really, what I use blasters for at all is what I find dual pistols to be best at: high speed, high level, high impact task forces. It does things most blaster sets simply cannot do in the world of aoe damage and in trade gives up having a top end single target chain, which it turns out is almost useless in the aforementioned task forces. I find anyone's claims of it being unsatisfactory to min/maxers to be questionable at best, unless their definition of min/maxing is radically different from mine, which would be weird because mine is probably the best way to earn huge amounts of merits.
First, I am talking about a level 50 soft capped Dual Pistol blaster who is mostly IO'd.

Second, I find the AoE on the set lacking, especially in TFs. When the tank/brute/controller grabs the spawn I have two options. Either my tier 9 is up and yay I do sub-par nuke damage or it's not in which case I throw... Bullet Rain and Empty Clips? Then I am waiting on AoE recharge.

Your claim the the set is wonderful on Task Forces because of AoE is based on what exactly? With no Aim the set is offering one Targeted AoE that takes 2.64 (Arcanatime) to animate and a cone that does ~57 damage? I'm sorry if I am not excited. Most of the time on TFs I am throwing single target attacks waiting on AoEs to recharge so I can throw my weak lethal AoE damage. I'm sorry but DP is weak on TFs.

Basically it's a one trick pony that gets to feel special every 120 seconds when it's nuke is up. And the nuke damage is sub-par as nukes go, though having no end dump is admittedly great and one of the few reasons I like the set.

But let's compare, with all animation times in Arcanatime:

Fire Ball: 78 base damage in 1.188 seconds, recharges in 16s.
Bullet Rain: 62 base damage in 2.64 seconds, DoT, recharges in 18s.

Fire Ball is in all ways superior, and it isn't Lethal and requires no redraw.

Empty Clips: 57 base damage in 2.64 seconds, DoT, recharges in 10 seconds.
Fire Breath: 109 base damage in 2.904 seconds, DoT, recharges in 16 seconds.

Probably the best comparison for DP. Empty Clips does only half the damage, but it is slightly faster and recharges much quicker. But, it does only half the damage.

Hail of Bullets: 204 base damage, 5+ second animation, 120 recharge.
Inferno: 472 base damage, 3.168 animation time, Self End Drain, 360 recharge.

Hail of Bullets is great. I hate micromanaging blue pills so I can recover from a nuke and Hail of Bullets recharges fast! But Hail of Bullets does *half* the damage.

Dual Pistols twiddles it's AoE thumbs.
Rain of Fire: 125 base damage, 2.24 animation, 60 second recharge.

Basically while Dual Pistols twiddles it's thumbs Fire is raining down destruction.

Look at it this way: When Dual Pistols does it's nuke in 5+ seconds Fire is using Rain of Fire plus Fire Breath in the same time frame and causing *more* overall damage in that time than DP's nuke. That combo recharges faster than DPs nuke, slows the entire spawn and DP can't open with Aim.

I could make similar comparison to Archery. Sorry but even if you don't like using blues after your nuke Dual Pistols AoE on task forces is at best middle of the road. If you want a decent AoE blaster you'd be better off with Archery, Assault Rifle, Fire Blast, or even Sonic.

My point is using Task Force damage to justify the many weaknesses of the set is seeing the situation through some pretty thick rose colored glasses.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



I find DP to be a really good defender secondary. I can do passable damage solo, and on teams, i can up the damage mitigation I provide, or up the debuffs.... or just do damage... depending on team need. And as the OP stated, the animations make it enmoyable to play, even if its not to mathmatically the top set.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



I'm certainly no expert on Dual Pistols, but I gotta say, the dismissal of Fire Breath as glacially slow seems a little misplaced given that it's only marginally slower than Empty Clips, Executioner's Shot, Piercing Rounds, and even Bullet Rain.

And Fire Breath does significantly more damage than any of the above powers that have comparable area of effect. Significantly.

I can certainly understand that preferences will differ; some people just dislike Fire Breath -- its range, its sometimes awkward positioning requirements. Some builds will also have difficulty leveraging Rain of Fire as a bona-fide attack (it's really more of a soft control power for solo Blasters without some reliable means of keeping foes in the area). Inferno is clearly inferior to crashless nukes like Rain of Arrows and Hail of Bullets.

