Third Build for Incarnates?




Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
But it sounds like you do have enough inf that you can buy respec recipes. Which incidentally will be coming down in price, with all the freespecs being handed out. :]
Yeah, but I'd rather buy stuff I actually need, I have 56 50s, and the respecs are running at 2-5 BN a toon atm. I don't have the sort of money needed to do that for the 20 or so toons I'm going to incarnate, some of which are not IOd in any meaningful way yet.

And this is the first change that has hit since I9 which has meant I wanted to change 30 or 40 IOs rather than just a few. They really need to give respecs for that.

Curiously I've played an average of at least 6-8 hours a day since I9, and dropped a grand total of 2 respec recipes ever. If I need more, I'll run the reactor trial for respecs rather than merits as I actually quite like it (particularly at +4 to cut the waiting time).

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



While any freespec is appreciated, I would really love to see two things happen:

1) REMOVE the real-money respec from the online store (it's too expensive and was never a good idea) OR change it to a 10-pack of respecs for $10 (and have them like the slots, applied at any character any server at time of login)

2) Add a 72-hour (or more?) cooldown, repeatable respec TF that is *difficult*

A repeatable respec taskforce (Ouroboros or RWZ) that has it's reward (non-stacking respec) on a 72-hour cooldown would be so nice. It would be a great quality-of-life improvement and really help out people who concentrate on one or two characters and their various builds.


edited shown in italics

"Look how many pages of crap are in this thread already!" -r0y to all threads on these forums.



Originally Posted by _r0y_ View Post
While any freespec is appreciated, I would really love to see two things happen:

1) REMOVE the real-money respec from the online store (it's too expensive and was never a good idea) OR change it to a 10-pack of respecs for $10 (and have them like the slots, applied at any character any server at time of login)

2) Add a 72-hour (or more?) cooldown, repeatable respec TF that is *difficult*

A repeatable respec taskforce (Ouroboros or RWZ) that has it's reward (non-stacking respec) on a 72-hour cooldown would be so nice. It would be a great quality-of-life improvement and really help out people who concentrate on one or two characters and their various builds.


edited shown in italics
I like those ideas, or I like another idea I've heard: giving us more slots for enhancements. I'm not saying having enough spots for ALL our enhancements, but maybe giving us 20 or 30 slots? You won't be able to save all your IOs in one go, but it'll make it faster/easier, and will make some marketeering much less painful.

Or give us some way of taking out enhancements. It doesn't have to be easy, but having the option would be nice.

Edit: And on topic, I like the 3rd respec, even if they're all wasted on me because I still don't have access to the characters that need them. However, that's my fault, and I'm not angry at all. Thanks dev team, and whoever was responsible for this!



Originally Posted by _r0y_ View Post
While any freespec is appreciated, I would really love to see two things happen:

1) REMOVE the real-money respec from the online store (it's too expensive and was never a good idea) OR change it to a 10-pack of respecs for $10 (and have them like the slots, applied at any character any server at time of login)

2) Add a 72-hour (or more?) cooldown, repeatable respec TF that is *difficult*

A repeatable respec taskforce (Ouroboros or RWZ) that has it's reward (non-stacking respec) on a 72-hour cooldown would be so nice. It would be a great quality-of-life improvement and really help out people who concentrate on one or two characters and their various builds.


edited shown in italics
Billy Mays approves this message.



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
Yeah, but I'd rather buy stuff I actually need, I have 56 50s, and the respecs are running at 2-5 BN a toon atm.
I just logged in and Respec recipies are only 150-200,000,000 at WW right now. I checked, because I have a spare one on one of my characters, and if it was really going for 2-5 Bil, I woulda sold it in a heartbeat.

If you're juggling multiple Purples 150-200 Mil should be chump change for you.

Positron specifically, and the Devs in general have stated multiple times that allowing us to keep 10 loose Enhancements per Respec is generous.



Just throwing my 2 cents in. If someone else has presented this argument, I apologize for the oversight.

I do not support the idea of a third build. Not because I don't think we need it. I actually think it's a good solution for the problem mentioned in the original post. However... and with all due respect... to expect an average player to have the resources to properly IO a third build on the same character is a bit silly.

For a while I considered myself a pretty hardcore player. I used to spend well over 5 hours a day playing this game. Granted, I really only have about a year and a half work of playtime under my belt. Anyway... I have never farmed and, quite frankly, I'm not entirely sure the Devs stance on item farming. I have multiple toons that are over 50 and multiple builds planned for each. The keyword is planned. I only have one build for each of my 50s, and even those aren't completed the way I would like them to be. As I said before, I'm a very dedicated player and have put in a lot of hours... but even I don't have what it takes to construct 3 complete IO builds for my characters. So... how can the average player even have a chance at accessing some of the tougher parts of the game? Especially with the Incarnate geared TFs being significantly more difficult?

