Tuesday Night TFs




So many choices - brute, D3 def, MM (heh), WS (heh heh), kin def (nah!), cold def (no way!). SHamster, where do you get your dice from?



KT - If I just called you "meat", people might get the wrong idea

Penny - I say the 'shade; it seemed like you need more practice on it

12/14 - 830 PM EST - Khan TF
1 Me - Dark Defender
2 Penny ?
3 Shamster
4 Kobolt - tank
5 Knockaround guy
6 Viking
7 @Celt*

And if people aren't sick of it by then, there should be time for a bonus ITF afterwards. Bring on the Shards!

I've already forgotten about most of you



@ Celt here

If I am able, I will join as well...I'll keep an eye open on the Vic channel and see if there are openings if I am able!

@Celt on VICTORY!
Heroes - Mr. BoJangles, Boom-stick, GalacticCelt, Hap Hazard, Judas Cradle, Knotwork, Riddle of Flame, Archangel Lucius, Boomerang, Mrs. BoJangles
Villains - Mike Brady




205723: A Different DESTINY
When Soldiers of Arachnos got their names added to the Destiny List, Longbow managed to get a copy of the list and began rounding villains up. But one name on the list shocked them...



<- Had fun. Thanks for the team.

They have got to fix the server lag on those two Khan misisons; the Baracuda equivalent maps don't have the lag. I assume it's new with I19? Haven't run Khan in awhile, but am now 2 for 2 where the whole team gets lag. Somewhat ironically, the hill map in the ITF seems smoother than ever.

90% sure of being able to run something next Tuesday. Will pick something closer to Tuesday.

I've already forgotten about most of you



I ran an Apex last night at 8-815, with 7 and a no-slotter. Im willing to take one or two no-slotters on my apex/tin mages, as long as they can provide some sort of support. Ours was a traps/mercs mm. We had 2 mms on team, a def, a corr, 2 brutes, and a scrappydo, and managed to get a masters of badge and already dead badge as well. Just a heads up for the future.


Hew in drag baby



Good times on both TFs. Was able to slot up my cold def with shards to spare.

Next two Tuesday are sorta hectic for me due to holiday stuff. So have if I can't make it.



Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
I ran an Apex last night at 8-815, with 7 and a no-slotter. Im willing to take one or two no-slotters on my apex/tin mages, as long as they can provide some sort of support. Ours was a traps/mercs mm. We had 2 mms on team, a def, a corr, 2 brutes, and a scrappydo, and managed to get a masters of badge and already dead badge as well. Just a heads up for the future.

To be honest, I'd quit before doing it with a non-slotted character. That person is just leaching.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
To be honest, I'd quit before doing it with a non-slotted character. That person is just leaching.
Now let's be honest.....

You'd ride that person into an annoyed frenzy where they would rather just quit than play with you.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
Now let's be honest.....

You'd ride that person into an annoyed frenzy where they would rather just quit than play with you.
Wow, for real?

Wait... I do remember hammy buggin me a lot in the past.... Hmmmm. (wink wink nudge nudge@voo)

Hew in drag baby



Let's see what kind of interest I can drum up for this. Since it's a LRSF, would like a good amount of buff/debuff. My brute is a Fire Tank, so bring help accordingly

12/21 - 830 PM EST - LRSF
1 Me - Brute

I've already forgotten about most of you



Glee is a repeat, so I'm IN!

I'd love to bring my Nin/Regen Stalker, who has never completed LRSF, but I have a Cold/Cold Corr, DP/Dark Corr, Demon/Dark MM if those will work better.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



<50/50 Being on. Will take an alt spot. I think my /kin corr or /traps corr if I am.



I'm up for it.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



12/21 - 830 PM EST - LRSF
1 Me - Brute
2 Shamster - Something buffy
3 Penny* - her heart is only kind of in it
4 Mental - Chances of me having a stalker on this are slim. Your stalker's chances are substantially less than that. *shrug*
5 Ohloh - Rad troller
6 Viking - Corr
7 Tutor - Defender
8 OneFridgidWitch (Hew?) - Something* (Start time is dependent on people showing up when they are supposed to)

I've already forgotten about most of you



elec/elec brute or axe/shield brute are buffy.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



I'm in with my rad troller, if needed.

Actually, I might not be able to do it tonight. Something came up this morning



I'm in with Ex if you guys can schootch it up to 815. She is, of course, mah brute.

I need me merits and whatnot!

Hew in drag baby



Ok I'm in, will bring my fire/dark corruptor.




If there is room, I need this badge on my Rad/Dark defender.



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
12/21 - 830 PM EST - LRSF
1 Me - Brute
2 Shamster - Something buffy
3 Penny* - her heart is only kind of in it
4 Mental - Chances of me having a stalker on this are slim. Your stalker's chances are substantially less than that. *shrug*
5 Ohloh - Rad troller
6 Viking - Corr
7 Tutor - Defender
8 OneFridgidWitch (Hew!) - Elec/Stone Brute (Start time is dependent on people showing up when they are supposed to)

Hew in drag baby



Look at that! Two Corrs, a Defender, a Rad 'troller, a Stone brute for tanking... looks like we have room on the team for some Stalker action! Whadaya say, Voo? Let's do this!

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Buddy, pal, you know if it were just up to me, you'd be in like Flinn with your AFKing Stalker. But sadly, it's not just up to me.

It's dependent on Penny showing up and Shamster bringing something buffy/useful. 3 brutes as it currently stands will probably be rough in the end; tossing in your Scouter won't be bringing all the boys to the yard.

My heart goes out to you, sincerely, and hope that all the cards fall in place for you.
With Love,
Voodoo snookums

I've already forgotten about most of you



My brutes need the badge for the accolade.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
12/21 - 830 PM EST - LRSF
1 Me - Brute
2 Shamster - Hates Mental
3 Penny* - iffy. Reserved until 830
4 Mental - Penny and Shamster say no stalkers
5 Ohloh* - Rad troller (also iffy now )
6 Viking - Corr
7 Tutor - Defender
8 @Hewmaster - Brute (change your forum name!)
Updated (again). Will hit up globals a few minutes before 830 for no-shows/empty spots. And due to #Q$!#$ game design, I'm unsure whether my brute finished off the necessary missions to start this on his own. So after team is set up, star will be passed on to somebody trustworthy. And if all else fails, we'll cross our fingers with Shamster.

I've already forgotten about most of you