So there's room to argue that Fire's on-paper AoE potential isn't realized in a lot of situations. If a given player gets more mileage out of Dual Pistols in practice, then that's great -- but let's also try to be fair. Breath + Ball with Aim and Build Up is about as good a combo as you're going to find for ranged AoE damage. If you can get away with using Rain of Fire as a damage power, then that's icing.

And at sufficient levels of recharge, that combo is available every 5-6 seconds. You don't need to break the bank to get there, either.

I wouldn't tell anyone what to play, but I'd suggest that anyone who dismisses Fire Breath at least try the power enhanced for range. It's pretty easy to frankenslot such that you have ~60 ft on the power, which gives Breath more than double the floor coverage. If you've only used the power at its base range, you might be pleasantly surprised.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Moonlighter, you seem to be unaware that inferno rounds add a large amount of all-fire damage to every dp attack other than pistols and suppressive fire, and you seem to assume that this "high level blaster" leaves all of his or her powers unslotted for recharge. You also think it is ever a good idea to use a crashy nuke. Dunno what to tell you, man.

Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
I'm certainly no expert on Dual Pistols, but I gotta say, the dismissal of Fire Breath as glacially slow seems a little misplaced given that it's only marginally slower than Empty Clips, Executioner's Shot, Piercing Rounds, and even Bullet Rain.
You're correct of course, I was being hyperbolic. If dp is being panned for its slow attacks, fire should get the same treatment because its attack is slower than any of them. The only way for fire to be at all competitive in its aoe is to use that slow attack every time it's available, so... is fire overall quicker animating than dp? It sure is. Does that mean all of its powers animate quickly? Obviously not. Some people seem to have problems with this and I was driven to flippancy.
And Fire Breath does significantly more damage than any of the above powers that have comparable area of effect. Significantly.

I can certainly understand that preferences will differ; some people just dislike Fire Breath -- its range, its sometimes awkward positioning requirements. Some builds will also have difficulty leveraging Rain of Fire as a bona-fide attack (it's really more of a soft control power for solo Blasters without some reliable means of keeping foes in the area). Inferno is clearly inferior to crashless nukes like Rain of Arrows and Hail of Bullets.
What I don't like about fire breath and blaze is that between the two of them, the fire blaster lives at close range, effectively melee range given the animation time of fire breath. I do enhance it for range which helps a great deal, but you simply can't enhance blaze's range while slotting it well. Now with cardiac core boost you do have an option there but I've found that fire is such an endurance-light set that it would be a waste to use the alpha slot's potential on such a niche application. On the other hand, it would alleviate one of my main problems with the set so maybe it's worth it.
So there's room to argue that Fire's on-paper AoE potential isn't realized in a lot of situations. If a given player gets more mileage out of Dual Pistols in practice, then that's great -- but let's also try to be fair. Breath + Ball with Aim and Build Up is about as good a combo as you're going to find for ranged AoE damage. If you can get away with using Rain of Fire as a damage power, then that's icing.

And at sufficient levels of recharge, that combo is available every 5-6 seconds. You don't need to break the bank to get there, either.
Well, technically that combo is available every time build up is up. With aim it loses some punch, and even with permahasten you will cycle the combo at least twice with neither. Rain of fire is absolutely underrated and is one of the better powers in the set, but I find it hard to enjoy the blaster version knowing that corrs get to have their cake and eat it twice.

Oh yeah, Another Fan, I really shouldn't have said blasters "shouldn't" farm, but I do think it's hardly the ideal AT for it if you're trying to maximize dropzz.



Obitus, I completely agree.

Playstyle is everything. I play hop and spin back and forth over the groups. I target a mob in front hop over aim/buildup trigger fireball and then back away 10-15 feet. I use firebreath and then if on my fire/fire FSC - then if anything is alive - I fireball again or mop up the boss/Lts.

If solo I use RoF to slow and take the incoming damage off. In a group - I count to 4 after the melee/controller locks it down and then fireball, firebreath rain of fire and pick off whatever is left. People only complain if anything survives long enough to escape the RoF.

