Tuesday Night TFs




Good time all around. Looking forward to next week. League chat beeps are more annoying than teaming with...er...nevermind!



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
BAF lag really really really sucks. Escapee portion seems longer than it needs to be now and more "stressful". 2 runs and only 1 escaped, but felt damn lucky that's all it was. Timing for Pretty badge was off by a few seconds, but pulled it off with the last run.
I had noticed the lag before, but last night was the first time my character ever stopped dead from lag. It was unbelievable.

BTW, sorry I kept stealing the star!

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Originally Posted by Chuckers View Post
I had noticed the lag before, but last night was the first time my character ever stopped dead from lag. It was unbelievable.

BTW, sorry I kept stealing the star!
Was just odd; pretty sure I was first to zone in both times (Patient V, like usual /e flex2) and watched the league star pop on over to you.

Mainly concerned about people DCing and coming back and getting them back on a team. If someone doesn't know they have the big star or aren't watching all the league teams, it can be annoying for the person in exile. Those BAF runs put a wallop on several people that way throughout.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
Was just odd; pretty sure I was first to zone in both times (Patient V, like usual /e flex2) and watched the league star pop on over to you.
WAI. From Tuesday's patch notes:

Live Patch Notes - 4/26/11
Patch notes for build 2010.201104210057.1.

  • The command "/league" can now be used as an alias to send chat to the League channel.
  • Attempting to invite a 7th team to your league should no longer spam an error message 6 times.
  • There is now a sound played when receiving messages on the League chat channel.
  • League leaders with insufficient leadership skills will be automatically demoted to the secondary role of team leader.
  • Corrected a debug message appearing when Leagues are broken up under certain circumstances.




I <3 stalkers

I've already forgotten about most of you



I thought it was because he allowed SHamster on the team...no?



No real interest in the upcoming WST (nor most of the ones listed for the entire month), but would be interested in a 3rd redspec for the usual start time if anyone is interested.

Otherwise, will be forming or joining iTrials at 830 instead. I still want to get a 16 man BAF, but everytime we're all set to do so, more people pipe in at the last minute that want to join. And my heart is just too big to say no

Guess we got enough -
5/3 - Tuesday - STARTING 830 PM EST - 3rd Treespec
Magnarsh - Though his track record is less than stellar

I've already forgotten about most of you



Will be in for tomorrow.

I did want to run next week's CaD SF. Will set up myself if you didn't want to. And will look for 3rd respec when you run it.



Count me in again Voodoo. But why a 16 man BAF (well other than getting rid of lag)?



Originally Posted by Viking698 View Post
Count me in again Voodoo. But why a 16 man BAF (well other than getting rid of lag)?
Lag mainly right now, but also to see how quickly it can be done without having to wait around for more to join while others clamor "We needz moar peeple!"

I've already forgotten about most of you



I'll join up. Will probably take my tank.

Actions speak louder than Vets.



I would like in. What is the min lvl for the 3rd one?



Originally Posted by War_Hammer View Post
I would like in. What is the min lvl for the 3rd one?

Penny, I forogt you wanted to do the CaD one, so I'll do that one next week FOR YOU if you haven't done it by then.

And since Eden was finally acknowledged as being bugged and exploited all to hell and has been removed from the list, I'll do LGTF that week as well.

I'm completely SHOCKED there is a patch today though. SHOCKED I tell you. *crosses finger it fixes laggy league status*

5/3 - Tuesday - STARTING 830 PM EST - 3rd Treespec
Magnarsh - Though his track record is less than stellar
War Hammer

I've already forgotten about most of you



Yea..I'm going to have to back out just because I don't know if I'm going to be around. Overnight job has really messed up my schedule. (hopefully, that might all change tomorrow)

Actions speak louder than Vets.



Thanks Voo. Will cya tonight.



Drat. Forgot I moved my high lvl villian so I dont have anyone high enough to run this one. Sorry.



Treespec was laughably easy. I keep forgetting to bump difficulty First BAF was just swell. The lambda was just fine. The other BAF..........I gotta say that was the most "interesting" BAF I've been a part of. Made some new "friends", created a few new notes, but thanks to those who stuck through it. FYI, I won't tolerate that again if you're reading. I let them stay so the league could finish. My heart really is too big

These things are cake walk / do in your sleep by now for the most part. But it still requires working together. And even at the end they couldn't seem to muster up that ability. Maybe it isn't available until level 54 for some

I've already forgotten about most of you



Interesting night indeed.



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Interesting night indeed.
You do know who I blame for that, right?


I've already forgotten about most of you



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
You do know who I blame for that, right?
The nooblet that went AFK for a few minutes letting another nooblet call the shots.





Can't wait for the next Glee hiatus so I can get in on some of these "interesting" BAF runs!

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
Can't wait for the next Glee hiatus so I can get in on some of these "interesting" BAF runs!
Who are you and what are you talking about?

I've already forgotten about most of you



For Penneh! (Unless she's already done it.........)

5/10 - Tuesday - STARTING 830 PM EST - Virgil SF
1 Guess I'll take the stupid Merc
2 Penny !
3 Chuckers
4 JohnP
5 Bas the lurker/stalker*

Looks like a "patch" tomorrow as well and so this might all be a big maybe with the times given and the usual server stability. Keep the faith!

I've already forgotten about most of you



I'll take the smart merc...er defender spot.

Cya then.



I'd like to bring my crab

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame