Shards from Zombie Uprising or Banners?




Know you can get them from Rikti Invasions, haven't had a chance to join a banner event or zombie uprising since I19.

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Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
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Do you remember what the shard dropped off of? The hidden level of most of the Rikti troops is level 30, so they shouldn't be. I've heard that the bombs and the heavies are level 50, so it should be possible off of them.

For the zombies, I would think maybe the Nightmares, but probably not any of the others.

Of course, I could be completely wrong .

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Unknown what mobs they were dropping off of; definitely not heavies though. Have gotten one off a bomb.

Currently listening to Electric Light Orchestra's Zoom

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



One person on my Rikti Invasion team on Guardian got a shard off of a bomb. Only one on the team.

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I had a shard drop during a Rikti Invasion the other night which sort of suprised me since someone had told me that same thing.. While they have no assigned level basically the invasion forces are mostly 30 levels .. that was based solely on the level of the recipes that dropped during invasions.

I was battling invading troops, not bombs, and to be honest I was on my Crab Spider with all of my pets out and using my AoE attacks as much as possible to get credit for as many defeats as possible so I really have no clue what prompted the drop. I know we did battle Heavy Suits at least twice during that invasion but I can't even recall if any of them were out at the time the shard dropped.

I suppose it is possible that the EBs could be 50s and potentially dro shards but I'd have to think there are a lot quicker and easier ways to get shards than racing all over the place chasing Rikti and Zombie invasions hoping for ONE shard. :-D Happy hunting!

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Got 2 shards during a Rikti invasion last night; the last one was obtained just as it ended so I scrolled up in the chat and it had dropped from a Headman Gunman.

"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"



I've pulled shards from multiple Rikti invasions already. I see no reason to think that it'd be otherwise for the other two events.

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Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
While they have no assigned level basically the invasion forces are mostly 30 levels .. that was based solely on the level of the recipes that dropped during invasions.
There's no level visible, but they do have a level. You can figure it out by taking a level 50 character and attacking one of the unarmored troops (like a guardian or comm officer) someplace were you're alone so there's no random buffs/debuffs from other players, taking note of the damage cause, then checking the real numbers info on that power. Slide the level slider along until the damage number near the bottom (not any of the damage per cycle or activation time numbers near the top) is within a few decimal points of the damage you caused and that should be the level of the enemy you hit.

This is because the code used during the invasions is the same as when attacking a Giant Monster. When your level is greater than the hidden level of the enemy, you do damage as if you were the same level.

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Paid close attention during a Rikti Invasion today. I was solo and tried to use only Single-target attacks.

I had a shard drop from a Heavy Assault Suit and also a Conscript, so it looks like it's not limited to just the EBs. There wasn't even an EB up when I got the shard from the Conscript.

I'd say that maybe the Conscripts are lvl 50 also, but I got a lvl 30 Invention Recipe from another Conscript, so I can't really explain that.

Either way, I think we can all agree that we can earn them during invasions anyway.



I'm pretty sure if you seem to get a shard from a Rikti that is not a heavy or a bomb it is because you or a teammate did damage to a heavy or a bomb and when it finally died at someone else's hand, you got the shard reward even though someone else got credit for the kill.

When a shard-dropping critter dies, every level 50 that had a hand in its death gets a roll for a shard.

You can tell the 'invisible level' of a 'levelless' critter by the level of recipe it drops.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I'm pretty sure if you seem to get a shard from a Rikti that is not a heavy or a bomb it is because you or a teammate did damage to a heavy or a bomb and when it finally died at someone else's hand, you got the shard reward even though someone else got credit for the kill.

When a shard-dropping critter dies, every level 50 that had a hand in its death gets a roll for a shard.
As mentioned, I was solo the whole time, and there was no heavy in the area yet. I did not attack any bombs either. I zoned when people were already fighting. I don't see how there is any chance I got credit for an EB kill that I never touched, considering there was none in sight.

I'm not saying you are wrong about the intended mechanic, just that I tried to test it as cleanly as possible and didn't come up with those results.



Maybe as a side effect of their non-standard everyone-has-their-own-chance dropping, the GM code allows people AT fifty to get shards?

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Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
I had a shard drop during a Rikti Invasion the other night which sort of suprised me since someone had told me that same thing.. While they have no assigned level basically the invasion forces are mostly 30 levels .. that was based solely on the level of the recipes that dropped during invasions.