On my fire/fire it is very easy for a chain, I fireball moving forward firebreath, FSC and Combustion then Consume and if anything is left - Fireball again. It is seamless and smoothly flowing. If I have a controller or dark maisma on a team I will start EVERY group with Rain of Fire - tarpit makes it magic.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
You're correct of course, I was being hyperbolic. If dp is being panned for its slow attacks, fire should get the same treatment because its attack is slower than any of them. The only way for fire to be at all competitive in its aoe is to use that slow attack every time it's available, so... is fire overall quicker animating than dp? It sure is. Does that mean all of its powers animate quickly? Obviously not.
I don't want to get involved in a point-for-point comparison because I have very little personal experience with Dual Pistols. Actually, I'm encouraged to give them a try based largely on what you've said in this thread -- though frankly at this point I'm a little down on Blasters as an AT.

My Fire/MM Blaster is great in teams as a ranged AoE damage dealer though. Solo she does pretty well given capped ranged DEF and ~60% global recharge, but (much like you with your Corruptor-Rain-of-Fire complaint) I can't quite get it out of my head that any number of other builds do close-enough damage without all the sacrifices. And like Another_Fan, the fact that Blaster Fire Blast (the power) is inferior to basically every other version of the same power just sticks in my craw. All that aside, though:

There's a difference between having one attack that does huge AoE damage in ~2.9 seconds (Arcanatime), and having four attacks that each animate in that same ballpark period (ranging from 2.64 for Bullet Rain to 2.772 for Executioner's Shot). Rhetorical flourishes are fine and I don't wholly disagree with your point, but the distinction is worth noting in bold and underline.

What I don't like about fire breath and blaze is that between the two of them, the fire blaster lives at close range, effectively melee range given the animation time of fire breath. I do enhance it for range which helps a great deal, but you simply can't enhance blaze's range while slotting it well.
As above, subjective preferences will vary. I can't argue with any of your criticisms here. FWIW, if you're willing to pay, five slots of Apocalypse with either a generic Range IO or a Centriole will give you 48-50 feet on Blaze, which I find more than adequate on a Hover Blaster.

Now with cardiac core boost you do have an option there but I've found that fire is such an endurance-light set that it would be a waste to use the alpha slot's potential on such a niche application. On the other hand, it would alleviate one of my main problems with the set so maybe it's worth it.
For what it's worth, I got the Cardiac boost on my Blaster mostly because I had a ton of Vanguard Merits stored and wanted to slot any Alpha boost as fast as possible. The extra range is great, so great that I'm not sure I'm going to ditch the Cardiac boost for Spiritual when I-20 comes out, as originally planned. Will probably get both at some point so I can swap them in and out, but for teaming purposes I'm leaning towards Cardiac because no one's likely to care if I'm using Blaze 10% less often. They might care if I'm hitting significantly more targets with my hardest-hitting AoE power. (Also, teammates might have recharge buffs, but they're unlikely to have range buffs)

Yet another instance of a qualitative boost that may very well trump even a massive quantitative one.

Well, technically that combo is available every time build up is up. With aim it loses some punch, and even with permahasten you will cycle the combo at least twice with neither. Rain of fire is absolutely underrated and is one of the better powers in the set, but I find it hard to enjoy the blaster version knowing that corrs get to have their cake and eat it twice.
Honestly, you lose me a little here. On the one hand, you dismiss Aim because Blasters already have a lot of damage boosts (Defiance, slotting), which tend to diminish the proportional benefit of a ~62% base damage buff. That's a fine argument if that's as far as you wanna take it.

But here you also imply that Build Up is somehow miles better than Aim. The proportional-gain argument goes both ways: if 62% bonus damage is negligible given all the other damage you have, then surely adding an extra ~38% isn't a night-and-day difference. At the approximate maximum-sustainable level of Defiance (and assuming ED-capped damage slotting), Aim represents a 62 / (195 + 40) = ~26% bonus to aggregate damage. Under the same conditions, Build Up represents a 100 / (195 + 40) = ~42% bonus to aggregate damage. Both of those are pretty darn good numbers.

Actually, I find that the point of Aim on a Fire Blaster is that it basically replaces Defiance, because I usually kill things so quickly that I don't have time to ramp up Defiance's damage buff. Aim gives you more-than-Defiance-level +damage for the first shots you take. Is it less useful than Build Up? In most situations, sure, but not by leaps and bounds. I'd certainly rather have Aim than not.

In any case, you can, at sufficient levels of recharge, basically chain Aim and Build Up with minor gaps for AoE and single-target carnage on a Fire Blaster.

Sorry for the novel.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Further, as we are both well aware, explosive blast in particular has the charming side effect of scattering things out of energy torrent's cone and vice versa.
As we all, it doesn't.



Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
I don't want to get involved in a point-for-point comparison because I have very little personal experience with Dual Pistols. Actually, I'm encouraged to give them a try based largely on what you've said in this thread -- though frankly at this point I'm a little down on Blasters as an AT.
If one person who would otherwise have been dissuaded by the non-stop hatefest on the forums tries and enjoys dual pistols, I'm satisfied. I was kind of tired of blasters myself before rolling up my own dp/em, but I've found it offers a long range, high aoe playstyle that other sets don't have in the same way, with hail of bullets always a tantalizing excuse to get personal for a moment.
There's a difference between having one attack that does huge AoE damage in ~2.9 seconds (Arcanatime), and having four attacks that each animate in that same ballpark period (ranging from 2.64 for Bullet Rain to 2.772 for Executioner's Shot). Rhetorical flourishes are fine and I don't wholly disagree with your point, but the distinction is worth noting in bold and underline.
There certainly is, and at this point I'm a little tired of fire blast bashing, so I'm happy to admit that I do in fact find it to be an excellent set that has no trouble doing aoe damage. I also find it extremely boring to play, for many of the same reasons I can't bring myself to even start a shield defense character. In a more perfect world than this, people would be able to look beyond the sets with obvious, lopsided strengths and discover that intelligent play can create unique, equally useful strengths in more nuanced sets, such as dual pistols.
FWIW, if you're willing to pay, five slots of Apocalypse with either a generic Range IO or a Centriole will give you 48-50 feet on Blaze, which I find more than adequate on a Hover Blaster.
Good points both but if I have an extra slot in an attack, a proc is going in there. Not that gladiator's javelin is cheap either, but... As for hover, it'd be a lot more appealing if it didn't preclude jumping around like an imbecile with cj.
Yeah, I know aim is technically worth using in most cases, and I do have it on my fire blaster, I just don't like it. In normal enemy defense situations it's substantially weaker than popping a small red, it takes a power selection, and it requires you to bother to use it as often as it's up to validate its existence. I wouldn't say that dual pistols is a low-effort set to play well but I get much more enjoyment out of lining up good cones while avoiding the melee fan club I tend to accrue than I do out of constantly monitoring the availability of a only-just-worth-it damage buff.

I can't decide if it's an unfair comparison or not to pit aim against swap ammo. If it isn't, well, inferno rounds are ludicrously powerful compared to aim and you get to set and forget, remembering to retoggle any time you experience an unexpected hitpoint depletion scenario. In this case, yeah, dp's attacks underperform for damage but make up for it with one of the best self buffs available to blasters, if not the best.

Alternately, we can take inferno rounds to be the baseline for dp in which case it lacks anything like aim but has damage that keeps pace with pretty much any set, by one metric or another. The one real complaint I can see is that dp's tier 3 blast is garbage, and yet instead of a snipe you get what amounts to an overpowered tier 3 blast that has a long recharge. Is that worse? I don't feel that it is, and I'm not sure why having a different layout than other sets inspires such ire in the hoi polloi.

Take it or leave it, really, but anyone who just looks at the values in mids and says "this sucks! fire or bust!" is missing out on the most unique set available to blasters.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Moonlighter, you seem to be unaware that inferno rounds add a large amount of all-fire damage to every dp attack other than pistols and suppressive fire, and you seem to assume that this "high level blaster" leaves all of his or her powers unslotted for recharge. You also think it is ever a good idea to use a crashy nuke. Dunno what to tell you, man.
Meh, edited out. In the end if you have fun peeling the minions off every 3rd spawn then good for you and have fun with it.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Take it or leave it, really, but anyone who just looks at the values in mids and says "this sucks! fire or bust!" is missing out on the most unique set available to blasters.
Um, you're the one that brought up the Fire comparison. People are just responding to that.

The point isn't that the set sucks. My main blaster is DP. The point is that the AoE of the set is average for a blaster and doesn't, as you claim, make up for the other areas that are lacking.


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
Um, you're the one that brought up the Fire comparison. People are just responding to that.

The point isn't that the set sucks. My main blaster is DP. The point is that the AoE of the set is average for a blaster and doesn't, as you claim, make up for the other areas that are lacking.
You know what, it was stupid of me not to quote that previous post before the edit, because that really sums up the thrust of this discussion. You don't actually believe dual pistols is underpowered at all, you feel that it is in your interest to argue that it is so that the devs will be duped and buff it up to shield defense levels. I can see why you'd think that since they already threw you a bone with the absolutely senseless buff to hail of bullets, which was an amazing power when the set launched.