The only way I could support a third build is if some of the standard IOs become more readily available to players. Either that or if there were some way to copy the IOs you already had... a certain number of times, anyway. Perhaps as a vet reward or something.

I can tell you this, though. Nobody outside of maybe Kheldians and Arachnos' will use all 3 builds for their characters. More than likely they will use 1 normal build and one for their Alpha. That's it.



Well, to be fair, the 3rd build is only awarded to Incarnates, so I could see something like:

1) Solo (or PvE)
2) Team (or PvP)
3) Incarnate

Honestly, getting Inherent Fitness skewed more of my builds than the Incarnate ability has, so far. That may change as more are added. Obviously, ymmv.

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STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
Just throwing my 2 cents in. If someone else has presented this argument, I apologize for the oversight.

I do not support the idea of a third build. Not because I don't think we need it. I actually think it's a good solution for the problem mentioned in the original post. However... and with all due respect... to expect an average player to have the resources to properly IO a third build on the same character is a bit silly.

For a while I considered myself a pretty hardcore player. I used to spend well over 5 hours a day playing this game. Granted, I really only have about a year and a half work of playtime under my belt. Anyway... I have never farmed and, quite frankly, I'm not entirely sure the Devs stance on item farming. I have multiple toons that are over 50 and multiple builds planned for each. The keyword is planned. I only have one build for each of my 50s, and even those aren't completed the way I would like them to be. As I said before, I'm a very dedicated player and have put in a lot of hours... but even I don't have what it takes to construct 3 complete IO builds for my characters. So... how can the average player even have a chance at accessing some of the tougher parts of the game? Especially with the Incarnate geared TFs being significantly more difficult?

The only way I could support a third build is if some of the standard IOs become more readily available to players. Either that or if there were some way to copy the IOs you already had... a certain number of times, anyway. Perhaps as a vet reward or something.

I can tell you this, though. Nobody outside of maybe Kheldians and Arachnos' will use all 3 builds for their characters. More than likely they will use 1 normal build and one for their Alpha. That's it.
Just because you have a tool at your disposal doesn't mean you have to use it. Why are we complaining about this again?

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Just because you have a tool at your disposal doesn't mean you have to use it. Why are we complaining about this again?
A fair point. Granted, one could argue that you have to use it in order to get the maximum effectiveness of your Alpha enabled character while exemplared... as was pointed out in the original post. But hey.... semantics, right?

I suppose it just feels like the Devs don't have a very good grasp on how difficult it is for the average player to make a good character build.

"Hey, lets put in a few changes that will force every player to re-IO all their characters using our ridiculously clumsy and time-consuming respec system."

For Christs sake, that system was meant for DOs and SOs, a readily available enhancement. But now that IOs are considered the *standard* method... could we at least have extra enhancement trays so we could save more than 10 friggen enhancements per respec.

Then again... this could be the manifestation of a recently realized regret (stemming from a poor financial situation which forces me to choose between having the time to play this game regularly and having the money to be able to play it at all) at how casual players continue to get screwed over... simply because they have less time to play.

I've also got a cold and it's late.... I'll probably be less grouchy in the morning.



It's my understanding that the game is not and will never be balanced with IOs in mind. If that's the case, a third build with only SOs should function fine. Any necessity you feel to fill the build with expensive enhancements is your own.



Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
Well, to be fair, the 3rd build is only awarded to Incarnates, so I could see something like:

1) Solo (or PvE)
2) Team (or PvP)
3) Incarnate

Honestly, getting Inherent Fitness skewed more of my builds than the Incarnate ability has, so far. That may change as more are added. Obviously, ymmv.
A lot will split by level.


1. pre granite stoner
2. granite stoner
3. incarnate

1. lowbie exemp kat/SR with the click mez prot overslotted to perma it and DA
2. normal sub 50 exemp build, DA removed as softcapped
3. incarnate build

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
I suppose it just feels like the Devs don't have a very good grasp on how difficult it is for the average player to make a good character build.

"Hey, lets put in a few changes that will force every player to re-IO all their characters using our ridiculously clumsy and time-consuming respec system."
I'd argue both "force" and "every player".

My main Storm/Elec Defender has a team-focused build with fairly decent IO sets (even a purple Hold set in Tesla Cage). I haven't respecced her since I19, she still has Fitness as a power pool and the Rech/Heal Alpha Boost on top. I played both the new TFs and didn't feel at all inconvenienced. Situational awareness and the ability to learn new tactics on the fly were far more valuable than 5% more recharge or 8% more damage in my attacks.

There are players who enjoy playing the market for the best IOs and putting together builds that squeeze out every last % of numerical advantage. The third build is for those players, so they don't have to abandon one of their existing builds to get the maximum efficiency from the Alpha slot. For everyone else, ignoring the third build is a perfectly viable option.

