Issue 19: Alpha Strike Launch Patch Notes & Known Issues




My controller just permaheld him and ignored the one clone he managed to spawn. Haven't tried it on a defender yet.



Yeah, I couldn't get Trappy to budge. All good now. Also, getting about a 50% rate of cooperative completes on this arc, which is pretty weird.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Yeah, I couldn't get Trappy to budge. All good now. Also, getting about a 50% rate of cooperative completes on this arc, which is pretty weird.

This has happened to me once as well. The trapdoor mission would't accept collaborative completion and had to set my own mission and finish it for it to count. It worked regularly in collaborative on other toons though.

Another problem: Mender Ramiel refuses to give any missions to one of my toons; he keeps telling me to "Finish anything else I need to first".

Yet another problem: When using the "Quit to Character selection screen" option, sometimes randomly when the counter reaches 0 I get booted out to the login screen with an error message saying that I need to enter my password.

Yet ANOTHER problem: Looks like missions that are of the "board train" variaty are f'ed up. Yesterday while on a Kahn TF we repeatedly had to all log off and switch team leaders around (to reset the mission) on almost every mission to be able to actually zone inside the mission. Worst was on the last mission, tooks us almost two rounds of fully rotating team leader to be able to access it, by the time we actually managed to two people have already given up and quit the TF.

One more! When respecing, randomly the system would allow me to place multiple copies of the same enhancement in the one power. I almost accidentally ended up with 3 LotG 7.5% recharge globals in my Weave when I first discovered this.

Last one..for now: WentWorths seems to have problems accepting items to display on sale. I had a couple recipes to put on sale and I had to re-sub each of them like 7 times before it went through. I get the pop-up about the high-cost but after that nothing happens. Can click the item again and have to submit it again since the previous one didn't work.

EDIT: I"m not sure if this is the right place to put the bugs for this..or should I just make a topic about this in the bug section?

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



So, no Ouroboros flashback arcs for Praetorians that have already left Praetoria

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097



I've also seen the "this account is currently logged in" issue (unless you're referring to something different that actually requires a password entry, you can generally just hit the login button when you get the error and pop right back in without re-entering the password) just about every time I used the Logout to Character Selection option. A minor annoyance compared to waiting out the countdown whilst unable to alt-tab etc, but I can cope. Still a great feature to finally have available.

Additional bugs found:

During Tin Mage this evening, 3 or 4 players were defeated by Bobcat, followed by Bobcat's defeat by the rest of the team moments later - less than 10-15 seconds from player defeats to AV defeat. The 4-5 members of the team who were alive got the Kitty's Got Claws badge, the defeated ones did not. This in particular annoyed me to no end because I had contributed to the entire fight with Neuron and Bobcat until she smacked me twice in rapid succession with 5k+ damage hits (on my blaster, apparently I managed to steal the aggro from the stone tank...indicates to me I was doing sufficient damage that I would feel my contribution to the kill was enough...apparently if you are dead when the kill happens, you're just outta luck. If this is WAI, I'm surprised and highly disappointed. I'm hoping this is a bug.

Second bug was also with Tin Mage - during the Director 11 fight, we apparently got mines and triggered them because we did not get the Midnight Dodger (?) badge - yet never did any of us see a single mine on the floor. Invisible mines? Also no warnings we could see (invisible warnings for invisible mines?)

Mind you, most of this same group of people ran Tin Mage a LOT (20-30ish times minimum) during beta testing without seeing any of these issues...once the "awards on only one person on team per TF run that qualified for the badge" bug was fixed with Kitty's Got Claws that is. We also never saw this invisible mines issue during beta. If anyone in QA/Development wants more info on exactly what we did during the TF so we can try to nail it down, please PM me and I will be happy to provide all the details I can - and round up any info my teammates can provide as well if desired.

Beyond these minor issues - great issue! I'm gonna be respeccing toons like crazy for the next week, but it's well worth it for inherent fitness (and fixing toons from side switching with GR and expanded powers in epics - I'm a little behind on respecs for the last few issues apparently )

Global @Nomme & @Nomme Again
Protector server



I'm a big fan of this issue too. Even the "little" stuff. Quit to character select, merged transit lines... these are things you never knew you'd care about until you used them a couple times. I'm sure some players will start thinking of these features the same way as email attachments: how'd we ever get by without them?

Thanks for making a game that's still fun two years after I started playing!

Originally Posted by Wanted_NA View Post
Another problem: Mender Ramiel refuses to give any missions to one of my toons; he keeps telling me to "Finish anything else I need to first".
Someone raised this in the Player Questions section too:

They've come up with two theories, first that it's due to having too many open arcs from a previous alignment. Their guess is that, even though you can't see contacts from the "opposite" alignment, open arcs from them still count against the character's limit. The second theory is that since Ramiel requires you to go to Cimerora, you need to have done the Cim access arc already. I don't know for sure, but that one makes sense to me.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
When a Praetorian character leaves Praetoria for Primal Earth and joins a Super Group in the Rogue Isles or Paragon City, that Super Group receives a bonus to their Prestige of an additional 100,000P for each Praetorian that joins. The reason for the bump in Prestige is to make up for the fact that a Praetorian cannot form/join a Super Group while in Praetoria so isn’t contributing to a Super Group until they leave Praetoria at level 20. The bump is to bring them in line with other Primals in the Super Group.
I hope this doesn't mean a fresh upsurge in join-my-SG spam.

If it does, perhaps those Praetorians should instead get a Patrol XP style bonus to earned prestige until 100,000 has been earned? That would give very limited benefit to "dockpressing" someone who left shortly afterwards.