My problems with this attitude are threefold. First, it's dishonest, because obviously dp is in no way underperforming. I like honesty because Mr. Rogers told me it was a good thing to do. Second, it presumes that the devs are stupid. I'd like to believe that this is false, and that their datamining means more to them than people carping about how the unspecified "numbers" are totally bad, man. They're so bad! It's obvious. Third, and this is the key part, it keeps people from playing the set because they think you're actually trying to give useful advice rather than simply making an idiot of yourself to lobby for powers changes. This is a problem because the set is fun and people play this game to have fun. I would actually argue that the set is more fun now than it would be if you had your way and all of the powers animated in .63 seconds.

There you go, looks like we all agree whether you're willing to admit it or not.



You know what - Recycle you like DP, great.

I have played both DP and Fire and solo and in teams Fire is superior and you can spin numbers and play weigh this and weigh that and I have experience with both.

I have personally SEEN what they do and you can Baghdad Bob the set for all its worth but it is a vanilla set that does nothing great but all pretty good. Can you take it to 50 and have fun - yes.

But after true CoH fashion we spin into a min/max discussion talking 2.xx seconds activation times and blah blah blah. I use chains to attack and I don't have to WAIT for anything to cycle. I can vary to a single attack if an AoE isn't up and drop the Boss or Lt down or keep spamming the AoE love as needed. I use hasten, I use combat jumping and having played both DP/Fire and Fire/Fire really shows the difference quite well.

One cycle of Fireball, Firebreath jump in and FSC, Combustion and Consume and everything is dead or within a blaze or another fireball from death.

The very fact your Nuke does no more damage than Rain of Fire + Fire breath says it all.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I would actually argue that the set is more fun now than it would be if you had your way and all of the powers animated in .63 seconds.
Believe it or not but very few people truly want all powers to use the same animation times. Instead what we want is for the devs to admit that animation time IS a part of power balance and account for it when they balance powers. Currently the damage and endurance costs of attacks are balanced based the number of targets (based on area if it's an AoE), the recharge time and whether it's melee or ranged.

This is only really balanced if two conditions are met:
1. You have time between attacks where you are waiting for powers to recharge
2. You are only concerned with sustained damage as opposed to burst damage

Neither of these are really true in the game today. With various recharge bonuses making a solid attack chain is possible. Additionally for Blasters burst damage IS important, Blasters generally have low defenses and rely on killing their opponents before they get killed. As such the ability to attack faster than your opponent IS an advantage.

Dual Pistols is fun now and I don't mind the gun-fu animations (although they would not have been my first choice) but except for the first two powers and Suppressive Fire the animations are longer than the equivalent powers in other sets. Dual Pistols is not by itself the problem it is simply the case where the devs' method of balance becomes noticeably problematic.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Believe it or not but very few people truly want all powers to use the same animation times. Instead what we want is for the devs to admit that animation time IS a part of power balance and account for it when they balance powers. Currently the damage and endurance costs of attacks are balanced based the number of targets (based on area if it's an AoE), the recharge time and whether it's melee or ranged.

This is only really balanced if two conditions are met:
1. You have time between attacks where you are waiting for powers to recharge
2. You are only concerned with sustained damage as opposed to burst damage

Neither of these are really true in the game today. With various recharge bonuses making a solid attack chain is possible. Additionally for Blasters burst damage IS important, Blasters generally have low defenses and rely on killing their opponents before they get killed. As such the ability to attack faster than your opponent IS an advantage.

Dual Pistols is fun now and I don't mind the gun-fu animations (although they would not have been my first choice) but except for the first two powers and Suppressive Fire the animations are longer than the equivalent powers in other sets. Dual Pistols is not by itself the problem it is simply the case where the devs' method of balance becomes noticeably problematic.

I agree with everything said here. I just want to add a special addendum RE: Dual Pistols, and balance in general.