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Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
My main Storm/Elec Defender has a team-focused build with fairly decent IO sets (even a purple Hold set in Tesla Cage). I haven't respecced her since I19, she still has Fitness as a power pool and the Rech/Heal Alpha Boost on top. I played both the new TFs and didn't feel at all inconvenienced.
A valid point.

Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Situational awareness and the ability to learn new tactics on the fly were far more valuable than 5% more recharge or 8% more damage in my attacks.
Fair enough. I'd like to think that, because of the team dynamic, stat effectiveness is pretty significant. And while I'll agree that.... with new content... the idea of situational awareness is really important... I must also point out that... as the content gets older it gets less and less important... Meanwhile, build effectiveness remains unchanged. But this is more my opinion than anything else so feel free to write it off.

Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
There are players who enjoy playing the market for the best IOs and putting together builds that squeeze out every last % of numerical advantage. The third build is for those players, so they don't have to abandon one of their existing builds to get the maximum efficiency from the Alpha slot. For everyone else, ignoring the third build is a perfectly viable option.
'Playing the market' as you say, is probably one of the only things I truly hate about this game. It's because of those players that over-charge, and the idiots who can afford to farm in order to fork over the dough that makes the game that much more difficult for average players. Granted... it's pretty much how all MMOs work... but I really don't like the notion that 'more time to waste' = 'better stuff'. That's also one of the reasons why I left Aion. Thankfully it doesn't affect CoH nearly as much.



While I'm not complaining about getting the respec at all...Yay for more free stuff...I just fail to see the logic as to how a new build just now being opened up warrents a freespec at all. If its just now available after the issue 19 inherent fitness changes, and nothing has changed in the powers since the release of it, and many people weren't even aware of it, and new builds start off at level 1 and you have to level them up all the way to begin with...why does it warrant a respec? Thank you devs for the unwarranted and unnecessary gift for those who want more respecs.



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
'Playing the market' as you say, is probably one of the only things I truly hate about this game. It's because of those players that over-charge, and the idiots who can afford to farm in order to fork over the dough that makes the game that much more difficult for average players. Granted... it's pretty much how all MMOs work... but I really don't like the notion that 'more time to waste' = 'better stuff'. That's also one of the reasons why I left Aion. Thankfully it doesn't affect CoH nearly as much.
I'd blame the high prices more on the lack of Inf sinks (and the fact that there is no way to produce salvage/recipes without also producing Influence). The "average" player doesn't really need more than SOs, which are available at a fixed price. But this is getting off-topic.

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Of course all of this talk about free-specs and third builds. and no one is talking about the real issue of the respec system, the respec system itself. Great we get all sorts of vet-specs, free-specs, three earn-able respec, even RMT respecs, but we are still forced to use a incredibly old and cludgy system to use it. Fix the Respec system and then maybe I will actually use it to optimize my builds using IO's in fact a bet a lot of players would. I find it hard to see any downside to this.



Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
Of course all of this talk about free-specs and third builds. and no one is talking about the real issue of the respec system, the respec system itself.
Not true, I've seen LOTS of threads about how much the current respec system sucks over the last 6 months. Castle himself commented during the Going Rogue beta that it's something they're looking into, but it's not currently on the development time table.

But yes, the current respec system sucks so hard that it turns black holes inside out.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Not true, I've seen LOTS of threads about how much the current respec system sucks over the last 6 months. Castle himself commented during the Going Rogue beta that it's something they're looking into, but it's not currently on the development time table.

But yes, the current respec system sucks so hard that it turns black holes inside out.
Anybody have a link to threads about this because I'm trying to figure out what's busted about it?



Originally Posted by retched View Post
Anybody have a link to threads about this because I'm trying to figure out what's busted about it?
not so much that it is "busted" but that it could be improved. some of the main complaints / suggestions I have seen several times are:

- don't force you to select every power and every slot from level 1 up. solution - create something like the Mids interface where you see all your current powers and their slotting. then allow you to modify only those powers and slots you want to switch around. so if I want to respec only my level 41+ APP powers, I don't have to wade through everything to swap those out for a different APP. Personally, this one I would love to see as it is so time consuming to select all my powers, apply all the slotting, drag all the enhancements into the slots, triple check everything to make sure the slots and sets are correct, etc. when all I wanted to do was drop hover and fly and switch to combat jump and super jump.

- allow you to save more than 10 enhancements from your current build. this is probably the one you will see most often in any discussion about respecs but don't see it changing. the Devs have stated many times that we should be happy we can pull any enhancements out of build during a respec and have no intention of allowing more. but "never" sometimes has a way of changing

- allow you to change power sets. total wish list item there and one, personally, I hope they never do. but you will see this come up frequently in discussions about the respec process.