I was battling invading troops, not bombs, and to be honest I was on my Crab Spider with all of my pets out and using my AoE attacks as much as possible to get credit for as many defeats as possible so I really have no clue what prompted the drop. I know we did battle Heavy Suits at least twice during that invasion but I can't even recall if any of them were out at the time the shard dropped.

I suppose it is possible that the EBs could be 50s and potentially dro shards but I'd have to think there are a lot quicker and easier ways to get shards than racing all over the place chasing Rikti and Zombie invasions hoping for ONE shard. :-D Happy hunting!

Okay this is a first ever for me... I have never quoted myself before .. But I was involved in another Rikti Invasion in Cap Au Diable tonight with my 50 level Crab Spider and got another Shard drop. Now this time I took careful note..

1. At that point not a single Rikti Heavy Suit (EB) had appeared. Several did much later but MUCH later and long after I got my shard.

2. Yes I had been involved in helping take out bombs but the shard dropped after I switched to attacking Rikti invasion troops and SORRY TO DISAPPOINT but I was not on a team so no team mate of mine took out an A Bomb (EB) and caused the shard drop.

So I think we are back to the question.. If I am solo or or a team of 50 levels involved in a Rikti or Zombie Invasion can I expect shard drops? From what I am seeing I think the answer is yes.

Oh and I also think we need to look into that whole "The Rikti may not show any assigned level but they secretly are level 30s" theory based on the fact that they drop 30 level recipes.. Yes I did get 2 Thirty level recipes during the invasion but I also got 2 Fifty level enhancements and the first was early on.. once again LONG before any Elite Bosses appeared and some time after I finished clearing bombs. So if a lieutenant or Minon didn't drop it exactly where did it come from?

The Mystery continues

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I have gotten Shards from rikti invasion (off bombs and regular troops) and from the banners. I have not done a zombie invasion for a while but would assume the same there. If your toon is playing at lvl 50 these events will drop shards for you, not at any great rate compared to other stuff but they will drop.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Oh and I also think we need to look into that whole "The Rikti may not show any assigned level but they secretly are level 30s" theory based on the fact that they drop 30 level recipes..
It's based on more than that. They have the stats of level 30 entities. They also drop salvage appropriate to level 30 entities.

Yes I did get 2 Thirty level recipes during the invasion but I also got 2 Fifty level enhancements and the first was early on.. once again LONG before any Elite Bosses appeared and some time after I finished clearing bombs.
SOs don't follow the same drop level rules that recipes do. They are similar, but not the same. I don't think any of us know what rules Shards use.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



OK, it does look like Shards drop off of stuff that follow the GM scaling rules.

I was just fighting stuff completely on my own in Lord Winter's Realm. The Winter Horde in there have no listed level and use the GM code - they always count as even-level foes. While fighting them I received stuff appropriate to a level 30 critter, including a L30 Multi-Strike and several pieces of Ancient Bone and Alchemical Silver. (No complaints there.)

I also received an Incarnate Shard.

Click for a full-sized view, and check in my "Rewards" tab (top left chat window).

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Maybe what we can conclude from this is that while playing at combat lvl 50, it simply checks if the foe cons white or greater to you?

Maybe the test for this would be for a lvl 50 to regularly EX down during a zone event and see if shards still drop. I'd theorize that you wont get the shards while EX'd, even though you are lvl 50 and fighting "GM code" foes.

Or an even better test.. Have a lvl 48 or 49 host an ITF at +2 so you'd be EX'd but still against lvl 50+ foes. If you don't get any shards the entire TF, the answer is clear.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Maybe what we can conclude from this is that while playing at combat lvl 50, it simply checks if the foe cons white or greater to you?

Maybe the test for this would be for a lvl 50 to regularly EX down during a zone event and see if shards still drop. I'd theorize that you wont get the shards while EX'd, even though you are lvl 50 and fighting "GM code" foes.

Or an even better test.. Have a lvl 48 or 49 host an ITF at +2 so you'd be EX'd but still against lvl 50+ foes. If you don't get any shards the entire TF, the answer is clear.

Well no I don't think that would work. From what I understand if we exemplar down below 50 the Alpha slot shuts off and we lose all benefits it grants. So a 50 level exemplaring down to join a Posi 1 TF can expect to earn INF at the same rate as a 50 level but gets no shards since the enemies he is facing are, at beat, level 15-16. I sort of assume that includes Shard drops since we have to be 50 and have the slot open in order to get them.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Wendy, your example of running a Positron TF is correct, but...