Originally Posted by Targoth View Post
You mean there won't be 300 people standing in Atlas spamming "looking for monkey farm?"
nope, now there are 300 people standing in Atlas spamming about how the nasty developers stealth nerfed the monkey XP



Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
merged transit lines... these are things you never knew you'd care about until you used them a couple times.
Having had one more than one "For the love of God! You people have phones why do I have to FedEx across 3 zones and 2 rails lines?!?" before our base had teleporters to all the zones, this made me whoop. It makes getting from Lagville to Mercy so much less of a chore.

@Oroborous and @Oroborous2
Avatar by HeroPortraitStudios
From the Groundhog Day Attempt at Citadel: GM, "There's no badge for breaking a TF."



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
BTW, it's not cooperative either. So even if you work together to complete it, it won't count.

Go me, kicked off the boards ten times in one session.
I don't know what you're talking about, but I DEFINITELY got it done with Cooperative teaming.

My Widow Teamed with a friend's Scrapper, and I was able to finish every mission of mine just by going through his.

Dame Silverwing (50 Kat/SR Scrapper) Virtue
Professor Bikini (50 Bots/Dark MM) Virtue
Dame Silver Fury (41 Peacebringer) Virtue
Operative Velvet (50 Fortunata) Virtue
Petal Dancer (35 Plant/Kin Contoller) Virtue
Tanegashima (Rapidly levelling DP/Ice Blaster) Virtue
(and more)



Originally Posted by JChaos View Post
I don't know what you're talking about, but I DEFINITELY got it done with Cooperative teaming.

My Widow Teamed with a friend's Scrapper, and I was able to finish every mission of mine just by going through his.
I had a similar problem getting booted from the game multiple times while trying to do the arc co-operatively with one of my toons, while my other toon had no problem what so ever. It was even on a small team (3 members) and at a WAY OFF PEAK time.



Originally Posted by Wanted_NA View Post
Another problem: Mender Ramiel refuses to give any missions to one of my toons; he keeps telling me to "Finish anything else I need to first".
I can also confirm this is at least possibly due to having too many arcs active. My husband had to clear up an old arc from a contact he'd been introduced to in his 20s (but probably never even ran a mission for that contact at all - just an introduction started the arc) and he was able to get Ramiel to talk to his toon.

I agree with the other person who commented on this stating that - even though you can't see contacts and arcs - once you side switch they probably do still count towards your total arcs open limit. That could be part of what is throwing people off as well. It is an incredibly annoying thing to be told no details other than "Finish anything else" first when you have no missions at all in your mission list - I've been saying this for quite a while now - some indicator of "Finish at least one of your open story arcs" or "You don't have a mission slot open to accept my missions" would be a lot more descriptive and helpful.

Global @Nomme & @Nomme Again
Protector server



Originally Posted by JChaos View Post
I don't know what you're talking about, but I DEFINITELY got it done with Cooperative teaming.
So have I - several times.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I am loving this issue...for the most part. I only have two complaints.

1) The loss of seeing set bonuses on the character info screen. Seriously? Why was that done? If there is a reason the development team has for doing so, that's fine. But, for the love of Pete, tell us these things. I don't mind changes so much when it is communicated to us that it IS going to change and WHY. Removing the set bonuses from the info just seems pointless. As a personal grumble on it, for the first time since starting CoX I have a fully IO'd toon. But, I did that AFTER i19 launched. So, now, after waiting so long to finally have a toon with set bonuses I could be proud of, I can't even see them for myself. (Yes, that portion of the grumble is just a personal snark...the first part is more general).

2) The Trapdoor mission. Sonofa...I hate this mission. HATE IT. Hate...fiery...burning...hate! If it isn't him constantly splicing out clones to heal himself, it is the lava that he inevitably drops in to when you go to talk to him (or that I fall in to when trying to bounce around to get his clones). I've tried the advice others offered, pulling him out of that room, guiding him to one place or another. And, perhaps that does work. Perhaps, or most likely, I just fail at that skill. I've tried it on a few different toons, and each time I'll manage to get him to follow me for a short bit, just to have him turn around and run back toward the platform.

Okay...personal annoyances and grumbles over.

The rest of the issue: Merged train lines (A+), changed animations for blast power (A), minor graphics updates here and there...such as the Pocket D (A), Incarnate system (A-...only because the way to use and implement it, as explained IN game, seems rather uninformative and confusing), free respecs (A+ for any respec), inherent fitness (A-...only for the lack of extra slots to go with the extra powers we now have, meaning some builds I've had before just got more complicated for me), zone events in Praetoria (A).

All in all, I am very happy with i19. It is only those two grumbly points at the beginning that have me a bit annoyed.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Just a quick chinein about Inherent Fitness. I love having three more power slots opened up - I think Teen is a better build for it. I am a bit worried that I'll still have to drop an extra enhancement slot onto Swift (''Enhanced Run'/'Enhanced Fly') but that shouldn't be a problem in the long run.

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



I'm also loving this issue so far, and I haven't even gotten to the 2 new tfs or zone events or new tip mishes yet. New content that allows you to improve your best characters (ie lvl 50s) equals pure win. More please.

I agree with the previous post in that I was suprised and disappointed to see that set bonuses were removed from the info screen. I liked to see what was on my toon, and I also liked to look at other players toons to see what they did to them.

Looking forward to leveling up a toon with inherent fitness, and hoping that it dimishes the painful stop and go and stop again experience it was, especially on toons that rely on toggles in the early going.

Merging the trains was also a great idea and saves a lot of traveling pains, especially those experienced by rogues and vigilantes when in the opposing zone, especially for rogues. Especially. Just wanted to get the especially hat trick there.

But again, overall, great issue so far devs. Keep the incarnate juices flowing!



Dont know if it was brought up before so sorry if it was, BUT

what happened to the set bonuses in personal info? they arent listed anymore. For some of us it is bragging rights in the sg... just kind of miss it...