Common salvage is (mostly) back to normal

Adeon Hawkwood



When common salvage prices were going crazy, we had a few debates about what was causing it between the "It's All About the Monkeys" camp and the "Ebil Flippers Ate My Baby" camp.

Funny thing, when people stopped burning monkeys and started doing regular content after i19, the supply levels, and prices, started trending back to normal.

Could it be that flippers where not, in fact, causing shortages and price spikes in common salvage? Shocking.



No, you've got it wrong. Flippers were raising prices, but people refused to pay the prices so they dropped down, just like with costume recipes .



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
No, you've got it wrong. Flippers were raising prices, but people refused to pay the prices so they dropped down, just like with costume recipes .
That WAS awful good of us, wasn't it? When we dropped the prices on costume recipes? We should increase the price of temp power recipes, those things are everywhere.

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Everything I want to sell has 0 bids and 8,238 for sale already. Everything I want to buy has 8,238 bids and 0 for sale. You can't tell me that's not an ebil conspiracy by a handful of jerk hackin' griefers!

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



I've moved on to grief-hacking arcane rares!


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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I've moved on to grief-hacking arcane rares!

Make it higher. I didn't blink paying that last night.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Camper View Post
Could it be that flippers where not, in fact, causing shortages and price spikes in common salvage? Shocking.
Nonsense. That explanation doesn't fit my preconceived notions. Come up with a new theory!

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Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Make it higher. I didn't blink paying that last night.
Uh Swell....I wasn't grief-hacking you, I was grief-hacking our buddy the CASUAL GAMER!

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Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Yeah what is up with those? I would have thought at least the high-level ones would have stayed pretty low. Were that many people buying them with tickets?
I think they must have been, recall that pre-AE there was quite a bit of variation in T3 rare salvage prices. Some (such as Diamonds and Rikti Alloy) went for <100K while the more useful ones were going for 5-10million. The AE stabilized the prices by introducing a steadier supply of the more useful rares (such as Magical Conspiracy). With level 50s leaving the AE to farm incarnate shards we seem to be seeing rares returning to their pre-AE prices variations.



I kinda figured the T3 rares would go down with all the lvl 50s running around getting incarnated.

The more people I meet, the more I'm beginning to root for the zombies.



Rares are passing back to their no-AE equlibrium. The better rares sold for 4-7M prior to i13 and introduction of AE. Without a huge amount of ticket creation from monkey farms...and with brainstorm hordes reduced from the common shortage during the end of last issue...well rares have risen.

A complicating factor is that people are slotting tons and tons of toons because of frespec frenzy AND because they want IO build set up before they decide which thing to put in alpha slot.

I mean Kin Combat Dam/Recharges which cost 1 amerit to make were going for 185M earlier today....and while it may have been a typo for many of them, they were going for 100M+ almost the whole day. anything above 100M / amerit is a pretty decent conversion ratio for people who want to make inf.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I think they must have been, recall that pre-AE there was quite a bit of variation in T3 rare salvage prices. Some (such as Diamonds and Rikti Alloy) went for <100K while the more useful ones were going for 5-10million. The AE stabilized the prices by introducing a steadier supply of the more useful rares (such as Magical Conspiracy). With level 50s leaving the AE to farm incarnate shards we seem to be seeing rares returning to their pre-AE prices variations.
I dont know about that, been seeing tons of folks doing kill all ITFs and LGTFs for shards. So if anything the market should have crashed but it didnt. Its weird.

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Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
I dont know about that, been seeing tons of folks doing kill all ITFs and LGTFs for shards. So if anything the market should have crashed but it didnt. Its weird.
The demand for T3 salvage is uneven. With AE farming active, people could pick their salvage, and the T3 stuff was created in rough proportion to the demand. With most T3 salvage coming from missions, though, all salvage is created in equal proportion, and the stuff that sees more use is relatively less common.



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
I dont know about that, been seeing tons of folks doing kill all ITFs and LGTFs for shards. So if anything the market should have crashed but it didnt. Its weird.
Katie covered the main reason but additionally I think the AE creates rare salvage faster than normal missions, especially when people are running on teams as opposed to solo farming.