Dear Santa
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
((There goes all of Seri's credit! ))
Like Underworld? Then take a look at!
And don't forget to join the fight for our City!,134.0.html
Dear Santa,
Please bring me Klondike bars and nachos.
I have left you a bowl of jello.
Yours truly,
Zombie Fryer
A Jinglejet would be swell, too.
| Home Server: Virtue |
Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]
I found the original thread title combined with your user name to be hillarious. So much for cookies and milk.
Oh great; Santa gets to deal with Reindeer with intestinal issues.
Dear Santa,
Need money for cigarettes. Preferably enough to last the year. Also, please run over the following people with your sleigh (alternatively, send elf assassins):
Michael Bay
John Travolta
Steve Jobs
@Bright Shadow
Michael Bay
People who use Comic Sans as a font
People who use OOC tags on the forums
Michael Bay
People who farm AE to get levels (influence is OK)
People who use the ignore as spammer function to try and 'get back at' the person they ignored
Michael Bay
People who use their sexual orientation to get attention (whether positive or negative)
Catgirls (furries are OK)
Futanari who have the twig but no berries (seriously, WTF?)
Overtly/overly sexual characters
People who use the term "deal w/ it" in a non-sarcastic manner
Michael Bay
People who have the balls to stand in a bar wearing knives and grenades and guns, sipping alcoholic drinks, in a nightclub known for numerous fights and damages, and say that smoking can kill you
Michael Bay
Dear Santa,
Please spare Michael Bay from MondoCool's wrath because it will amuse me.
( )
I found the original thread title combined with your user name to be hillarious. So much for cookies and milk.
Dear Santa:
I want i19 for Christmas! Perfect, with no bugs or anything.. that is all.
Well, one more thing!...
I want a Cien_Fuegos puppy too!!!!
Thank you.
Mama Stefie, Candie Kisses, Starrmie, Starrie, StarrShyne, Starrlah, Kyandie
@Kiri-chan is my hubby!
Dearest Santa Claus aka Kris Kringle
Your not real, hence I have eaten all the milk and cookies my kids left out for you.
Have a nice day,
Dear Santa,
Need money for cigarettes. Preferably enough to last the year. Also, please run over the following people with your sleigh (alternatively, send elf assassins): Michael Bay John Travolta Steve Jobs @Bright Shadow Michael Bay People who use Comic Sans as a font People who use OOC tags on the forums Michael Bay People who farm AE to get levels (influence is OK) People who use the ignore as spammer function to try and 'get back at' the person they ignored Michael Bay People who use their sexual orientation to get attention (whether positive or negative) Catgirls (furries are OK) Futanari who have the twig but no berries (seriously, WTF?) Overtly/overly sexual characters People who use the term "deal w/ it" in a non-sarcastic manner Michael Bay Vampires People who have the balls to stand in a bar wearing knives and grenades and guns, sipping alcoholic drinks, in a nightclub known for numerous fights and damages, and say that smoking can kill you Werewolves Michael Bay Succubi Sincerely, MondoCool |
Wait who's Michael Bay?
Dear Santa,
If you could, could you please with your infinate wisdom send the coding technology to City of Heroes to make Micheal Bay into a ultimate Arch Villain so that he can beat the mother loving snot out of Mondo so that we can all have a festive Holiday Season by laughing uncontrollably at Mondo for being beat down like a dog nurmerous times by said Micheal Bey. Thenk you very much.
Dear Santa,
If you could, could you please with your infinate wisdom send the coding technology to City of Heroes to make Micheal Bay into a ultimate Arch Villain so that he can beat the mother loving snot out of Mondo so that we can all have a festive Holiday Season by laughing uncontrollably at Mondo for being beat down like a dog nurmerous times by said Micheal Bey. Thenk you very much. |
Dear Santa,
I now know you left me that awesome Tesla Coil last year and I thank you for it. I know you have respect for sentient robots and all other machines, so I'm gonna ask for this year's gift.
I would like a reactor core for my apartment.
That is all
Hellion Mk. 1
Dear Santa,
I'm coming for you 'cuz I didn't get my sponduli last year. Pay up or my gang will break your legs. Then I'll <Censored due to the amounts of profanity and violent threats.>
This is not a warning. This is a promise.
Corey Howlett
Mrs. Claus gave one of my men a bad case of vd.
Dear Santa,
Per our agreement of Jan 2010 I have upgraded the Time Distortion Module on the sleigh, you should get 10 to a factor of 17 this year, giving you time to visit fourteen million locations per second per time zone. I've also prestaged several present caches in each time zone. Also per our meeting of 2004 I've worn nothing but the suit since Nov. 25th and appeared as your proxy in several situations, including the annual winter mythic icon meeting held this year in Winter Lord's domain, Maub, as always, was a *****.
I look forward to the excellent scotch and cherry cordials
Yours truly and thank you for your business
Jack Wolfe
CEO Wolfetech
Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---
Dear Santa
I've been a good boy this year! I only microwaved 3 hamsters and I haven't even touched any of my little sisters barbie dolls. I know you probably didn't like the way I dissected a few of them last year. I also donated a rock to the retarded child down the street, after that he had to go away though. It was neat because he left in a big white van with flashing lights on it! I also promise not to leave cookies rigged with mouse traps this year. Oh and dad made me go up on the roof and remove the caltraps. I was going to do it myself anyway though. So all I really want for Christmas this year is some pepper spray ok?
Sincerely yours, little Jimmy.
P.S: Remember the pepper spray!
Feel free to post your own "Dear Santas"