Vin Diesel vs The Rock - Trailer for Fast Five
Now where did I hear about that before.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
I'll be NOT seeing this! Well maybe??? I swear I'm gong to make an invulnerable tanker named Paul Walker, he sohuld have died in the last movie after the beat down Diesel put on him after he found out Walker had used Michelle to infiltrate that drug ring. Laughably Paul Walker only seemed to have messed his hair up :: rolls eyes::

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------

I'll be NOT seeing this! Well maybe??? I swear I'm gong to make an invulnerable tanker named Paul Walker, he sohuld have died in the last movie after the beat down Diesel put on him after he found out Walker had used Michelle to infiltrate that drug ring. Laughably Paul Walker only seemed to have messed his hair up :: rolls eyes::
And that beat down wasn't all that by Vin. Now I'm not saying Vin couldn't beat up Brian, I'm just saying Brian can take some punches.
Though, it's nice to know that Tokyo Drift is technically last in the series. I keep wondering where each movie was suppossed to be in the series.
And remember, Brian didn't use Letty. Letty asked to do it.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I don't want to to want to see this movie.
But, help me, I do. As long as Paul Walker and Jordana Brewster stay together, I'll be good. Also, calling it right now: end of the movie, Dwayne Johnson ends up part of the crew. He's DEA (it seems) and yet we saw the main group stealing drug money and/or burning it....
Just saaaayin....
I'm just glad to see Dwayne Johnson back in some action for his latest movies. Enough with the family stuff. I know and respect why he did it but come on who doesn't want to see him trash stuff and lay some smack down on some candy a...... Now if only we could get him and Vin in a good Riddick movie.....

The Rock? That's faster AND furiouser!
(See what I did there?)
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Love Rocky in almost anything. Glad to see he's doing action movies again!
True Justice is the defense of the weak, the lonely, the homeless, the widowed, the abused, the poor, the hopeless, children, and those who cannot do for themselves. True Justice fights injustice, it fights evil. Its easy to talk about Justice, it is not however easy to talk about True Justice. The important question is, what are you willing to do? -- Lady Zealot
I have yet to see any movie in this series... and I don't intend to start now.
I would have been more interested in the pairing otherwise.
Your name is Rock Crag and you're from southern Indiana... dude, you ARE the target audience.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
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