Whether a set is good or bad depends on more than the set. It depends on the type of challenge a character is actually faced with in the context of the actual game. Dual Pistols charts somewhat poorly compared to other sets on spreadsheets for some of the reasons that have been brought up. However, it's not possible for us to make a spreadsheet showing how the set behaves in actual practice. This is for two reasons:

1) Some game challenges are more or less standard and unavoidable
2) The player can still choose to steer the character to whatever situation is most favorable (e.g. my "marginalized" Force Field Defender is the demi god of buffs when exemped to level 35 or 40)

There is no way to perfectly weigh 1) and 2) together. They contradict each other but are both true at the same time.

Some people approach the situation by creating categories. For example, "AoE Damage," "Single Target Damage," and "Soloability." But these categories are inherently misleading. Is AoE Damage as important as Single Target? Is one extremely powerful nuke better than a very strong attack chain? And what of categories we don't consider? If "Flexibility" were a category, we'd have Dual Pistols at the top and everything else in last place.

This isn't to say that balance is entirely subjective. Sometimes the numbers do tell a story about power. But you always have to make sure you're comparing similar things. This includes avoiding comparing sets piecemeal to each other instead of as full sets.

In the case of Dual Pistols, we have a crashless nuke. Only two other sets have this. One of the two nukes significantly outdamages Pistols'. The other nuke also does better damage, but has a cone shape and a target cap of 10. Which one wins? The answer is that it depends. Personally, I prefer any of the crashless nukes to any of the crashing ones, so the answer for me is that Dual Pistols is not in last place in this category but in third. In fact I would argue that all 3 of these sets should be removed from "nuke" discussions altogether and the nuke should be considered in the set's overall AoE damage category, because that's how the power is used.

The second thing is the general nature of knockback. I am not a fan of it in other blast sets because I feel like it limits the ability to supply consistent DPS. But Dual Pistols gets to turn it off if (many people would argue "when") it becomes a limitation.

Then there is the fact that Pistols sidesteps having a snipe power and replaces it with a power you might actually want to use. For some reason some people count this against Pistols. My opinion if we don't discredit Fire and Archery for the blasts that kind of suck, its unfair to do that to DP for a power that is actually somewhat viable.



No argument with most of the above but I'd like to note that hail of bullets is actually the hardest hitting of the crashless nukes the majority of the time. It's possible to get unlucky and fail to kill a minion but you'd be unwise to bet on that happening on any given saturated use of the power. The average damages are: 180 for full auto, somewhere between 150 and 225 for rain of arrows, not sure because I'm not sure what triggers the third tick failing, and 250 for hail of bullets.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I'll play DP when normal animations are made for it. I'm sorry all my concepts for DP aren't martial artists or crazy carnival workers.
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Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The very fact your Nuke does no more damage than Rain of Fire + Fire breath says it all.
Rain of Fire takes 15 seconds to deliver its damage and allows enemies to run out of its area during that time. Fire Breath has a target cap of 10 and an oddly shaped area of effect. The comparison is not clear cut.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
I read this and it made your entire post nonsense.

I open with fireball solo and step behind a wall drop Rain of Fire, then Fireball is back throw it again, fire breath, single target shoot any boss or Lt. who is near and Fireball is back and everything is dead.
It's been my experience that Fire Breath>Fire Ball = no more spawn.
Running at -1 they'd all die even faster.

I like RoF as a power, but don't see the point given your stated difficulty settings.

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Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Then there is the fact that Pistols sidesteps having a snipe power and replaces it with a power you might actually want to use. For some reason some people count this against Pistols. My opinion if we don't discredit Fire and Archery for the blasts that kind of suck, its unfair to do that to DP for a power that is actually somewhat viable.
Yea, I never understood this, Piercing Rounds is one of the good powers in DP. Sure it doesn't help much in terms of AoE damage but it does provide a nice boost to single target damage. It would be nice if you didn't have to switch ammo types for it but that's my only complaint.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
No argument with most of the above but I'd like to note that hail of bullets is actually the hardest hitting of the crashless nukes the majority of the time. It's possible to get unlucky and fail to kill a minion but you'd be unwise to bet on that happening on any given saturated use of the power. The average damages are: 180 for full auto, somewhere between 150 and 225 for rain of arrows, not sure because I'm not sure what triggers the third tick failing, and 250 for hail of bullets.
Your values are a bit off but you are correct, HoB does do slightly more average damage but only when using Incendiary Bullets (and if you're unlucky it can do less damage). On the other hand the fact that it has twice the recharge of the other two means that it's DPS is lower.