Originally Posted by Issue 19 Launch Patch Notes
Incarnate Abilities do not count against your power or enhancement specification choices and are build-independent, but do not work if exemplared below level 45 as the Well of the Furies intends the power be used by those at the pinnacle of their expertise.
Originally Posted by Issue 19 Launch Patch Notes
If all else fails, minor Incarnate Shards sub-components for constructing your Alpha Abilities can also be occasionally acquired off of level 50+ foes and level 50 players in PVP.
(Bold mine)

If the patch notes are accurate, a team running an ITF exemplared to 49 while still fighting 50+ enemies, should indeed still see Incarnate Shard drops.

Champion 50s (blueside): Marc Bridge, Nicole Bridge, Fred Blaze, Colleen Storms, Sun's Chariot, Moon's Huntress, Point of Pride
Guardian 50s (redside): Connie Mand
AE arc: Spirit Plane Invasion, #29282, @Honbrid



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Well no I don't think that would work. From what I understand if we exemplar down below 50 the Alpha slot shuts off and we lose all benefits it grants. So a 50 level exemplaring down to join a Posi 1 TF can expect to earn INF at the same rate as a 50 level but gets no shards since the enemies he is facing are, at beat, level 15-16. I sort of assume that includes Shard drops since we have to be 50 and have the slot open in order to get them.
Like you said, Positron foes are only around lvl 15/16 and wouldn't drop shards regardless. That's why I was suggesting EX'ing to only lvl 48 and still fighting lvl 50 enemies... to see if you still lose the ability to get shard drops, even though you have it unlocked and are fighting lvl 50 enemies.

Combined with other evidence, that would imply that you simply have to be fighting at level 50 and against an even con foe or greater to get shards, which shows that the enemy doesn't necessarily have to be lvl 50, which would prove that zone events could be a good source.

Originally Posted by Honbrid View Post
If the patch notes are accurate, a team running an ITF exemplared to 49 while still fighting 50+ enemies, should indeed still see Incarnate Shard drops.
I wasn't thinking about the fact that we are still under the effect of the slot at lvl 45, which means we'd have to fight level 50s as lvl 44 instead. That may make it much more difficult to test/prove the overall theory. lol


Either way.. even though we don't necessarily know for sure what is happening behind the scenes to allow shard drops during various zone events, we have pretty much shown the OP that people are certainly getting them, and not just from the EBs, so.. the more the merrier! lol



Yes, they do drop during banner events. I can state this with certainty, as one dropped for my Domi a couple days after she became Incarnate-capable and was puttering around one of the circles.

In theory, this would also mean they can drop during zombie raids as they use the same system (as far as I'm aware). Haven't been able to confirm it directly as of yet, though.



Was fighting a Zombie Apocalypse in Grandville solo the other day on my MM (nobody else was even around). I asked in RO Global whether the zombies dropped shards, and seconds later I got a shard from one of the minion zombies.



Okay I hate constantly dredging up old stuff but I had another instance tonight where I confirmed shard drops. I was on my 50 level Bots/MM Mastermind and there was a Zombie Invasion in Cap Au Diable so I headed over there and joined the fun.

Now let's set the scene to avoid speculation...

1. I did NOT join any team so all the drops, Salvage, Recipes, Shards, and Enhancements I may have earned came from my own attacks or from something i at least damaged before someone else defeated it.

2. I did have out all 6 minons and there were plenty of times I had no clue exactly where they were or what they were attacking

Okay that out of the way during this invasion I had 4 shards drop. Once again after this now aging thread began I paid close attention and while on two of the drops their were Elite Bosses out (and on one I was actively attacking one when a shard dropped) the other two occurred when nothing higher than a Boss was present. Between this incident and the others posted here I think we can assume that if a 50 level teams or solos an Invasion (Rikti, Zombies, or Banners) there is a chance of a shard drop no matter what is attacking at the time (IE.. minon, Lieutenant, Boss, or EB).

We can also conclude, from my numerous experiences, that the RIKTI are cheap A$...ed bums that grudgingly give up anything compared to their Zombie counterparts... Two different Rikti incasions net me TWO shards while ONE Zombie invasion, that I even joined late, nets me 4? LOL

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
We can also conclude, from my numerous experiences, that the RIKTI are cheap A$...ed bums that grudgingly give up anything compared to their Zombie counterparts... Two different Rikti incasions net me TWO shards while ONE Zombie invasion, that I even joined late, nets me 4? LOL
The Rikti are trying to impress the Well, too. The zombies are dead, brainless, and don't know that they should hold onto those shards in order to get goodies.